Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 99 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 99 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 99 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Light-activated antimicrobial activity of turmeric residue edible coatings against cross-contamination of Listeria innocua on sausages Tosati, J.V., de Oliveira, E.F., Oliveira, J.V., Nitin, N., Monteiro, A.R. 2018 Food Control ,
84 pp. 177 – 185 .
2 . Genetic variation at the CD28 locus and its impact on expansion of pro-inflammatory CD28 negative T cells in healthy individuals Liaskou, E., Jeffery, L., Chanouzas, D., Soskic, B., Seldin, M.F., Harper, L., Sansom, D., Hirschfield, G.M. 2017 Scientific Reports ,
7 ( 1 ) , art. no. 7652
3 . Strategic tradeoffs in competitor dynamics on adaptive networks Hébert-Dufresne, L., Allard, A., Noël, P.-A., Young, J.-G., Libby, E. 2017 Scientific Reports ,
7 ( 1 ) , art. no. 7576
4 . Comprehension in proficient readers: The nature of individual variation Freed, E.M., Hamilton, S.T., Long, D.L. 2017 Journal of Memory and Language ,
97 pp. 135 – 153 .
5 . Scan line void fabric anisotropy tensors of granular media Theocharis, A.I., Vairaktaris, E., Dafalias, Y.F. 2017 Granular Matter ,
19 ( 4 ) , art. no. 68
6 . Assessing beans as a source of intrinsic fiber on satiety in men and women with metabolic syndrome Reverri, E.J., Randolph, J.M., Kappagoda, C.T., Park, E., Edirisinghe, I., Burton-Freeman, B.M. 2017 Appetite ,
118 pp. 75 – 81 .
7 . Three-Dimensional discrete-element modeling of aggregate homogeneity influence on indirect tensile strength of asphalt mixtures Peng, Y., Harvey, J.T., Sun, L.-j. 2017 Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,
29 ( 11 ) , art. no. 04017211
8 . Exosomes as agents of change in the cardiovascular system Poe, A.J., Knowlton, A.A. 2017 Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology ,
111 pp. 40 – 50 .
9 . Effects of soybean oil inclusion in the pre-lambing diet on udder size, colostrum secretion, and offspring thermoregulation and growth in hair-breed ewes Macías-Cruz, U., Mejía-Vázquez, A., Vicente-Pérez, R., Correa-Calderón, A., Robinson, P.H., Mellado, M., Meza-Herrera, C.A., Guerra-Liera, J.E., Avendaño-Reyes, L. 2017 Livestock Science ,
204 pp. 7 – 15 .
10 . Effects of pyrimidine nucleosides on growth performance, gut morphology, digestive enzymes, serum biochemical indices and immune response in broiler chickens Daneshmand, A., Kermanshahi, H., Danesh Mesgaran, M., King, A.J., Ibrahim, S.A. 2017 Livestock Science ,
204 pp. 1 – 6 .
11 . New computer-based search strategies for extreme functions of the Gomory–Johnson infinite group problem Köppe, M., Zhou, Y. 2017 Mathematical Programming Computation ,
9 ( 3 ) pp. 419 – 469 .
12 . Practical Application of Evidence-Based Practice Giuffrida, M.A. 2017 Veterinary Clinics of North America – Exotic Animal Practice ,
20 ( 3 ) pp. 737 – 748 .
13 . Musculotendinous Disorders in the Upper Extremity: Part 2MRI of the Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, and Hand Fritz, R.C., Boutin, R.D. 2017 Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology ,
21 ( 4 ) pp. 376 – 391 .
14 . Evidence-Based Advances in Avian Medicine Summa, N.M., Guzman, D.S.-M. 2017 Veterinary Clinics of North America – Exotic Animal Practice ,
20 ( 3 ) pp. 817 – 837 .
15 . Erratum to: Risk of breast, endometrial, colorectal, and renal cancers in postmenopausal women in association with a body shape index and other anthropometric measures (Cancer Causes & Control, (2015), 26, 2, (219-229), 10.1007/s10552-014-0501-4) Kabat, G.C., Xue, X., Kamensky, V., Lane, D., Bea, J.W., Chen, C., Qi, L., Stefanick, M.L., Chlebowski, R.T., Wactawski-Wende, J., Wassertheil-Smoller, S., Rohan, T.E. 2017 Cancer Causes and Control ,
28 ( 9 ) pp. 1007 – 1009 .
16 . Muscle Imaging: Beyond the Basics Boutin, R.D., Fritz, R.C. 2017 Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology ,
21 ( 4 ) pp. 357 – 358 .
17 . Basic Statistics for the Exotic Animal Practitioner Giuffrida, M.A. 2017 Veterinary Clinics of North America – Exotic Animal Practice ,
20 ( 3 ) pp. 947 – 959 .
18 . Effect of a synthetic feline facial pheromone product on stress scores and incidence of upper respiratory tract infection in shelter cats Chadwin, R.M., Bain, M.J., Kass, P.H. 2017 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association ,
251 ( 4 ) pp. 413 – 420 .
19 . Outcome of laparoscopic ovariectomy and laparoscopic-assisted ovariohysterectomy in dogs: 278 cases (2003–2013) Corriveau, K.M., Giuffrida, M.A., Mayhew, P.D., Runge, J.J. 2017 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association ,
251 ( 4 ) pp. 443 – 450 .
20 . Importance of Inherent Substrate Reactivity in Enzyme-Promoted Carbocation Cyclization/Rearrangements Tantillo, D.J. 2017 Angewandte Chemie – International Edition ,
56 ( 34 ) pp. 10040 – 10045 .
21 . Response to Comment on “Permanent human occupation of the central Tibetan Plateau in the early Holocene” Haas, W.R., Aldenderfer, M.S., Meyer, M.C. 2017 Science ,
357 ( 6351 ) , art. no. eaam9444
22 . Microbiota-activated PPAR-γ signaling inhibits dysbiotic Enterobacteriaceae expansion Byndloss, M.X., Olsan, E.E., Rivera-Chávez, F., Tiffany, C.R., Cevallos, S.A., Lokken, K.L., Torres, T.P., Byndloss, A.J., Faber, F., Gao, Y., Litvak, Y., Lopez, C.A., Xu, G., Napoli, E., Giulivi, C., Tsolis, R.M., Revzin, A., Lebrilla, C.B., Bäumler, A.J. 2017 Science ,
357 ( 6351 ) pp. 570 – 575 .
23 . Beyond the Opposition Between Altruism and Self-interest: Reciprocal Giving in Reward-Based Crowdfunding André, K., Bureau, S., Gautier, A., Rubel, O. 2017 Journal of Business Ethics ,
pp. 1 – 20 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
24 . Intellectual humility and openness to the opposing view Porter, T., Schumann, K. 2017 Self and Identity ,
pp. 1 – 24 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
25 . Pericyclic or Pseudopericyclic? the Case of an Allylic Transposition in the Synthesis of a Saccharin Derivative Hare, S.R., Tantillo, D.J. 2017 Journal of Chemical Education ,
94 ( 8 ) pp. 988 – 993
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