Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 266 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 266 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 266 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Stability and change in personality and personality disorders Hopwood, C.J., Bleidorn, W. 2018 Current Opinion in Psychology ,
21 pp. 6 – 10 .
2 . Impact of industrial hammer mill rotor speed on extraction efficiency and quality of extra virgin olive oil Polari, J.J., Garcí-Aguirre, D., Olmo-García, L., Carrasco-Pancorbo, A., Wang, S.C. 2018 Food Chemistry ,
242 pp. 362 – 368 .
3 . Implicit learning of structure occurs in parallel with lexically-mediated syntactic priming effects in sentence comprehension Tooley, K.M., Traxler, M.J. 2018 Journal of Memory and Language ,
98 pp. 59 – 76 .
4 . Evaluation of protein levels of the receptor tyrosine kinase ERBB3 in serum D’Abronzo, L.S., Pan, C.-X., Ghosh, P.M. 2018 Methods in Molecular Biology ,
1655 pp. 319 – 334 .
5 . In vitro differentiation and propagation of urothelium from pluripotent stem cell lines Osborn, S.L., Kurzrock, E.A. 2018 Methods in Molecular Biology ,
1655 pp. 137 – 144 .
6 . Identifying spatially and temporally transferrable surrogate measures of species richness Fleishman, E., Yen, J.D.L., Thomson, J.R., Mac Nally, R., Dobkin, D.S., Leu, M. 2018 Ecological Indicators ,
84 pp. 470 – 478 .
7 . Anaerobic exposure before or after wounding reduces the production of wound-induced phenolic compounds in fresh-cut lettuce Saltveit, M.E. 2018 Postharvest Biology and Technology ,
135 pp. 77 – 82 .
8 . Software defined network inference with evolutionary optimal observation matrices Malboubi, M., Gong, Y., Yang, Z., Wang, X., Chuah, C.-N., Sharma, P. 2017 Computer Networks ,
129 pp. 93 – 104 .
9 . Differentiation and magmatic activity in Vesta evidenced by <sup>26</sup>Al-<sup>26</sup>Mg dating in eucrites and diogenites Hublet, G., Debaille, V., Wimpenny, J., Yin, Q.-Z. 2017 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta ,
218 pp. 73 – 97 .
10 . Effect of fertilization on soil microorganisms in paddy rice systems – A meta-analysis Geisseler, D., Linquist, B.A., Lazicki, P.A. 2017 Soil Biology and Biochemistry ,
115 pp. 452 – 460 .
11 . Cover of tall trees best predicts California spotted owl habitat North, M.P., Kane, J.T., Kane, V.R., Asner, G.P., Berigan, W., Churchill, D.J., Conway, S., Gutiérrez, R.J., Jeronimo, S., Keane, J., Koltunov, A., Mark, T., Moskal, M., Munton, T., Peery, Z., Ramirez, C., Sollmann, R., White, A.M., Whitmore, S. 2017 Forest Ecology and Management ,
405 pp. 166 – 178 .
12 . Tricritical wings and modulated magnetic phases in LaCrGe<inf>3</inf> under pressure Kaluarachchi, U.S., Bud’Ko, S.L., Canfield, P.C., Taufour, V. 2017 Nature Communications ,
8 ( 1 ) , art. no. 546
13 . The Northwest Africa 8159 martian meteorite: Expanding the martian sample suite to the early Amazonian Herd, C.D.K., Walton, E.L., Agee, C.B., Muttik, N., Ziegler, K., Shearer, C.K., Bell, A.S., Santos, A.R., Burger, P.V., Simon, J.I., Tappa, M.J., McCubbin, F.M., Gattacceca, J., Lagroix, F., Sanborn, M.E., Yin, Q.-Z., Cassata, W.S., Borg, L.E., Lindvall, R.E., Kruijer, T.S., Brennecka, G.A., Kleine, T., Nishiizumi, K., Caffee, M.W. 2017 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta ,
218 pp. 1 – 26 .
14 . Growth and phase transformations of Ir on Ge(111) Mullet, C.H., Stenger, B.H., Durand, A.M., Morad, J.A., Sato, Y., Poppenheimer, E.C., Chiang, S. 2017 Surface Science ,
666 pp. 96 – 103 .
15 . Unusual island formations of Ir on Ge (111) studied by STM van Zijll, M., Huffman, E., Lovinger, D.J., Chiang, S. 2017 Surface Science ,
666 pp. 90 – 95 .
16 . Detailed longitudinal sampling of glioma stem cells in situ reveals Chr7 gain and Chr10 loss as repeated events in primary tumor formation and recurrence Baysan, M., Woolard, K., Cam, M.C., Zhang, W., Song, H., Kotliarova, S., Balamatsias, D., Linkous, A., Ahn, S., Walling, J., Belova, G.I., Fine, H.A. 2017 International Journal of Cancer ,
141 ( 10 ) pp. 2002 – 2013 .
17 . Effect of dietary phytase supplementation on greenhouse gas emissions from soil after swine manure application Yitbarek, A., López, S., Tenuta, M., Asgedom, H., France, J., Nyachoti, C.M., Kebreab, E. 2017 Journal of Cleaner Production ,
166 pp. 1122 – 1130 .
18 . Management of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fractures Strong, E.B., Gary, C. 2017 Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America ,
25 ( 4 ) pp. 547 – 562 .
19 . Ryanodine receptor and FK506 binding protein 1 in the Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus): A phylogenetic and population-based comparison Holland, E.B., Goldstone, J.V., Pessah, I.N., Whitehead, A., Reid, N.M., Karchner, S.I., Hahn, M.E., Nacci, D.E., Clark, B.W., Stegeman, J.J. 2017 Aquatic Toxicology ,
192 pp. 105 – 115 .
20 . Complex networks for rainfall modeling: Spatial connections, temporal scale, and network size Jha, S.K., Sivakumar, B. 2017 Journal of Hydrology ,
554 pp. 482 – 489 .
21 . Future aridity under conditions of global climate change Asadi Zarch, M.A., Sivakumar, B., Malekinezhad, H., Sharma, A. 2017 Journal of Hydrology ,
554 pp. 451 – 469 .
22 . Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B deficiency in podocytes mitigates hyperglycemia-induced renal injury Ito, Y., Hsu, M.-F., Bettaieb, A., Koike, S., Mello, A., Calvo-Rubio, M., Villalba, J.M., Haj, F.G. 2017 Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental ,
76 pp. 56 – 69 .
23 . Thermal characterization assessment of rigid and flexible water models in a nanogap using molecular dynamics Akıner, T., Mason, J., Ertürk, H. 2017 Chemical Physics Letters ,
687 pp. 270 – 275 .
24 . Real-time segmentation of strawberry flesh and calyx from images of singulated strawberries during postharvest processing Durand-Petiteville, A., Vougioukas, S., Slaughter, D.C. 2017 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture ,
142 pp. 298 – 313 .
25 . The safety of available and emerging options for emergency contraception Lee, J.K., Schwarz, E.B. 2017 Expert Opinion on Drug Safety ,
16 ( 10 ) pp. 1163 – 1171
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