Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 125 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 125 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus

First 25 of 125 results

Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Influence of MPEP (a selective mGluR5 antagonist) on the anticonvulsant action of novel antiepileptic drugs against maximal electroshock-induced seizures in mice Zolkowska, D., Kondrat-Wrobel, M.W., Florek-Luszczki, M., Luszczki, J.J. 2016 Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry ,
65 pp. 172 – 178 .
2 . Where and how index insurance can boost the adoption of improved agricultural technologies Carter, M.R., Cheng, L., Sarris, A. 2016 Journal of Development Economics ,
118 pp. 59 – 71 .
3 . Regulation and localization of vascular endothelial growth factor within the mammary glands during the transition from late gestation to lactation VanKlompenberg, M.K., Manjarín, R., Donovan, C.E., Trott, J.F., Hovey, R.C. 2016 Domestic Animal Endocrinology ,
54 pp. 37 – 47 .
4 . Cell-secreted matrices perpetuate the bone-forming phenotype of differentiated mesenchymal stem cells Hoch, A.I., Mittal, V., Mitra, D., Vollmer, N., Zikry, C.A., Leach, J.K. 2016 Biomaterials ,
74 pp. 178 – 187 .
5 . Faults simulations for three-dimensional reservoir-geomechanical models with the extended finite element method Prévost, J.H., Sukumar, N. 2016 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids ,
86 pp. 1 – 18 .
6 . The industrial revolution: A cliometric perspective Clark, G. 2016 Handbook of Cliometrics ,
pp. 197 – 235 .
7 . Self-assembled 20-nm 64Cu-micelles enhance accumulation in rat glioblastoma Seo, J.W., Ang, J., Mahakian, L.M., Tam, S., Fite, B., Ingham, E.S., Beyer, J., Forsayeth, J., Bankiewicz, K.S., Xu, T., Ferrara, K.W. 2015 Journal of Controlled Release ,
220 pp. 51 – 60 .
8 . Molecular models of site-isolated cobalt, rhodium, and iridium catalysts supported on zeolites: Ligand bond dissociation energies Chen, M., Serna, P., Lu, J., Gates, B.C., Dixon, D.A. 2015 Computational and Theoretical Chemistry ,
1074 pp. 58 – 72 .
9 . The impact of spatial resolution on the classification of plant species and functional types within imaging spectrometer data Roth, K.L., Roberts, D.A., Dennison, P.E., Peterson, S.H., Alonzo, M. 2015 Remote Sensing of Environment ,
171 pp. 45 – 57 .
10 . Correlation between numerical simulation and limited data experimental technique for estimation of nitrogen flowing in LMMHD loop Goswami, M., Kumar, S., Munshi, P. 2015 Flow Measurement and Instrumentation ,
46 pp. 80 – 86 .
11 . New directions: Atmospheric chemical mechanisms for the future Kaduwela, A., Luecken, D., Carter, W., Derwent, R. 2015 Atmospheric Environment ,
122 pp. 609 – 610 .
12 . New insights into the bioavailability of red raspberry anthocyanins and ellagitannins Ludwig, I.A., Mena, P., Calani, L., Borges, G., Pereira-Caro, G., Bresciani, L., Del Rio, D., Lean, M.E.J., Crozier, A. 2015 Free Radical Biology and Medicine ,
89 pp. 758 – 769 .
13 . How specific is CRISPR/Cas9 really? O’Geen, H., Yu, A.S., Segal, D.J. 2015 Current Opinion in Chemical Biology ,
29 pp. 72 – 78 .
14 . Technical Report: TG-142 compliant and comprehensive quality assurance tests for respiratory gating Woods, K., Rong, Y. 2015 Medical Physics ,
42 ( 11 ) pp. 6488 – 6497 .
15 . Dichlorvos exposure results in large scale disruption of energy metabolism in the liver of the zebrafish, Danio rerio Bui-Nguyen, T.M., Baer, C.E., Lewis, J.A., Yang, D., Lein, P.J., Jackson, D.A. 2015 BMC Genomics ,
16 ( 1 ) , art. no. 853
16 . MDTraj: A Modern Open Library for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Trajectories McGibbon, R.T., Beauchamp, K.A., Harrigan, M.P., Klein, C., Swails, J.M., Hernández, C.X., Schwantes, C.R., Wang, L.-P., Lane, T.J., Pande, V.S. 2015 Biophysical Journal ,
109 ( 8 ) pp. 1528 – 1532 .
17 . Dual congenital transmission of Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis neurona in a late-term aborted pup from a chronically infected southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) SHAPIRO, K., MILLER, M.A., PACKHAM, A.E., AGUILAR, B., CONRAD, P.A., VANWORMER, E., MURRAY, M.J. 2015 Parasitology13 p.
Article in Press
18 . Genome-wide DNA methylome variation in two genetically distinct chicken lines using MethylC-seq Li, J., Li, R., Wang, Y., Hu, X., Zhao, Y., Li, L., Feng, C., Gu, X., Liang, F., Lamont, S.J., Hu, S., Zhou, H., Li, N. 2015 BMC Genomics ,
16 ( 1 ) , art. no. 851
19 . Hepatic insulin resistance following chronic activation of the CREB coactivator CRTC2 Hogan, M.F., Ravnskjaer, K., Matsumura, S., Huising, M.O., Hull, R.L., Kahn, S.E., Montminy, M. 2015 Journal of Biological Chemistry ,
290 ( 43 ) pp. 25997 – 26006 .
20 . The hybrid doctor–patient relationship in the age of technology – Telepsychiatry consultations and the use of virtual space Yellowlees, P., Richard Chan, S., Burke Parish, M. 2015 International Review of Psychiatry14 p.
Article in Press
21 . Training in the Conduct of Population-Based Multi-Site and Multi-Disciplinary Studies: the Cancer Research Network’s Scholars Program Buist, D.S.M., Field, T.S., Banegas, M.P., Clancy, H.A., Doria-Rose, V.P., Epstein, M.M., Greenlee, R.T., McDonald, S., Nichols, H.B., Pawloski, P.A., Kushi, L.H. 2015 Journal of Cancer Education10 p.
Article in Press
22 . The neural circuitry supporting goal maintenance during cognitive control: a comparison of expectancy AX-CPT and dot probe expectancy paradigms Lopez-Garcia, P., Lesh, T.A., Salo, T., Barch, D.M., MacDonald, A.W., Gold, J.M., Ragland, J.D., Strauss, M., Silverstein, S.M., Carter, C.S. 2015 Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience12 p.
Article in Press
23 . Selection of suitable reference genes for normalization of quantitative RT-PCR in peripheral blood samples of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Chen, I.-H., Chou, L.-S., Chou, S.-J., Wang, J.-H., Stott, J., Blanchard, M., Jen, I.-F., Yang, W.-C. 2015 Scientific Reports ,
5 , art. no. 15425
24 . Advanced technologies for the molecular diagnosis of fragile X syndrome Tassone, F. 2015 Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics9 p.
Article in Press
25 . ICU-Acquired Weakness Is Associated With Differences in Clinical Outcomes in Critically Ill Children Field-Ridley, A., Dharmar, M., Steinhorn, D., McDonald, C., Marcin, J.P. 2015 Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Article in Press
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