Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 24 new results.

Document Title Authors Year Source
1. Experimental investigation on the effect of pore characteristics on clogging risk of pervious concrete based on CT scanning Zhou, H., Li, H., Abdelhady, A., (…), Wang, H., Yang, B. 2019 Construction and Building Materials, 212, pp. 130-139.
2. When can a link be obtained from another using crossing exchanges and smoothings? Medina, C., Salazar, G. 2019 Topology and its Applications, 260, pp. 13-22.
3. P-Selectin Is Critical for De Novo Pulmonary Arterial Thrombosis Following Blunt Thoracic Trauma Schutzman, L.M., Rigor, R.R., Khosravi, N., Galante, J.M., Brown, I.E. 2019 The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 86(4), pp. 583-591.
4. Use of a Fluorescent Analog of Glucose (2-NBDG) To Identify Uncultured Rumen Bacteria That Take Up Glucose Tao, J., McCourt, C., Sultana, H., (…), Driver, J., Hackmann, T.J. 2019 Applied and environmental microbiology, 85(7).
5. The EGS grading scale for skin and soft-tissue infections is predictive of poor outcomes: a multicenter validation study Savage, S.A., Li, S.W., Utter, G.H., (…), Louis, A., Crandall, M. 2019 The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 86(4), pp. 601-608.
6. Extinction vortex dynamics of top predators isolated by urbanization Benson, J.F., Mahoney, P.J., Vickers, T.W., (…), Ernest, H.B., Boyce, W.M. 2019 Ecological Applications, 29(3), art. no. e01868.
7. Global & Community Health: Brief in-hospital cognitive screening anticipates complex admissions and may detect dementia Bissig, D., DeCarli, C.S. 2019 Neurology, 92(13), pp. 631-634.
8. Latent class analysis of the social determinants of health-seeking behaviour for delivery among pregnant women in Malawi Yorlets, R.R., Iverson, K.R., Leslie, H.H., (…), Nsona, H., Shrime, M.G. 2019 BMJ Global Health, 4(2), art. no. e000930.
9. Evaluation of grain β-glucan content in barley accessions from the USDA national small grains collection Bonman, J.M., Bockelman, H.E., Hijmans, R.J., (…), Klos, K.E., Gironella, A.I.N. 2019 Crop Science, 59(2), pp. 659-666.
10. Restrictive Transfusion Strategy Is More Effective in Massive Burns: Results of the TRIBE Multicenter Prospective Randomized Trial Palmieri, T.L., Holmes, J.H., Arnoldo, B., (…), Taylor, S.L., Pollock, B.H. 2019 Military medicine, 184(1), pp. 11-15.
11. Interactions of Tomato and Botrytis cinerea Genetic Diversity: Parsing the Contributions of Host Differentiation, Domestication, and Pathogen Variation Soltis, N.E., Atwell, S., Shi, G., (…), Shafi, A., Kliebenstein, D.J. 2019 The Plant cell, 31(2), pp. 502-519.
12. Recent advances in understanding phosphoinositide signaling in the nervous system Dickson, E.J. 2019 F1000Research, 8.
13. Hanging in, stopping out, dropping out: Community college students in an era of precarity Hart, B.A. 2019 Teachers College Record, 121(1).
14. The role of industrial ecology in food and agriculture’s adaptation to climate change Kendall, A., Spang, E.S. 2019 Journal of Industrial Ecology.
15. Heart Rate Variability and Acute Stress Among Novice Airway Managers Mefford, J.M., Kahle, S., Gupta, S., (…), Danielson, A.R., Clarke, S.O. 2019 AEM Education and Training.
16. Purchasing patterns in low-income neighbourhoods: Implications for studying sugar-sweetened beverage taxes Madsen, K.A., Falbe, J., Olgin, G., Ibarra-Castro, A., Rojas, N. 2019 Public Health Nutrition.
17. Closing the loop on platinum from catalytic converters: Contributions from material flow analysis and circularity indicators Saidani, M., Kendall, A., Yannou, B., Leroy, Y., Cluzel, F. 2019 Journal of Industrial Ecology.
18. Identifying a candidate mutation underlying a reduced cuticle wax mutant of rice using targeted exon capture and sequencing Kim, H., Tai, T.H. 2019 Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, 7(1), pp. 1-11.
19. Zika transmission patterns: a meta-review Runge-Ranzinger, S., Morrison, A.C., Manrique-Saide, P., Horstick, O. 2019 Tropical Medicine and International Health.
20. Prolonged QTc in HIV-Infected Patients: A Need for Routine ECG Screening Myerson, M., Kaplan-Lewis, E., Poltavskiy, E., Ferris, D., Bang, H. 2019 Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 18.
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