Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Thomson Reuters’ 2014 State of Innovation India report identifies Hi-Tech Engineering and Pharma companies as front runners of innovation in India
The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters has announced the launch of its 2014 State of Innovation India report. This is the second consecutive year of the study, which is conducted by looking at patent activity to gain a clearer understanding of the innovation landscape in India. The study showcases twelve leading sectors and analyzes the innovation in each based on patent activity.
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Wolters Kluwer Health upgrades Lippincott Advisor to help long-term care facilities improve nursing care planning
Healthcare information provider Wolters Kluwer Health has announced that it has further bolstered the use of Lippincott Advisor in the long-term care (LTC) setting. The company has added a new component to the product designed to help LTC nurses and clinicians develop better resident care plans used to guide treatment. Lippincott Advisor is a leading online clinical decision-support solution used by nurses and clinicians at the bedside in hospitals and healthcare institutions.
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Idaho State University opts for EBSCO Discovery Service
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) has announced that the Idaho State University Library, a Carnegie-classified doctoral research high institution, has opted to replace Primo Central Total Care with EBSCO Discovery ServiceTM (EDS) as its discovery solution. Side-by-side comparisons of the discovery tools prompted the university to make the switch to EDS.
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Copyright Clearance Center appoints Darren Gillgrass as Director, Product Management, Rightsholder Products and Services
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a global licensing and content solutions organisation, has announced that Darren Gillgrass will join as Director, Product Management, Rightsholder Products and Services, in January 2015. Based in Danvers, Gillgrass will lead a team building next-generation cloud licensing and commerce solutions for CCC’s rightsholder market.
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NISO approves four new projects to develop standards for alternative assessment metrics
The voting members of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) have approved four new projects to develop standards for alternative assessment metrics (altmetrics). The NISO Alternative Assessment Metrics Initiative was begun in July 2013 with funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation with a goal of building trust and adoption in new methods of assessing impact.
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Wellcome Trust announces new Executive Board appointments
The Wellcome Trust has announced new appointments to its Executive Board. Tim Livett will join Wellcome Trust as Chief Financial Officer and Ted Smith as Director of People and Development. Tim Livett will be responsible for the Trust’s financial management and for IT. Ted Smith takes on a new role, responsible for thinking strategically about how best to lead, develop and recruit talent in pursuit of the Trust’s mission, including both its staff and its wider research community.
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Publishing For Digital Minds pursues global audience with multilingual social media backchannel
The London Book Fair, in association with The Publishers Association, has announced plans to put international social media at the heart of the next edition of Publishing for Digital Minds. It will recruit a team of social media experts to live-tweet and blog the 2015 conference in multiple languages. Publishing for Digital Minds’ ‘polyglots’ will be drawn from the markets most widely represented in the conference’s international audience, which welcomes large delegations from China, India and Latin America as well as Europe and North America.

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Retinal Cases & Brief Reports accepted for indexing by MEDLINE/PubMed and Scopus
Healthcare information provider Wolters Kluwer Health has announced that Retinal Cases & Brief Reports, a publication dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed case reports and brief reports in the diagnosis and treatment of retinal and vitreous diseases, has been accepted for indexing by MEDLINE/PubMed and Scopus. All articles back to Volume 1 Issue 1 now appear in PubMed and going forward all articles will be indexed immediately upon publication.

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Academic libraries from the UK’s Northern Collaboration in deal with OCLC to use QuestionPoint software for out-of-hours enquiry services
Libraries from the Northern Collaboration, a group of academic libraries in the North of England, have signed an agreement with OCLC to use QuestionPoint software to provide a collaborative out-of-hours virtual enquiry service for students. Having successfully piloted the service with seven institutions, the service is now being rolled out across the wider Northern Collaboration group.

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Cambridge Journals partners with The Mathematical Association to publish The Mathematical Gazette
Cambridge Journals has announced a partnership with The Mathematical Association to publish The Mathematical Gazette. The Mathematical Gazette publishes important and influential articles about the teaching and learning of mathematics. It also features fascinating expositions of attractive areas of mathematics, book reviews, and a teasing problem corner.

