Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Plan S architects explain how grantees can abide by initiative’s rules by 2020
The architects of Plan S, a contentious plan to tear down scholarly journals’ paywalls in Europe, have laid out more details on how the initiative will work. In a recently published seven-page implementation guidance note, funders backing the plan, including the European Research Council, national agencies in France, the Netherlands and the UK, as well as private funders including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, explain how grantees can abide by Plan S rules by 2020, when it goes into effect.

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 The American University of Beirut joins ProQuest Dissertations and Theses publishing program
The American University of Beirut, an esteemed teaching-centered research university in Lebanon and the Middle East, has signed an agreement to contribute its graduate works to the ProQuest Dissertations & ThesesTM (PQDT) database, the leading database of dissertations and theses from the world’s greatest universities. It is the first university in Lebanon to contribute to the database, expanding the breadth of international content in PQDT.

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 HighWire partners with Code Ocean to boost transparency, reproducibility, and reuse of research
Scholarly publishing tech provider, HighWire, has partnered with computational reproducibility platform, Code Ocean, to enable authors of academic articles to easily publish and share code associated with their research. Available to all HighWire customers, the cloud-based platform further allows readers to view and run code from within articles, increasing transparency within research, promoting reproducibility and reuse in research.

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 RSNA to launch three new peer-reviewed radiology journals in 2019
RSNA has announced the launch of three new peer-reviewed journals – Radiology: Artificial Intelligence,Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging and Radiology: Imaging Cancer – to be published in 2019. The new journals will be bi-monthly, online-only publications presenting six to eight articles per issue. The journals will be available free to RSNA members and will combine original research articles with news and editorial content.

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 Copyright Clearance Center named to EContent 100 list
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, has been named to the EContent Magazine’s 2018 EContent 100, the publication’s annual ranking of companies that matter most in the digital content industry. CCC was listed in two categories: Distribution & Delivery; and Content Monetization.

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