Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Thomson Reuters and BMJ Publishing collaborate to optimise peer review process
The IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters has announced a collaboration with British Medical Journals (BMJ), a publisher of healthcare research, to optimise the efficiency of the article peer-review process and solve the industry-wide problem of reviewer fatigue by utilizing ScholarOne Reviewer Locator, an extension of ScholarOne Manuscripts, the innovative peer-review and online submission program for scholarly publishers.

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Elsevier forms Materials Science Council to support efforts of materials science research community worldwide
STM publisher Elsevier has announced that, together with leading experts in the field, it has established the Elsevier Materials Science Council, a discipline-specific initiative to raise the profile and support the efforts of the materials science research community across the globe. Over the next three years, in close coordination with Elsevier, the Council will undertake a raft of activities to help support the materials science research community.

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Retraction Watch and PRE partner to support journals and editors in providing quality content
Retraction Watch, launched in 2010 in an effort to increase the transparency of the retraction process among scholarly publication, and PRE (Peer Review Evaluation), which was formed to support publishers in promoting trust and transparency related to peer review, will work together to share information related to article retractions. Services by both Retraction Watch and PRE are efforts to assist the scholarly community by promoting best practices in journal publishing.

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Digital Science’s managing director Timo Hannay to feature in ALPSP’s Masters In Publishing Series
Digital Science’s managing director Timo Hannay will be interviewed as part of ALPSP’s Masters In Publishing Series. The series aims to provide an in-depth look at leaders in the industry whose innovations are charting new courses and whose successes are built on both taking and managing risk. The inclusion of an interactive online discussion means that the events offer a unique opportunity to participate in conversations with leading innovators in scholarly publishing.

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IOS Press announces 2015 journal prices
STM publisher IOS Press has released its 2015 journal pricelist, which is available at Commencing its publishing activities in 1987, IOS Press serves the information needs of scientific and medical communities worldwide. The journal program now consists of more than 100 international, peer-reviewed journals on subjects ranging from computer science and mathematics to medicine and the natural sciences.

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SHARE launches brand identity
The SHared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE) has unveiled a logo and brand that reflects the initiative’s values and goals. SHARE is a higher education and research community initiative to ensure the preservation of, access to, and reuse of research outputs. SHARE aims to make the inventory of research assets more discoverable and more accessible, and to enable the research community to build upon these assets in creative and productive ways.

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Reprints Desk announces availability of multilingual user interface for its Article Galaxy platform
Reprints Desk, Inc. has announced the availability of a multilingual user interface (UI) for its flagship research technology product, ArticleGalaxy. The new user interface expands the number of supported languages from English to Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Spanish and French languages, providing users with access in the language they prefer to powerful article search capabilities, a simple document delivery order form, and historical order information.

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Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Glyn Moody (Open Access definitions vary but authors must be reminded that giving up copyright is just folly); Kent Anderson (Exhibition Prohibition — Why Shouldn’t Publishers Celebrate an Improved Impact Factor?); Joe Wikert (How book publishers can build a compelling direct channel); David Crotty (When Crises Collide: The Tension Between Null Results and Reproducibility); and Mike Shatzkin (What makes books different). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.


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Data Pub: DataUp is Merging with Dash!

DataUp is Merging with Dash!

Exciting news! We are merging the DataUp tool with our new data sharing platform, Dash.

About Dash

Dash is a University of California project to create a platform that allows researchers to easily describe, deposit and share their research data publicly. Currently the Dash platform is connected to the UC3 Merritt Digital Repository; however, we have plans to make the platform compatible with other repositories using protocols such as SWORD and OAI-PMH. The Dash project is open-source and we encourage community discussion and contribution to our GitHub repository/site.

About the Merge

There is significant overlap in functionality for Dash and DataUp (see below), so we will merge these two projects to enable better support for our users. This merge is funded by an NSF grant (available on eScholarship) supplemental to the DataONE project.

The new service will be an instance of our Dash platform (to be available in late September), connected to the DataONE repository ONEShare. Previously the only way to deposit datasets into ONEShare was via the DataUp interface, thereby limiting deposits to spreadsheets. With the Dash platform, this restriction is removed and any dataset type can be deposited. Users will be able to log in with their Google ID (other options being explored). There are no restrictions on who can use the service, and therefore no restrictions on who can deposit datasets into ONEShare, and the service will remain free. The ONEShare repository will continue to be supported by the University of New Mexico in partnership with CDL/UC3. 

