Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 144 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 144 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 144 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Whiteness improvement of citric acid crosslinked cotton fabrics: H2O2 bleaching under alkaline condition Tang, P., Ji, B., Sun, G. 2016 Carbohydrate Polymers ,
147 pp. 139 – 145 .
2 . Mediating role of self-esteem on the relationship between mindfulness, anxiety, and depression Bajaj, B., Robins, R.W., Pande, N. 2016 Personality and Individual Differences ,
96 pp. 127 – 131 .
3 . Possible role of antioxidants and nitric oxide inhibitors against carbon monoxide poisoning: Having a clear conscience because of their potential benefits Akyol, S., Yuksel, S., Pehlivan, S., Erdemli, H.K., Gulec, M.A., Adam, B., Akyol, O. 2016 Medical Hypotheses ,
92 pp. 3 – 6 .
4 . Gender biased immune-biomarkers in active tuberculosis and correlation of their profiles to efficacy of therapy Chavez, K., Ravindran, R., Dehnad, A., Khan, I.H. 2016 Tuberculosis ,
99 pp. 17 – 24 .
5 . Controlling and maximizing effective thermal properties by manipulating transient behaviors during energy-system cycles Gao, Z., Shih, T.-M., Merlitz, H., Chen, Z. 2016 International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ,
75 pp. 137 – 146 .
6 . Enhanced biological control potential of the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, applied with a protective gel formulation Dito, D.F., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Dunlap, C.A., Behle, R.W., Lewis, E.E. 2016 Biocontrol Science and Technology ,
26 ( 6 ) pp. 835 – 848 .
7 . Grating Couplers with an Integrated Power Splitter for High-Intensity Optical Power Distribution Spuesens, T., Pathak, S., Vanslembrouck, M., Dumon, P., Bogaerts, W. 2016 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters ,
28 ( 11 ) , art. no. 7419230 , pp. 1173 – 1176 .
8 . Identifying environmental justice communities for transportation analysis Rowangould, D., Karner, A., London, J. 2016 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ,
88 pp. 151 – 162 .
9 . MagPairing: Pairing Smartphones in Close Proximity Using Magnetometers Jin, R., Shi, L., Zeng, K., Pande, A., Mohapatra, P. 2016 IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security ,
11 ( 6 ) , art. no. 7347440 , pp. 1306 – 1320 .
10 . Registration of NFTW6001 tall wheatgrass germplasm Trammell, M.A., Butler, T.J., Word, K.M., Hopkins, A.A., Brummer, E.C. 2016 Journal of Plant Registrations ,
10 ( 2 ) pp. 166 – 170 .
11 . Thyroid Hormones and Timing of Pubertal Onset in a Longitudinal Cohort of Females, Northern California, 2006-11 Wilken, J.A., Greenspan, L.C., Kushi, L.H., Voss, R.W., Windham, G.C. 2016 Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology ,
30 ( 3 ) pp. 285 – 293 .
12 . Registration of five pima cotton germplasm lines (Pima SJ-FR05-pima SJ-FR09) with improved resistance to fusarium wilt race 4 and good lint yield and fiber quality Ulloa, M., Hutmacher, R.B., Percy, R., Wright, S.D., Burke, J. 2016 Journal of Plant Registrations ,
10 ( 2 ) pp. 154 – 158 .
13 . Registration of common wheat germplasm with mutations in SBEII genes conferring increased grain amylose and resistant starch content Schönhofen, A., Hazard, B., Zhang, X., Dubcovsky, J. 2016 Journal of Plant Registrations ,
10 ( 2 ) pp. 200 – 205 .
14 . RETHINKING KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION in Africa Adebanwi, W. 2016 Africa ,
86 ( 2 ) pp. 350 – 353 .
15 . Comparative expression profiling reveals a role of the root apoplast in local phosphate response Hoehenwarter, W., Mönchgesang, S., Neumann, S., Majovsky, P., Abel, S., Müller, J. 2016 BMC Plant Biology ,
16 ( 1 ) , art. no. 106
16 . Cell Wall Composition and Underlying QTL in an F1 Pseudo-Testcross Population of Switchgrass Serba, D.D., Sykes, R.W., Gjersing, E.L., Decker, S.R., Daverdin, G., Devos, K.M., Brummer, E.C., Saha, M.C. 2016 Bioenergy Research ,
pp. 1 – 15 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
17 . A Majority of FXTAS Cases Present with Intranuclear Inclusions Within Purkinje Cells Ariza, J., Rogers, H., Monterrubio, A., Reyes-Miranda, A., Hagerman, P.J., Martínez-Cerdeño, V. 2016 Cerebellum ,
pp. 1 – 6 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
18 . Geographical distribution and diversity of maize (Zea mays L. subsp. mays) races in Mexico Orozco-Ramírez, Q., Perales, H., Hijmans, R.J. 2016 Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution ,
pp. 1 – 11 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
