Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 132 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 132 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 132 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . A history of tillage in California’s Central Valley Mitchell, J.P., Carter, L.M., Reicosky, D.C., Shrestha, A., Pettygrove, G.S., Klonsky, K.M., Marcum, D.B., Chessman, D., Roy, R., Hogan, P., Dunning, L. 2016 Soil and Tillage Research ,
157 pp. 52 – 64 .
2 . Peatland types influence the inhibitory effects of a humic substance analog on methane production Ye, R., Keller, J.K., Jin, Q., Bohannan, B.J.M., Bridgham, S.D. 2016 Geoderma ,
265 pp. 131 – 140 .
3 . Exploring the effect of the spatial scale of fishery management Takashina, N., Baskett, M.L. 2016 Journal of Theoretical Biology ,
390 pp. 14 – 22 .
4 . Improving thermal efficiency and increasing production rate in the double moving beds thermally coupled reactors by using differential evolution (DE) technique Karimi, M., Rahimpour, M.R., Rafiei, R., Shariati, A., Iranshahi, D. 2016 Applied Thermal Engineering ,
94 pp. 543 – 558 .
5 . Phenolic carbonyls undergo rapid aqueous photodegradation to form low-volatility, light-absorbing products Smith, J.D., Kinney, H., Anastasio, C. 2016 Atmospheric Environment ,
126 pp. 36 – 44 .
6 . Sympathetic recovery from anger is associated with emotion regulation Kahle, S., Miller, J.G., Lopez, M., Hastings, P.D. 2016 Journal of Experimental Child Psychology ,
142 pp. 359 – 371 .
7 . Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons decaying to ?+?- in pp collisions at √s=7 and 8 TeV Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, A.M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Asilar, E., Bergauer, T., Brandstetter, J., Brondolin, E., Dragicevic, M., Erö, J., Flechl, M., Friedl, M., Frühwirth, R., Ghete, V.M., Hartl, C., Hörmann, N., Hrubec, J., Jeitler, M., Knünz, V., König, A., Krammer, M., Krätschmer, I., Liko, D., Matsushita, T., Mikulec, I., Rabady, D., Rahbaran, B., Rohringer, H., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Strauss, J., Treberer-Treberspurg, W., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C.-E., Mossolov, V., Shumeiko, N., Suarez Gonzalez, J., Alderweireldt, S., Cornelis, T., De Wolf, E.A., Janssen, X., Knutsson, A., Lauwers, J., Luyckx, S., Ochesanu, S., Rougny, R., Van De Klundert, M., Van Haevermaet, H., Van Mechelen, P., Van Remortel, N., Van Spilbeeck, A., Abu Zeid, S., Blekman, F., D’Hondt, J., Daci, N., De Bruyn, I., Deroover, K., Heracleous, N., Keaveney, J., Lowette, S., Moreels, L., Olbrechts, A., Python, Q., Strom, D., Tavernier, S., Van Doninck, W., Van Mulders, P., Van Onsem, G.P., Van Parijs, I., Barria, P., Caillol, C., Clerbaux, B., De Lentdecker, G., Delannoy, H., Dobur, D., Fasanella, G., Favart, L., Gay, A.P.R., Grebenyuk, A., Lenzi, T., Léonard, A., Maerschalk, T., Mohammadi, A., Perniè, L., Randle-conde, A., Reis, T., Seva, T., Thomas, L., Vander Velde, C., Vanlaer, P., Wang, J., Zenoni, F., Zhang, F., Beernaert, K., Benucci, L., Cimmino, A., Crucy, S., Fagot, A., Garcia, G., Gul, M., Mccartin, J., Ocampo Rios, A.A., Poyraz, D., Ryckbosch, D., Salva, S., Sigamani, M., Strobbe, N., Tytgat, M., Van Driessche, W., Yazgan, E., Zaganidis, N., Basegmez, S., Beluffi, C., Bondu, O., Bruno, G., Castello, R., Caudron, A., Ceard, L., Da Silveira, G.G., Delaere, C., Favart, D., Forthomme, L., Giammanco, A., Hollar, J., Jafari, A., Jez, P., Komm, M., Lemaitre, V., Mertens, A., Nuttens, C., Perrini, L., Pin, A., Piotrzkowski, K., Popov, A., Quertenmont, L., Selvaggi, M., Vidal Marono, M., Beliy, N., Caebergs, T., Hammad, G.H., Aldá Júnior, W.L., Alves, G.A., Brito, L., Correa Martins Junior, M., Dos Reis Martins, T., Hensel, C., Mora Herrera, C., Moraes, A., Pol, M.E., Rebello Teles, P., Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E., Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Custódio, A., Da Costa, E.M., De Jesus Damiao, D., De Oliveira Martins, C., Fonseca De Souza, S., Huertas Guativa, L.M., Malbouisson, H., Matos Figueiredo, D., Mundim, L., Nogima, H., Prado Da Silva, W.L., Santoro, A., Sznajder, A., Tonelli Manganote, E.J., Vilela Pereira, A., Ahuja, S., Bernardes, C.A., De Souza Santos, A., Dogra, S., Fernandez Perez Tomei, T.R., Gregores, E.M., Mercadante, P.G., Moon, C.S., Novaes, S.F., Padula, S.S., Romero Abad, D., Ruiz Vargas, J.C., Aleksandrov, A., Genchev, V., Hadjiiska, R., Iaydjiev, P., Marinov, A., Piperov, S., Rodozov, M., Stoykova, S., Sultanov, G., Vutova, M., Dimitrov, A., Glushkov, I., Litov, L., Pavlov, B., Petkov, P., Ahmad, M., Bian, J.G., Chen, G.M., Chen, H.S., Chen, M., Cheng, T., Du, R., Jiang, C.H., Plestina, R., Romeo, F., Shaheen, S.M., Tao, J., Wang, C., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Asawatangtrakuldee, C., Ban, Y., Li, Q., Liu, S., Mao, Y., Qian, S.J., Wang, D., Xu, Z., Zou, W., Avila, C., Cabrera, A., Chaparro Sierra, L.F., Florez, C., Gomez, J.P., Gomez Moreno, B., Sanabria, J.C., Godinovic, N., Lelas, D., Polic, D., Puljak, I., Antunovic, Z., Kovac, M., Brigljevic, V., Kadija, K., Luetic, J., Sudic, L., Attikis, A., Mavromanolakis, G., Mousa, J., Nicolaou, C., Ptochos, F., Razis, P.A., Rykaczewski, H., Bodlak, M., Finger, M., Finger, M., Aly, R., Aly, S., El-khateeb, E., Elkafrawy, T., Lotfy, A., Mohamed, A., Radi, A., Salama, E., Sayed, A., Calpas, B., Kadastik, M., Murumaa, M., Raidal, M., Tiko, A., Veelken, C., Eerola, P., Voutilainen, M., Härkönen, J., Karimäki, V., Kinnunen, R., Lampén, T., Lassila-Perini, K., Lehti, S., Lindén, T., Luukka, P., Mäenpää, T., Pekkanen, J., Peltola, T., Tuominen, E., Tuominiemi, J., Tuovinen, E., Wendland, L., Talvitie, J., Tuuva, T., Besancon, M., Couderc, F., Dejardin, M., Denegri, D., Fabbro, B., Faure, J.L., Favaro, C., Ferri, F., Ganjour, S., Givernaud, A., Gras, P., Hamel de Monchenault, G., Jarry, P., Locci, E., Machet, M., Malcles, J., Rander, J., Rosowsky, A., Titov, M., Zghiche, A., Baffioni, S., Beaudette, F., Busson, P., Cadamuro, L., Chapon, E., Charlot, C., Dahms, T., Davignon, O., Filipovic, N., Florent, A., Granier de Cassagnac, R., Lisniak, S., Mastrolorenzo, L., Miné, P., Naranjo, I.N., Nguyen, M., Ochando, C., Ortona, G., Paganini, P., Regnard, S., Salerno, R., Sauvan, J.B., Sirois, Y., Strebler, T., Yilmaz, Y., Zabi, A., Agram, J.-L., Andrea, J., Aubin, A., Bloch, D., Brom, J.-M., Buttignol, M., Chabert, E.C., Chanon, N., Collard, C., Conte, E., Fontaine, J.-C., Gelé, D., Goerlach, U., Goetzmann, C., Le Bihan, A.-C., Merlin, J.A., Skovpen, K., Van Hove, P., Gadrat, S., Beauceron, S., Bernet, C., Boudoul, G., Bouvier, E., Brochet, S., Carrillo Montoya, C.A., Chasserat, J., Chierici, R., Contardo, D., Courbon, B., Depasse, P., El Mamouni, H., Fan, J., Fay, J., Gascon, S., Gouzevitch, M., Ille, B., Laktineh, I.B., Lethuillier, M., Mirabito, L., Pequegnot, A.L., Perries, S., Ruiz Alvarez, J.D., Sabes, D., Sgandurra, L., Sordini, V., Vander Donckt, M., Verdier, P., Viret, S., Xiao, H., Toriashvili, T., Tsamalaidze, Z., Autermann, C., Beranek, S., Edelhoff, M., Feld, L., Heister, A., Kiesel, M.K., Klein, K., Lipinski, M., Ostapchuk, A., Preuten, M., Raupach, F., Sammet, J., Schael, S., Schulte, J.F., Verlage, T., Weber, H., Wittmer, B., Zhukov, V., Ata, M., Brodski, M., Dietz-Laursonn, E., Duchardt, D., Endres, M., Erdmann, M., Erdweg, S., Esch, T., Fischer, R., Güth, A., Hebbeker, T., Heidemann, C., Hoepfner, K., Klingebiel, D., Knutzen, S., Kreuzer, P., Merschmeyer, M., Meyer, A., Millet, P., Olschewski, M., Padeken, K., Papacz, P., Pook, T., Radziej, M., Reithler, H., Rieger, M., Scheuch, F., Sonnenschein, L., Teyssier, D., Thüer, S., Cherepanov, V., Erdogan, Y., Flügge, G., Geenen, H., Geisler, M., Haj Ahmad, W., Hoehle, F., Kargoll, B., Kress, T., Kuessel, Y., Künsken, A., Lingemann, J., Nehrkorn, A., Nowack, A., Nugent, I.M., Pistone, C., Pooth, O., Stahl, A., Aldaya Martin, M., Asin, I., Bartosik, N., Behnke, O., Behrens, U., Bell, A.J., Borras, K., Burgmeier, A., Cakir, A., Calligaris, L., Campbell, A., Choudhury, S., Costanza, F., Diez