The NSF grant will continue to fund a developer to work with the UC3 team on implementing the DataONE-Dash service, including enabling login via Google and other identity providers, ensuring that metadata produced by Dash will meet the conditions of harvest by DataONE, and exploring the potential for implementing spreadsheet-specific functionality that existed in DataUp (e.g., the best practices check). 

Benefits of the Merge

  • We will be leveraging work that UC3 has already completed on Dash, which has fully-implemented functionality similar to DataUp (upload, describe, get identifier, and share data).
  • ONEShare will continue to exist and be a repository for long tail/orphan datasets.
  • Because Dash is an existing UC3 service, the project will move much more quickly than if we were to start from “scratch” on a new version of DataUp in a language that we can support.
  • Datasets will get DataCite digital object identifiers (DOIs) via EZID.
  • All data deposited via Dash into ONEShare will be discoverable via DataONE.

FAQ about the change

What will happen to DataUp as it currently exists?

The current version of DataUp will continue to exist until November 1, 2014, at which point we will discontinue the service and the website will be redirected to the new service. The DataUp codebase will still be available via the project’s GitHub repository.

Why are you no longer supporting the current DataUp tool?

We have limited resources and can’t properly support DataUp as a service due to a lack of local experience with the C#/.NET framework and the Windows Azure platform.  Although DataUp and Dash were originally started as independent projects, over time their functionality converged significantly.  It is more efficient to continue forward with a single platform and we chose to use Dash as a more sustainable basis for this consolidated service.  Dash is implemented in the  Ruby on Rails framework that is used extensively by other CDL/UC3 service offerings.

What happens to data already submitted to ONEShare via DataUp?

All datasets now in ONEShare will be automatically available in the new Dash discovery environment alongside all newly contributed data.  All datasets also continue to be accessible directly via the Merritt interface at

Will the same functionality exist in Dash as in DataUp?

Users will be able to describe their datasets, get an identifier and citation for them, and share them publicly using the Dash tool. The initial implementation of DataONE-Dash will not have capabilities for parsing spreadsheets and reporting on best practices compliance. Also the user will not be able to describe column-level (i.e., attribute) metadata via the web interface. Our intention, however, is develop out these functions and other enhancements in the future. Stay tuned!

If you’re looking for help with spreadsheets, we have pulled together some resources: 

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2014 ALPSP Award winners announced
The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) has announced the winners of the 2014 ALPSP Awards. The winners were announced at the ALPSP International Conference dinner on September 11 at the Park Inn Heathrow Hotel and Conference Centre, London, UK. The Council of ALPSP presented the ALPSP Award for Contribution to Scholarly Publishing 2014 to Fred Dylla in recognition of his efforts to develop and implement creative solutions for broadening access to scholarly publications.

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Elsevier and SEEI launch Elsevier-SEEI Center of Academic Research Evaluation
STM publisher Elsevier and the Shanghai Education Evaluation Institute (SEEI) have announced the launch of the Elsevier-SEEI Center of Academic Research Evaluation (CARE). The announcement was made during an opening ceremony held at in Xuhui, Shanghai, within the Centre for Higher Education Development and Assessment.

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Wolters Kluwer Health partners with Visible Body to offer 3D anatomy educational solutions
Healthcare information provider Wolters Kluwer Health has announced a partnership with Visible Body, producer of an award-winning suite of 3D anatomy education solutions, to distribute their web-based and mobile products via its Ovid medical research platform for institutions globally. Visible Body is an entity of Argosy Publishing.

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IEEE announces call for authors for IEEE Life Sciences Letters
Technical professional organisation IEEE has announced a call for authors for IEEE Life Sciences Letters (LSL), a peer reviewed open-access digital journal planned for publication Q1 2015. IEEE LSL will serve the global life sciences community as a forum for rigorous yet rapid review and publication of high-quality manuscripts bringing together the brightest minds in the industry and their contributions to advance the life sciences field.

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IMLS awards $9.2 million to improve library services in the US
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has announced grants for 51 library projects, totalling $9,291,441, that will advance library and archives practice by addressing challenges in the field and by testing and evaluating innovations. The projects were selected from 212 applications through the IMLS National Leadership Grants for Libraries and Sparks! Ignition Grants for Libraries programs, requesting more than $14.6 million and matched with $7,154,135 in non-federal funds.

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Free Selected Full Text Articles – Just joined us: Royal Society of Chemistry!

