Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Wiley provides free access to latest Zika research to coincide with events in Brazil
Global publisher Wiley has announced that it has made available all of its published Zika content on one to coincide with events in Brazil, a territory that has seen increased cases of Zika Virus recently. Access will be freely available until September 30.

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American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society launches OA journal – Foot and Ankle Orthopaedics
The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) has launched Foot & Ankle OrthopaedicsTM (FAO), an open access journal dedicated to the orthopaedic care and treatment of patients with foot and ankle conditions. FAO joins the Society’s flagship journal Foot & Ankle International® (FAI). Both are published by SAGE Publishing.

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McGraw-Hill Education and Science Impact Limited to preserve e-journals and e-books with Portico
McGraw-Hill Education has entered into an agreement with Portico to preserve its AccessScience articles, as well as its e-book library, ensuring that they will be secure and available into the future. AccessScience is an award-winning online resource covering all major scientific disciplines with high quality reference materials, primary sources, videos, and curriculum maps for teachers. In a related announcement, Portico announced Science Impact Limited will also be preserving its e-publications with Portico.

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Publons partners with BMJ Open to recognise reviewers
Publons, a website and free service for researchers to share, discuss and receive credit for peer review of academic publication, has partnered with BMJ Open, one of the world’s premier open journals, to recognise the critical work their reviewers do defending science and research. Publons helps track, verify and showcase reviewing and editing efforts across all of the world’s journals – making sure efforts put on the front lines of science don’t go unnoticed.

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Evan Owens, VP of Publishing Technologies at Cenveo Publisher Services, elected to Board of Directors at NISO
Cenveo Publisher Services, a division of Cenveo, Inc., has announced the election of Evan Owens, VP of Publishing Technologies, to a three-year term on the board of directors at NISO (National Information Standards Organization). Owens is a returning board member whose insight, technical knowledge, and contributions have made a significant impact on NISO’s success over the past three years.

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Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Angela Cochran (Nuts and Bolts: The Super Long List of Things to Do When Starting a New Journal); Joseph Esposito (For Scholarly Communications, Double-dipping is Double the Fun); Candy Gibson (Academic opinion in 60 seconds? #LSEBrexitVote videos prove to be a powerful tool in a visual, time-poor world.); Byron Russell (Open Access – the democratisation of Knowledge. Really?); and Miranda Wilson-Wood (The future for science post-Brexit). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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