Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Wiley and ILAE partner to launch new OA journal – Epilepsia Open
Publisher John Wiley and Sons, Inc. and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) have announced the launch of a new international, open access publication, Epilepsia Open. Epilepsia Open is an international, peer-reviewed journal from the International League Against Epilepsy. The mission of the journal is to make original epilepsy research on all aspects of epilepsy widely available through open access publication.

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Wolters Kluwer wins 11 APEX Awards for excellence in publishing
Wolters Kluwer, a global provider of information and point-of-care solutions for the healthcare industry, has announced that 10 of its Lippincott Williams & Wilkins healthcare publications won 11 awards in the 28th annual APEX Awards for Publication Excellence Competition. Neurology Now won the Grand Award for Health and Medical Writing.

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Elsevier’s Bitcoin book honoured with Outstanding Business Reference Source award
STM publisher Elsevier has announced that its book, Handbook of Digital Currency: Bitcoin, Innovation, Financial Instruments, and Big Data, edited by David Lee Kuo Cheun, has received one of only two ‘Outstanding’ designations as a Business Reference Source by the Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association. Handbook of Digital Currency discusses all major strategies and tactics associated with digital currencies, their uses and regulations.

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COAR announces first session in COAR Webinar and Discussion Series
The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) has announced the first session in the members-only COAR Webinar and Discussion Series. Scheduled for July 28, this session aims to provide information about the latest trends and topics in open access and repositories. The first session will feature Oya Rieger, Associate University Librarian for Scholarly Resources and Preservation Services at Cornell University and Program Director for arXiv (and member of the COAR Executive Board).

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University of Bristol joins Jisc’s shared facilities in VIRTUS’ data centre
VIRTUS Data Centres, the UK’s fastest growing data centre provider, has announced the latest member of the first national shared data centre for research and education, offered by UK higher, further education and skills’ digital services and solutions organisation, Jisc. The University of Bristol has joined 16 education and research establishments already benefiting from the shared facility at VIRTUS’ LONDON4.

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Ixxus launches Ixxus Publishing Platform
Content and publishing expert Ixxus has announced the launch of the Ixxus Publishing Platform (IPP), an end-to-end publishing solution designed to streamline, support and enable the editorial process from conception to publication. The Ixxus Publishing Platform has been designed to meet common publishing challenges. The company is known for its innovative approach to content management and consultancy.

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Digital Science to adopt Relative Citation Ratio developed at NIH
Digital Science, a technology company that combines world-class technology with a resolute focus on research and those who support the research process, will adopt the National Institutes of Health (NIH) new article level metric of scientific influence – the Relative Citation Ratio (RCR). The US biomedical funding agency has introduced the new metric to evaluate funded medical and academic research, to provide an improved indicator on the relative citation strength of a given paper, field-normalised and benchmarked against its peers.

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