ChemWeb members now have access to selected full-text articles from Chemistry publishers, including Wiley, Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, and recently added, Royal Society of Chemistry. Members can download a selection of articles covering a broad range of topics direct from the pages of some of the most respected journals in Chemistry. Explore some of the latest research or highly cited articles. Not yet a ChemWeb member? Membership is free, and registration takes just a minute.

Under The Alchemist’s gaze this week chilling news of three-particle systems, a new poop test for C diff, a newly discovered immune switch, how to recycle tracking water, simpler nano wires and an Indian first for chemistry.


Our flagship journal is dedicated to publishing findings of exceptional significance from across the chemical sciences. From January 2015, Chemical Science will move to Gold Open Access, with all Article Processing Charges waived for at least two years. Free to read, free to submit – find out more here.


Chilling news

Even at conditions close to absolute zero atoms can interact and manage to form chemical bonds, according to work done by researchers at the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland. A team there has formulated a theory to describe the properties of so-called Efimov states, in which three-particle systems might be stable even though two-particle systems at these temperatures are not. The theory should allow scientists to predict the rates of chemical processes involving three atoms – or even more – using only information about the interacting forces involved.

Poop sniff test

It’s a dirty job, but nobody’s got to do it any more. Researchers from the University of Leicester, UK, have developed an electronic nose that can sniff out the chemical signs of disease in a feces sample. The system based on mass spectrometry can detect the chemical signature of the potentially deadly microbe Clostridium difficile, which is a serious health concern in hospitals and elsewhere. Writing in the journal Metabolomics, the team explains that the same system might be able to detect different strains. Some forms of C diff cause stomach pain and diarrhea other, but there are strains that can be lethal, particularly in vulnerable patients.

Immune switch

Researchers at the University of Bristol, UK, have discovered how cells in the immune system switch from being aggressive to actually protecting against disease, the finding could be important in our understanding of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. The work may one day lead to an intervention that deactivate the cells that are attacking healthy body tissues in such diseases, which also include the likes of type 1 diabetes, Graves’ disease and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Recycling fracking water

Fracking, hydraulic fracturing, is one of the most controversial technologies for extracting fossil fuels from within the Earth’s crust. Concerns abound regarding its putative effects on the environment not least because of the chemicals involved and the pollution it can generate. Now, researchers at Rice University in Texas are hoping to find a solution to the problem of recycling fracking water. The team has analyzed “produced” water from three underground shale gas formations that have been subject to fracking and tested amounts of total carbon (TC), non-purgable organic carbon (NPOC) and total inorganic carbon (TIC) in the samples. Andrew Barron and colleagues provide details of the implications of their work in the aptly named journal Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts.

Simpler nanowires

A “simple” one-step method for growing germanium nanowires from aqueous solution for use in making the next generation of lithium-ion rechargeable batteries has been developed by researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Jay Switzer and colleagues discovered that their well-known electrodeposition technique for nano construction was not thermodynamically feasible for growing nanowires from aqueous solutions so they turned to liquid metal electrodes for the present work; a technique devised by Stephen Maldonado’s team at the University of Michigan. Electrochemical liquid-liquid-solid process allowed them to reduce indium tin oxide (ITO) to indium nanoparticles in a solution containing germanium(IV) dioxide and then to crystallize the nanowires from this mixture.

Indian first

Thomas John Colacot is the first Indian-born chemist to win the American Chemical Society’s prestigious Award in Industrial Chemistry. Colacot is the global R&D manager for homogenous catalysis at Johnson Matthey, directing research in US, UK and in India. The award recognizes recognize his outstanding contribution to the development and commercialization of widely used ligands and pre-catalysts for metal-catalyzed organic synthesis, particularly cross-couplings.


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STM Annual Frankfurt Conference 2014 scheduled for October 7
The International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers (STM) has announced that its Annual Frankfurt Conference is scheduled for October 7, 2014. Attracting leading figures from across scholarly and professional publishing, the event provides a program focused on strategic thinking, public policy, business models and key drivers shaping the future of the STM industry.

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Nurses and Healthcare Institutions accepting professional use of online reference and mobile technology, says Wolters Kluwer Health survey
Wolters Kluwer Health, a global provider of information and point-of-care solutions for the healthcare industry, has announced the results of a new survey that looks at the mobile device, Internet, and social media usage habits of nurse practitioners. According to the findings, nurses are increasingly relying on mobile devices, social media and the Internet.

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7th ALPSP International Conference begins
The 7th ALPSP International Conference started September 10, 2014. The event witnessed an enormous increase in registrations as against last year. Nineteen countries are represented from a mix of publishers, vendors, technology suppliers and librarians.

