Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 108 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 108 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 108 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Integrin α2β1 in nonactivated conformation can induce focal adhesion kinase signaling Salmela, M., Jokinen, J., Tiitta, S., Rappu, P., Cheng, R.H., Heino, J. 2017 Scientific Reports ,
7 ( 1 ) , art. no. 3414
2 . Temperature gradients assist carbohydrate allocation within trees Sperling, O., Silva, L.C.R., Tixier, A., Théroux-Rancourt, G., Zwieniecki, M.A. 2017 Scientific Reports ,
7 ( 1 ) , art. no. 3265
3 . A systematic review of lactoferrin use in dermatology Hassoun, L.A., Sivamani, R.K. 2017 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition ,
57 ( 17 ) pp. 3632 – 3639 .
4 . Nitrite production from urine for sulfide control in sewers Zheng, M., Zuo, Z., Zhang, Y., Cui, Y., Dong, Q., Liu, Y., Huang, X., Yuan, Z. 2017 Water Research ,
122 pp. 447 – 454 .
5 . Efficiency optimization of a variable-capacity/variable-blower-speed residential heat-pump system with ductwork Krishnamoorthy, S., Modera, M., Harrington, C. 2017 Energy and Buildings ,
150 pp. 294 – 306 .
6 . Characterization of BdCBF genes and genome-wide transcriptome profiling of BdCBF3-dependent and -independent cold stress responses in Brachypodium distachyon Hao, J., Yang, J., Dong, J., Fei, S.-Z. 2017 Plant Science ,
262 pp. 52 – 61 .
7 . Detached eddy simulation of the nonaerated skimming flow over a stepped spillway Toro, J.P., Bombardelli, F.A., Paik, J. 2017 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering ,
143 ( 9 ) , art. no. 04017032
8 . Reaction of amorphous/crystalline SiOC/Fe interfaces by thermal annealing Su, Q., Zhernenkov, M., Ding, H., Price, L., Haskel, D., Watkins, E.B., Majewski, J., Shao, L., Demkowicz, M.J., Nastasi, M. 2017 Acta Materialia ,
135 pp. 61 – 67 .
9 . Helical polynomial curves interpolating G<sup>1</sup> data with prescribed axes and pitch angles Farouki, R.T. 2017 Computer Aided Geometric Design ,
56 pp. 4 – 15 .
10 . Functional properties, structural studies and chemo-enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides Zhao, C., Wu, Y., Liu, X., Liu, B., Cao, H., Yu, H., Sarker, S.D., Nahar, L., Xiao, J. 2017 Trends in Food Science and Technology,
66 pp. 135 – 145 .
11 . The evolution of paired preference tests from forced choice to the use of ‘No Preference’ options, from preference frequencies to d′ values, from placebo pairs to signal detection O’Mahony, M., Wichchukit, S. 2017 Trends in Food Science and Technology,
66 pp. 146 – 152 .
12 . A new scheme for joint surface wave and earthquake travel-time inversion and resulting 3-D velocity model for the western North Island, New Zealand Eberhart-Phillips, D., Fry, B. 2017 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors ,
269 pp. 98 – 111 .
13 . Stage specific effects of soluble copper and copper oxide nanoparticles during sea urchin embryo development and their relation to intracellular copper uptake Torres-Duarte, C., Ramos-Torres, K.M., Rahimoff, R., Cherr, G.N. 2017 Aquatic Toxicology ,
189 pp. 134 – 141 .
14 . Influence of long-term supplementation of tannins on growth performance, dietary net energy and carcass characteristics: Finishing lambs Rojas-Román, L.A., Castro-Pérez, B.I., Estrada-Angulo, A., Angulo-Montoya, C., Yocupicio-Rocha, J.A., López-Soto, M.A., Barreras, A., Zinn, R.A., Plascencia, A. 2017 Small Ruminant Research ,
153 pp. 137 – 141 .
15 . MarkoLAB: A simulator to study ionic channel’s stochastic behavior da Silva, R.R., Goroso, D.G., Bers, D.M., Puglisi, J.L. 2017 Computers in Biology and Medicine ,
87 pp. 258 – 270 .
16 . Women Also Know Stuff: Meta-Level Mentoring to Battle Gender Bias in Political Science Beaulieu, E., Boydstun, A.E., Brown, N.E., Dionne, K.Y., Gillespie, A., Klar, S., Krupnikov, Y., Michelson, M.R., Searles, K., Wolbrecht, C. 2017 PS – Political Science and Politics ,
50 ( 3 ) pp. 779 – 783 .
17 . The Social Context of Adolescent Friendships: Parents, Peers, and Romantic Partners Flynn, H.K., Felmlee, D.H., Conger, R.D. 2017 Youth and Society ,
49 ( 5 ) pp. 679 – 705 .
18 . Proteomic analysis of the kissing bug Rhodnius prolixus antenna Oliveira, D.S., Brito, N.F., Nogueira, F.C.S., Moreira, M.F., Leal, W.S., Soares, M.R., Melo, A.C.A. 2017 Journal of Insect Physiology ,
100 pp. 108 – 118 .
19 . Post-transition state bifurcations gain momentum-current state of the field Hare, S.R., Tantillo, D.J. 2017 Pure and Applied Chemistry ,
89 ( 6 ) pp. 679 – 698 .
20 . The Scope and Nature of Reading Comprehension Impairments in School-Aged Children with Higher-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder McIntyre, N.S., Solari, E.J., Gonzales, J.E., Solomon, M., Lerro, L.E., Novotny, S., Oswald, T.M., Mundy, P.C. 2017 Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ,
pp. 1 – 23 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
21 . A Singular Role of I<inf>K1</inf> Promoting the Development of Cardiac Automaticity during Cardiomyocyte Differentiation by I<inf>K1</inf>–Induced Activation of Pacemaker Current Sun, Y., Timofeyev, V., Dennis, A., Bektik, E., Wan, X., Laurita, K.R., Deschênes, I., Li, R.A., Fu, J.-D. 2017 Stem Cell Reviews and Reports ,
pp. 1 – 13 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
22 . Nitrogen retention and loss in unfertilized lawns across a light gradient Herrmann, D.L., Cadenasso, M.L. 2017 Urban Ecosystems ,
pp. 1 – 12 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
23 . Wings as impellers: Honey bees co-opt flight system to induce nest ventilation and disperse pheromones Peters, J.M., Gravish, N., Combes, S.A. 2017 Journal of Experimental Biology ,
220 ( 12 ) pp. 2203 – 2209 .
24 . Connecting smallholder tomato producers to improved seed in West Africa Perez, K., Froikin-Gordon, J.S., Abdourhamane, I.K., Levasseur, V., Alfari, A.A., Mensah, A., Bonsu, O., Habsatou, B., Assogba-Komlan, F., Mbaye, A.A., Noussourou, M., Otoidobiga, L.C., Ouédraogo, L., Kon, T., Rojas, M.R., Gamby, K.T., Shotkoski, F., Gilbertson, R.L., Jahn, M.M. 2017 Agriculture and Food Security ,
6 ( 1 ) , art. no. 42
25 . Nonisolated Small Bowel Gastrointestinal Angiodysplasias are Associated With Higher Rebleeding Rates When Compared With Isolated Small Bowel Gastrointestinal Angiodysplasia on Video Capsule Endoscopy Mai, S.H., Chao, D.C., Liao, S.-Y., Jackson, C.S. 2017 Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
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