Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Elsevier to publish OA journal, Engineering, in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Engineering
STM publisher Elsevier has been selected to publish Engineering, an open access journal published in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The journal is now available on ScienceDirect. Zhihua Zhong, from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Raj Reddy, Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, serve as the Co-Editors-in-Chief of the journal.

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American Chemical Society announces plans to establish ‘ChemRxiv’ preprint server to promote early research sharing
The American Chemical Society (ACS) has announced its intention to form ChemRxiv, a chemistry preprint server for the global chemistry community, proposed as a collaborative undertaking that will facilitate the open dissemination of important scientific findings. The Society is presently in the process of inviting interested stakeholders to participate in helping to shape the service ahead of its anticipated launch.

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Wolters Kluwer expands UpToDate coverage to 24 specialties
The Health division of Wolters Kluwer, a leading global provider of information and point-of-care solutions for the healthcare industry, has announced that it has added sleep medicine to UpToDate®, its evidence-based clinical decision support resource. Sleep medicine marks the 24th medical specialty available to subscribing clinicians and healthcare institutions around the world.

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ASME journal selected for inclusion in a Thomson Reuters Web of Science Core Collection
Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, a publication of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), has been selected for inclusion in a Thomson Reuters international database of leading scholarly journals. The journal will be covered in the Thomson Reuters Web of ScienceTM Core Collection, a renowned citation database which lists more than 12,700 technical journals spanning varied professional fields and disciplines.

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Karger announces cooperation with Kudos and Figshare
The international Swiss-based biomedical publisher Karger has announced a partnership with Kudos to support authors in their search to increase reach and impact of the articles they have published in Karger open-access journals. Karger has also enlisted the services of Figshare to assure a consistent, user-friendly visualization, independent of size and format, of supplementary material which accompanies many Karger articles.

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SpotOn 2016 to focus on what peer review might look like in 2030
SpotOn, the popular conference series looking at science policy, outreach and tools will be held at the Wellcome Collection in London on November 5, 2016. SpotOn 2016 will focus on what peer review might look like in 2030 and will be led by BioMed Central, Digital Science and Wellcome. The conference will be a dynamic, highly interactive meeting of researchers, science communicators, technologists, and those interested in science policy.

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CCC launches RightFindTM Content Decision Support solution
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC) has announced the launch of its cloud-based RightFindTM Content Decision Support (CDS), an easy-to-use analytics platform that helps information center managers leverage the power of usage data to make smart decisions around content investments. RightFind CDS combines comprehensive usage and spend data, predictive analytics and data visualizations, and budget forecast and planning tools in a single solution designed to help information managers bring actionable intelligence to their content acquisition strategy.

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OCLC to host Faceted Controlled Vocabularies discussion list
OCLC has announced the debut of a new electronic discussion list. Hosted by OCLC, FACETVOC-L (Faceted Controlled Vocabularies discussion list) is a discussion list focused on faceted controlled vocabularies used in libraries, archives and museums. This includes vocabularies such as FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology), AAT (Art and Architecture Thesaurus) and LCGFT (Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms).

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