Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 164 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 164 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 164 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Assessment of sanitation efficacy against Escherichia coli O157:H7 by rapid measurement of intracellular oxidative stress, membrane damage or glucose active uptake Cossu, A., Le, P., Young, G.M., Nitin, N. 2017 Food Control,
71 pp. 293 – 300 .
2 . On the formation of context-based person impressions Huang, L.M., Sacchi, D.L., Sherman, J.W. 2017 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ,
68 pp. 146 – 156 .
3 . Steric effects and aurophilic interactions in crystals of Au<inf>2</inf>(μ-1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane)X<inf>2</inf> and Au<inf>2</inf>(μ-1,2-bis(dicyclohexylphosphino)ethane)X<inf>2</inf> (X = Cl, Br, I) Walters, D.T., England, K.R., Ghiassi, K.B., Semma, F.Z., Olmstead, M.M., Balch, A.L. 2016 Polyhedron ,
117 pp. 535 – 541 .
4 . Evidential significance of automotive paint trace evidence using a pattern recognition based infrared library search engine for the Paint Data Query Forensic Database Lavine, B.K., White, C.G., Allen, M.D., Fasasi, A., Weakley, A. 2016 Talanta ,
159 pp. 317 – 329 .
5 . Impact of biochar amendment on soil water soluble carbon in the context of extreme hydrological events Wang, D., Griffin, D.E., Parikh, S.J., Scow, K.M. 2016 Chemosphere,
160 pp. 287 – 292 .
6 . Plant high-throughput phenotyping using photogrammetry and imaging techniques to measure leaf length and rosette area An, N., Palmer, C.M., Baker, R.L., Markelz, R.J.C., Ta, J., Covington, M.F., Maloof, J.N., Welch, S.M., Weinig, C. 2016 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture ,
127 pp. 376 – 394 .
7 . Lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor (LOX-1) in sickle cell disease vasculopathy Chen, M., Qiu, H., Lin, X., Nam, D., Ogbu-Nwobodo, L., Archibald, H., Joslin, A., Wun, T., Sawamura, T., Green, R. 2016 Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases ,
60 pp. 44 – 48 .
8 . The effects of acute stress on core executive functions: A meta-analysis and comparison with cortisol Shields, G.S., Sazma, M.A., Yonelinas, A.P. 2016 Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews ,
68 pp. 651 – 668 .
9 . A new protoparvovirus in human fecal samples and cutaneous T cell lymphomas (mycosis fungoides) Phan, T.G., Dreno, B., da Costa, A.C., Li, L., Orlandi, P., Deng, X., Kapusinszky, B., Siqueira, J., Knol, A.-C., Halary, F., Dantal, J., Alexander, K.A., Pesavento, P.A., Delwart, E. 2016 Virology ,
496 pp. 299 – 305 .
10 . A multivariate cure model for left-censored and right-censored data with application to colorectal cancer screening patterns Hagar, Y.C., Harvey, D.J., Beckett, L.A. 2016 Statistics in Medicine ,
35 ( 19 ) pp. 3347 – 3367 .
11 . Characterization of Pajaroellobacter abortibovis, the etiologic agent of epizootic bovine abortion Brooks, R.S., Blanchard, M.T., Clothier, K.A., Fish, S., Anderson, M.L., Stott, J.L. 2016 Veterinary Microbiology,
192 pp. 73 – 80 .
12 . Tracking the origins and diet of an endemic island canid (Urocyon littoralis) across 7300 years of human cultural and environmental change Hofman, C.A., Rick, T.C., Maldonado, J.E., Collins, P.W., Erlandson, J.M., Fleischer, R.C., Smith, C., Sillett, T.S., Ralls, K., Teeter, W., Vellanoweth, R.L., Newsome, S.D. 2016 Quaternary Science Reviews ,
146 pp. 147 – 160 .
13 . How variation between individuals affects species coexistence Hart, S.P., Schreiber, S.J., Levine, J.M., Coulson, T. 2016 Ecology Letters ,
19 ( 8 ) pp. 825 – 838 .
