Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 108 new results.

Document Title Authors Year Source
1. Metal regulation of metabolism Bloom, A.J. 2019 Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 49, pp. 33-38.
2. Pear ripeness and tissue type impact procyanidin-cell wall interactions Brahem, M., Renard, C.M.G.C., Bureau, S., Watrelot, A.A., Le Bourvellec, C. 2019 Food Chemistry, 275, pp. 754-762.
3. Technical Product-Service Systems: Analysis and reduction of the Cumulative Energy Demand Glatt, M.F., Yi, L., Mert, G., Linke, B.S., Aurich, J.C. 2019 Journal of Cleaner Production, 206, pp. 727-740.
4. A biological control approach to reducing Naupactus godmani (Curculionidae) populations in citrus using entomopathogenic nematodes Gulcu, B., Hodson, A., Omaleki, V., Ross, A.B., Lewis, E.E. 2019 Crop Protection, 115, pp. 99-103.
5. Fiber-Based Nonlocal Formulation for Simulating Softening in Reinforced Concrete Beam-Columns Kenawy, M., Kunnath, S., Kolwankar, S., Kanvinde, A. 2018 Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 144(12), art. no. 04018217.
6. Tibial contact force and contact location errors of the VERASENSE Nicolet-Petersen, S.J., Howell, S.M., Hull, M.L. 2018 Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 140(12), art. no. 124502.
7. Exploring the latent constructs behind the use of ridehailing in California Alemi, F., Circella, G., Mokhtarian, P., Handy, S. 2018 Journal of Choice Modelling, 29, pp. 47-62.
8. Thermochemistry of BaSm2O4and thermodynamic assessment of the BaO–Sm2O3system Gong, W., Ushakov, S.V., Agca, C., Navrotsky, A. 2018 Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 101(12), pp. 5827-5835.
9. Identification of dermestid beetle modification on Neolithic Maltese human bone: Implications for funerary practices at the Xemxija tombs Thompson, J.E., Martín-Vega, D., Buck, L.T., (…), Stoddart, S., Malone, C. 2018 Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 22, pp. 123-131.
10. Neuroprotective efficacy of P7C3 compounds in primate hippocampus Bauman, M.D., Schumann, C.M., Carlson, E.L., (…), Williams, N.S., Pieper, A.A. 2018 Translational Psychiatry, 8(1), art. no. 202.
11. Genome-wide association study of 23,500 individuals identifies 7 loci associated with brain ventricular volume Vojinovic, D., Adams, H.H., Jian, X., (…), Ikram, M.A., Fornage, M. 2018 Nature Communications, 9(1), art. no. 3945.
12. Editorial Comment Dall’Era, M., Lara, P.N. 2018 Journal of Urology, 200(5), p. 1003.
13. Degradation kinetics of aflatoxin B1and B2in solid medium by using pulsed light irradiation Wang, B., Mahoney, N.E., Khir, R., (…), Pan, Z., Ma, H. 2018 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(14), pp. 5220-5224.
14. Intranasal oxytocin reduces weight gain in diet-induced obese prairie voles Seelke, A.M., Rhine, M.A., Khun, K., (…), Bales, K.L., Blevins, J.E. 2018 Physiology and Behavior, 196, pp. 67-77.
15. Dietary Flavanols: A Review of Select Effects on Vascular Function, Blood Pressure, and Exercise Performance Al-Dashti, Y.A., Holt, R.R., Stebbins, C.L., Keen, C.L., Hackman, R.M. 2018 Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 37(7), pp. 553-567.
16. Clearly Detectable, Kinetically Restricted Solid-Solid Phase Transition in cis-Ceramide Monolayers Fanani, M.L., Busto, J.V., Sot, J., (…), Maggio, B., Alonso, A. 2018 Langmuir, 34(39), pp. 11749-11758.
17. Intra versus Inter Cross-resistance Determines Treatment Sequence between Taxane and AR-Targeting Therapies in Advanced Prostate Cancer Lombard, A.P., Liu, L., Cucchiara, V., (…), Evans, C.P., Gao, A.C. 2018 Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 17(10), pp. 2197-2205.
18. Expected limits on the ocean acidification buffering potential of a temperate seagrass meadow Koweek, D.A., Zimmerman, R.C., Hewett, K.M., (…), Takeshita, Y., Caldeira, K. 2018 Ecological Applications, 28(7), pp. 1694-1714.
19. Stream macrophytes increase invertebrate production and fish habitat utilization in a California stream Lusardi, R.A., Jeffres, C.A., Moyle, P.B. 2018 River Research and Applications, 34(8), pp. 1003-1012.
20. A dewy diet for moth larvae Strong, D. 2018 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(8), p. 453.
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