Synthesis and Colloquium Digital Libraries Update

New Morgan & Claypool eBooks
Synthesis Collection Eight
90 out of 100 published
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Series
Learning and Decision-Making from Rank Data
Authors: Lirong Xia
Keywords: rank data, decision-making, random utility models, Plackett-Luce model, distance-based models, Mallows’ model, preference elicitation, social choice, fairness, Bayesian estimators
Reasoning with Probabilistic and Deterministic Graphical Models: Exact Algorithms, Second Edition
Authors: Rina Dechter
Keywords: graphical models, Bayesian networks, constraint networks, Markov networks, influence diagrams, induced-width, treewidth, cycle-cutset, loop-cutset, pseudo-tree, bucket-elimination, AND/OR search
Data Management Series
Data Management in Machine Learning Systems
Authors: Matthias Boehm, Arun Kumar, Jun Yang
Keywords: ML systems, data management, data science, ML lifecycle, ML training, ML serving, in-database analytics, linear algebra, optimizing compilers, distributed machine learning, hardware accelerators, data access methods, resource elasticity, data cleaning
Non-Volatile Memory Database Management Systems
Authors: Joy Arulraj, Andrew Pavlo
Keywords: non-volatile memory, database management system, logging and recovery, storage management, buffer management, indexing
Scalable Processing of Spatial-Keyword Queries
Authors: Ahmed R. Mahmood, Walid G. Aref
Keywords: spatial-keyword, indexing, systems, big data, query processing
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series
Exploiting the Power of Group Differences: Using Patterns to Solve Data Analysis Problems
Authors: Guozhu Dong
Keywords: data mining, machine learning, data analytic, classification, regression, clustering, anomaly detection, outlier detection, intrusion detection, compound selection, complex disease analysis
Human-Centered Informatics Series
Encounters with HCI Pioneers: A Personal History and Photo Journal
Authors: Ben Shneiderman
Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), User Experience Design (UXD), paradigm birth, research pioneers, direct manipulation
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