Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 146 new results.

Document Title Authors Year Source
1. A taxonomy of circular economy indicators Saidani, M., Yannou, B., Leroy, Y., Cluzel, F., Kendall, A. 2019 Journal of Cleaner Production, 207, pp. 542-559.
2. Variation in cool temperature performance between populations of Neochetina eichhorniae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and implications for the biological control of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, in a temperate climate Reddy, A.M., Pratt, P.D., Hopper, J.V., (…), Walsh, G.C., Mc Kay, F. 2019 Biological Control, 128, pp. 85-93.
3. Plant TGN in the stress response: a compartmentalized overview Rosquete, M.R., Drakakaki, G. 2018 Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 46, pp. 122-129.
4. Hybrid Poplar based Biorefinery Siting Web Application (HP-BiSWA): An online decision support application for siting hybrid poplar based biorefineries Merz, J., Bandaru, V., Hart, Q., Parker, N., Jenkins, B.M. 2018 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 155, pp. 76-83.
5. Combined computational and experimental investigation of high temperature thermodynamics and structure of cubic ZrO2and HfO2 Hong, Q.-J., Ushakov, S.V., Kapush, D., (…), van de Walle, A., Navrotsky, A. 2018 Scientific Reports, 8(1), art. no. 14962.
6. Separating sexual dimorphism from other morphological variation in a specimen complex of fossil marine reptiles (Reptilia, Ichthyosauriformes, Chaohusaurus) Motani, R., Huang, J., Jiang, D.-Y., (…), Hu, Y.-C., Zhang, R. 2018 Scientific Reports, 8(1), art. no. 14978.
7. Cloning of the wheat Yr15 resistance gene sheds light on the plant tandem kinase-pseudokinase family Klymiuk, V., Yaniv, E., Huang, L., (…), Schulman, A.H., Fahima, T. 2018 Nature Communications, 9(1), art. no. 3735.
8. Effects of vitellogenin in age polyethism and population dynamics of honeybees Rodriguez Messan, M., Page, R.E., Kang, Y. 2018 Ecological Modelling, 388, pp. 88-107.
9. The enigma of rare Quaternary oolites in the Indian and Pacific Oceans: A result of global oceanographic physicochemical conditions or a sampling bias? Gallagher, S.J., Reuning, L., Himmler, T., (…), Takayanagi, H., Zhang, W. 2018 Quaternary Science Reviews, 200, pp. 114-122.
10. Prenatal exposure to air pollution and intergenerational economic mobility: Evidence from U.S. county birth cohorts O’Brien, R.L., Neman, T., Rudolph, K., Casey, J., Venkataramani, A. 2018 Social Science and Medicine, 217, pp. 92-96.
11. Idebenone is a cytoprotective insulin sensitizer whose mechanism is Shc inhibition Tomilov, A., Allen, S., Hui, C.K., Bettaieb, A., Cortopassi, G. 2018 Pharmacological Research, 137, pp. 89-103.
12. Using citizen science data in integrated population models to inform conservation Robinson, O.J., Ruiz-Gutierrez, V., Fink, D., (…), Holyoak, M., Cooch, E.G. 2018 Biological Conservation, 227, pp. 361-368.
13. The ‘China shock,’ exports and U.S. employment: A global input–output analysis Feenstra, R.C., Sasahara, A. 2018 Review of International Economics, 26(5), pp. 1053-1083.
14. Estimated heat production, blood parameters and mitochondrial DNA copy number of Nellore bulls (Bos indicus) with high and low residual feed intake Baldassini, W.A., Ramsey, J.J., Branco, R.H., (…), Chaves, A.S., Lanna, D.P.D. 2018 Livestock Science, 217, pp. 140-147.
15. Strategies for imputing missing covariates in accelerated failure time models Qi, L., Wang, Y.-F., Chen, R., (…), Robbins, J., He, Y. 2018 Statistics in Medicine, 37(24), pp. 3417-3436.
16. Surface energy of fayalite and its effect on Fe-Si-O oxygen buffers and the olivine-spinel transition Lilova, K., Deangelis, M.T., Anovitz, L.M., Navrotsky, A. 2018 American Mineralogist, 103(10), pp. 1599-1603.
17. An Electromechanical Approach to Understanding Binding Configurations in Single-Molecule Devices Ramachandran, R., Li, H.B., Lo, W.-Y., (…), Yu, L., Hihath, J. 2018 Nano Letters, 18(10), pp. 6638-6644.
18. An Aminoimidazole Radical Intermediate in the Anaerobic Biosynthesis of the 5,6-Dimethylbenzimidazole Ligand to Vitamin B12 Gagnon, D.M., Stich, T.A., Mehta, A.P., (…), Begley, T.P., Britt, R.D. 2018 Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(40), pp. 12798-12807.
19. Roads threaten Asiatic cheetahs in Iran Parchizadeh, J., Shilling, F., Gatta, M., (…), Adibi, M.A., Williams, S.T. 2018 Current Biology, 28(19), pp. R1141-R1142.
20. Identifying the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture Carter, C., Cui, X., Ghanem, D., Mérel, P. 2018 Annual Review of Resource Economics, 10, pp. 361-380.
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