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American Chemical Society presents Congress with agenda of critical, unfinished science legislation
Now that Congress has returned from recess, the American Chemical Society (ACS) has identified key areas of unfinished science legislation that if implemented would greatly benefit the US economy, prepare youth for high-paying jobs and ensure America remains globally competitive. The American Chemical Society is a non-profit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress.

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Allen Press and ReadCube partner for discovery of Pinnacle content
Publishing services provider Allen Press, Inc. has announced an agreement with Boston-based publishing technology company ReadCube to enhance content hosted on its Pinnacle online publishing platform. Over 66,000 articles from Allen Press’ platform have been indexed by ReadCube’s Discover service and enhanced for discoverability on ReadCube’s web, desktop, and mobile reading portals, plus search engines and recommendation feeds.

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Figshare and Arkivum announce partnership
Figshare and Arkivum, the provider of large scale, long term, safe digital archiving solutions, have announced a partnership to provide a solution covering the full spectrum of funder-mandated research data requirements for UK academic institutions. Arkivum has an established reputation offering the only archiving solution that provides guaranteed data integrity via a fully-managed and simple to use service for research data within academic institutions.

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Scope e-Knowledge Center to exhibit at Frankfurt Book Fair 2014
Scope e-Knowledge Center (Scope), a leading provider of knowledge services and a Quatrro Global Services company, has announced its participation at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2014 from October 8-12, 2014. Scope is pleased to welcome attendees to Booth # L83, Hall 4.2. Scope also invites attendees to attend its presentation at the “Hot Spot” session on the topic of improving semantic linkages in Hall 4.2 on October 8 at 10.00 am.

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Elsevier selects Clinical Architecture’s Symedical for enhanced Order Set integration
STM publisher Elsevier has selected Symedical, Clinical Architecture’s comprehensive terminology management system, as a system to support the mapping of orderable item catalogues for implementations of InOrder. InOrder by Elsevier is an intuitive, cloud-based order set solution that enables physicians, clinical quality improvement leaders and other clinicians to author, review and manage order sets in a collaborative environment.

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SAGE launches new OA journal – Multiple Sclerosis Journal – Experimental, Translational and Clinical
Academic publisher SAGE has launched Multiple Sclerosis Journal – Experimental, Translational and Clinical as an open access (OA) peer reviewed journal. The OA companion to Multiple Sclerosis Journal, this new publication publishes across the broad spectrum of MS related issues including experimental, translational and clinical topics.

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Researchers can now connect their ORCID identifiers with PlumX profile
Researchers can now easily connect with their scholarly activities and contribution while also tracking the metrics from their work by using the combination of Open Research and Contributor ID (ORCID) and PlumX, from Plum Analytics, an EBSCO company. The integration of the two services allows all of the metrics from the public work associated with a particular ORCID identifier to be collected when the identifier is added to a PlumX profile.

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CCC to integrate Ringgold Identify database into RightsLink for Open Access
Global licensing and content solutions organisation Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC) has partnered with Ringgold, the authority on institutional identification, to integrate the Ringgold Identify database into CCC’s RightsLink for Open Access platform to host and execute institution-specific pricing rules. CCC is Ringgold’s first partner to use its institutional identifiers specifically to simplify the collection, management, and reporting of publication charges.

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Max Planck authors can now publish their research in PeerJ at no cost to themselves
PeerJ, an open access publisher of scholarly articles in the biological, life & medical sciences, has announced that the Max Planck Society has signed a publishing plan deal with PeerJ, which entitles any Max Planck author to publish their research in PeerJ at no cost to themselves. With this announcement, thousands of authors in over 80 Max Planck institutes now have the ability to publish their peer-reviewed articles in PeerJ without needing to pay a fee.

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Mayo Clinic and IBM to pilot Watson to improve clinical trial research
Mayo Clinic and IBM have announced plans to pilot Watson, the IBM cognitive computer, to match patients more quickly with appropriate clinical trials. A proof-of-concept phase is currently underway, with the intent to introduce it into clinical use in early 2015. Researchers hope the increased speed also will speed new discoveries.

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Royal College of Surgeons of England in deal with Atypon for Literatum to power their online journals
Atypon, a provider of software to the scientific and scholarly publishing industry, has announced that Royal College of Surgeons of England has signed an agreement with Atypon for Literatum to power their online journals. The Royal College of Surgeons of England chose the Literatum platform to manage, deliver and monetise their content and provide more valuable features to librarians and readers.

