Webinar: “Actual Results May Vary”: A Behavioral Review of Eco-Driving for Policy Makers

 “Actual Results May Vary”: A Behavioral Review of Eco-Driving for Policy Makers
Thursday July 30, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM PDT
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Please join us for the upcoming webinar on Thursday, July 30th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. PDT entitled “Actual Results May Vary”: A Behavioral Review of Eco-Driving for Policy Makers. 
The webinar will feature a presentation from  Ken Kurani and Angela Sanguinetti of the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis. Our speakers will address how driver behavior has largely been treated as random error to be eliminated from fuel economy policy, but that precedent is now changing. The presentation will provide a summary of eco-driving research on passenger vehicles, and the implications of this research on designing effective policy interventions that achieve both fuel savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions.
Following the short presentation will be a Q & A session with the participants.
The webinar builds upon the soon-to-be-released white paper from the National Center for Sustainable Transportation entitled: “Actual Results May Vary: A behavioral Review of Eco-Driving for Policy Makers”.
Laura Podolsky, Policy Director
National Center for Sustainable Transportation
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