14 . Benchmarking novel approaches for modelling species range dynamics Zurell, D., Thuiller, W., Pagel, J., Cabral, J.S., Münkemüller, T., Gravel, D., Dullinger, S., Normand, S., Schiffers, K.H., Moore, K.A., Zimmermann, N.E. 2016 Global Change Biology ,
22 ( 8 ) pp. 2651 – 2664 .
15 . Transmission of influenza reflects seasonality of wild birds across the annual cycle Hill, N.J., Ma, E.J., Meixell, B.W., Lindberg, M.S., Boyce, W.M., Runstadler, J.A., Blasius, B. 2016 Ecology Letters ,
19 ( 8 ) pp. 915 – 925 .
16 . Hired farmworkers in the US: Demographics, work organisation, and services Reid, A., Schenker, M.B. 2016 American Journal of Industrial Medicine ,
59 ( 8 ) pp. 644 – 655 .
17 . Red-Phosphor-Dot-Doped Array in Mirror-Surface Substrate Light-Emitting Diodes Xiao, H., Lu, Y., Chai, C., Wang, Y., Shih, T.-M., Chen, Z. 2016 Journal of Display Technology ,
12 ( 8 ) , art. no. 7422654 , pp. 873 – 877 .
18 . Gravitropisms and reaction woods of forest trees – evolution, functions and mechanisms Groover, A. 2016 New Phytologist ,
211 ( 3 ) pp. 790 – 802 .
19 . How do clinicians prefer cultural competence training? Findings from the DSM-5 cultural formulation interview field trial Aggarwal, N.K., Lam, P., Castillo, E.G., Weiss, M.G., Diaz, E., Alarcón, R.D., Van Dijk, R., Rohlof, H., Ndetei, D.M., Scalco, M., Aguilar-Gaxiola, S., Bassiri, K., Deshpande, S., Groen, S., Jadhav, S., Kirmayer, L.J., Paralikar, V., Westermeyer, J., Santos, F., Vega-Dienstmaier, J., Anez, L., Boiler, M., Nicasio, A.V., Lewis-Fernández, R. 2016 Academic Psychiatry ,
40 ( 4 ) pp. 584 – 591 .
20 . Using a lipidomics approach for nutritional phenotyping in response to a test meal containing gamma-linolenic acid Cajka, T., Davis, R., Austin, K.J., Newman, J.W., German, J.B., Fiehn, O., Smilowitz, J.T. 2016 Metabolomics,
12 ( 8 ) , art. no. 127
21 . Effects of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device on the immune microenvironment of the human cervix and endometrium Shanmugasundaram, U., Hilton, J.F., Critchfield, J.W., Greenblatt, R.M., Giudice, L.C., Averbach, S., Seidman, D., Shacklett, B.L., Smith-McCune, K. 2016 American Journal of Reproductive Immunology ,
76 ( 2 ) pp. 137 – 148 .
22 . Stability and Change in Self-Esteem During the Transition to Parenthood Bleidorn, W., Buyukcan-Tetik, A., Schwaba, T., van Scheppingen, M.A., Denissen, J.J.A., Finkenauer, C. 2016 Social Psychological and Personality Science ,
7 ( 6 ) pp. 560 – 569 .
23 . Could raising the minimum wage improve the public’s health? Leigh, J.P. 2016 American Journal of Public Health,
106 ( 8 ) pp. 1355 – 1356 .
24 . Evidence-based Medicine in Facial Plastic Surgery: Current State and Future Directions Dedhia, R., Hsieh, T.-Y., Tollefson, T.T., Ishii, L.E. 2016 Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America ,
24 ( 3 ) pp. 265 – 274 .
25 . Repeated concussions: Time to spur action among vulnerable veterans Uchendu, U.S., Omalu, B.I., Cifu, D.X., Egede, L.E. 2016 American Journal of Public Health,
106 ( 8 ) pp. 1366 – 1368 .
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