Society of Women Engineers (SWE) survey

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is conducting a survey of 50,000 professional engineers in the United States and Canada about their experiences in the workplace.  SWE is working with Joan C. Williams, Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of California, Hastings and founding director of the Center for WorkLife Law (WLL), to conduct the survey called Understanding Engineers’ Workplace Experiences.

The survey is open for participation now:

“This survey is designed to strengthen engineering as a profession by providing crucial research about the work lives of those in the field. The goal is to help organizations improve their ability to tap and develop talented engineers,” said Williams.

The survey will be conducted for four weeks beginning on March 7 and is expected to take 15 minutes to complete.  Participants must be 18 years of age or older, currently employed as an engineer or in the same capacity, with at least two years of work experience.

All responses will be kept confidential.

Please take the time to fill out this important survey:

This survey is funded by SWE in partnership with WLL.

Thank you!

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