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Thieme announces publication of Total Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery
Scientific and medical publisher Thieme has announced the publication of Total Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, which presents a consistent approach to the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck disorders. This practical reference is designed to be the main otolargyngology text that residents and fellows will use on a daily basis and the principal text otolaryngologists will use for board recertification review.

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Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: David Crotty (Creative Commons Confusion Continues to Confound Content Creators); Patrick Dunleavy (Poor citation practices are continuing to harm the humanities and social sciences); Stephen Curry (Open access and the direction of travel in scholarly publishing); Phill Jones (What’s Going On in the Library? Part 2: The Convergence of Data Repositories and Library Publishers); and Martin Eve (Macmillan may now offer ‘free access’, but is it really open?). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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Thomson Reuters and University of Melbourne collaborate to advance biomedical research
The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters and the University of Melbourne have announced an initiative to increase the impact of the institution’s research in the life sciences with the implementation of Cortellis Competitive Intelligence, the life sciences industry’s premier source of timely and accurate information on drug pipeline data, patents, companies and the latest industry news. This initiative will ensure that University of Melbourne’s students have access to the highest quality life science content.

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Elsevier publishes six new books on natural disasters and hazards
STM publisher Elsevier has announced the publication of six new books on natural disasters and hazards. Five of the titles are part of the newly developed Elsevier Hazards and Disasters series edited by Dr. John “Jack” Shroder; the sixth title is Learning from the Impacts of Superstorm Sandy by J. Bret Bennington and E. Christa Farmer. All six books will be on display at Elsevier booth # 1813 at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 15-19, in San Francisco.

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Springer adds new publication in political economy to journal portfolio
STM publisher Springer and Il Mulino, the Italian specialist publisher for social sciences and economics, have signed a co-publishing agreement. Starting in January 2015, they will join forces to publish the English-language journal Economia Politica – Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics. The new agreement combines Springer’s worldwide scientific scope with the Italian cultural roots of Il Mulino.

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ProQuest appoints Kristi Marchbanks as Senior VP, Global Sales, Marketing and Customer Experience
ProQuest has named Kristi Marchbanks as its Senior Vice President, Global Sales, Marketing and Customer Experience. In her new role, Marchbanks will lead the development and execution of innovative go-to-market strategies across the ProQuest enterprise. She will be based in ProQuest’s Seattle office.

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SAGE acquires two international education titles from Manchester University Press, expands engineering portfolio
Academic publisher SAGE has announced the purchase of International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education (IJEEE) and the International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education (IJMEE), both previously published by Manchester University Press. The purchase of both journals is effective from Volume 51, Issue 4 (IJEEE), and Volume 42, Issue 4 (IJMEE) due to be published to complete the 2014 Volume year.

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Wolters Kluwer Health announces Asian launch of UpToDate Anywhere
Healthcare information provider Wolters Kluwer Health has announced the Asian launch of UpToDate Anywhere and its first deployment in Asia by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center in Thailand. UpToDate Anywhere enables hospitals and healthcare organisations to provide clinicians with mobile access to UpToDate, the acclaimed evidence-based clinical decision support (CDS) resource.

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IOP Publishing is now CrossMark and FundRef compliant
IOP Publishing as announced that it is now compliant with two CrossRef initiatives, FundRef and CrossMark. FundRef provides an easy way for funders to see the articles that have been published from the research they funded. Supporting a standard way of reporting across the scholarly publishing arena, it also helps researchers to acknowledge their funding sources.

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Oxford University Press launches new OA journal – Virus Evolution
Academic publisher Oxford University Press (OUP) has announced the launch of a new open access journal, Virus Evolution. The journal is led by Editors-in-Chief, Professor Oliver Pybus, University of Oxford, and Professor Santiago Elena, Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas (CSIC-UPV).

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Credo announces new publisher partnerships, unveils new subject collections
Information skills solutions provider Credo has announced new partnerships with six renowned reference publishers and the launch of several new Publisher and Subject Collections. Highly respected publishers ABDO, National Geographic Books, Baker Publishing Group and Crossway are the latest to partner with Credo to offer their top tier reference content to libraries.

