Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Elsevier to offer HFMA courses through its healthcare eLearning system
STM publisher Elsevier will offer multiple HFMA (Healthcare Financial Management Association) courses, from understanding the business side of health care to communicating with patients. Elsevier has entered into a reseller agreement with HFMA to offer courses for clinical, revenue cycle and administrative hospital staff to improve revenue cycle management.

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American Chemical Society responds to reports of changes in agency scientific policies
The American Chemical Society (ACS) is monitoring, with concern, reports stating the Trump administration is changing scientific communication policy and grant procedures. During this transition, ACS urges the administration to clarify, as soon as possible, its positions on these policies.

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PKP joins HIRMEOS Project Advisory Board
Public Knowledge Project (PKP) has been invited to join the Advisory Board for the HIRMEOS (High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science infrastructure) Project. Funded by the European Commission, the project will improve five important open access monograph publishing platforms in the SSH and enhance their technical capacities and services, rendering technologies, and content interoperable and embedding them fully into the European Open Science Cloud.

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Researchfish and F1000 announce strategic partnership
Researchfish®, a platform for reporting of research outcomes and impact tracking, has announced a partnership with F1000. Every year over 100,000 researchers globally report the output and outcomes of their funded research through the Researchfish platform. This provides funding organisations, charities and universities with a unique understanding of what their funding has achieved and therefore enables them to make informed decisions about future funding activities, communication with stakeholders at all levels and in many cases increase annual funding amounts.

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Atypon creates Bone & Joint Publishing’s new OA journal site on Literatum
Bone & Joint Publishing, the publishing imprint of The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery, has launched a new open access journal site on Atypon’s Literatum, the professional and scholarly publishing industry’s most widely used online publishing platform. The new site, home to Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics, the official journal of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society, was completed in two months.

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CDL Model License revised
The California Digital Library (CDL) has announced the major upgrade of its Standard License Agreement (“Model License”). The new version reflects current best practices in licensing and incorporates feedback from UC librarians, licensing staff, attorneys, peers, and CDL colleagues. The revision process started in March 2016 with a long-planned review of the existing CDL Model License, which had been incrementally revised since 2009.

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