Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

ACS Publications and the Royal Society of Chemistry jointly commit to integration with ORCID
The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) have become signatories to the ORCID Open Letter, reasserting the commitment of both organisations to enhancing the scholarly publishing experience for researchers worldwide who are involved in chemistry and allied fields. The commitment by these two global chemistry publishers to undertake new workflow integration with technology infrastructure provided by ORCID will enable both societies to provide unambiguous designation of author names within chemistry and across the broader sciences.

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Wiley announces plans to require ORCID iDs as part of the manuscript submission process
Publisher John Wiley & Sons Inc. has announced plans to require ORCID iDs as part of the manuscript submission process for a large number of journals. Beginning in winter 2016, more than 500 Wiley journals using ScholarOne Manuscripts will require the submitting author (only) to provide an ORCID identifier (iD) when submitting a manuscript. Wiley is the first major publisher to join other stakeholders that have signed ORCID’s open letter.

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Nature recognises renowned Californian scientist
Susan L. Forsburg, Gabilan Distinguished Professor in Science and Engineering and Professor of Biological Sciences at The University of Southern California (USC), received the mid-career 2016 Nature Award for Mentoring in Science and a $10,000 prize. Nature hosts these annual awards to champion the importance of mentoring and inspiring a generation of young scientists.

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Scholarly publishing market size is decreasing, cost effective digital media is compensating
The annual generated revenue from science, technology and medicine (STM) scientific journals is estimated at about $12 billion in 2016, including books and other information within a broader STM publishing market worth some $25 billion. Open access STM journal publishing market is estimated at about $500 million in 2015 (up from $100 million in 2010, representing a CAGR of about 20%), where as subscription/paid access STM journal market is drastically decreasing to $8 billion by 2016 ($12.5 billion in 2014).

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IOP Publishing and IEPM renews journals contract
IOP Publishing has announced a renewed contract with the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), for the continued publication of two of its journals – Physics in Medicine and Biology and Physiological Measurement. The renewal of the contract, which will start in 2018, marks the latest chapter in the long-standing relationship between IOP Publishing and IPEM.

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Formatting and avoiding errors in the final digital output are hot topics for publishing professionals, says Data Conversion Laboratory and Bowker’s Digital Publishing Survey
Data Conversion Laboratory, Inc. (DCL) and Bowker have delivered the results of their 2016 Digital Publishing Survey, and the answers point to worries over quality and consistency when content goes from print to digital. The survey was jointly conducted by DCL, an industry leader in organising and converting content into digital formats, and Bowker, a provider of bibliographic information, connecting publishers, authors and booksellers with readers.

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Italy’s University of Bergamo selects Ex Libris Alma to help deliver modern, innovative library services
Ex Libris®, a ProQuest company, has announced that Italy’s University of Bergamo has chosen the Ex Libris Alma® library management service to help the University Library meet its strategy of developing innovative services that will enhance the teaching, learning, and research experience at the University. The library team at Bergamo will take advantage of Alma to create workflows that are based on best practices.

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