Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Elsevier launches eight new biomaterials and biomedical engineering books
Elsevier, the information analytics business specialising in science and health, has announced the publication of Biomaterials: A Systems Approach to Engineering Concepts by Brian Love. By focusing on the mechanical needs of implants, disease states and current clinical needs, this inventive text encourages readers to design materials and systems targeted at specific conditions, and to identify the impact of their proposed solutions. Elsevier also published seven additional biomaterials and biomedical engineering books.

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 EDP Sciences announces the launch of Emergent Scientist, a new OA publication for science students
EDP Sciences has announced the recent launch of Emergent Scientist, an innovative new open access journal that puts young scientists at its heart. The journal was born out of the 2016 International Physicists’ Tournament (IPT), and is supported by the French Physics Society and the French Academy of Science. Emergent Scientistoffers young scientists at the beginning of their careers, the opportunity to discover peer-reviewed publishing and the publication process.

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 World of Learning at the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2017
The international educational sector will be making an innovative, multifaceted and digital appearance at theFrankfurter Buchmesse 2017 under the title “World of Learning”. Highlights in Hall 4.2 will include Sofa talks and workshops on the future of learning in “World of Learning Lab.” At the weekend, together with interested private visitors, experts such as Jens Mönig (SAP), Armin Himmelrath (SPIEGEL Online), Oliver Rohrbeck (Die Drei ???), the German Library Association, Jugend Hackt and the Chaos Computer Club will present topics such as fake news, coding and adaptive learning.

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 The Journal of Comorbidity and the North American Primary Care Research Group announce new partnership
The Journal of Comorbidity (JOC) and the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) have announced a new partnership to support and enhance the development and dissemination of knowledge, ideas and research on comorbidity and multimorbidity. As a benefit of the new partnership, NAPCRG members will receive a discounted rate to publish in the journal.

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 JAMA Network set to launch new online general medical journal – JAMA Network Open
The JAMA Network will launch a new online general medical journal, JAMA Network Open, in early 2018. The new journal will publish peer-reviewed, fully open-access clinical research across all medical disciplines. ‘Open access’ is free, immediate, online availability of research articles that permits others to access, read and reuse the content.

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 Knowledge Unlatched to open up its central platform for the funding of Open Access models
Knowledge Unlatched (KU) has announced its transformation into a central Open Access (OA) platform. Through this platform, KU will support publishers and OA initiatives by managing the funding processes for their OA models. It will also provide libraries and funders all over the world with one central place where they can support OA programmes.

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 Dragonfly Sales and Marketing Consulting and Login Canada announce new sales representation agreement
Dragonfly Sales and Marketing Consulting and Login Canada, both providers of sales and marketing services for publishers, have announced a new agreement for sales representation for the Independent Scholarly Publishers Group, (ISPG), University of California Press, Berghahn Journals, and MIT Sloan Management Review in Canada. Representation for the new territories was announced at the Login Canada’s headquarter’s office in Winnipeg.

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