Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Springer Nature initiates charitable incentive system for peer reviewers
Peer reviewers are enabling people in developing countries to access safe drinking water as the result of a collaboration between Springer’s journal Environmental Earth Sciences and the non-profit humanitarian organisation ‘Filter of Hope.’ Since the start of the initiative at the beginning of 2017, almost 600 water filters have been distributed in Liberia, Nicaragua, Haiti, Honduras, Russia, Cuba and India.

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 Royal Society of Chemistry partners with Publons to give peer reviewers more recognition
The Royal Society of Chemistry has launched a formal partnership with Publons – a third-party reviewer recognition service – for a twelve-month trial on ten RSC journals. Reviewers can use it to track and verify their peer review activity. The aim is to speed up research by harnessing the power of great peer review, working with publishers, institutions and researchers to turn peer review into a measurable output that can be used to demonstrate a researcher’s standing, impact and influence in their field.

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 Emerald Publishing sponsors Peer Review Week 2017
Academic publisher Emerald Publishing is a co-organiser and sponsor of Peer Review Week 2017, September 11-17, with its theme of ‘Transparency’. Peer Review Week is a global event celebrating the essential role that peer review plays in maintaining scientific quality. The event brings together individuals, institutions and organisations committed to sharing the central message that good peer review, whatever shape or form it might take, is critical to scholarly communications.

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 Knowledge Unlatched unveils KU Open Services
Knowledge Unlatched (KU) will open its services to publishers with Open Services, designed to help publishers achieve greater impact for their Open Access (OA) books. The new service is an additional offer for those OA titles that have not been financed through KU’s traditional crowd funding model. The service has been tailor-made to meet increasing demands from publishers, libraries, and researchers for greater discoverability of their OA titles.

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 Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar appointed as Library Director of King Abdullah University of Science & Technology
Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar has been appointed as the Library Director of King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia as of July 1, 2017. Vijay joined KAUST in 2009 and has contributed to the library’s growth in many leadership roles, including Senior Subject Specialist, Research and Reference Manager, Collections and Information Service Manager and Acting Director.

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