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 Cambridge University Press launches new content sharing service – Cambridge Core Share
Academic publisher Cambridge University Press has launched Cambridge Core Share, a new sharing service providing the academic community and wider public with greater access to research. Built with users’ in mind, Cambridge Core Share is a new tool that enables authors and readers to easily generate a link to an online, read-only journal article.

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 De Gruyter set to publish the Scandinavian Journal of Pain
Academic publisher De Gruyter and the Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain (SASP) will be cooperating to publish the Scandinavian Journal of Pain (SJPAIN), which has most recently been published by Elsevier. The new cooperation will begin with Volume 18 (2018) which will appear in the first quarter of 2018.

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 STM Advisers LLC helps set the Mathematical Association of America’s publishing on a new course
STM Advisers LLC (STMA), a financial advisory and consulting firm in scientific and scholarly communications, recently assisted the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) in successfully exploring strategic alternatives for its high quality mathematics books and journals publishing programs. Over a fifteen month collaboration, STMA worked with the MAA to evaluate alternatives for its book and textbook program, as well as for its three mathematics journals and one magazine.

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 Hypothesis annotation technology now available to publishers hosted on PubFactory platform
Hypothesis annotation technology is now available to publishers hosted on the PubFactory platform, which houses more than 400,000 books and 1,400 journals. Enabling this standards-based interoperable tool brings collaboration to any content hosted on the web, a capability foreseen by early technology visionaries like Vannevar Bush and Marc Andreessen.

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 Frontiers in Earth Science launches new section – Solid Earth Geophysics
Frontiers in Earth Science has launched a new section, Solid Earth Geophysics. The latest expansion to the portfolio will aim to advance our understanding of the dynamics, composition and structure of the Earth, focusing on both regional and global issues. Professor Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni of University College London, United Kingdom will lead this endeavour as Specialty Chief Editor.

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 Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Kent Anderson (A View from the Outside – Trends and Challenges Consultants See in Scholarly Publishing); Andrew Cosgrove (Trialing transparency at Genome Biology); José Luis Ortega (Academic journals with a presence on Twitter are more widely disseminated and receive a higher number of citations); and EBSCOpost Blog (Historical Periodicals Can be Primary Source Documents, Too). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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