Pardos, C., Dolinska, G., Dooling, S., Dorland, T., Eckerlin, G., Eckstein, D., Eichhorn, T., Flucke, G., Gallo, E., Garay Garcia, J., Geiser, A., Gizhko, A., Gunnellini, P., Hauk, J., Hempel, M., Jung, H., Kalogeropoulos, A., Karacheban, O., Kasemann, M., Katsas, P., Kieseler, J., Kleinwort, C., Korol, I., Lange, W., Leonard, J., Lipka, K., Lobanov, A., Lohmann, W., Mankel, R., Marfin, I., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Meyer, A.B., Mittag, G., Mnich, J., Mussgiller, A., Naumann-Emme, S., Nayak, A., Ntomari, E., Perrey, H., Pitzl, D., Placakyte, R., Raspereza, A., Ribeiro Cipriano, P.M., Roland, B., Sahin, M., Salfeld-Nebgen, J., Saxena, P., Schoerner-Sadenius, T., Schröder, M., Seitz, C., Spannagel, S., Trippkewitz, K.D., Wissing, C., Blobel, V., Centis Vignali, M., Draeger, A.R., Erfle, J., Garutti, E., Goebel, K., Gonzalez, D., Görner, M., Haller, J., Hoffmann, M., Höing, R.S., Junkes, A., Klanner, R., Kogler, R., Lapsien, T., Lenz, T., Marchesini, I., Marconi, D., Nowatschin, D., Ott, J., Pantaleo, F., Peiffer, T., Perieanu, A., Pietsch, N., Poehlsen, J., Rathjens, D., Sander, C., Schettler, H., Schleper, P., Schlieckau, E., Schmidt, A., Schwandt, J., Seidel, M., Sola, V., Stadie, H., Steinbrück, G., Tholen, H., Troendle, D., Usai, E., Vanelderen, L., Vanhoefer, A., Akbiyik, M., Barth, C., Baus, C., Berger, J., Böser, C., Butz, E., Chwalek, T., Colombo, F., De Boer, W., Descroix, A., Dierlamm, A., Feindt, M., Frensch, F., Giffels, M., Gilbert, A., Hartmann, F., Husemann, U., Kassel, F., Katkov, I., Kornmayer, A., Lobelle Pardo, P., Mozer, M.U., Müller, T., Müller, T., Plagge, M., Quast, G., Rabbertz, K., Röcker, S., Roscher, F., Simonis, H.J., Stober, F.M., Ulrich, R., Wagner-Kuhr, J., Wayand, S., Weiler, T., Wöhrmann, C., Wolf, R., Anagnostou, G., Daskalakis, G., Geralis, T., Giakoumopoulou, V.A., Kyriakis, A., Loukas, D., Markou, A., Psallidas, A., Topsis-Giotis, I., Agapitos, A., Kesisoglou, S., Panagiotou, A., Saoulidou, N., Tziaferi, E., Evangelou, I., Flouris, G., Foudas, C., Kokkas, P., Loukas, N., Manthos, N., Papadopoulos, I., Paradas, E., Strologas, J., Bencze, G., Hajdu, C., Hazi, A., Hidas, P., Horvath, D., Sikler, F., Veszpremi, V., Vesztergombi, G., Zsigmond, A.J., Beni, N., Czellar, S., Karancsi, J., Molnar, J., Szillasi, Z., Bartók, M., Makovec, A., Raics, P., Trocsanyi, Z.L., Ujvari, B., Mal, P., Mandal, K., Sahoo, N., Swain, S.K., Bansal, S., Beri, S.B., Bhatnagar, V., Chawla, R., Gupta, R., Bhawandeep, U., Kalsi, A.K., Kaur, A., Kaur, M., Kumar, R., Mehta, A., Mittal, M., Nishu, N., Singh, J.B., Walia, G., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., Bhardwaj, A., Choudhary, B.C., Garg, R.B., Kumar, A., Malhotra, S., Naimuddin, M., Ranjan, K., Sharma, R., Sharma, V., Banerjee, S., Bhattacharya, S., Chatterjee, K., Dey, S., Dutta, S., Jain, S., Jain, S., Khurana, R., Majumdar, N., Modak, A., Mondal, K., Mukherjee, S., Mukhopadhyay, S., Roy, A., Roy, D., Roy Chowdhury, S., Sarkar, S., Sharan, M., Abdulsalam, A., Chudasama, R., Dutta, D., Jha, V., Kumar, V., Mohanty, A.K., Pant, L.M., Shukla, P., Topkar, A., Aziz, T., Banerjee, S., Bhowmik, S., Chatterjee, R.M., Dewanjee, R.K., Dugad, S., Ganguly, S., Ghosh, S., Guchait, M., Gurtu, A., Kole, G., Kumar, S., Mahakud, B., Maity, M., Majumder, G., Mazumdar, K., Mitra, S., Mohanty, G.B., Parida, B., Sarkar, T., Sudhakar, K., Sur, N., Sutar, B., Wickramage, N., Sharma, S., Bakhshiansohi, H., Behnamian, H., Etesami, S.M., Fahim, A., Goldouzian, R., Khakzad, M., Mohammadi Najafabadi, M., Naseri, M., Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S., Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F., Safarzadeh, B., Zeinali, M., Felcini, M., Grunewald, M., Abbrescia, M., Calabria, C., Caputo, C., Chhibra, S.S., Colaleo, A., Creanza, D., Cristella, L., De Filippis, N., De Palma, M., Fiore, L., Iaselli, G., Maggi, G., Maggi, M., Miniello, G., My, S., Nuzzo, S., Pompili, A., Pugliese, G., Radogna, R., Ranieri, A., Selvaggi, G., Sharma, A., Silvestris, L., Venditti, R., Verwilligen, P., Abbiendi, G., Battilana, C., Benvenuti, A.C., Bonacorsi, D., Braibant-Giacomelli, S., Brigliadori, L., Campanini, R., Capiluppi, P., Castro, A., Cavallo, F.R., Codispoti, G., Cuffiani, M., Dallavalle, G.M., Fabbri, F., Fanfani, A., Fasanella, D., Giacomelli, P., Grandi, C., Guiducci, L., Marcellini, S., Masetti, G., Montanari, A., Navarria, F.L., Perrotta, A., Rossi, A.M., Rovelli, T., Siroli, G.P., Tosi, N., Travaglini, R., Cappello, G., Chiorboli, M., Costa, S., Giordano, F., Potenza, R., Tricomi, A., Tuve, C., Barbagli, G., Ciulli, V., Civinini, C., D’Alessandro, R., Focardi, E., Gonzi, S., Gori, V., Lenzi, P., Meschini, M., Paoletti, S., Sguazzoni, G., Tropiano, A., Viliani, L., Benussi, L., Bianco, S., Fabbri, F., Piccolo, D., Calvelli, V., Ferro, F., Lo Vetere, M., Robutti, E., Tosi, S., Dinardo, M.E., Fiorendi, S., Gennai, S., Gerosa, R., Ghezzi, A., Govoni, P., Malvezzi, S., Manzoni, R.A., Marzocchi, B., Menasce, D., Moroni, L., Paganoni, M., Pedrini, D., Ragazzi, S., Redaelli, N., Tabarelli de Fatis, T., Buontempo, S., Cavallo, N., Di Guida, S., Esposito, M., Fabozzi, F., Iorio, A.O.M., Lanza, G., Lista, L., Meola, S., Merola, M., Paolucci, P., Sciacca, C., Thyssen, F., Azzi, P., Bacchetta, N., Bisello, D., Branca, A., Carlin, R., Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A., Checchia, P., Dall’Osso, M., Dorigo, T., Gasparini, F., Gasparini, U., Gozzelino, A., Kanishchev, K., Lacaprara, S., Margoni, M., Meneguzzo, A.T., Montecassiano, F., Passaseo, M., Pazzini, J., Pozzobon, N., Ronchese, P., Simonetto, F., Torassa, E., Tosi, M., Zanetti, M., Zotto, P., Zucchetta, A., Braghieri, A., Gabusi, M., Magnani, A., Ratti, S.P., Re, V., Riccardi, C., Salvini, P., Vai, I., Vitulo, P., Alunni Solestizi, L., Biasini, M., Bilei, G.M., Ciangottini, D., Fanò, L., Lariccia, P., Mantovani, G., Menichelli, M., Saha, A., Santocchia, A., Spiezia, A., Androsov, K., Azzurri, P., Bagliesi, G., Bernardini, J., Boccali, T., Broccolo, G., Castaldi, R., Ciocci, M.A., Dell’Orso, R., Donato, S., Fedi, G., Foà, L., Giassi, A., Grippo, M.T., Ligabue, F., Lomtadze, T., Martini, L., Messineo, A., Palla, F., Rizzi, A., Savoy-Navarro, A., Serban, A.T., Spagnolo, P., Squillacioti, P., Tenchini, R., Tonelli, G., Venturi, A., Verdini, P.G., Barone, L., Cavallari, F., D’imperio, G., Del Re, D., Diemoz, M., Gelli, S., Jorda, C., Longo, E., Margaroli, F., Meridiani, P., Micheli, F., Organtini, G., Paramatti, R., Preiato, F., Rahatlou, S., Rovelli, C., Santanastasio, F., Soffi, L., Traczyk, P., Amapane, N., Arcidiacono, R., Argiro, S., Arneodo, M., Bellan, R., Biino, C., Cartiglia, N., Costa, M., Covarelli, R., Degano, A., Demaria, N., Finco, L., Mariotti, C., Maselli, S., Migliore, E., Monaco, V., Monteil, E., Musich, M., Obertino, M.M., Pacher, L., Pastrone, N., Pelliccioni, M., Pinna Angioni, G.L., Ravera, F., Romero, A., Ruspa, M., Sacchi, R., Solano, A., Staiano, A., Tamponi, U., Trapani, P.P., Belforte, S., Candelise, V., Casarsa, M., Cossutti, F., Della Ricca, G., Gobbo, B., La Licata, C., Marone, M., Schizzi, A., Umer, T., Zanetti, A., Chang, S., Kropivnitskaya, A., Nam, S.K., Kim, D.H., Kim, G.N., Kim, M.S., Kong, D.J., Lee, S., Oh, Y.D., Sakharov, A., Son, D.C., Kim, H., Kim, T.J., Ryu, M.S., Song, S., Choi, S., Go, Y., Gyun, D., Hong, B., Jo, M., Kim, H., Kim, Y., Lee, B., Lee, K., Lee, K.S., Lee, S., Park, S.K., Roh, Y., Yoo, H.D., Choi, M., Kim, J.H., Lee, J.S.H., Park, I.C., Ryu, G., Choi, Y., Choi, Y.K., Goh, J., Kim, D., Kwon, E., Lee, J., Yu, I., Juodagalvis, A., Vaitkus, J., Ibrahim, Z.A., Komaragiri, J.R., Md Ali, M.A.B., Mohamad Idris, F., Wan Abdullah, W.A.T., Casimiro Linares, E., Castilla-Valdez, H., De La Cruz-Burelo, E., Heredia-de La Cruz, I., Hernandez-Almada, A., Lopez-Fernandez, R., Ramirez Sanchez, G., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Carrillo Moreno, S., Vazquez Valencia, F., Carpinteyro, S., Pedraza, I., Salazar Ibarguen, H.A., Morelos