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Radiological Society of North America to preserve e-journals with Portico
Digital preservation specialist Portico has announced that the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) will be preserving its e-journals, Radiology and RadioGraphics, with Portico. With this deal, RSNA seeks to ensure that their content will be secure and available into the future. RSNA is based in Oak Brook, Illinois.

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New Thomson Reuters report reveals positive outlook for pharmaceutical industry and key insights into current trends
The Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters has released its annual synopsis of pharmaceutical industry trends in its 2014 Pharmaceutical R&D Factbook, compiled by CMR International, a Thomson Reuters business and world leader in global pharmaceutical R&D performance metrics. The report found a number of positive trends across the biopharmaceutical landscape that contradict industry perceptions of a decline in R&D productivity.

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JournalGuide initiates new verified status to help researchers identify trusted journals
JournalGuide – a free tool created by Research Square to help researchers choose the best journal for their manuscript – has added a new designation to its database to help authors identify the most reputable publishing options. Journals with this new Verified status are confirmed to be included in at least one high-value index or vetted by more than one subject-specialized index, saving researchers time and energy comparing multiple websites and formats to validate the coverage of a journal.

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Springer celebrates 50 years of operation in the United States
STM publisher Springer Science+Business Media celebrated 50 years of operations in the United States on September 8, 2014. While the founding of the company dates back to 1842 in Berlin, it was not until the mid-20th century that Springer had an official US branch of operations. The motivations behind the expansion to North America in 1964 were the same as those that fuel Springer’s activities today – scientific progress.

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Dr. Bibiana Campos-Seijo to head Chemical & Engineering News as vice president and editor-in-chief
The American Chemical Society (ACS) has announced that Dr. Bibiana Campos-Seijo will head Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) as vice president and editor-in-chief. She will begin her duties at ACS’ weekly newsmagazine in December 2014. C&EN is the weekly newsmagazine and the official organ of ACS.

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SEALS Consortium in South Africa selects EBSCO Discovery Service via Innovative’s Encore Duet
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) has announced that member libraries in the SEALS Consortium, located in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, have selected EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) via Innovative’s Encore Duet. The SEALS Consortium includes Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, University of Fort Hare, Walter Sisulu University and Rhodes University.

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Cambridge University Press to publish Antiquity journal from 2015
Academic publisher Cambridge University Press has announced that it is partnering with Antiquity Publications Ltd to publish the journal Antiquity from 2015. Antiquity is a peer-reviewed journal of world archaeology. The journal covers all periods and subjects from the earliest humans to the present day. The journal is edited by Chris Scarre, Professor of Archaeology at Durham University, and will be expanding from 4 to 6 issues per volume in 2015.

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Global Transportation Milestone: New UC Davis-China Accord to Accelerate Zero Emission Vehicles

Conventional vehicles and fuels are choking the world’s cities, literally and figuratively. A newly signed UC Davis-China accord represents a landmark in international collaboration on clean car adoption.
Read ITS-Davis Founding Director Daniel Sperling‘s account of the China-U.S. ZEV Policy Lab in the latest GreenLight blog.
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PA and IPG to launch revised charter, website and network for Equality in Publishing scheme
The Publishers Association (PA) and the Independent Publishers Guild (IPG) will launch a revised charter, website and network for the Equality in Publishing (Equip) scheme next week, with the aim of attracting the best people possible into the industry. As well as the renewed charter, which aims to ‘create a network of businesses with a commitment to equality and diversity in publishing’, and website, Equip is also staging a series of events over the coming months to discuss diversity in publishing.

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Elsevier set to publish ESCMID’s flagship journals
STM publisher Elsevier has announced an agreement with the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) to publish its flagship journals, Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI) and New Microbes & New Infections (NMNI), beginning January 1, 2015. Established in 1995, CMI is widely recognized as one of the premier international journals in the field.

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SAGE journals report strong performance in 2013 Citation Reports
Academic and professional publisher SAGE has reported strong performance across its journals portfolio in the 2013 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) (Thomson Reuters, 2014). SAGE continues to experience consistent growth in its coverage in the reports, with 470 JCR-indexed journals. This illustrates a 55 percent increase over the past five years – a 47 percent increase in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and an 85 percent increase in the Science Citation Index (SCI), with SCI having significantly increased as a result of the acquisition of the Royal Society of Medicine’s 28 journals in 2012.

