Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 127 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 127 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 127 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Genres of the dialectic Clover, J. 2017 Critical Inquiry ,
43 ( 2 ) pp. 431 – 450 .
2 . Floodplain inundation response to climate, valley form, and flow regulation on a gravel-bed river in a Mediterranean-climate region Cienciala, P., Pasternack, G.B. 2017 Geomorphology ,
282 pp. 1 – 17 .
3 . Parkin deficiency accelerates consequences of mitochondrial DNA deletions and Parkinsonism Song, L., McMackin, M., Nguyen, A., Cortopassi, G. 2017 Neurobiology of Disease ,
100 pp. 30 – 38 .
4 . On the rate of return and risk factors to international oil companies in Iran’s buy-back service contracts Ghandi, A., Lin Lawell, C.-Y.C. 2017 Energy Policy ,
103 pp. 16 – 29 .
5 . Biological nitrification inhibition by Brachiaria grasses mitigates soil nitrous oxide emissions from bovine urine patches Byrnes, R.C., Nùñez, J., Arenas, L., Rao, I., Trujillo, C., Alvarez, C., Arango, J., Rasche, F., Chirinda, N. 2017 Soil Biology and Biochemistry ,
107 pp. 156 – 163 .
6 . A temperature-variant method for performance modeling and economic analysis of thermoelectric generators: Linking material properties to real-world conditions Benday, N.S., Dryden, D.M., Kornbluth, K., Stroeve, P. 2017 Applied Energy ,
190 pp. 764 – 771 .
7 . Smooth predictive model fitting in regression Burman, P., Paul, D. 2017 Journal of Multivariate Analysis ,
155 pp. 165 – 179 .
8 . Identification of a novel host-specific IgG protease in Streptococcus phocae subsp. phocae Rungelrath, V., Wohlsein, J.C., Siebert, U., Stott, J., Prenger-Berninghoff, E., von Pawel-Rammingen, U., Valentin-Weigand, P., Baums, C.G., Seele, J. 2017 Veterinary Microbiology ,
201 pp. 42 – 48 .
9 . Modulation of reward-related neural activation on sensation seeking across development Hawes, S.W., Chahal, R., Hallquist, M.N., Paulsen, D.J., Geier, C.F., Luna, B. 2017 NeuroImage ,
147 pp. 763 – 771 .
10 . Comparing cal3 and other a posteriori time-scaling approaches in a case study with the pterocephaliid trilobites Bapst, D.W., Hopkins, M.J. 2017 Paleobiology ,
43 ( 1 ) pp. 49 – 67 .
11 . Description of a novel monopartite geminivirus and its defective subviral genome in grapevine Al Rwahnih, M., Alabi, O.J., Westrick, N.M., Golino, D., Rowhani, A. 2017 Phytopathology ,
107 ( 2 ) pp. 240 – 251 .
12 . The New Look of Behavioral Genetics in Social Inequality: Gene-Environment Interplay and Life Chances Spinath, F.M., Bleidorn, W. 2017 Journal of Personality ,
85 ( 1 ) pp. 5 – 9 .
13 . Complex networks, community structure, and catchment classification in a large-scale river basin Fang, K., Sivakumar, B., Woldemeskel, F.M. 2017 Journal of Hydrology ,
545 pp. 478 – 493 .
14 . BrRxLR11 – a new phylogenetic marker with high resolution in the downy mildew genus Bremia and related genera Choi, Y.-J., Wong, J., Runge, F., Mishra, B., Michelmore, R., Thines, M. 2017 Mycological Progress ,
16 ( 2 ) pp. 185 – 190 .
15 . Maternal multiple micronutrient supplementation and other biomedical and socioenvironmental influences on children’s cognition at age 9–12 years in Indonesia: follow-up of the SUMMIT randomised trial Prado, E.L., Sebayang, S.K., Apriatni, M., Adawiyah, S.R., Hidayati, N., Islamiyah, A., Siddiq, S., Harefa, B., Lum, J., Alcock, K.J., Ullman, M.T., Muadz, H., Shankar, A.H. 2017 The Lancet Global Health ,
5 ( 2 ) pp. e217 – e228 .
16 . Development of qPCR systems to quantify shoot infections by canker-causing pathogens in stone fruits and nut crops Luo, Y., Gu, S., Felts, D., Puckett, R.D., Morgan, D.P., Michailides, T.J. 2017 Journal of Applied Microbiology ,
122 ( 2 ) pp. 416 – 428 .
17 . Genotyping of single spore isolates of a Pasteuria penetrans population occurring in Florida using SNP-based markers Joseph, S., Schmidt, L.M., Danquah, W.B., Timper, P., Mekete, T. 2017 Journal of Applied Microbiology ,
122 ( 2 ) pp. 389 – 401 .
18 . Dissociation between working memory performance and proactive interference control in post-traumatic stress disorder Swick, D., Cayton, J., Ashley, V., Turken, A.U. 2017 Neuropsychologia ,
96 pp. 111 – 121 .
19 . Resolution of probabilistic weather forecasts with application in disease management Hughes, G., McRoberts, N., Burnett, F.J. 2017 Phytopathology ,
107 ( 2 ) pp. 158 – 162 .
20 . A regional groundwater-flow model for sustainable groundwater-resource management in the south Asian megacity of Dhaka, Bangladesh Islam, M.B., Firoz, A.B.M., Foglia, L., Marandi, A., Khan, A.R., Schüth, C., Ribbe, L. 2017 Hydrogeology Journal ,
pp. 1 – 21 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
21 . Effect of anaerobic soil disinfestation on the bacterial community and key soilborne phytopathogenic agents under walnut tree-crop nursery conditions Strauss, S.L., Greenhut, R.F., McClean, A.E., Kluepfel, D.A. 2017 Plant and Soil ,
pp. 1 – 14 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
22 . AM-to-PM conversion in a resonant microwave optical rectification detector Kolner, B.H., Kang, L. 2017 Optics Letters ,
42 ( 2 ) pp. 263 – 266 .
23 . Biological effects of gold mine tailings on the intertidal marine environment in Nova Scotia, Canada Doe, K., Mroz, R., Tay, K.-L., Burley, J., Teh, S., Chen, S. 2017 Marine Pollution Bulletin ,
114 ( 1 ) pp. 64 – 76 .
24 . Avoiding violative flunixin meglumine residues in cattle and swine Sidhu, P.K., Gehring, R., Mzyk, D.A., Marmulak, T., Tell, L.A., Baynes, R.E., Vickroy, T.W., Riviere, J.E. 2017 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association ,
250 ( 2 ) pp. 182 – 189 .
25 . Cell-free systems in the new age of synthetic biology Villarreal, F., Tan, C. 2017 Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering ,
pp. 1 – 8 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
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