Pineda, A., Krofcheck, D., Butler, P.H., Reucroft, S., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, M., Hassan, Q., Hoorani, H.R., Khan, W.A., Khurshid, T., Shoaib, M., Bialkowska, H., Bluj, M., Boimska, B., Frueboes, T., Górski, M., Kazana, M., Nawrocki, K., Romanowska-Rybinska, K., Szleper, M., Zalewski, P., Brona, G., Bunkowski, K., Doroba, K., Kalinowski, A., Konecki, M., Krolikowski, J., Misiura, M., Olszewski, M., Walczak, M., Bargassa, P., Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C., Di Francesco, A., Faccioli, P., Ferreira Parracho, P.G., Gallinaro, M., Lloret Iglesias, L., Nguyen, F., Rodrigues Antunes, J., Seixas, J., Toldaiev, O., Vadruccio, D., Varela, J., Vischia, P., Afanasiev, S., Bunin, P., Gavrilenko, M., Golutvin, I., Gorbunov, I., Kamenev, A., Karjavin, V., Konoplyanikov, V., Lanev, A., Malakhov, A., Matveev, V., Moisenz, P., Palichik, V., Perelygin, V., Shmatov, S., Shulha, S., Skatchkov, N., Smirnov, V., Zarubin, A., Golovtsov, V., Ivanov, Y., Kim, V., Kuznetsova, E., Levchenko, P., Murzin, V., Oreshkin, V., Smirnov, I., Sulimov, V., Uvarov, L., Vavilov, S., Vorobyev, A., Andreev, Y., Dermenev, A., Gninenko, S., Golubev, N., Karneyeu, A., Kirsanov, M., Krasnikov, N., Pashenkov, A., Tlisov, D., Toropin, A., Epshteyn, V., Gavrilov, V., Lychkovskaya, N., Popov, V., Pozdnyakov, I., Safronov, G., Spiridonov, A., Vlasov, E., Zhokin, A., Bylinkin, A., Andreev, V., Azarkin, M., Dremin, I., Kirakosyan, M., Leonidov, A., Mesyats, G., Rusakov, S.V., Vinogradov, A., Baskakov, A., Belyaev, A., Boos, E., Bunichev, V., Dubinin, M., Dudko, L., Gribushin, A., Klyukhin, V., Kodolova, O., Lokhtin, I., Myagkov, I., Obraztsov, S., Petrushanko, S., Savrin, V., Snigirev, A., Azhgirey, I., Bayshev, I., Bitioukov, S., Kachanov, V., Kalinin, A., Konstantinov, D., Krychkine, V., Petrov, V., Ryutin, R., Sobol, A., Tourtchanovitch, L., Troshin, S., Tyurin, N., Uzunian, A., Volkov, A., Adzic, P., Ekmedzic, M., Milosevic, J., Rekovic, V., Alcaraz Maestre, J., Calvo, E., Cerrada, M., Chamizo Llatas, M., Colino, N., De La Cruz, B., Delgado Peris, A., Domínguez Vázquez, D., Escalante Del Valle, A., Fernandez Bedoya, C., Fernández Ramos, J.P., Flix, J., Fouz, M.C., Garcia-Abia, P., Gonzalez Lopez, O., Goy Lopez, S., Hernandez, J.M., Josa, M.I., Navarro De Martino, E., Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A., Puerta Pelayo, J., Quintario Olmeda, A., Redondo, I., Romero, L., Soares, M.S., Albajar, C., de Trocóniz, J.F., Missiroli, M., Moran, D., Brun, H., Cuevas, J., Fernandez Menendez, J., Folgueras, S., Gonzalez Caballero, I., Palencia Cortezon, E., Vizan Garcia, J.M., Brochero Cifuentes, J.A., Cabrillo, I.J., Calderon, A., Castiñeiras De Saa, J.R., Duarte Campderros, J., Fernandez, M., Gomez, G., Graziano, A., Lopez Virto, A., Marco, J., Marco, R., Martinez Rivero, C., Matorras, F., Munoz Sanchez, F.J., Piedra Gomez, J., Rodrigo, T., Rodríguez-Marrero, A.Y., Ruiz-Jimeno, A., Scodellaro, L., Vila, I., Vilar Cortabitarte, R., Abbaneo, D., Auffray, E., Auzinger, G., Bachtis, M., Baillon, P., Ball, A.H., Barney, D., Benaglia, A., Bendavid, J., Benhabib, L., Benitez, J.F., Berruti, G.M., Bianchi, G., Bloch, P., Bocci, A., Bonato, A., Botta, C., Breuker, H., Camporesi, T., Cerminara, G., Colafranceschi, S., D’Alfonso, M., d’Enterria, D., Dabrowski, A., Daponte, V., David, A., De Gruttola, M., De Guio, F., De Roeck, A., De Visscher, S., Di Marco, E., Dobson, M., Dordevic, M., du Pree, T., Dupont, N., Elliott-Peisert, A., Eugster, J., Franzoni, G., Funk, W., Gigi, D., Gill, K., Giordano, D., Girone, M., Glege, F., Guida, R., Gundacker, S., Guthoff, M., Hammer, J., Hansen, M., Harris, P., Hegeman, J., Innocente, V., Janot, P., Kirschenmann, H., Kortelainen, M.J., Kousouris, K., Krajczar, K., Lecoq, P., Lourenço, C., Lucchini, M.T., Magini, N., Malgeri, L., Mannelli, M., 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Musella, P., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Pandolfi, F., Pata, J., Pauss, F., Perrozzi, L., Peruzzi, M., Quittnat, M., Rossini, M., Starodumov, A., Takahashi, M., Tavolaro, V.R., Theofilatos, K., Wallny, R., Weber, H.A., Aarrestad, T.K., Amsler, C., Canelli, M.F., Chiochia, V., De Cosa, A., Galloni, C., Hinzmann, A., Hreus, T., Kilminster, B., Lange, C., Ngadiuba, J., Pinna, D., Robmann, P., Ronga, F.J., Salerno, D., Taroni, S., Yang, Y., Cardaci, M., Chen, K.H., Doan, T.H., Ferro, C., Konyushikhin, M., Kuo, C.M., Lin, W., Lu, Y.J., Volpe, R., Yu, S.S., Bartek, R., Chang, P., Chang, Y.H., Chang, Y.W., Chao, Y., Chen, K.F., Chen, P.H., Dietz, C., Fiori, F., Grundler, U., Hou, W.-S., Hsiung, Y., Liu, Y.F., Lu, R.-S., Miñano Moya, M., Petrakou, E., Tsai, J.F., Tzeng, Y.M., Asavapibhop, B., Kovitanggoon, K., Singh, G., Srimanobhas, N., Suwonjandee, N., Adiguzel, A., Bakirci, M.N., Dozen, C., Dumanoglu, I., Eskut, E., Girgis, S., Gokbulut, G., Guler, Y., Gurpinar, E., Hos, I., Kangal, E.E., Onengut, G., Ozdemir, K., Polatoz, A., Sunar Cerci, D., Vergili, M., Zorbilmez, C., Akin, I.V., Bilin, B., Bilmis, S., Isildak, B., Karapinar, G., Surat, U.E., Yalvac, M., Zeyrek, M., Albayrak, E.A., Gülmez, E., Kaya, M., Kaya, O., Yetkin, T., Cankocak, K., Günaydin, Y.O., Vardarli, F.I., Grynyov, B., Levchuk, L., Sorokin, P., Aggleton, R., Ball, F., Beck, L., Brooke, J.J., Clement, E., Cussans, D., Flacher, H., Goldstein, J., Grimes, M., Heath, G.P., Heath, H.F., Jacob, J., Kreczko, L., Lucas, C., Meng, Z., Newbold, D.M., Paramesvaran, S., Poll, A., Sakuma, T., Seif El Nasr-storey, S., Senkin, S., Smith, D., Smith, V.J., Bell, K.W., Belyaev, A., Brew, C., Brown, R.M., Cockerill, D.J.A., Coughlan, J.A., Harder, K., Harper, S., Olaiya, E., Petyt, D., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H., Thea, A., Tomalin, I.R., Williams, T., Womersley, W.J., Worm, S.D., Baber, M., Bainbridge, R., Buchmuller, O., Bundock, A., Burton, D., Casasso, S., Citron, M., Colling, D., Corpe, L., Cripps, N., Dauncey, P., Davies, G., De Wit, A., Della Negra, M., Dunne, P., Elwood, A., Ferguson, W., Fulcher, J., Futyan, D., Hall, G., Iles, G., Karapostoli, G., Kenzie, M., Lane, R., Lucas, R., Lyons, L., Magnan, A.-M., Malik, S., Nash, J., Nikitenko, A., Pela, J., Pesaresi, M., Petridis, K., Raymond, D.M., Richards, A., Rose, A., Seez, C., Sharp, P., Tapper, A., Uchida, K., Vazquez Acosta, M., Virdee, T., Zenz, S.C., Cole, J.E., Hobson, P.R., Khan, A., Kyberd, P., Leggat, D., Leslie, D., Reid, I.D., Symonds, P., Teodorescu, L., Turner, M., Borzou, A., Dittmann, J., Hatakeyama, K., Kasmi, A., Liu, H., Pastika, N., Scarborough, T., Charaf, O., Cooper, S.I., Henderson, C., Rumerio, P., Avetisyan, A., Bose, T., Fantasia, C., Gastler, D., Lawson, P., Rankin, D., Richardson, C., Rohlf, J., St. John, J., Sulak, L., Zou, D., Alimena, J., Berry, E., Bhattacharya, S., Cutts, D., Demiragli, Z., Dhingra, N., Ferapontov, A., Garabedian, A., Heintz, U., Laird, E., Landsberg, G., Mao, Z., Narain, M., Sagir, S., Sinthuprasith, T., Breedon, R., Breto, G., Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M., Chauhan, S., Chertok, M., Conway, J., Conway, R., Cox, P.T., Erbacher, R., Gardner, M., Ko, W., Lander, R., Mulhearn, M., Pellett, D., Pilot, J., Ricci-Tam, F., Shalhout, S., Smith, J., Squires, M., Stolp, D., Tripathi, M., Wilbur, S., Yohay, R., Cousins, R., Everaerts, P., Farrell, C., Hauser, J., Ignatenko, M., Rakness, G., Saltzberg, D., Takasugi, E., Valuev, V., Weber, M., Burt, K., Clare, R., Ellison, J., Gary, J.W., Hanson, G., Heilman, J., Ivova Paneva, M., Jandir, P., Kennedy, E., Lacroix, F., Long, O.R., Luthra, A., Malberti, M., Olmedo Negrete, M., Shrinivas, A., Sumowidagdo, S., Wei, H., Wimpenny, S., Branson, J.G., Cerati, G.B., Cittolin, S., D’Agnolo, R.T., Holzner, A., Kelley, R., Klein, D., Letts, J., Macneill, I., Olivito, D., Padhi, S., Pieri, M., Sani, M., Sharma, V., Simon, S., Tadel, M., Tu, Y., Vartak, A., Wasserbaech, S., Welke, C., Würthwein, F., Yagil, A., Zevi Della Porta, G., Barge, D., Bradmiller-Feld, J., Campagnari, C., Dishaw, A., Dutta, V., Flowers, K., Franco