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Thomson Reuters and Chinese Academy of Sciences identify the hottest, emerging fields in scientific research
The Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters has released ‘Research Fronts 2014: 100 Top Ranked Specialties in the Sciences and Social Sciences,’ an annual report identifying prominent areas of scientific research over the past year. The study identifies the top 100 hottest fields of scientific research and 44 emerging research fronts, based on a comprehensive analysis of scientific literature citations.

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NFAIS selects Tim Collins, President & CEO of EBSCO Industries, to receive 2015 Miles Conrad Award
The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS), a leading membership association for the information services industry, has announced that Tim Collins, President and CEO of EBSCO Industries, has been selected to receive the NFAIS 2015 Miles Conrad Award. The 2015 Miles Conrad Award, long considered the information industry’s premier annual honour for achievement in fostering the growth of information services, is being given to Tim Collins for his long-time leadership role in the information services community and for growing EBSCO Industries into one of the largest private companies in the United States.

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Springer and Simula launch new book series, Simula SpringerBriefs on Computing
STM publisher Springer and Simula have launched a new book series, Simula SpringerBriefs on Computing, which aims to provide introductions to select research in computing. The series presents both a state-of-the-art disciplinary overview and raises essential critical questions in the field. Published by SpringerOpen, all Simula SpringerBriefs on Computing are open access, allowing for faster sharing and wider dissemination of knowledge.

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Reinier de Graaf Hospital in The Netherlands becomes first healthcare organisation in Europe to deploy UpToDate Anywhere
Healthcare information provider Wolters Kluwer Health has announced that the oldest hospital in the Netherlands, Reinier de Graaf Hospital, has become the first healthcare organisation in Europe to deploy UpToDate® Anywhere. The hospital now provides clinicians with mobile access to the acclaimed evidence-based clinical decision support resource via the UpToDate app.

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Altmetric ‘Top 100’ highlights topical academic research from 2014
Alternative metrics provider Altmetric LLP recently reviewed 100 academic papers that received the most online attention in 2014 – and the conversations happening around them. The list provides a detailed overview of the published research articles that have generated the largest amount of sharing and discussion across mainstream and social media, blogs, peer-review forums, platforms such as Reddit and YouTube, and bookmarking sites.

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London Book Fair announces Mexico Market Focus Professional Programme for LBF 2015
The London Book Fair (LBF), in partnership with The Publishers Association (PA), and CONACULTA and CANIEM in Mexico, has announced the Mexico Market Focus Professional Programme for LBF 2015. The programme was announced in London at the Mexico Market Focus: Rights Forum hosted by The London Book Fair, British Council and The Publishers Association.

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Nature Publishing Group partners with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation to launch npj Breast Cancer journal
Scientific publisher Nature Publishing Group is joining forces with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) to publish npj Breast Cancer, an open access research journal which will help understand, prevent, treat and cure the world’s second most common cancer. The journal will publish high quality research that is online-only, and free to access, enabling academics, clinicians and patients to stay up to date with the latest research on the subject.

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Springer to publish new official journal of the Italian Economic Association
STM publisher Springer has announced that it will publish the new official journal of the Italian Economic Association, the Italian Economic Journal. Articles have already been published online on SpringerLink. The first print issue will be compiled in March 2015.

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SAGE acquires 19 journals from Baywood Publishing Company, strengthens social and health science journals collection
Academic publisher SAGE has announced the purchase of 19 journals from Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. With this acquisition, SAGE will publish journals in counselling, gerontology & aging, health & healthcare, education and anthropology, beginning in 2015.

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ALPSP appoints Pippa Smart as Editor of Learned Publishing
The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) has announced the appointment of Pippa Smart as Editor of their journal Learned Publishing with immediate effect. Pippa will be joined by the recently appointed North American Editor, Judy Luther from Informed Strategies.

