Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Elsevier announces adoption of its Care Planning solution at Fundación Valle de Lilli
Elsevier, the information analytics business specialising in science and health, have announced the adoption of Elsevier’s Care Planning solution at Fundación Valle de Lilli (FVL), resulting in FVL’s HIMSS EMRAM Stage 6 certification. FVL required an integrated solution that would deliver regularly updated evidence-based content, while helping to promote patient-centered standardised care, better documentation and variability reduction to improve patient outcomes.

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 ACCUCOMS’ Aggregagent to include MIT Sloan Management Review
MIT Sloan Management Review has expanded its current relationship with ACCUCOMS to now also participate in AggregagentTM. Multiple subject collections of Aggregagent will include this highly regarded title. With the inclusion of MIT Sloan Management Review in Aggregagent, ACCUCOMS can offer content of 19 publishers to libraries and consortia via Aggregagent. The collections now include 435 titles, publishing over 22,000 articles annually.

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 BIR Publications partners with ReadCube to enhance discoverability of its collection
BIR Publications, the publishing arm of the British Institute of Radiology (BIR), has partnered with ReadCube’sDiscover program to index their collection of over 35,000 articles. Through the Discover service all of BIR’s journals, including BJRBJR|case reportsDentomaxillofacial Radiology, and Imaging, will be searchable in ReadCube’s browser, desktop and mobile applications.

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 American Psychological Association appoints eleven ethics experts to Ethics Code Task Force
The American Psychological Association (APA) has appointed eleven ethics experts to serve as an Ethics Code Task Force, charged with analysing and evaluating its ‘Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct’ and recommending revisions as appropriate. The last comprehensive review and revision of APA’s Ethics Code was completed 15 years ago.

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