Sevilla, M., Geffert, P., George, C., Golf, F., Gouskos, L., Gran, J., Incandela, J., Justus, C., Mccoll, N., Mullin, S.D., Richman, J., Stuart, D., To, W., West, C., Yoo, J., Anderson, D., Apresyan, A., Bornheim, A., Bunn, J., Chen, Y., Duarte, J., Mott, A., Newman, H.B., Pena, C., Pierini, M., Spiropulu, M., Vlimant, J.R., Xie, S., Zhu, R.Y., Azzolini, V., Calamba, A., Carlson, B., Ferguson, T., Iiyama, Y., Paulini, M., Russ, J., Sun, M., Vogel, H., Vorobiev, I., Cumalat, J.P., Ford, W.T., Gaz, A., Jensen, F., Johnson, A., Krohn, M., Mulholland, T., Nauenberg, U., Smith, J.G., Stenson, K., Wagner, S.R., Alexander, J., Chatterjee, A., Chaves, J., Chu, J., Dittmer, S., Eggert, N., Mirman, N., Nicolas Kaufman, G., Patterson, J.R., Rinkevicius, A., Ryd, A., Skinnari, L., Sun, W., Tan, S.M., Teo, W.D., Thom, J., Thompson, J., Tucker, J., Weng, Y., Wittich, P., Abdullin, S., Albrow, M., Anderson, J., Apollinari, G., Bauerdick, L.A.T., Beretvas, A., Berryhill, J., Bhat, P.C., Bolla, G., Burkett, K., Butler, J.N., Cheung, H.W.K., Chlebana, F., Cihangir, S., Elvira, V.D., Fisk, I., Freeman, J., Gottschalk, E., Gray, L., Green, D., Grünendahl, S., Gutsche, O., Hanlon, J., Hare, D., Harris, R.M., Hirschauer, J., Hooberman, B., Hu, Z., Jindariani, S., Johnson, M., Joshi, U., Jung, A.W., Klima, B., Kreis, B., Kwan, S., Lammel, S., Linacre, J., Lincoln, D., Lipton, R., Liu, T., Lopes De Sá, R., Lykken, J., Maeshima, K., Marraffino, J.M., Martinez Outschoorn, V.I., Maruyama, S., Mason, D., McBride, P., Merkel, P., Mishra, K., Mrenna, S., Nahn, S., Newman-Holmes, C., O’Dell, V., Prokofyev, O., Sexton-Kennedy, E., Soha, A., Spalding, W.J., Spiegel, L., Taylor, L., Tkaczyk, S., Tran, N.V., Uplegger, L., Vaandering, E.W., Vernieri, C., Verzocchi, M., Vidal, R., Whitbeck, A., Yang, F., Yin, H., Acosta, D., Avery, P., Bortignon, P., Bourilkov, D., Carnes, A., Carver, M., Curry, D., Das, S., Di Giovanni, G.P., Field, R.D., Fisher, M., Furic, I.K., Hugon, J., Konigsberg, J., Korytov, A., Kypreos, T., Low, J.F., Ma, P., Matchev, K., Mei, H., Milenovic, P., Mitselmakher, G., Muniz, L., Rank, D., Shchutska, L., Snowball, M., Sperka, D., Wang, S., Yelton, J., Hewamanage, S., Linn, S., Markowitz, P., Martinez, G., Rodriguez, J.L., Ackert, A., Adams, J.R., Adams, T., Askew, A., Bochenek, J., Diamond, B., Haas, J., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Johnson, K.F., Khatiwada, A., Prosper, H., Veeraraghavan, V., Weinberg, M., Bhopatkar, V., Hohlmann, M., Kalakhety, H., Mareskas-palcek, D., Roy, T., Yumiceva, F., Adams, M.R., Apanasevich, L., Berry, D., Betts, R.R., Bucinskaite, I., Cavanaugh, R., Evdokimov, O., Gauthier, L., Gerber, C.E., Hofman, D.J., Kurt, P., O’Brien, C., Sandoval Gonzalez, I.D., Silkworth, C., Turner, P., Varelas, N., Wu, Z., Zakaria, M., Bilki, B., Clarida, W., Dilsiz, K., Durgut, S., Gandrajula, R.P., Haytmyradov, M., Khristenko, V., Merlo, J.-P., Mermerkaya, H., Mestvirishvili, A., Moeller, A., Nachtman, J., Ogul, H., Onel, Y., Ozok, F., Penzo, A., Sen, S., Snyder, C., Tan, P., Tiras, E., Wetzel, J., Yi, K., Anderson, I., Barnett, B.A., Blumenfeld, B., Fehling, D., Feng, L., Gritsan, A.V., Maksimovic, P., Martin, C., Nash, K., Osherson, M., Swartz, M., Xiao, M., Xin, Y., Baringer, P., Bean, A., Benelli, G., Bruner, C., Gray, J., Kenny, R.P., Majumder, D., Malek, M., Murray, M., Noonan, D., Sanders, S., Stringer, R., Wang, Q., Wood, J.S., Chakaberia, I., Ivanov, A., Kaadze, K., Khalil, S., Makouski, M., Maravin, Y., Saini, L.K., Skhirtladze, N., Svintradze, I., Toda, S., Lange, D., Rebassoo, F., Wright, D., Anelli, C., Baden, A., Baron, O., Belloni, A., Calvert, B., Eno, S.C., Ferraioli, C., Gomez, J.A., Hadley, N.J., Jabeen, S., Kellogg, R.G., Kolberg, T., Kunkle, J., Lu, Y., Mignerey, A.C., Pedro, K., Shin, Y.H., Skuja, A., Tonjes, M.B., Tonwar, S.C., Apyan, A., Barbieri, R., Baty, A., Bierwagen, K., Brandt, S., Busza, W., Cali, I.A., Di Matteo, L., Gomez Ceballos, G., Goncharov, M., Gulhan, D., Innocenti, G.M., Klute, M., Kovalskyi, D., Lai, Y.S., Lee, Y.-J., Levin, A., Luckey, P.D., Mcginn, C., Niu, X., Paus, C., Ralph, D., Roland, C., Roland, G., Stephans, G.S.F., Sumorok, K., Varma, M., Velicanu, D., Veverka, J., Wang, J., Wang, T.W., Wyslouch, B., Yang, M., Zhukova, V., Dahmes, B., Finkel, A., Gude, A., Hansen, P., Kalafut, S., Kao, S.C., Klapoetke, K., Kubota, Y., Lesko, Z., Mans, J., Nourbakhsh, S., Ruckstuhl, N., Rusack, R., Tambe, N., Turkewitz, J., Acosta, J.G., Oliveros, S., Avdeeva, E., Bloom, K., Bose, S., Claes, D.R., Dominguez, A., Fangmeier, C., Gonzalez Suarez, R., Kamalieddin, R., Keller, J., Knowlton, D., Kravchenko, I., Lazo-Flores, J., Meier, F., Monroy, J., Ratnikov, F., Siado, J.E., Snow, G.R., Alyari, M., Dolen, J., George, J., Godshalk, A., Iashvili, I., Kaisen, J., Kharchilava, A., Kumar, A., Rappoccio, S., Alverson, G., Barberis, E., Baumgartel, D., Chasco, M., Hortiangtham, A., Massironi, A., Morse, D.M., Nash, D., Orimoto, T., Teixeira De Lima, R., Trocino, D., Wang, R.-J., Wood, D., Zhang, J., Hahn, K.A., Kubik, A., Mucia, N., Odell, N., Pollack, B., Pozdnyakov, A., Schmitt, M., Stoynev, S., Sung, K., Trovato, M., Velasco, M., Won, S., Brinkerhoff, A., Dev, N., Hildreth, M., Jessop, C., Karmgard, D.J., Kellams, N., Lannon, K., Lynch, S., Marinelli, N., Meng, F., Mueller, C., Musienko, Y., Pearson, T., Planer, M., Ruchti, R., Smith, G., Valls, N., Wayne, M., Wolf, M., Woodard, A., Antonelli, L., Brinson, J., Bylsma, B., Durkin, L.S., Flowers, S., Hart, A., Hill, C., Hughes, R., Kotov, K., Ling, T.Y., Liu, B., Luo, W., Puigh, D., Rodenburg, M., Winer, B.L., Wulsin, H.W., Driga, O., Elmer, P., Hardenbrook, J., Hebda, P., Koay, S.A., Lujan, P., Marlow, D., Medvedeva, T., Mooney, M., Olsen, J., Palmer, C., Piroué, P., Quan, X., Saka, H., Stickland, D., Tully, C., Werner, J.S., Zuranski, A., Malik, S., Barnes, V.E., Benedetti, D., Bortoletto, D., Gutay, L., Jha, M.K., 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19 . Cell cycle-dependent changes in localization and phosphorylation of the plasma membrane Kv2.1 K+ channel impact endoplasmic reticulum membrane contact sites in COS-1 cells Cobb, M.M., Austin, D.C., Sack, J.T., Trimmer, J.S. 2015 Journal of Biological Chemistry ,
290 ( 49 ) pp. 29189 – 29201 .
20 . Migration of Single Iridium Atoms and Tri-iridium Clusters on MgO Surfaces: Aberration-Corrected STEM Imaging and Ab Initio Calculations Han, C.W., Iddir, H., Uzun, A., Curtiss, L.A., Browning, N.D., Gates, B.C., Ortalan, V. 2015 Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ,
6 ( 23 ) pp. 4675 – 4679 .
21 . Role of Organic Coatings in Regulating N2O5 Reactive Uptake to Sea Spray Aerosol Ryder, O.S., Campbell, N.R., Morris, H., Forestieri, S., Ruppel, M.J., Cappa, C., Tivanski, A., Prather, K., Bertram, T.H. 2015 Journal of Physical Chemistry A ,
119 ( 48 ) pp. 11683 – 11692 .
22 . THE GRISM LENS-AMPLIFIED SURVEY from SPACE (GLASS). V. EXTENT and SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION of STAR FORMATION in zsim;.5 CLUSTER GALAXIES Vulcani, B., Treu, T., Schmidt, K.B., Poggianti, B.M., Dressler, A., Fontana, A., Bradac, M., Brammer, G.B., Hoag, A., Huang, K.-H., Malkan, M., Pentericci, L., Trenti, M., Linden, A.V.D., Abramson, L., He, J., Morris, G. 2015 Astrophysical Journal ,
814 ( 2 ) , art. no. 161
23 . Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain: A review of physical principles and technical methods Buonocore, M.H., Maddock, R.J. 2015 Reviews in the Neurosciences ,
26 ( 6 ) pp. 609 – 632 .
24 . The 2012/2013 ABRF proteomic research group study: Assessing longitudinal intralaboratory variability in routine peptide liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analyses Bennett, K.L., Wang, X., Bystrom, C.E., Chambers, M.C., Andacht, T.M., Dangott, L.J., Elortza, F., Leszyk, J., Molina, H., Moritz, R.L., Phinney, B.S., Thompson, J.W., Bunger, M.K., Tabb, D.L. 2015 Molecular and Cellular Proteomics ,
14 ( 12 ) pp. 3299 – 3309 .
25 . A pilot study of chest tube versus pigtail catheter drainage of acute hemothorax in swine Russo, R.M., Zakaluzny, S.A., Neff, L.P., Grayson, J.K., Hight, R.A., Galante, J.M., Shatz, D.V. 2015 Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery ,
79 ( 6 ) pp. 1038 – 1043 .
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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

