Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

EBSCO announces expansion of eBook Collection with the release of 12 new Subject Sets
EBSCO Information Services has announced the release of 12 new EBSCO eBooks Subject Sets, which increases the total number of subject sets to more than 200. The subject sets are offered to libraries in convenient collections grouped by subject matter. Subject Sets are pre-packaged sets of titles from leading publishers in specific, high-interest topics designed to meet the needs of libraries while simplifying collection development.

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New edition of CAB Thesaurus published
The 2014 edition of the CAB Thesaurus, which covers agriculture, life sciences, human health, and related subjects, was published on July 21, 2014. The web site at has been updated and the new thesaurus has been integrated in all of CABI’s publishing processes.

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OUP and American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery partner to publish Aesthetic Surgery Journal
Academic publisher Oxford University Press (OUP) has announced its new partnership with the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). Beginning in 2015, OUP and ASAPS will work together to publish Aesthetic Surgery Journal (ASJ). ASJ is an official publication of ASAPS and the official English-language journal of more than a dozen major international societies of cosmetic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgery.

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Registration now open for ARL Fall Forum on Scholarly Monograph
Registration is now open for the ARL Fall Forum 2014, ‘Wanted Dead or Alive—The Scholarly Monograph,’ to be held in Washington, DC, on October 9. The program will explore the future of the scholarly monograph. The forum will feature a keynote address by Laura Mandell, director of the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture at Texas A&M University.

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Helicon Books announces new EPUB online preview products for digital publishers and ebook store owners
Ebook production house Helicon Books has announced that its two new products – EPUB Preview and Createpreview – allow digital book store owners and publishers to display a preview of an EPUB file in an online viewer window or create a shorter version of the book for an eBook version. The new online Preview invented by Helicon Books enables the display of a reader-like window allowing users to page through the first few chapters of a book.

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First OSA Local Section founded in the UK
The Optical Society (OSA) has announced the formation of the London OSA Local Section, the first local section of the society located in the United Kingdom. The London OSA Local Section was recently approved by the OSA Member and Education Services Council and will serve the London area in England. OSA Fellow Azizur Rahman of City University London will serve as president of this section, which is a self-governing organisation with its own officers and bylaws.

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New ICIS Power Index simplifies complex wholesale energy prices
ICIS, the independent authority on global energy markets, has launched the ICIS Power Index (IPI), which provides UK energy users, commercial buyers and policy-makers with a simple way to see wholesale energy price trends that impact the retail market. The IPI is based on daily trade data for a whole year of delivery, which helps prevent confusion caused by seasonal price trends.

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Synthesis Update from Morgan & Claypool Publishers

The following titles were published in June & July.



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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

EndNote collaborates with Science Hack Day to bring global event to Russia
Thomson Reuters EndNote, the software for researchers, librarians and students to find, publish and manage bibliographies, citations and references, has announced a collaboration with Science Hack Day, a global grassroots movement aimed at empowering scientific innovation, to bring the first Science Hack Day to Russia. The event will be held in St. Petersburg, August 22-24 at Quiet Place, a coworking space dedicated to advancing science and technology in Russia.

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American Chemical Society to use New RightsLink for Open Access platform to manage article processing charges for its publications
Global licensing and content solutions organisation Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC) has announced that the American Chemical Society (ACS) is the first publisher to implement its next generation RightsLink® for Open Access platform to manage article processing charges (APCs) for ACS Open Access (OA) publications. ACS, the world’s largest scientific society, is a congressionally chartered independent membership organisation that represents professionals at all degree levels and in all fields of chemistry and sciences that involve chemistry.

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IOP 2015 Product Catalogue and prices for customers based outside of the Americas now available
Non-profit scientific publisher IOP Publishing (IOP) has announced that its 2015 Product Catalogue and prices for customers based outside of the Americas are now available on its Librarian Channel. The Product Catalogue is available online to allow IOP to reduce its environmental impact. However, a print/save-on-demand function is available for customers wanting a printed version.

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Gary Dunham named director of Indiana University Press and Digital Publishing
Gary Dunham, a leader and innovator in academic publishing for two decades, has been appointed director of Indiana University Press and Digital Publishing. The announcement was made by Executive Vice President and IU Bloomington Provost Lauren Robel. Dunham brings with him an academic’s passion for books combined with a deep understanding of the editorial process to the position.

