Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 AAAS celebrates federal spending increases for scientific research
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) applauded President Donald Trump for signing into law a $1.3 trillion fiscal 2018 spending measure that delivers significant increases for science and technology programs and scientific research endeavours. The catch-all spending measure carries significant spending increases for most of the federal government’s major scientific agencies, including biomedical health, energy, space, defence, geological and agricultural research programs.

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 Karger Publishers expands in the Middle East, opens new Regional Office in Dubai
Medical and scientific publisher Karger Publishers has opened a new Regional Office in Dubai to extend its network in the Middle East. With this local presence, institutions and editors will get direct access to Karger products and services. At the same time Karger Publishers is also adding two regional journals to its portfolio –International Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism and Dubai Medical Journal.

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 Dr. Anke Beck to step down as Managing Director at De Gruyter to pursue new challenges in publishing
Dr. Anke Beck, one of two Managing Directors at De Gruyter, has decided to leave the company to pursue new challenges in publishing. Carsten Buhr, Managing Director, will take on sole management responsibility for De Gruyter. Anke Beck began her career as Editor-in-Chief of Mouton de Gruyter in 1994 and developed Mouton into the quality brand it is today. In 2007, she joined the senior management team at De Gruyter and was appointed Managing Director of the company in 2013.

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 Frontiers in Surgery launches new Thoracic Surgery section, appoints Dr Robert J. Cerfolio as Specialty Chief Editor
Frontiers has announced the launch of a new section, Thoracic Surgery, as part of the established Frontiers in Surgery journal. This new initiative is led by Dr. Robert J. Cerfolio of New York University Langone Medical Center, where he serves as inaugural director of the Perlmutter Cancer Center’s Lung Cancer division and chief of clinical thoracic surgery.

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 Emerald Publishing and The Beyster Foundation for Enterprise Development launch annual award programme
Academic publisher Emerald Publishing, along with The Beyster Foundation for Enterprise Development (BFED) – a development to support research, education and services that advance innovation, entrepreneurship and broad-based ownership, has announced the launch of an annual award programme for excellence in research published in the new Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership (JPEO). Editors of the JPEO will review all papers published within the journal at the end of every year, selecting one paper to receive the Best Paper Prize for that year.

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 Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Robert Harington (Openness and The Two Cultures); EBSCOpost Blog (Weighing the Benefits of Library Vendors Versus Online Retailers); Kate Williams and Jonathan Grant (A brief history of research impact: how has impact assessment evolved in the UK and Australia?); Andy Nobes (Guest Post: New Platform Facilitates International Research Collaboration to Help Solve our Biggest Global Challenges); and Anisa Rowhani-Farid (Building trust through badging). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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