ProQuest completes acquisition of Ex Libris
ProQuest, an information solutions provider central to global research, has completed its acquisition of Ex Libris Group, a global provider of cloud-based solutions for higher education. The businesses’ complementary assets are being integrated, enabling existing services to be enhanced and sparking the creation of all-new solutions that will help libraries seize opportunities in rapidly changing technology, content, and user environments.

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SAGE and Expert System release SAGE Recommends, allows semantic exploration of scholarly content across diverse formats and disciplines
Academic publisher SAGE and Expert System have announced the release of SAGE Recommends, a new discovery capability within the SAGE Knowledge platform that provides users with links to related SAGE content to support academic research. Powered by Luxid® software, the feature uses SAGE’s new proprietary social science taxonomy to reveal connections between content and concepts across disciplines.

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IEEE signs letter of intent with World Intellectual Property Organization
IEEE, a professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, has signed a letter of intent with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialised agency of the United Nations and global, intergovernmental forum for intellectual property (IP) policy, services, information and cooperation. Through the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, established in 1994, WIPO offers alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures services for the resolution of IP-related disputes on a not-for-profit basis.

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Karger Publishers selects Imperva Incapsula to defend against DDoS attacks
Cyber security solutions provider Imperva, Inc. has announced that Karger Publishers, a global medical and scientific publishing company, has selected Imperva Incapsula. The company will use the Incapsula service to ensure that its website, containing approximately 100 new scientific journals per year and a vast e-book archive, is accessible at all times by researchers at leading hospitals, research centers and universities all over the world.

