Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 INCOSE and Wiley name Dr. Clifford A. Whitcomb as new editor-in-chief of the ‘Systems Engineering’ journal
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and Wiley have announced the selection of Dr. Clifford A. Whitcomb as the new editor-in-chief of the ‘Systems Engineering‘ Journal. A bimonthly publication of INCOSE and Wiley, ‘Systems Engineering‘ is a global archival publication for systems engineering and related fields. Whitcomb succeeds Olivier L. de Weck, who served as editor-in-chief since January 2013.

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 International Conference on Open Scholarly Communication target organisations promoting Open Scholarly Communication and Open Science, with the focus on the Social Sciences and Humanities
The International Conference on Open Scholarly Communication ‘Open Scholarly Communication in Europe: Addressing the Coordination Challenge’ was organised by the National Documentation Centre (EKT), May 31 – June 1, in Athens as part of the European funded project OPERAS. Distinguished speakers from Greece, Europe, North and South America presented the latest developments in Open Scholarly Communication.

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 De Gruyter and Code Ocean partner to improve research reproducibility
Academic publisher De Gruyter and Code Ocean, a computational reproducibility platform, have announced a partnership that enables journal authors to publish and share working code associated with their research so readers can immediately reproduce the results. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE) is the first journal from De Gruyter to integrate the Code Ocean widget.

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 ARL invites libraries to register for 2018 LibQUAL+ survey
The Association of Research Libraries is inviting libraries to join the global assessment community of LibQUAL+® by registering for the 2018 LibQUAL+ survey. LibQUAL+ is a tool that libraries use to solicit, track, understand, and act upon users’ opinions of service quality. The protocol is a rigorously tested web survey that helps libraries assess and improve library services, change organisational culture, and market the library.

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 The BMJ launches special collection on research for health in the Americas
The BMJ is launching a special collection of articles that will explore how research can drive effective and efficient health systems across the Americas. High quality research – and the evidence that it yields – is essential for improving global health and health equity, as well as economic development. The collection seeks to shape the research agenda and help fulfil the promise of high quality health for all.

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 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics appoints Angela Barlow as editor-in-chief of new practitioner journal
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) has announced Angela Barlow, dean of the University of Central Arkansas Graduate School, as the editor-in-chief of its new practitioner journal:Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK-12, which will launch January 2020. The new journal reflects the current practices of mathematics education, as well as maintaining a knowledge base of practice and policy in looking at the future of the field.

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 Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Jessica Borger (Peer review has some problems – but the science community is working on it); EBSCOpost Blog (Search Subject Indexes for Targeted Results); Adrian Barnett (An idea to promote research integrity: adding badges to papers where the authors fought against the results being suppressed or sanitised); and Helen Blanchett (Major progress made in open research but technical and cultural obstacles remain). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of BlogspeakHere.
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