Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 BMJ launches new OA paediatrics journal – BMJ Paediatrics Open
Healthcare knowledge provider BMJ has added a new title to its expanding portfolio of more than 60 specialist journals, with the launch of BMJ Paediatrics Open. The journal is a fully open access, international multidisciplinary journal, dedicated to publishing original research, clinical reviews, and protocols that deal with every aspect of child health, including surgery, public health, healthcare provision and qualitative research.

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 HighWire Press partners with Peer Review Evaluation to increase transparency for peer review
Scholarly publishing company HighWire Press has announced a partnership with Peer Review Evaluation (PRE) to offer turn-key integration of PRE, a transparency service from AAAS that improves the visibility of the peer review process. To mark this partnership and help publishers illustrate the integrity of their peer review process, PRE will cover any development costs for the first five HighWire publishing partners to adopt PRE in 2017.

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 The Optical Society celebrates 20 Years of OA journal, Optics Express
The Optical Society (OSA) is celebrating 20 years of its open access journal, Optics ExpressOptics Expresswas developed in 1997 as a test-bed to explore the capabilities of all-electronic publishing, and simultaneously launched what is now known as Gold open access publishing. To acknowledge the Journal’s milestone, OSA has launched an anniversary website featuring commemorative editorials, a list of the top 100 most-cited Optics Express articles, recognition of all current and past editors, and historic material, as well as a series of Topical Editors’ Picks Collections.

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 Canadian Association of Research Libraries elects Donna Bourne-Tyson as CARL President
The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) has announced that Donna Bourne-Tyson, University Librarian, Dalhousie University, has been elected CARL President for a two year-term (2017–2019). She succeeds Martha Whitehead, Vice-Provost Libraries & Digital Planning at Queen’s University, who served as CARL President from 2015 to 2017.

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 PCG to represent Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. across India and Latin America
Publishers Communication Group (PCG), international sales and marketing consultant for the publishing market and part of the Ingenta Group, has signed a three-year contract with Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. to provide exclusive sales representation across India and Latin America. The content sales partner agreement, starting August 1, 2017, comprises Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.’s complete portfolio of over 80 journals for the scientific, technical, medical (STM) and information industries.

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 Scholastica releases first customisable website templates specifically for OA journals
Scholastica, a peer review and publishing platform for academic journals, has announced the release of the first customisable website templates specifically for open access journals. Scholastica’s customisable journal website templates are designed to showcase journal content, provide a superior user experience, and enhance article discoverability (including automatic Google Scholar indexing).

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 IPR License unveils Instant Rights
IPR License, the marketplace for publishers to trade rights globally, has announced that it has launched Instant Rights. This new service will enable rights sellers to place ‘Buy Rights’ buttons anywhere online that can then lead buyers to a simple, automated process to purchase translation rights quickly and efficiently.

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