Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Elsevier announces seven new neuroscience and psychology books
Elsevier, the information analytics company specialising in science and health, has announced an updated version of the most authoritative resource available on the study of learning and memory and its mechanisms.Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, Second Edition incorporates the expertise of more than 150 outstanding investigators in the field, providing a ‘one-stop’ collection of reputable information with easy cross-referencing of related articles. It also announced six additional new neuroscience and psychology books.

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 CAB Thesaurus receives major update for 2017 edition
The widely acclaimed CAB Thesaurus has received a major update for the 2017 edition, making it easier to access the world’s largest source of terminology covering the applied life sciences. The search tool now provides a controlled vocabulary resource approaching 2.7 million descriptive terms.

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 Digital options are boosting space creativity and flexibility, reveals ProQuest survey
As libraries increasingly function as ‘community hubs,’ public librarians are prioritising space reclamation to create collaborative spaces, maker/hacker spaces and meeting rooms. This is according to a new ProQuestsurvey of public librarians about their views, plans and strategies related to space reclamation.

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 The National Library of Medicine names Jerry Sheehan as new NLM Deputy Director
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has announced the appointment of Jerry Sheehan as the new NLM Deputy Director, effective July 31, 2017. The appointment was announced by Library Director Patricia Flatley Brennan, RN, PhD. The world’s largest biomedical library, NLM serves as a national and international resource of biomedical and genomic data for scientists, health professionals, academia, and the public.

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 The State Library of Iowa partners with Credo to expand Iowans’ access to foundational research materials
Students and residents across Iowa will now enjoy increased access to foundational research materials as the State Library of Iowa and Credo Reference have partnered on a state-wide agreement that will bring Credo’s flagship exploratory research platform to public and academic libraries. At a time when finding information online means navigating around fake news sites and biased sources, easy access to authoritative sources is critical for meeting Iowans’ academic, professional, and personal information needs.

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 ACCUCOMS to represent Canadian Science Publishing in the Middle East and North Africa
ACCUCOMS and Canadian Science Publishing (CSP) have agreed to expand their collaboration. ACCUCOMS will be representing CSP in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in addition to the current agreement in Latin America from August 1, 2017. As a result of a number of successful years in Latin America, CSP has decided to expand their collaboration with ACCUCOMS by adding the rapidly developing Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

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 ARL invites applications and nominations for participation in 2018–2019 ARL Leadership Fellows program
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is inviting applications and nominations for participation in the 2018–2019 ARL Leadership Fellows program, with a deadline of August 28, 2017. This executive leadership program facilitates the development of future senior-level leaders in large research libraries and archives. Candidates are welcomed from ARL and non-ARL institutions. Applicants from traditionally underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.

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