Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Wolters Kluwer Health releases updates to Sentri7 electronic surveillance solution
Healthcare information provider Wolters Kluwer Health has announced the release of updates to its Sentri7® electronic surveillance solution to improve the efficient and effective management of antimicrobials in hospitals and health systems. The advanced offering will help antimicrobial stewardship teams improve patient care and lower costs by optimizing use of drugs associated with antibiotic-resistant strains.

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The Max Planck Society and De Gruyter in deal to share bibliographical references
The Max Planck Society, which runs a large number of research institutes throughout Germany and beyond, and academic publisher De Gruyter have reached an agreement to share bibliographical data. Under the agreement, De Gruyter will provide the Max Planck Society with bibliographical records for all of its past and future publications on language and linguistics.

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Reprints Desk, Inc. launches Article Galaxy Widget, accelerates scientific discovery by simplifying lowest cost
Reprints Desk, Inc., a Research Solutions company and document delivery supplier, has officially launched its Article Galaxy Widget, a time-saving tool that provides web browser access to scientific, technology and medical (STM) research articles indexed by more than 50 popular search sites and discovery databases, like Google Scholar, PubMed, ResearchGATE, Web of Science and Scopus, as well as numerous publisher websites. Launched as beta version in June 2014, Article Galaxy is already in use at dozens of research-oriented organisations where it has received widespread praise and appreciation for its ease-of-use and advanced functionality.

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Boopsie for Libraries announces tremendous growth in 2014
Boopsie, Inc., the leading mobile platform-as-a-service provider for libraries worldwide, demonstrated a tremendous surge of momentum in 2014. Among other achievements, the company has grown its customer base by more than 30 percent over the previous year.

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Almost half of IT staff in HE are not involved in the delivery of transnational education by their own institution overseas, says report
Almost half of IT staff in higher education (HE) are not involved in the delivery of transnational education (TNE) by their own institution overseas, according to a joint report by Jisc and the Observatory of Borderless Higher Education (OBHE). The research – which was designed to uncover the current state of TNE in UK HE institutions – found that 45 percent of IT staff were in the dark regarding TNE activities.

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CGG’s Multi-Physics Business Line now fully operational
CGG, a fully integrated Geoscience company, has confirmed that its new Multi-Physics Business Line is now up and running within its Acquisition Division. The new Business Line combines all of CGG’s Airborne capabilities with its GravMag Solutions business.

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