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Direct Textbook revamps app to slash textbook costs by up to 90 percent
Direct Textbook has announced the release of its revamped mobile app, which lets college students instantly compare textbook prices from hundreds of online stores. The new version of the Direct Textbook app introduces a barcode scanner that makes it easier than ever for students to find the lowest textbook prices and save an average of 50 percent – and up to 90 percent – on textbook costs.

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NMC Horizon Report for Libraries

The New Media Consortium (NMC) in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences (HTW) Chur, the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), Hannover, and ETH-Bibliothek Zurich are releasing the NMC Horizon Report > 2014 Library Edition at a special session of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) World Library and Information Congress 80th General Conference and Assembly. This is the first edition of the NMC Horizon Report that delves into the realm of academic and research libraries in a global context.

The report describes findings from the NMC Horizon Project, an ongoing research project designed to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have an impact on teaching, learning, and creative inquiry. Six key trends, six significant challenges, and six emerging technologies are identified across three adoption horizons over the next one to five years, giving library leaders and staff a valuable guide for strategic technology planning. The format of the report was designed to provide these leaders with more in-depth insight into how the trends and challenges are accelerating and impeding the adoption of technology, along with their implications for policy, leadership, and practice.

“Education professionals across the world have used the higher education editions of the NMC Horizon Report for years as a springboard for discussion around important trends and challenges,” says Larry Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of the NMC and co-principal investigator for the project. “Finally we have been able to produce a report aimed directly at the needs of academic and research libraries — and what we have found is that academic and research libraries are leveraging new technology in some very important and creative ways.”

Key Trends Accelerating Technology Adoption for Academic and Research Libraries
The NMC Horizon Report > 2014 Library Edition identifies “Increasing Focus on Research Data Management for Publications” and “Prioritization of Mobile Content and Delivery” as fast trends driving changes in academic and research libraries over the next one to two years. The “Evolving Nature of the Scholarly Record” and “Increasing Accessibility of Research Content” are mid-range trends expected to accelerate technology use in the next three to five years; and “Continual Progress in Technology, Standards, and Infrastructure” and the “Rise of New Forms of Multidisciplinary Research” are long-range trends that will be impacting libraries for five years and beyond.

“The trends identified by the expert panel indicate that libraries are doing a better job at making their content and research accessible, whether through mobile apps, enriched catalogs, linking data, and user friendly websites or by creating more spaces and opportunities for discovery,” notes Rudolf Mumenthaler, Professor for Library Science at HTW Chur and co-principal investigator for the report. “The outcomes of the report are very compelling and it is an honor for HTW Chur to be deeply involved in this project.”

Significant Challenges Impeding Technology Adoption In Academic and Research Libraries
A number of challenges are acknowledged for presenting barriers to the mainstream use of technology in academic and research libraries. “Embedding Academic and Research Libraries in the Curriculum” and “Rethinking the Roles and Skills of Librarians” are perceived as solvable challenges — those which we both understand and know how to solve. “Capturing and Archiving the Digital Outputs of Research as Collection Material” and “Competition from Alternative Avenues of Discovery” are considered difficult challenges, which are defined as well understood but with solutions that are elusive. Described as wicked challenges are “Embracing the Need for Radical Change” and “Maintaining Ongoing Integration, Interoperability, and Collaborative Projects,” which are complex to define, much less address.

“ETH-Bibliothek is proud to be a partner of this report,” shares Andreas Kirstein, Vice Director and Head of Media and IT Services at ETH-Bibliothek, and co-principal investigator of the project. “By articulating some of the most daunting challenges that academic and research libraries face, we are already making progress toward solving them.”

Important Developments in Technology for Academic and Research Libraries
Additionally, the report identifies “Electronic Publishing” and “Mobile Apps” as technologies expected to enter mainstream use in the first horizon of one year or less. “Bibliometrics and Citation Technologies” along with “Open Content” are seen in the second horizon of two to three years; “The Internet of Things” as well as “Semantic Web and Linked Data” are seen emerging in the third horizon of four to five years.

The subject matter in this report was identified through a qualitative research process designed and conducted by the NMC that engages an international body of experts in libraries, education, technology, research, business, and other fields around a set of research questions designed to surface significant trends and challenges and to identify emerging technologies with a strong likelihood of adoption in academic and research libraries. The NMC Horizon Report > 2014 Library Edition details the areas in which these experts were in strong agreement.

“This first library edition of the Horizon Report marks some important evolutionary steps,” says Lambert Heller, head of Open Science Lab at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), Hannover and co-principal investigator of the project. “Academic and research libraries are now being seen as incubators for experimenting with emerging technologies and are even leading the way at many university campuses across the world.”

