Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 ASTM International Spectroscopy Group seeks participation for updating informatics standard for labs
Anyone is invited to join efforts to update ASTM International’s well-known standard that helps labs optimise operations through IT applications. The committee on molecular spectroscopy and separation science (E13) is seeking participation from a wide segment of users, vendors, and other stakeholders to update the standard, known as the Standard Guide for Laboratory Informatics (E1578).

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 APA targets online piracy websites to curtail unauthorized publication of journal articles
The American Psychological Association has announced that it is targeting online piracy websites and not individual authors in its efforts to curtail the unauthorised sharing on the internet of articles published in the association’s journals. The move – a change to a recently launched pilot program – came in response to concerns voiced by some authors who were surprised to hear from their academic institutions that they should remove final APA copyrighted articles from their websites.

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 ACMG’s journal Genetics in Medicine now in top 2.5% of all indexed journals
The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) has announced that the Thomson ReutersImpact Factor Journal Citation Reports has just increased the impact factor of the ACMG’s peer-reviewed medical genetics and genomics journal, Genetics in Medicine (GIM) to 8.229 for 2016, up from 7.710 in 2015.Genetics in Medicine is published by Springer Nature.

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 JoVE launches new Physics Series
JoVE, the premier producer and publisher of video resources for scientific research and education, has announced the launch of an entirely new Physics Series, as well as a significant expansion of both its Clinical Skills and Psychology Series. The new videos are now available within JoVE Science Education, an innovative library of easy-to-understand video demonstrations that teach key concepts and fundamental techniques.

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 AACC announces rise in impact factor of its journal, Clinical Chemistry
AACC, a global scientific and medical professional organisation dedicated to better health through laboratory medicine, has announced that the impact factor of its journal, Clinical Chemistry, has risen to 8.008 in the 2016 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports. This impact factor places Clinical Chemistry in the top 2.6% of 12,062 ranked academic journals and speaks to the significant influence of the science it publishes on laboratory medicine and patient care.

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 Industry initiative for manuscript transfer officially named MECA
The cross-organisational industry initiative previously called Common Manuscript Transfer Protocol has been officially named MECA, which stands for Manuscript Exchange Common Approach. In addition to the project’s name change, other updates include formal launch via a presentation at SSP, and the announcement of a new website.

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 Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Judy Luther and Todd Carpenter (Failure to Deliver: Reaching Users in an Increasingly Mobile World); Davy Falkner (How do researchers use social media and scholarly collaboration networks (SCNs)?); Linda Bennett and Annika Bennett (Guest Post, The TEF: How Publishers and Booksellers Can Engage with Higher Education Assessment); Bastian Greshake (A closer look at the Sci-Hub corpus: what is being downloaded and from where?); and EBSCOpost Blog (Public Libraries in Summer: A Great Place to Build Success Skills). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of BlogspeakHere.
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