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Harvard Health Publications collaborates with Quizzify to create interactive quizzes that support health literacy in the workplace
Harvard Health Publications (HHP), the consumer publishing division of Harvard Medical School, will collaborate with Quizzify, a New York-based start-up that provides employers with educational health information for their employees. HHP will review Quizzify’s content for medical appropriateness as well as advise Quizzify on developments in peer-reviewed medical literature and medical practice.

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Ingram Content Group acquires
Ingram Content Group has announced the acquisition of, a service that allows publishers, retailers and authors to sell and fulfill print and digital books directly to readers via their websites, blogs and social networks. In addition, through’s marketing platform Flyer, publishers, authors and booksellers can promote eBooks and print books with a direct link to buy while taking advantage of Ingram’s global distribution network.

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123Library offers publishers an affordable B2B eBook distribution tool
Specialist eBook platform has developed an innovative service to provide publishers with their own branded cloud-based platform from which to deliver titles directly to institutions, corporations and libraries. The UK-based eBook supplier to academic institutions is filling an existing gap in the market by providing an affordable tool to deliver eBooks, effectively levelling the playing field for smaller and medium-sized publishing companies.

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American Chemical Society announces new open access journal serving global and multidisciplinary chemistry, ACS Omega
The Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) will expand its open access program in 2016 with the announcement of ACS Omega, a new open access, multidisciplinary chemistry journal publishing peer-reviewed research of broad impact from around the world. The Society made the announcement at the opening of Pacifichem, the international chemistry conference co-organised by the ACS, which is taking place in Hawaii this week.
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Amphia Hospital in the Netherlands becomes first hospital in Europe to fully integrate UpToDate® Anywhere
The Health division of Wolters Kluwer, a global provider of information and point of care solutions for the healthcare industry, has announced that the Amphia Hospital in the Netherlands is the first hospital in Europe to fully integrate UpToDate® Anywhere within the Epic electronic medical record (EMR) system. Now, Amphia clinicians have direct, expedited access to trusted, evidence-based clinical information and actionable treatment recommendations at the point of care.
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IOP Publishing appoints new Senior Product Manager
Terry Hulbert has been announced as the new Senior Product Manager, Content Platform for IOP Publishing (IOP). He will take up his role on December 14, 2015 and will be based in IOP’s Bristol office. In his new role, Terry will be responsible for driving the development roadmap for IOPscience, IOP’s content platform.
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NISO releases set of principles to address privacy of user data in library, content-provider, and software-supplier systems
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has published a set of consensus principles for the library, content-provider and software-provider communities to address privacy issues related to the use of library and library-related systems. This set of principles developed over the past 8 months focus on balancing the expectations library users have regarding their intellectual freedoms and their privacy with the operational needs of systems providers.
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The Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Inc. to preserve e-journals with Portico
Digital preservation specialist Portico has announced that the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Inc. (SME) will preserve e-journals with Portico, ensuring that they will be secure and available into the future. SME is a professional society (nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation) whose more than 15,000 membership represents all professionals serving the minerals industry in more than 100 countries.
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Reprints Desk named to the EContent 100 List for sixth consecutive year
Research Solutions, Inc., a pioneer in providing on-demand access to scientific, technical and medical (STM) information for research-intensive organisations, announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary Reprints Desk has been named to the EContent 100 List published by EContent Magazine for the sixth consecutive year. EContent Magazine’s annual 100 list highlights companies that matter most in today’s digital content industry and is compiled by judges, including Information Today, Inc. editors, EContent contributing editors, and other experts in the digital content industry.
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STM responds to the Max Planck Digital Library White Paper on the Open Access Transition
The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) has welcomed the Max Planck DL (MPDL) paper on the transition to OA. STM welcomes this contribution to the open access debate and shares the belief that the most sustainable open access future is a Gold one.

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University Library of Southern Denmark opts for ProQuest’s next-generation library services platform, Intota
The University Library of Southern Denmark (SDUB), the third largest University in Denmark, recently made the decision to choose ProQuest’s next-generation library services platform, IntotaTM, to enhance management of electronic resources and offer improved discovery within their libraries. SDUB required assistance in managing its digital collections, as it moved away from the more traditional print collections. Intota provided the university with a cloud-based Library Services Platform that would help librarians work with greater efficiency, reducing tedious and redundant traditional workflows.

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Dr. Ingrid Montes re-elected to board of the American Chemical Society
Dr. Ingrid Montes, Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies and Research of the College of Natural Sciences and professor of chemistry at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, San Juan, has been re-elected director-at-large of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society. She will begin her second three-year term on January 1, 2016. Montes graduated from the University of Puerto Rico with a B.S. in 1980 and a Ph.D. in 1985. She has been on the faculty there since 1987.

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Library, Higher Education Groups urge US Congress to support open internet order
The American Library Association (ALA), Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and EDUCAUSE recently sent a joint letter to US Congressional leaders, asking them to oppose the inclusion of any language in the current Omnibus Appropriations bill that would undermine the authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to enforce its Open Internet Order protecting net neutrality. The Open Internet Order, which became effective in June, prohibits blocking, throttling, and paid prioritisation of content on the Internet.

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New Penton SmartReach Audience Extension provides expanded reach for B2B marketers
Penton, an innovative information services company, has announced the launch of Penton SmartReachTM Audience Extension, which for the first time will provide business-to-business marketers with the ability to better target and convert new customers through email and websites. The expanded capability of Penton SmartReach helps marketers reach the company’s 20 million business decision makers when they are browsing the web, recapture their interest and reinforce brand messaging across more than 16 major vertical markets.

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Boopsie’s library-branded mobile apps receive silver distinction in LibraryWorks’ annual Modern Library Awards
Mobile platform-as-a-service provider Boopsie, Inc. has announced that their library-branded mobile apps have received a silver distinction in the LibraryWorks’ second annual Modern Library Awards (MLAs). The MLAs were created as a way to objectively recognise the top products in the library industry.

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Wolters Kluwer Health launches UpToDate Anywhere in Italy
The Health division of Wolters Kluwer has announced the launch of UpToDate ® Anywhere in Italy. UpToDate Anywhere enables hospitals and healthcare organisations to provide clinicians with mobile and EHR-based access to UpToDate, the acclaimed evidence-based clinical decision support resource. UpToDate Anywhere expands the availability of this trusted resource to smartphones and tablets, providing clinicians fast, consistent access at any location.

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SAGE releases updated and extended second edition of The SAGE Handbook of Research in International Education
Academic publisher SAGE has announced the release of the updated and extended second edition of The SAGE Handbook of Research in International Education. Including key global contemporary developments, this reference handbook encompasses new research contributions from South East Asia, the Middle East, China, Japan, Australasia, Europe and North America. Fully revised, the new edition analyses the origins, interpretations and contributions of international education, and explores key international changes.

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EBSCO Information Services donates digital content to Worldreader to support literacy in the developing world
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and Worldreader, a global non-profit dedicated to improving literacy in the developing world through digital books, are partnering to bring non-fiction content to children and their families in sub-Saharan Africa and India. The proprietary reference articles donated by EBSCO will help Worldreader as it aims to reach 10 million readers with its digital library by the end of 2015.

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Reprints Desk releases Autumn 2015 version of journal content access and management platform Article Galaxy
Research Solutions, Inc., a pioneer in providing on-demand access to scientific, technical and medical (STM) information for research-intensive organisations, announced the Autumn 2015 version release of the journal content access and management platform Article Galaxy by subsidiary Reprints Desk, Inc. The Autumn 2015 release features short-term article rentals, instant access to subscription content from online databases and Article Galaxy’s order form for requesting documents, as well as a new Article Galaxy Library Portal add-on.

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CRC Press publication wins HIMSS 2015 Book of the Year Award
STM publisher CRC Press has announced that Organizational and Process Reengineering: Approaches for Health Care Transformation by Jean Ann Larson is the recipient of the 2015 Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society’s (HIMSS) Book of the Year Award. Recognizing outstanding contributions to HIMSS and the healthcare sector, HIMSS recently named its 2015 award recipients.

