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IOP Publishing begins double-blind peer-review trial on two of its materials and biophysics/engineering journals
IOP Publishing, the publishing company of the Institute of Physics, will start offering authors the choice of single or double-blind peer review on two of its materials and biophysics/engineering journals. As part of a commitment to engage closely with research communities and meet researchers’ future needs, IOP Publishing is experimenting with different peer review models.

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American College of Cardiology and HighWire Press expand partnership
Scholarly publishing company HighWire Press and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) have announced the re-launch of ACC’s journal program on a tailor-built version of HighWire’s industry leading platform solution, JCore. The new ACC publishing platform allows readers around the world and ACC’s 52,000 member physicians, surgeons, nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists and practice managers to find the content they need quickly, read it comfortably on nearly any device, and share content of interest with their colleagues.

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FIZ Karlsruhe partners with Scipat Benelux to translate Asian patent documents into English
FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure has announced a partnership with Scipat Benelux B.V., a translation service specialised in patent and business translations, in order to provide FIZ AutoDoc customers with high-quality translations of patent documents. FIZ AutoDoc is FIZ Karlsruhe’s document delivery service.

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Cambridge University Press’ new project to improve discoverability of library resources
Academic publisher Cambridge University Press has reportedly embarked on a huge project to improve the discoverability of resources and ensure that the MARC (MAchine-readable cataloging) records across all eBooks are impeccable. A MARC record is the bibliographic record a library needs for their online catalogues – the online description of a resource, coded according to a specific format. Once a MARC record is uploaded in a library catalogue users are able to find it and have access to the resource described within.

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Endocrine Society unveils first OA journal – Journal of the Endocrine Society
The Endocrine Society has unveiled the first issue of its Open Access scholarly publication the Journal of the Endocrine Society (JES), marking the first time the Society has introduced a new journal under its ownership in nearly 30 years. Endocrine Society Past-President Dr. J. Larry Jameson, will serve as the journal’s first Editor-in-Chief.

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eLife announces new collaborations to simplify submission for authors
eLife, the non-profit initiative inspired by research funders and led by scientists, is integrating new authoring tools into its submission system to give authors more choice about how they submit their work. eLife is now working with Overleaf,, PubRef and, most recently, Authorea, to allow authors to write and submit research to the journal as quickly and easily as possible.

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