Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 105 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 105 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 105 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Impact of canopy representations on regional modeling of evapotranspiration using the WRF-ACASA coupled model Xu, L., Pyles, R.D., Paw U, K.T., Snyder, R., Monier, E., Falk, M., Chen, S.-H. 2017 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology ,
247 pp. 79 – 92 .
2 . Potential evidence of communal nesting, mate guarding, or biparental care in the salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris halicoetes) Trombley, S., Smith, K.R. 2017 California Fish and Game ,
103 ( 1 ) pp. 15 – 20 .
3 . Hierarchical, Quantitative Biogeographic Provinces for All North American Turtles and Their Contribution to the Biogeography of Turtles and the Continent Ennen, J.R., Matamoros, W.A., Agha, M., Lovich, J.E., Sweat, S.C., Hoagstrom, C.W. 2017 Herpetological Monographs ,
31 ( 1 ) pp. 114 – 140 .
4 . Synthesis and Multi Scale Tribological Behavior of WC-Co/Nanodiamond Nanocomposites Nieto, A., Jiang, L., Kim, J., Kim, D.-E., Schoenung, J.M. 2017 Scientific Reports ,
7 ( 1 ) , art. no. 7060
5 . Dietary perturbations alter the ecological significance of ingested Lactobacillus plantarum in the digestive tract Yin, X., Lee, B., Zaragoza, J., Marco, M.L. 2017 Scientific Reports ,
7 ( 1 ) , art. no. 7267
6 . Metal-Insulator Transition in Nanoparticle Solids: Insights from Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations Qu, L., Vörös, M., Zimanyi, G.T. 2017 Scientific Reports ,
7 ( 1 ) , art. no. 7071
7 . Cardiac adaptations in SCNT newborn cloned calves during the first month of life assessed by echocardiography Batchelder, C.A., Whitcomb, M.B., Famula, T.R., Rodriguez-Villamil, P., Bertolini, M., Hoffert-Goeres, K.A., Anderson, G.B. 2017 Theriogenology ,
103 pp. 153 – 161 .
8 . Crystalline cohomology of superschemes Luu, M.T. 2017 Journal of Geometry and Physics ,
121 pp. 83 – 92 .
9 . Spatial representation of magnitude in gorillas and orangutans Gazes, R.P., Diamond, R.F.L., Hope, J.M., Caillaud, D., Stoinski, T.S., Hampton, R.R. 2017 Cognition ,
168 pp. 312 – 319 .
10 . With great power comes great responsibility: Superhero primes and expansive poses influence prosocial behavior after a motion-controlled game task Peña, J., Chen, M. 2017 Computers in Human Behavior ,
76 pp. 378 – 385 .
11 . Nondestructive determination of dry matter and soluble solids content in dehydrator onions and garlic using a handheld visible and near infrared instrument Jantra, C., Slaughter, D.C., Liang, P.-S., Pathaveerat, S. 2017 Postharvest Biology and Technology ,
133 pp. 98 – 103 .
12 . Subdivision connectivity remeshing via teichmüller extremal map Choi, C.P., Gu, X., Lui, L.M. 2017 Inverse Problems and Imaging ,
11 ( 5 ) pp. 825 – 855 .
13 . Dysbiotic Proteobacteria expansion: a microbial signature of epithelial dysfunction Litvak, Y., Byndloss, M.X., Tsolis, R.M., Bäumler, A.J. 2017 Current Opinion in Microbiology ,
39 pp. 1 – 6 .
14 . Effects of roads and roadside fencing on movements, space use, and carapace temperatures of a threatened tortoise Mark Peaden, J., Justin Nowakowski, A., Tuberville, T.D., Buhlmann, K.A., Todd, B.D. 2017 Biological Conservation ,
214 pp. 13 – 22 .
15 . A model exploring whether the coupled effects of plant water supply and demand affect the interpretation of water potentials and irrigation management Spinelli, G.M., Shackel, K.A., Gilbert, M.E. 2017 Agricultural Water Management ,
192 pp. 271 – 280 .
16 . Extracranial internal carotid artery calcium volume measurement using computer tomography Baradaran, H., Ng, C.R., Gupta, A., Noor, N.M., Al-Dasuqi, K.W., Mtui, E.E., Rijal, O.M., Giannopoulos, A., Nicolaides, A., Laird, J.R., Saba, L., Suri, J.S. 2017 International Angiology ,
36 ( 5 ) pp. 445 – 461 .
17 . Large-area release and transfer of ultrathin, freestanding nanocrystalline ceria films Kienle, D.F., Ventrici de Souza, J., Kuhl, T.L. 2017 Thin Solid Films ,
638 pp. 318 – 323 .
18 . Synthesis and surface enthalpy of MgGa<inf>2</inf>O<inf>4</inf> spinel Sharma, G., Castro, R.H.R. 2017 Thermochimica Acta ,
655 pp. 326 – 330 .
19 . Influence of exchangeable oxygen on biogenic silica oxygen isotope data Menicucci, A.J., Spero, H.J., Matthews, J., Parikh, S.J. 2017 Chemical Geology ,
466 pp. 710 – 721 .
20 . “That’s My Face to the Whole Field!”: Graduate Students’ Professional Identity-Building through Twitter at a Writing Studies Conference Coad, D.T. 2017 Computers and Composition ,
45 pp. 51 – 66 .
21 . The biology of color Cuthill, I.C., Allen, W.L., Arbuckle, K., Caspers, B., Chaplin, G., Hauber, M.E., Hill, G.E., Jablonski, N.G., Jiggins, C.D., Kelber, A., Mappes, J., Marshall, J., Merrill, R., Osorio, D., Prum, R., Roberts, N.W., Roulin, A., Rowland, H.M., Sherratt, T.N., Skelhorn, J., Speed, M.P., Stevens, M., Stoddard, M.C., Stuart-Fox, D., Talas, L., Tibbetts, E., Caro, T. 2017 Science ,
357 ( 6350 ) , art. no. eaan0221
22 . Transcriptional activity of PIF and Pong-like Class II transposable elements in Triticeae Markova, D.N., Mason-Gamer, R.J. 2017 BMC Evolutionary Biology ,
17 ( 1 ) , art. no. 178
23 . Translating epigenetics into clinic: Focus on lupus Wang, Z., Chang, C., Peng, M., Lu, Q. 2017 Clinical Epigenetics ,
9 ( 1 ) , art. no. 78
24 . A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of ganaxolone in children and adolescents with fragile X syndrome Ligsay, A., Van Dijck, A., Nguyen, D.V., Lozano, R., Chen, Y., Bickel, E.S., Hessl, D., Schneider, A., Angkustsiri, K., Tassone, F., Ceulemans, B., Kooy, R.F., Hagerman, R.J. 2017 Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders ,
9 ( 1 ) , art. no. 26
25 . Hierarchical differences in population coding within auditory cortex Downer, J.D., Niwa, M., Sutter, M.L. 2017 Journal of Neurophysiology ,
118 ( 2 ) pp. 717 – 731
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