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Research Square and MyScienceWork partner to offer Video Summaries to research institutions via the Polaris platform
Research Square, a provider of solutions to facilitate the communication of research worldwide, has announced a new partnership with MyScienceWork to make its Video Summaries solution available to research institutions. Through this partnership, universities and other institutions will be able to purchase Video Summaries to highlight the research on their MyScienceWork Polaris platform.

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EBLIDA and IFLA comment on European Commission’s Communication on modernising EU copyright rules
The European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA), and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), have welcomed the Communication of the European Commission towards a modern, more European copyright framework released December 9, 2015. Further to EBLIDA’s comment on the Digital Single Market Strategy, the organisation’s support the EU Commission’s objectives of making EU copyright rules fit for the digital age and of building a modern and more European copyright framework.

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Nature Publishing Group and ReadCube reveal preliminary results of scientific article sharing trial
Scientific publisher Nature Publishing Group, part of Springer Nature, has announced the results of its ground-breaking 12-month content sharing initiative to support collaborative research. The trial has concluded with positive results and the initiative to offer on-platform sharing of the full text of articles using ReadCube’s enhanced PDF technology will continue indefinitely.

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Elsevier launches Pathway Studio Web, helps users be more productive with new ease of use and performance features
STM publisher Elsevier has announced the launch of the next version of Pathway Studio Web, enabling researchers to more quickly understand the underlying biology of disease. This updated version of Pathway Studio Web is designed to be easier to use and is up to 30 times faster for common analysis tasks.

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Prof. Barry Sanders named new Editor-in-Chief for New Journal of Physics
Professor Barry Sanders has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of the New Journal of Physics (NJP) and will begin his term in January 2016. Professor Sanders will succeed Professor Eberhard Bodenschatz who has served as Editor-in-Chief of NJP since 2005.

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Mary Ann Liebert launches new peer-reviewed open access journalzine – Healthcare Transformation
Healthcare Transformation, a new peer-reviewed open access journalzine published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., released its inaugural issue at the 13th Annual Jefferson University Gala at Jefferson University, Philadelphia. Through authoritative contributions from preeminent thought leaders and decision makers, Healthcare Transformation re-imagines healthcare delivery, education, and technology for the 21st century and beyond.

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JSTOR and the University of Washington DataLab explore new tools for interdisciplinary researchers
The JSTOR Labs team recently partnered with Dr. Jevin West’s team at the University of Washington DataLab to test and develop tools to help researchers introduce themselves to key topics and publications from other fields. The results of their work have been incorporated into JSTOR Sustainability-a new site, currently in beta, that contains a broad range of scholarly articles and research reports dealing with environmental stresses and their impact on human society.

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American Dairy Science Association announces new sections for the Journal of Dairy Science
The American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®) has announced new sections for its scholarly publication, Journal of Dairy Science®, in its December issue. The changes, which will go into effect beginning with the January 2016 issue of the journal, include moving from four sections to six subsections in dairy foods and six subsections in dairy production to further distinguish content.

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National Research Nuclear University MEPhI in Russia becomes first Russian university to benefit from access to Mendeley Institutional Edition
STM publisher Elsevier has announced its collaboration with National Research Nuclear University MEPhI by providing its researchers, faculty members and management with access to Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE). MEPhI is one of Russia’s leading institutions for fundamental and applied research in the fields of energy and energy efficiency, medicine, nanosystems and nanomaterials, security and counter-terrorism.

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Dr. Allison A. Campbell elected 2017 president of the American Chemical Society
Dr. Allison A. Campbell, a chemist and director of a large research directorate at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, has been elected the 2017 president of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society. She will be president-elect in 2016.

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Nature recognises distinguished Chinese scientists
Five prominent Chinese scientists received the 2015 Nature Award for Mentoring in Science at the 2015 International Forum: From Research to Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Nature hosts these annual awards to champion the importance of mentoring and inspiring a generation of young scientists.

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EBSCO Information Services launches new information resource for researchers in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) has introduced a new information resource for researchers in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Biotechnology SourceTM provides access to industry-leading, full-text journals from a single platform, and is designed to help companies gain a competitive edge by providing fast access to relevant, current and accurate information.

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Indonesia’s Dr. Soetomo Academic Medical Center Hospital expands access to UpToDate
The Health division of Wolters Kluwer, a global provider of information and point of care solutions for the healthcare industry, has announced that Dr. Soetomo Academic Medical Center Hospital (RSUD Dr. Soetomo) in Surabaya has expanded access to UpToDate® to ensure clinicians throughout the hospital can use the acclaimed resource for clinical decision-making. The hospital-wide subscription plays an essential role in the hospital’s efforts to secure JCI accreditation.

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HighWire promotes Wendy Newsham to VP, North America Sales
HighWire Press, Inc., the technology platform and strategic partner to influential scholarly publishers and societies, has announced the promotion of Wendy Newsham to Vice President, North America Sales. Newsham has been a key member of the business development team since May 2015.

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PCG in deal with three more publishers to sell content in emerging markets
Publishers Communication Group (PCG) has announced representation agreements with Berrett-Koehler Publishers, The MIT Press and Morgan & Claypool Publishers for direct sales into new global markets, including one or more of India, China and Latin America. PCG continues to broaden its portfolio with the addition of social science and ebook content from these new clients to its established sales programs for journals and databases in the life and physical sciences.

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Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 61 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 61 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus


