Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 New Nature Index data shows surge in China’s publishing of high-quality research in the Earth and environmental sciences
New data from the Nature Index show a surge in China’s publishing of high-quality research in the Earth and environmental sciences. The United States remains the leading nation in the field, but China’s output is catching up, rising by 95% between 2012 and 2017 to take over second place from the United Kingdom in the index. The Chinese Academy of Sciences is the world’s leading producer of Earth and environmental sciences research in the top-tier science journals tracked by the Nature Index.

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 Pistoia Alliance’s UDM team release first file format specification for chemical reaction information exchange
The Pistoia Alliance UDM project team – including members from BIOVIA, GSK, Novartis, and Roche – has announced the first release of the now-open Unified Data Model (UDM) file format specification which will facilitate the exchange of information about chemical reactions. The new update consists of a definition of the UDM file format (as an XML schema document), several sample datasets, and sample source code (in Python and Java) that demonstrate the conversion to the UDM file format and validation of UDM files.

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 Society for Scholarly Publishing appoints Tom Ciavarella as Co-chair, Community Engagement Committee
The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) has appointed Tom Ciavarella, Manager of Publisher Relations atClarivate Analytics, to the role of Co-chair to its Community Engagement Committee to support its goals of providing programming outside of the US. As one of three SSP Co-chairs for the Community Engagement Committee in 2018-19, Ciavarella will focus on strengthening the London and Berlin programming efforts and on creating new regional events in Europe and other locations around the world.

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 American College of Prosthodontists appoints Radi Masri as new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Prosthodontics
American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) has appointed Radi Masri as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Prosthodontics (JoP), effective July 1. Masri is a clinician, lecturer, and a tenured Associate Professor at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry and School of Medicine.

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 Credo releases The Credo FYE Guide and contest announcements
Credo has released the final publication of The Credo FYE Guide: Practices for Enhancing Instruction, an interactive e-guide designed to help academic librarians supporting the first year experience. Through trends overviews, case studies, activity guides, lesson plans, and more, the guide provides extensive resources for libraries, whether starting an FYE initiative from scratch or making tweaks to existing programs. In conjunction with the release of the e-Guide, Credo has announced two contests with grand prizes totalling $4,000 to recognise librarians making the greatest impact with their first-year students.

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 Knowledge Unlatched books now discoverable within PaperHive search
Knowledge Unlatched (KU), the central platform for the sustainable funding of Open Access (OA) models, is now implemented in PaperHive’s database. Readers can now use PaperHive’s powerful search engine to search across all Knowledge Unlatched titles or browse within specific disciplines.

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 Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Timo Korkeamäki, Jukka Sihvonen, and Sami Vähämaa (How to compare apples with oranges: using interdisciplinary “exchange rates” to evaluate publications across disciplines); Christopher Kenneally (Digital Transformation Accelerators for Content Reuse); Patrick Sweeney (The Roadmap to Advocacy – Uncovering Your Library’s Support System); Phil Davis (2017 Journal Impact Factors Feature Citation Distributions); Alison McCook (Retracted papers keep being cited as if they weren’t retracted. Two researchers suggest how Elsevier could help fix that); Rob Johnson (Guest Post: Time to Check Out of the Hybrid Hotel?); and Rick Anderson (Who cares about scholarly communication?). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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