The NMC Horizon Report > 2014 Library Edition is available online, free of charge, and is released under a Creative Commons license to facilitate its widespread use, easy duplication, and broad distribution.

> Download the Report (PDF)

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AHRC and British Library’s two-year research project to explore future of academic books
The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the British Library are launching a two-year research project which will explore the future of the academic books in the context of open access publishing and continuing digital change. Dr Samantha Rayner, Director of the Centre for Publishing at the University College London (UCL) will lead the project ‘Communities of Practice: The Academic Book of the Future’.

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Wolters Kluwer Health announces its participation in NLM’s Emergency Access Initiative
Wolters Kluwer Health has announced its participation in the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) Emergency Access Initiative (EAI) by providing 55 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) medical, nursing and allied health specialty journals during a four week free access period from August 14 – September 11, 2014. The move is in response to the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa that has been called an international public health emergency by the World Health Organization.

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ProQuest Flow releases add-on to interoperate with Google Docs
ProQuest FlowTM, a cloud-based research management solution, has released an add-on to interoperate with Google Docs. The new add-on expands the collaborative writing capabilities of Google Docs by integrating the document management tools of Flow during the authoring phase of research.

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DynaMed appoints Dr. Kevin Loughlin as Deputy Editor of Oncology and Hematology
DynaMed from EBSCO Health has announced the appointment of Dr. Kevin Loughlin as the new DynaMed Deputy Editor of Oncology and Hematology. Dr. Loughlin brings extensive credentials and significant experience in the field to the tool from EBSCO Health. Dr. Loughlin is senior surgeon and a staff urologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard University Health Services, and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

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Springer announces new book series Healthy Ageing and Longevity
As the longevity of the world’s population continues to increase, the challenges accompanying this become more complex and touch nearly every aspect of society. STM publisher Springer has therefore launched a new book series, Healthy Ageing and Longevity, to address issues related to this achievement. The new series seeks to inform researchers and practitioners across a wide spectrum of disciplines.

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IFLA and LIBER sign new Memorandum of Understanding
The International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions (IFLA) and LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Both parties will work together to advance these interests, with a special emphasis on frameworks that foster text and data mining, research data sharing, access to content and digital preservation, in particular in Europe where they have overlapping interests.

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COAR joins global coalition calling on STM Association to withdraw new model licenses
Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), along with numerous other organisations, is a signatory to a letter calling on the STM Association to withdraw their model licences for open access. The organisation is calling on publishers to use Creative Commons licenses, which are already well-established and well-recognized by the community.

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Wolters Kluwer Health announces impact factor gains across its Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and Medknow open access portfolio
Wolters Kluwer Health has announced impact factor gains across its prestigious Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) journal portfolio and Medknow open access portfolio with the release of the latest Impact Factor (IF) scores and specialty rankings, based on the 2013 Journal Citation Reports® (JCR), (Thomson Reuters). The Medknow open access journal portfolio continues to gain influence globally with 58 percent of the 23 titles listed in the JCR enjoying an increase in their IF rating over the previous year. For LWW’s 198 titles listed in the JCR Rankings, 52 percent of the journals had gains over the previous year with 20 titles increasing 25 percent or more.

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Thomson Reuters releases comprehensive disease profile on Ebola Virus disease
The Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters has released a comprehensive disease profile on Ebola Virus Disease that includes a detailed analysis of two new treatments in the pipeline and two experimental candidates approaching development. The Thomson Reuters Ebola Disease Briefing is available free of charge through its LS Research website, a resource providing researchers with the latest news on disease insights and developing treatments, through reports and biological pathway maps.

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CHORUS-Portico deal to support preservation requirements of U.S. Federal OSTP Policy
The not-for-profit digital archive Portico and CHORUS (Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States) have entered into an agreement to support the preservation requirements of the policy memorandum released in February 2013 by the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). This policy directs United States federal agencies to develop plans to make articles reporting on the research they fund freely available to the public immediately or after an embargo period, and highlights requirements needed to ensure long-term access to this research through preservation.

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University of Virginia opts for EBSCO Discovery Service API for better search retrieval and customer support
University of Virginia, one of the top research academic institutions in the US, has migrated to the EBSCO Discovery ServiceTM (EDS) API for better search retrieval as well as customer support. By implementing the EDS API with the libraries’ Blacklight-driven interface, University of Virginia is able to use its own website applications for a discovery user interface and still provide users with all the functionality offered in EBSCO Discovery Service.

