Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Elsevier’s new OA journal dedicated to publishing surgical protocols
STM publisher Elsevier has announced the launch of the International Journal of Surgery Protocols (IJS Protocols), an open access journal covering all areas of surgery. The journal will be the first in the surgical field to accept research protocols and related articles and correspondence for publication. The journal is accepting submissions from May 2016 onwards and will begin publishing articles in June 2016.

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New citation category helps assess clinical impact to tell stories of clinical research
Plum Analytics, an EBSCO company, has introduced a new area of citations – Clinical Citations. This will allow clinical and translational science researchers, and those who fund and publish their work, to track the research with the PlumXTM Suite when the work is cited in materials used for clinical purposes.

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SAGE Publishing partners with the Essex Summer School to support Research Methods teaching
Academic publisher SAGE Publishing has announced a partnership with the Essex Summer School to sponsor its coveted workshops on Social Science Data Analysis. As part of this partnership SAGE will be providing strategic support for the workshops as well as offering free access, for 6 months, to all Essex Summer School students to the SAGE Research Methods suite of resources.

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Digital Science to host 2016 ORCID UK members meeting
The first ORCID UK members’ meeting will be held at Digital Science’s London office, The Macmillan Building, 4 Crinan St, London N1 9XW, from 9.00am – 1.00pm on May 26. The meeting will start with an ORCID Town Hall session for members in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (also available via webinar for UK members unable to attend in person and those outside the UK).

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Norway to be Guest of Honour at Frankfurt Book Fair 2019
The Frankfurt Book Fair has announced Norway’s participation as the Guest of Honour of Frankfurt Book Fair 2019. Margit Walsø, Director of NORLA (The Centre for Norwegian Literature Abroad), and Juergen Boos, Director of the Frankfurt Book Fair, signed the contracts in the foyer of the National Theatre, in Oslo, on May 12.

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University of California Press and California Digital Library partner with Collaborative Knowledge Foundation to develop open source monograph publishing platform
California Digital Library and University of California Press have announced their partnership with Collaborative Knowledge Foundation to develop Editoria, a new open source, digital-first book production platform. Supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the University of California Press (UCP) and the California Digital Library (CDL) have embarked on a project to build an open source platform for content and workflow management of book-length works.

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Theme for 2016 International Open Access Week to be ‘Open in Action’
In conjunction with this year’s Open Access Week Advisory Committee, SPARC has announced the theme for this year’s 9th International Open Access Week, to be held October 24-30. The theme for 2016 will be ‘Open in Action.’ International Open Access Week has always been about action, and this year’s theme encourages all stakeholders to take concrete steps to make their own work more openly available and encourage others to do the same.

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