Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

LBF announces final line-up for Virtual Conference
The full programme for the third edition of The London Book Fair’s Virtual Conference: Publishing Around the Globe, has been released, with major trends in nine key global publishing markets due to be explored through a series of social media events taking place on June 1, 2017. The popular conference, which trended on Twitter last year reaching over a million unique accounts, is supported by data provided by Nielsen Book.

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Université Paris-Saclay selects Ex Libris Primo Discovery and Delivery Solution to increase content usage and improve the discovery experience
Ex Libris®, a ProQuest company, has announced that the Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay) consortium will deploy the Ex Libris Primo® discovery and delivery solution at its 16 member institutions to increase content usage and create an optimum discovery experience for users. Comprising three universities, seven research centers, and nine engineering and business schools, UPSaclay has more than 65,000 students and more than 10,000 researchers and teachers. The University also hosts research and educational centers for a number of international companies.

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ScienceOpen launches MyScienceOpen
Research network ScienceOpen has announced the launch of MyScienceOpen, a professional networking platform designed for the modern research environment. By leveraging the power of ORCID, MyScienceOpen is an integrated profile where academics can visualise their research impact through enhanced author-level metrics.

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Royal Society of Chemistry joins CHORUS
CHORUS has announced the Royal Society of Chemistry as its newest publisher member. As one of the oldest and most respected scientific societies in the world, the Royal Society of Chemistry brings a rich tradition of excellence to scientific publishing. The breadth of content that they publish is a welcome addition to the CHORUS dataset.

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Highlights from Controlled Vocabularies Workshop in #COAR2017 Annual Meeting
The COAR Controlled Vocabularies Workshop was held on May 8, 2017 at the COAR 2017 Annual Meeting. More than 40 participants joined in the half day open session. The session was organised to introduce COAR vocabularies to the members including what has been done so far, a discussion environment for the existing vocabularies, and next agenda items of the Controlled Vocabularies Interest Group for the coming year.

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