Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Nature Index points industry to institutions providing ideas behind inventions
The Nature Index 2017 Innovation supplement sheds new light on the impact academic research is having on innovation by examining how research articles are cited in third party patents. By looking at patents owned by third parties – informed by and citing academic work – rather than those held by institutions themselves, the influence of research on the development of products and services is exposed.

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 Elsevier announces exclusive agreement with the Visiting Nurse Associations of America for online clinical skills for home healthcare clinicians
Elsevier has entered an exclusive agreement with the Visiting Nurse Associations of America (VNAA) to develop Hospice Skills and more than 400 home healthcare skills from the VNAA’s award-winning Clinical Procedures Manual. The partnership will deliver VNAA content to the competency management platforms of Elsevier Home Health Care and Elsevier Clinical Skills, helping home healthcare organisations increase safety of care, standardise practice, and ensure competency.

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 Wolters Kluwer announces availability of ProVation Order Sets integration with Epic
Wolters Kluwer Heath has announced ProVation® Order Sets integration with Epic software to support the importing and exporting of information. This integration enables healthcare providers to streamline labor-intensive governance processes, optimise order set management and support existing order sets with evidence-based clinical content.

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 Oxford University Press appoints David Clark as new Managing Director for its Academic Division
Academic publisher Oxford University Press (OUP) has appointed David Clark, Senior Vice President for Health and Medical Sciences at Elsevier, as the new Managing Director of its Academic Division. David will succeed the outgoing Managing Director, Tim Barton, who leaves OUP in September after 25 years.

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 Kinokuniya Company named exclusive sales representative for SPIE Journals in Japan
SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, has announced an agreement establishing Kinokuniya Company Ltd. as its exclusive sales representative for SPIE Journals in Japan. Kinokuniya has a longstanding relationship with SPIE as the exclusive sales representative for the SPIE Digital Library in Japan.

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 Portico’s director of publisher relations, Stephanie Orphan, elected to OASPA board
Digital preservation service Portico has announced that its director of publisher relations, Stephanie Orphan, has been elected by the members of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) to serve on the board of directors for a term of three years. Joining the 10-member board this year are also Eelco Ferwerda (OAPEN), Paul Peters (Hindawi), and Franck Vazquez (MDPI).

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Search for more news in this Theme announces new release of ITJplus, provides physicians the cure for hours of reading
Medical website has announced the new release of ITJplus, a time-saving, free resource that provides busy physicians with summaries of the top journal articles in medicine. ITJplus helps physicians keep up with all their medical journals, without the hours of reading. ITJplus reviews the literature and selects the most important articles from relevant scientific journals.

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