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Cengage Learning recognized for technology innovation as 2014 Ebbies Awards finalist
Honored for its role as an innovator among Bay Area technology leaders, Cengage Learning was named as a finalist in the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce’s 2014 Excellence in Business Awards (Ebbies) for MindTap. MindTap is a cloud-based learning environment that makes it possible for students to learn from anywhere 24/7 using their preferred mobile device.

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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

International Publishers Association releases new report on electronic legal deposit
The International Publishers Association (IPA) has released a new report on electronic legal deposit. The new report reveals how policies and processes are being developed and implemented which allow digital content, whether in the form of e-books, journals, blogs or website content, to be collected and archived.

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Elsevier announces 2013 Journal Impact Factor highlights
STM publisher Elsevier has announced the highlights of its journal Impact Factor performance in 2013. According to the 2013 Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) published by Thomson Reuters, Elsevier saw 61 percent of its journal Impact Factors increase from 2012 to 2013, well ahead of the aggregate across all other journals at 55 percent. Furthermore, 21 percent of Elsevier journals are in the top 10 percent of their subject category.

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John Wiley & Sons to provide free access to biomedical literature in support of Ebola outbreak relief efforts in West Africa
Publisher John Wiley & Sons will provide free access to biomedical literature in support of the Ebola outbreak relief efforts in West Africa, aiding responders across the affected population. As part of this initiative, Wiley is partnering with the Emergency Access Initiative (EAI), which includes the National Library of Medicine, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, and the Professional/Scholarly Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers.

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Updated edition of Spinal Deformities now available
Scientific and medical publisher Thieme has announced the publication of the second edition of Spinal Deformities, a concise overview of current key principles and practices used in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal deformities. Each chapter of this introductory text begins with The Essentials, a bulleted list that summarizes the most important concepts presented, providing busy surgeons, residents, and fellows with a quick refresher before surgery.

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NLM offers free access to books and journals for healthcare professionals fighting Ebola outbreak
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Emergency Access Initiative (EAI) has been activated to support healthcare professionals working on the Ebola public health emergency in West Africa. The EAI is a collaborative partnership between NLM and participating publishers to provide free access to full-text from over 650 biomedical journals and over 4,000 reference books and online databases to healthcare professionals and libraries affected by disasters.

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Nano Today receives record high impact factor
Singapore-based Nano Today, a nanoscience and nanotechnology journal published by Elsevier, has received a record high impact factor of 18.432 in 2013, up from 17.689 in 2012, according to the Journal Citation Reports® published by Thomson Reuters last month. The scientific journal is one of the highest impact publications across nanoscience and nanotechnology, materials science and chemistry.

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Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Ted Bergstrom (Secrets of journal subscription prices: For-profit publishers charge libraries two to three times more than non-profits); David Crotty (In Science, Should the Majority Rule?); Cameron Neylon (The rise and rise of Creative Commons: Over 1.2M CC Licensed Scholarly Articles); Stephen Curry (Who governs science?); and Rick Anderson (Housecleaning at the Directory of Open Access Journals). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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ITS-Davis: The Hydrogen Transition

The Hydrogen Transition, a new ITS-Davis white paper by Joan Ogden and her team details the convergence of new factors propelling an international market rollout of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, including:
  • Technical progress
  • Automaker commercialization plans
  • Low cost natural gas for hydrogen production
  • New strategies for building hydrogen station networks
  • Innovative policies addressing vehicle emissions, climate change, and renewable energy
Learn more with the latest GreenLight blog and video feature

Watch Joan Ogden’s Hydrogen Transition Webinar.
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UC Davis expands ASME Digital Collection access

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is the premier professional membership organization for more than 127,000 mechanical engineers and associated members worldwide. ASME also conducts one of the world’s largest technical publishing operations in the world, offering thousands of titles including some of the profession’s most prestigious journals, conference papers and proceedings, and ASME Press books. The entire collection can be searched via the ASME Digital Collection.
The ASME Digital Collection (, previously known as The ASME Digital Library, is ASME’s repository of current and archival literature and UC Davis is pleased to be able to expand our access to now include:
ASME Journals Front File (2000- )
ASME Journals Archive (1960-1999)
ASME Conference Proceedings (2008- )
ASME Conference Proceedings Archive (2002-2007)
ASME eBooks
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