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De Gruyter implements CCC’s licensing solution for readers to republish or reuse content
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC) has announced that academic publisher De Gruyter has implemented CCC’s RightsLink, a technology solution that allows visitors to the De Gruyter website to license journal content quickly and easily for republishing or reuse. De Gruyter publishes over 1,300 new titles each year in the humanities, sciences, medicine and law, more than 700 subscription-based or Open Access journals, and a variety of digital products.

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‘Measuring Up: Assessing Use of Digital Repositories and the Resulting Impact’ project receives IMLS grant
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has awarded a $500,000, three-year National Leadership Grant to four partner organisations to perform research and recommend best practices that will improve data collection and information sharing for institutional repositories and digitised collections. The grant project, ‘Measuring Up: Assessing Use of Digital Repositories and the Resulting Impact,’ will investigate the challenges libraries face in producing accurate reports of the use of their digital repositories through web analytics.

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Healio Gastroenterology announces Peer Perspective board
STM publishing company SLACK Incorporated, publisher of Healio Gastroenterology, has announced the selection of its Peer Perspective board for this new publication, launching in January. Published monthly, Healio Gastroenterology will compile the most-read content from and distribute it in a print news magazine reaching 15,000 gastroenterologists and hepatologists in the United States.

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Thomson Reuters’ analysis reveals China’s patent dominance despite stagnant foreign innovation investment
The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters has released research outlining the patent landscape in China, and best practices for developing a strategic outlook on the emerging areas in the country’s portfolio. The new paper, Chinese Corporate Trends and Globalization for IP, identifies not only where China’s output has grown, but where it will go next and the best practices to capitalise on burgeoning areas of innovation.

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Elsevier publishes five new electronics and embedded systems design books
STM publisher Elsevier has announced the publication of five new electronics and embedded systems design books, one of which is Analog Circuit Design Volume Three: Design Note Collection, the next book in the Analog Circuit Design series, edited by Bob Dobkin and John Hamburger. Dobkin has been closely involved in the development of high-performance linear integrated circuits (ICs) for more than 30 years and has generated many industry standard circuits.

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University of Johannesburg selects EBSCO Discovery Service via Innovative’s Encore Duet
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) has announced that South Africa’s University of Johannesburg has implemented EBSCO Discovery ServiceTM (EDS) via Encore Duet, Innovative’s discovery solution. The university chose EDS for a simplified and streamlined search and for the relevant results found in EDS searches.

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Journal of Communication in Healthcare examines communication in the Ebola crisis and other disease outbreaks
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, Media and Engagement in Global Health includes a special themed section on risk communication in the Ebola crisis and other epidemics and emerging disease outbreaks. The issue (Volume 7.4) features many authoritative opinions, interviews, and perspectives on different aspects of the Ebola crisis and risk communication.

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The Open University in the UK selects Ex Libris Alma and Primo
Library automation solutions provider Ex Libris® Group has announced that The Open University (OU) in the UK has selected the Ex Libris Alma® library management service and the Primo® discovery and delivery solution to provide unified resource management and discovery. The Open University also selected the bX® Recommender, a user-facing service that presents article recommendations based on the usage data of millions of users around the world.

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AIDSinfo releases Drug App for iOS and Android devices
AIDSinfo, a collaboration of the US Department of Health and Human Services and the US National Library of Medicine, has announced the release a new app, the AIDSinfo Drug App. Using data from the AIDSinfo Drug Database, the drug app provides information on more than 100 HIV-related approved and investigational drugs. The information, in English and Spanish, is tailored to meet the needs of both healthcare providers and consumers.

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Reprints Desk offers special promotion for ILLiad users
Reprints Desk, Inc., a Research Solutions company and document delivery supplier, announced a limited time promotion for users of ILLiad, the library resource sharing management software from Atlas Systems, Inc. ILLiad users who install Reprints Desk’s document delivery browser plug-in by February 28, 2015 may receive at no cost their selection of two articles valued at up to $100 in total.

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Thomson Reuters and Linguamatics release new solution to advance pharma clinical trial R&D
The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters has announced a collaboration with Linguamatics to advance pharmaceutical clinical trial research and development (R&D) with the launch of Cortellis Informatics Clinical Text Analytics for I2E. The new solution, available through Thomson Reuters Cortellis, a powerful intelligence platform for life science professionals, applies Linguamatics I2E text mining platform to relevant information to assist researchers in finding actionable insights.