First 25 of 61 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance study of URu2Si2 under pressure Shirer, K.R., Dioguardi, A.P., Bush, B.T., Crocker, J., Lin, C.H., Klavins, P., Cooley, J.C., Maple, M.B., Chang, K.B., Poeppelmeier, K.R., Curro, N.J. 2016 Physica B: Condensed Matter ,
481 pp. 232 – 235 .
2 . Cognitive distortions mediate depression and affective response to social acceptance and rejection Caouette, J.D., Guyer, A.E. 2016 Journal of Affective Disorders ,
190 pp. 792 – 799 .
3 . Higher Urinary Levels of 8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine Are Associated with a Worse RANKL/OPG Ratio in Postmenopausal Women with Osteopenia Cervellati, C., Romani, A., Cremonini, E., Bergamini, C.M., Fila, E., Squerzanti, M., Greco, P., Massari, L., Bonaccorsi, G. 2016 Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity ,
2016 , art. no. 6038798
4 . Non-invasive imaging of cellulose microfibril orientation within plant cell walls by polarized Raman microspectroscopy Sun, L., Singh, S., Joo, M., Vega-Sanchez, M., Ronald, P., Simmons, B.A., Adams, P., Auer, M. 2016 Biotechnology and Bioengineering ,
113 ( 1 ) pp. 82 – 90 .
5 . Eye movements in reading and information processing: Keith Rayner’s 40 year legacy Clifton, C., Ferreira, F., Henderson, J.M., Inhoff, A.W., Liversedge, S.P., Reichle, E.D., Schotter, E.R. 2016 Journal of Memory and Language ,
86 pp. 1 – 19 .
6 . Best practice BioBanking of human heart tissue Lal, S., Li, A., Allen, D., Allen, P.D., Bannon, P., Cartmill, T., Cooke, R., Farnsworth, A., Keogh, A., dos Remedios, C. 2015 Biophysical Reviews ,
7 ( 4 ) pp. 399 – 406 .
7 . Personal Identity, Consciousness, and Joints in Nature Gilmore, C. 2015 Journal of Ethics ,
19 ( 3-4 ) pp. 443 – 466 .
8 . The ZntA-like NpunR4017 plays a key role in maintaining homeostatic levels of zinc in Nostoc punctiforme Hudek, L., Bräu, L., Michalczyk, A.A., Neilan, B.A., Meeks, J.C., Ackland, M.L. 2015 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology ,
99 ( 24 ) pp. 10559 – 10574 .
9 . Numerical integration of homogeneous functions on convex and nonconvex polygons and polyhedra Chin, E.B., Lasserre, J.B., Sukumar, N. 2015 Computational Mechanics ,
56 ( 6 ) pp. 967 – 981 .
10 . Chaperone-assisted post-translational transport of plastidic type i signal peptidase 1 Endow, J.K., Singhal, R., Fernandez, D.E., Inoue, K. 2015 Journal of Biological Chemistry ,
290 ( 48 ) pp. 28778 – 28791 .
11 . Assessment of dioxin-like activity in PM10 air samples from an industrial location in Algeria, using the DRE-CALUX bioassay Khedidji, S., Croes, K., Yassaa, N., Ladji, R., Denison, M.S., Baeyens, W., Elskens, M. 2015 Environmental Science and Pollution Research ,
pp. 1 – 10 .
Article in Press
12 . Evolution: How Victoria’s fishes were knocked from their perch Vermeij, G. 2015 Science ,
350 ( 6264 ) p. 1038 .
13 . A pharyngeal jaw evolutionary innovation facilitated extinction in Lake Victoria cichlids McGee, M.D., Borstein, S.R., Neches, R.Y., Buescher, H.H., Seehausen, O., Wainwright, P.C. 2015 Science ,
350 ( 6264 ) pp. 1077 – 1079 .
14 . Updated Lagrangian finite element formulations of various biological soft tissue non-linear material models: a comprehensive procedure and review Townsend, M.T., Sarigul-Klijn, N. 2015 Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering ,
pp. 1 – 6 .
Article in Press
15 . PPM1D phosphatase, a target of p53 and RBM38 RNA-binding protein, inhibits p53 mRNA translation via dephosphorylation of RBM38 Zhang, M., Xu, E., Zhang, J., Chen, X. 2015 Oncogene ,
34 ( 48 ) pp. 5900 – 5901 .
16 . Reorganization and expansion of the nidoviral family Arteriviridae Kuhn, J.H., Lauck, M., Bailey, A.L., Shchetinin, A.M., Vishnevskaya, T.V., Bào, Y., Ng, T.F.F., LeBreton, M., Schneider, B.S., Gillis, A., Tamoufe, U., Diffo, J.L.D., Takuo, J.M., Kondov, N.O., Coffey, L.L., Wolfe, N.D., Delwart, E., Clawson, A.N., Postnikova, E., Bollinger, L., Lackemeyer, M.G., Radoshitzky, S.R., Palacios, G., Wada, J., Shevtsova, Z.V., Jahrling, P.B., Lapin, B.A., Deriabin, P.G., Dunowska, M., Alkhovsky, S.V., Rogers, J., Friedrich, T.C., O’Connor, D.H., Goldberg, T.L. 2015 Archives of Virology ,
pp. 1 – 14 .
Article in Press
17 . The importance of abiotic reactions for nitrous oxide production Zhu-Barker, X., Cavazos, A.R., Ostrom, N.E., Horwath, W.R., Glass, J.B. 2015 Biogeochemistry ,
pp. 1 – 17 .
Article in Press
18 . When the going gets tough: Behavioural type-dependent space use in the sleepy lizard changes as the season dries Spiegel, O., Leu, S.T., Sih, A., Godfrey, S.S., Bull, C.M. 2015 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences ,
282 ( 1819 ) , art. no. 20151768
19 . Dynamical theory driven observational analysis of ENSO modes in the equatorial Pacific Weare, B.C. 2015 Climate Dynamics ,
pp. 1 – 12 .
Article in Press
20 . Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of the YbTe-YbSb System Kawamura, A., Hu, Y., Kauzlarich, S.M. 2015 Journal of Electronic Materials ,
pp. 1 – 7 .
Article in Press
21 . Digit-Threatening Severe Tophaceous Gout Kuiper, B., Aronowitz, P. 2015 Journal of General Internal Medicine ,
p. 1 .
Article in Press
22 . Episodic entrainment of deep primordial mantle material into ocean island basalts Williams, C.D., Li, M., McNamara, A.K., Garnero, E.J., Van Soest, M.C. 2015 Nature Communications ,
6 , art. no. 8937
23 . Assessing Illinois’s flood vulnerability using Hazus-MH Remo, J.W.F., Pinter, N., Mahgoub, M. 2015 Natural Hazards ,
pp. 1 – 23 .
Article in Press
24 . Integrative genomic mining for enzyme function to enable engineering of a non-natural biosynthetic pathway Mak, W.S., Tran, S., Marcheschi, R., Bertolani, S., Thompson, J., Baker, D., Liao, J.C., Siegel, J.B. 2015 Nature Communications ,
6 , art. no. 10005
25 . Female Sexual Preferences Toward Conspecific and Hybrid Male Mating Calls in Two Species of Polygynous Deer, Cervus elaphus and C. nippon Wyman, M.T., Locatelli, Y., Charlton, B.D., Reby, D. 2015 Evolutionary Biology ,
pp. 1 – 15 .
Article in Press
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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Springer Nature and the Egyptian Government in deal to expand access to scientific content, launches Arabic edition of Scientific American
Egypt’s Specialized Presidential Council for Education and Scientific Research and Springer Nature have announced the launch of a 5 year national access agreement for Springer Nature content and services and the full sponsorship of an Arabic online version of Scientific American. The range of services made available to the academic community of Egypt, as well as the rest of the population, by the recently formed Council includes the provision of national level access to the majority of Springer Nature publications, including journals, eBooks, and digital archives.

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Finalists for HIMSS-Elsevier Digital Healthcare Awards announced
HIMSS Middle East, in collaboration with STM publisher Elsevier, has announced the finalists for the HIMSS-Elsevier Digital Healthcare Awards. Winners will be announced on December 9 at Hyatt Regency Dubai Creek Heights during the Inaugural HIMSS Middle East UAE eHealth Week. For the past three years, HIMSS and Elsevier have collaborated to bring this Awards program to the Asia Pacific region. For the first time, the Awards will be going global to the Middle East and Europe.

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Dr. Lee H. Latimer elected to board of the American Chemical Society
Dr. Lee H. Latimer, head of chemistry at NeurOp Inc., has been elected director-at-large of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society. He will begin his three-year term on the board Jan. 1, 2016.

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80 million German documents from BASE now accessible to EDS researchers
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and Bielefeld University in Germany have announced a partnership as a result of which more than 80 million documents from more than 3,800 sources are now searchable via EBSCO Discovery ServiceTM (EDS). The agreement enables Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), a multidisciplinary database operated by Bielefeld University Library, to be indexed in EDS.

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American Psychological Association’s PsycINFO® database surpasses 4 million records
The American Psychological Association has indexed its 4 millionth record in its PsycINFO® database of scholarly psychology literature. This achievement is the result of over eight decades of detailed abstracting and indexing of international literature in the field of psychology and its related disciplines.

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Emerald partners with CLOCKSS Archive to preserve ejournals and ebooks
The CLOCKSS Archive has partnered with Emerald Group Publishing to preserve their ejournals and ebooks in CLOCKSS’s geographically and geopolitically distributed network of redundant archive nodes, located at 12 major research libraries worldwide. This action provides for content to be freely available to everyone after a “trigger event” and ensures an author’s work will be maximally accessible and useful over time.

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CCC appoints Boris Vulikh to lead Data Engineering team
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a global licensing and content solutions organization, has announced that former Google Data Architect Boris Vulikh has joined as Director, Data Engineering. Based in Danvers, Vulikh leads a global team responsible for Master Data Management, Data Warehousing and Data Marts, and Business Intelligence and Analytics.

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National Diversity in Libraries Conference 2016 call for presentation proposals deadline extended to December 15, 2015
The National Diversity in Libraries Conference (NDLC ’16), cosponsored by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Library and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), will take place on the UCLA campus August 10-13, 2016. The NDLC ’16 Program Committee has extended the deadline for presentation proposals that address the conference’s theme of ‘Bridges to Inclusion’ highlighting issues related to diversity and inclusion that affect staff, users, and institutions in the library, archive, and museum (LAM) fields.

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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Ithaka S+R’s Deanna Marcum selected to receive the NFAIS 2016 Miles Conrad Award
The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAISTM), a global non-profit membership organisation serving the information services community, has announced that Deanna Marcum, Managing Director of Ithaka S+R, has been selected to receive the NFAIS 2016 Miles Conrad Award. NFAIS’s Miles Conrad Award is being given to Marcum in recognition of her significant accomplishments in librarianship and helping establish the digital future for libraries through her leadership roles during her career in government, academia and non-profit organizations.

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Reference Modules in Food Science and Materials Science now available on ScienceDirect
STM publisher Elsevier has announced that the Reference Module in Food Science and the Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering are now available on ScienceDirect. The new modules combine thousands of related reference work articles into one digital source of trustworthy information that is continuously updated by subject-matter experts.

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Materials Chemistry Frontiers, the third title in the enterprising Frontiers journal series, scheduled for launch in 2016
Materials Chemistry Frontiers – the third title in the enterprising Frontiers journal series – is scheduled for launch in 2016. This online-only, highly interdisciplinary journal will be led by Editor in Chief Benzhong Tang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology). It will focus on the synthesis and chemistry of exciting new materials, and the development of improved fabrication techniques.

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University of Groningen opts for OCLC WorldShare Management Services
The University of Groningen, an institution with a rich academic tradition dating back to 1614 that is consistently named among the world’s best, has selected OCLC WorldShare Management Services as its library management system. WorldShare Management Services (WMS) is a complete, cloud-based library management system that offers all the applications needed to manage a library, including Acquisitions, Circulation, Metadata, Resource Sharing, License Management and a single-search Discovery interface to connect library users to the information they need.

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Future Science Group partners with Kudos to increase article impact
Publisher Future Science Group (FSG) has announced its partnership with Kudos, providing authors with the tools they need to increase the impact of their publications. FSG has partnered with award-winning service Kudos to further enhance the services they provide to their authors. Kudos is a web-based service that helps researchers and their institutions and funders to maximize the visibility and impact of their published articles.

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Joanna Briggs Institute and the Center for Systematic Entomology to preserve e-journals with Portico
Digital preservation specialist Portico has announced that Joanna Briggs Institute will preserve The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports with Portico, ensuring that it will be secure and available into the future. In a related announcement, Portico announced that the Center for Systematic Entomology will also preserve its journal Insecta Mundi with Portico.

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