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OCLC awarded IMLS grant to help libraries continue to support community health initiatives
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has awarded OCLC a grant to continue work helping libraries support health information initiatives in their communities. In July 2013,OCLC received an IMLS grant to increase libraries’ ability to respond to customer health information needs, launching the ‘Health Happens in Libraries ‘program. IMLS is supporting an expansion of that effort with a $199,050 grant to OCLC.

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Dr. Meredith Niles appointed to PLOS Board of Directors
Open-access journal PLOS (Public Library of Science) has announced that Dr. Meredith Niles will join the PLOS Board of Directors, effective September 5, 2014. PLOS will benefit from her significant expertise in legislative affairs, her passion for Open Access and her experience as a working scientist.

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Publisher Adam Matthew to release 3D Energy Data Visualization Tool for 30-day free access
Adam Matthew, an award winning publisher of digital primary source collections for the humanities and social sciences, is enabling free public access for one month to its innovative ‘Energy Data Visualisation Tool’, which uses the latest web-based information visualisation techniques to represent a vast array of data on global energy use. Users will now be able to access global energy reserves, production and consumption data and explore the huge growth in renewables between 1965 and 2012.

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Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Joseph Esposito (The Arms Race in Journals Publishing Heats Up); Christopher Lortie (The citation revolution will not be televised: the end of papers and the rise of data); Jon Tennant (AAAS Chooses Not To Advance Open Access); and Kent Anderson (Well, Blow Me Down — A Tale of Spinach, Citations, Nutrition, Epistemology, and Cognitive Ease). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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SAGE articles now available through British Library Document Supply
The British Library has entered into a partnership with SAGE to offer articles from its full journal collection through the British Library’s Document Supply service. SAGE publishes over 700 journals on behalf of over 290 leading societies within the humanities, social sciences, technology and medical fields.

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Elsevier launches Open Access Journal – Analytical Chemistry Research
STM publisher Elsevier has announced the launch of open access journal – Analytical Chemistry Research. Published as a quarterly journal and adding to Elsevier’s expanding Analytical Chemistry portfolio of journals, Analytical Chemistry Research will publish papers detailing fundamental research on all aspects of analytical theory and methodology.

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Wolters Kluwer Health announces Latin American launch of UpToDate Anywhere
Healthcare information provider Wolters Kluwer Health has announced the Latin American launch of UpToDate® Anywhere and its deployment by Unimed Vale do Caí. UpToDate Anywhere enables hospitals and healthcare organisations to provide clinicians with mobile access to UpToDate®, the acclaimed evidence-based clinical decision support resource.

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Denmark to integrate ORCID across local CRIS and national systems
Denmark has announced that it will actively drive engagement with ORCID in their community by integrating ORCID across local CRIS and national systems. Six out of Denmark’s eight universities, all university colleges, and a consortium of research institutions signed a consortium agreement with ORCID in August and launched their integration project on 1 September, 2014.

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IOS Press announces continuous growth of Impact Factors
Academic publisher IOS Press has announced that its journal Impact Factors continue to increase, according to the 2013 Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) released by Thomson Reuters © 2014. Thirty IOS Press journals are currently included in the JCR, with 50 percent of titles showing an increase.

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The LIBISnet Library Network in Belgium goes live with Ex Libris Alma
Library automation solutions provider Ex Libris Group has announced that Ex Libris Alma is live at the LIBIS library network of 33 independent member organisations which includes the historic KU Leuven and its Association, as well as archives, museums, parliaments, and other specialised libraries. An Alma Development Partner, the LIBIS network has worked closely with Ex Libris for the past five years to refine the vision and priorities for Alma, which has now been selected by over 360 institutions worldwide.

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UK research secures new national data centre
Research in the UK has been given a boost this week as specialist data centre provider, Infinity, secured a five year framework agreement with Janet, the UK’s national research and education network, provided by Jisc. The deal sees the creation of a Jisc data centre to support the requirements for academic research and will be the first shared data centre for medical and academic research in the UK.

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DataSalon launches free dataset of academic & research organisations
DataSalon has announced the launch of OrgRef, an open dataset of academic & research organisations which is free for anyone to use, and available to download now from the OrgRef website. OrgRef extracts structured information about organisations from Wikipedia and other existing open resources.

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The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Selects Silverchair for ARVO Journals
Silverchair Information Systems has announced that the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) has selected Silverchair to relaunch its three peer-reviewed journals, Journal of Vision (JOV), Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS), and Translational Vision Science & Technology (TVST) on Silverchair’s SCM6 online publishing platform.

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