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Wolters Kluwer Health integrates Lexicomp Online with Facts & Comparisons Off-Label, VisualDx drug eruption content
Healthcare information provider Wolters Kluwer Health has announced that Lexicomp® OnlineTM, its hospital-wide referential drug information solution, now includes its industry-leading Facts & Comparisons® Off-Label database and VisualDx® drug eruption content. The enhancements are part of an ongoing integration of Wolters Kluwer Clinical Drug Information solutions to deliver to clinicians extensive medication decision support at the point of care.

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Elsevier Foundation announces 2015 grant recipients
The Elsevier Foundation has announced its 2015 grant recipients for the Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries and New Scholars Programs. In total $600.000 has been committed for 2015 that will support various multiyear projects in over 20 countries in the developing world. The Elsevier Foundation is funded by STM publisher Elsevier.

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CRL and partners release revised LIBLICENSE Model License Agreement
The Center for Research Libraries (CRL), in collaboration with several partners, including the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), has released the major upgrade of an important tool for library investment in electronic resources: a revised LIBLICENSE Model License Agreement. The new model license incorporates the best practices of the library profession and the best advice of legal and publishing professionals.

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CABI publishes new book, Soil Carbon, on World Soil Day
CABI has announced that it is publishing Soil Carbon to coincide with World Soil Day. The publication brings together essential evidence and policy opportunities regarding the global importance of soil carbon as a critical component in the natural system. Soil Carbon comes at a time when the debate around soil and climate change, ecology and food security is steadily growing.

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OUP announces January 2015 launch of new OA journal, Neuroscience of Consciousness
Academic publisher Oxford University Press (OUP) has announced the launch of a new Open Access journal, Neuroscience of Consciousness, in partnership with the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC). Professor Anil Seth of the University of Sussex will serve as the Editor-in-Chief.

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Credo appoints John Hutchinson as Vice President, Product
Information skills solutions provider Credo has announced the appointment of John Hutchinson as Vice President, Product. He brings broad experience to a position where he will advance a product portfolio that helps learners of all types develop the information skills they need to succeed in the 21st Century.

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Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Phil Davis (Peak PLOS: Planning for a Future of Declining Revenue); Publishing Technology (How scholarly libraries are funding and cataloguing OA journals); Joseph Esposito (Workflow without Strategy is a Dead End); Joe Wikert (Unlocking the hidden value of archives); and Michael Eisen (Is Nature’s “free to view” a magnanimous gesture or a cynical ploy?). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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Thomson Reuters powers world’s leading university rankings
The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters has announced its collaboration with Times Higher Education to power the latter’s BRICS and Emerging Economies Rankings. Thomson Reuters InCites data, the world’s leading research evaluation platform and home to Global Institutional Profiles, is the benchmarking engine behind this Times Higher Education ranking.

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AAAS selects CCC’ RightsLink for Open Access platform to streamline entire author fee transaction for Science Advances journal
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has chosen the RightsLink for Open Access platform from Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a global licensing and content solutions organisation, to handle Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Science Advances. RightsLink for Open Access streamlines the entire author fee transaction for Open Access charges, page charges, colour charges, and more, giving publishers a robust pricing, discount and collections engine.

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Dr. Sharon Hammes-Schiffer named editor-in-chief of Chemical Reviews
The American Chemical Society (ACS) has announced the appointment of Dr. Sharon Hammes-Schiffer as editor-in-chief of Chemical Reviews, effective January 1, 2015. Hammes-Schiffer is Swanlund Professor of Chemistry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

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EBSCO Information Services selected to 2014 EContent 100 List of Companies that Matter Most in the Digital Content Industry
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) has announced that it has been selected for the EContent 100 List of Companies that Matter Most in the Digital Content Industry. EContent 100 is an annual listing of companies that have had an impact on the digital industry over the past year chosen by a panel of judges. EBSCO has consecutively made it to the EContent 100 since the list was established in 2001.