19 . Plant biomass and nutrients (C, N and P) in natural, restored and prior converted depressional wetlands in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, U.S. McFarland, E.K., LaForgia, M., Yepsen, M., Whigham, D.F., Baldwin, A.H., Lang, M. 2016 Folia Geobotanica ,
pp. 1 – 17 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
20 . Enhanced transmission of malaria parasites to mosquitoes in a murine model of type 2 diabetes Pakpour, N., Cheung, K.W., Luckhart, S. 2016 Malaria Journal ,
15 ( 1 ) , art. no. 231
21 . Improved Limits on Scattering of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles from Reanalysis of 2013 LUX Data Akerib, D.S., Araújo, H.M., Bai, X., Bailey, A.J., Balajthy, J., Beltrame, P., Bernard, E.P., Bernstein, A., Biesiadzinski, T.P., Boulton, E.M., Bradley, A., Bramante, R., Cahn, S.B., Carmona-Benitez, M.C., Chan, C., Chapman, J.J., Chiller, A.A., Chiller, C., Currie, A., Cutter, J.E., Davison, T.J.R., De Viveiros, L., Dobi, A., Dobson, J.E.Y., Druszkiewicz, E., Edwards, B.N., Faham, C.H., Fiorucci, S., Gaitskell, R.J., Gehman, V.M., Ghag, C., Gibson, K.R., Gilchriese, M.G.D., Hall, C.R., Hanhardt, M., Haselschwardt, S.J., Hertel, S.A., Hogan, D.P., Horn, M., Huang, D.Q., Ignarra, C.M., Ihm, M., Jacobsen, R.G., Ji, W., Kazkaz, K., Khaitan, D., Knoche, R., Larsen, N.A., Lee, C., Lenardo, B.G., Lesko, K.T., Lindote, A., Lopes, M.I., Malling, D.C., Manalaysay, A., Mannino, R.L., Marzioni, M.F., McKinsey, D.N., Mei, D.-M., Mock, J., Moongweluwan, M., Morad, J.A., Murphy, A.S.J., Nehrkorn, C., Nelson, H.N., Neves, F., O’Sullivan, K., Oliver-Mallory, K.C., Ott, R.A., Palladino, K.J., Pangilinan, M., Pease, E.K., Phelps, P., Reichhart, L., Rhyne, C., Shaw, S., Shutt, T.A., Silva, C., Solovov, V.N., Sorensen, P., Stephenson, S., Sumner, T.J., Szydagis, M., Taylor, D.J., Taylor, W., Tennyson, B.P., Terman, P.A., Tiedt, D.R., To, W.H., Tripathi, M., Tvrznikova, L., Uvarov, S., Verbus, J.R., Webb, R.C., White, J.T., Whitis, T.J., Witherell, M.S., Wolfs, F.L.H., Yazdani, K., Young, S.K., Zhang, C. 2016 Physical Review Letters ,
116 ( 16 ) , art. no. 161301
22 . Results on the Spin-Dependent Scattering of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles on Nucleons from the Run 3 Data of the LUX Experiment Akerib, D.S., Araújo, H.M., Bai, X., Bailey, A.J., Balajthy, J., Beltrame, P., Bernard, E.P., Bernstein, A., Biesiadzinski, T.P., Boulton, E.M., Bradley, A., Bramante, R., Cahn, S.B., Carmona-Benitez, M.C., Chan, C., Chapman, J.J., Chiller, A.A., Chiller, C., Currie, A., Cutter, J.E., Davison, T.J.R., De Viveiros, L., Dobi, A., Dobson, J.E.Y., Druszkiewicz, E., Edwards, B.N., Faham, C.H., Fiorucci, S., Gaitskell, R.J., Gehman, V.M., Ghag, C., Gibson, K.R., Gilchriese, M.G.D., Hall, C.R., Hanhardt, M., Haselschwardt, S.J., Hertel, S.A., Hogan, D.P., Horn, M., Huang, D.Q., Ignarra, C.M., Ihm, M., Jacobsen, R.G., Ji, W., Kazkaz, K., Khaitan, D., Knoche, R., Larsen, N.A., Lee, C., Lenardo, B.G., Lesko, K.T., Lindote, A., Lopes, M.I., Malling, D.C., Manalaysay, A., Mannino, R.L., Marzioni, M.F., McKinsey, D.N., Mei, D.-M., Mock, J., Moongweluwan, M., Morad, J.A., Murphy, A.S.J., Nehrkorn, C., Nelson, H.N., Neves, F., O’Sullivan, K., Oliver-Mallory, K.C., Ott, R.A., Palladino, K.J., Pangilinan, M., Pease, E.K., Phelps, P., Reichhart, L., Rhyne, C., Shaw, S., Shutt, T.A., Silva, C., Solovov, V.N., Sorensen, P., Stephenson, S., Sumner, T.J., Szydagis, M., Taylor, D.J., Taylor, W., Tennyson, B.P., Terman, P.A., Tiedt, D.R., To, W.H., Tripathi, M., Tvrznikova, L., Uvarov, S., Verbus, J.R., Webb, R.C., White, J.T., Whitis, T.J., Witherell, M.S., Wolfs, F.L.H., Yazdani, K., Young, S.K., Zhang, C. 2016 Physical Review Letters ,
116 ( 16 ) , art. no. 161302
23 . Rationale and methodology of reprogramming for generation of induced pluripotent stem cells and induced neural progenitor cells Tian, Z., Guo, F., Biswas, S., Deng, W. 2016 International Journal of Molecular Sciences ,
17 ( 4 ) , art. no. 594
24 . Demonstration of cladding-pumped six-core Erbium-doped fiber amplifier Chen, H., Fontaine, N.K., Ryf, R., Jin, C., Huang, B., Shang, K., Essiambre, R.-J., Wang, L., Hayashi, T., Nagashima, T., Sasaki, T., Messaddeq, Y., LaRochelle, S. 2016 Journal of Lightwave Technology ,
34 ( 8 ) , art. no. 7372382 , pp. 1654 – 1660 .
25 . Individualizing therapeutic strategies in acute myeloid leukemia: Moving beyond the ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ approach Jonas, B.A., Medeiros, B.C. 2016 ONCOLOGY (United States) ,
30 ( 4 )
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