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St. Luke’s Medical Center-Global City among the first in the Philippines to adopt UpToDate
Healthcare information provider Wolters Kluwer Health has announced that St. Luke’s Medical Center-Global City is among the first in the Philippines to adopt UpToDate, the evidence-based clinical decision support resource used by over 850,000 clinicians worldwide. Recognised by the Diplomatic Council as one of the best hospitals worldwide, St. Luke’s relies on UpToDate to play a central role in its efforts to consistently provide excellent medical care to residents and visitors to the Republic of the Philippines.

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New content from the Federation of European Microbiological Societies journals goes live with Oxford University Press
Academic publisher Oxford University Press (OUP) has announced that the first new content from the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) journals recently went live following a new contract with the Federation earlier this year. FEMS is a growing organisation with currently 52 member societies from 36 European countries, bringing together around thirty thousand professional microbiologists.

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New Hope Natural Media appoints John Bradley as Content Director and Nutrition Business Journal Editor-in-Chief
New Hope Natural Media, a media resource and information provider for the natural, organic and healthy products industry, has announced that John Bradley has been named content director and editor in chief of Nutrition Business Journal (NBJ). An editorial veteran, Bradley brings more than 20 years experience as a writer, editor and consultant.

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Elsevier announces availability of new Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences
STM publisher Elsevier has announced the availability of its new Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences. The module provides biomedical and life science researchers access to trustworthy reference content updated as science progresses. The new module will be demonstrated on December 8 and December 9 at Elsevier booth #424 at the American Society for Cell Biology annual meeting in Philadelphia.

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EBSCO Information Services appoints Tony Zanders as VP Global Customer Development
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) has announced the appointment of Tony Zanders as Vice President of Global Customer Development. In his new position, Zanders will work to delve deeply into the needs and goals of a wide array of libraries as it relates to optimizing both front and backend software services.

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American Chemical Society names Dr. Thomas M. Connelly as new CEO
The American Chemical Society (ACS) Board of Directors has named Dr. Thomas M. Connelly, Jr., executive vice president and chief innovation officer at DuPont, as the Society’s next executive director and chief executive officer (CEO), effective February 17, 2015. Connelly succeeds Madeleine Jacobs, who is retiring after 11 years as CEO and a total of 24 years with ACS.

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Springer rebrands journal Naturwissenschaften as The Science of Nature
STM publisher Springer has announced that starting January 2015, the journal Naturwissenschaften – The Science of Nature will have a new name. By switching the title and subtitle, it will be known as The Science of Nature and thus be more identifiable to the international scientific community. Maintaining the German subtitle Naturwissenschaften will provide a sense of identity to the journal’s distinguished 100-year history.

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IOP Publishing’ new Convergent Science Physical Oncology journal to bring together all researchers in the field of the physics of cancer
Non-profit scientific publisher IOP Publishing has announced the launch of Convergent Science Physical Oncology journal. The journal claims to be the first and only interdisciplinary title dedicated to bringing together all researchers in the field of the physics of cancer. From oncologists, cancer biologists, patient advocates, pharmacologists and physicists, to scientists working in biophysics, mathematics, chemistry and bioengineering, the journal will help researchers address the major questions and barriers in cancer research.

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Lippincott ‘Inspired Nurses’ Calendar to benefit Honor A Nurse program
Information and point-of-care solutions provider Wolters Kluwer Health has announced that each sale of the 2015 Lippincott Solutions Inspired Nursing Calendar will benefit Honor A Nurse. Created by the American Nurses Foundation (ANF), Honor A Nurse publicly acknowledges registered nurses who have made a difference in the lives of others.

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The State Library of New South Wales selects Ex Libris and Axiell Solutions
Library automation solutions provider Ex Libris Group has announced that the State Library of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia has adopted a suite of Ex Libris solutions—comprising the Alma® library management solution, the Primo® discovery and delivery solution, and the Rosetta digital asset management and preservation system—and Axiell Group’s Adlib Archive to manage its archival collections. These solutions replace multiple legacy systems used by the Library.

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