Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Elsevier releases 2018 CiteScoreTM values
Elsevier, the information analytics business specializing in science and health, has released the 2018 CiteScore values, its latest assessment of thousands of all peer-reviewed research journals, book series, conference proceedings and trade publications covered in Scopus. These new values are available for free. This year more than 23,830 titles source titles covering 330 disciplines were ranked across eight indicators, which are all part of CiteScore metrics.

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 First ConTech Forum to be held in less than 3 weeks
Delegates from around the world will assemble on June 21, 2019 in London for the first ever ConTech Forum. The programme tackles the impact of AI, machine learning, data science and other emerging technologies on content creation, dissemination and consumption. Max Gabriel, CDO Taylor and Francis and Managing Partner Informa Ventures, will discuss why he thinks Big Data is the biggest unsolved problem.

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 COAR and WACREN collaborate to advance open access and open science in Africa
The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) and the West and Central African Research and Education Network (WACREN) have announced a new collaboration agreement to advance open access and open science in Africa. Through this agreement, COAR and WACREN have committed to working together to strengthen local, national and regional capacity and services for open science and open access.

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 ResearchFish integrates Kudos article summaries and author perspectives to help broaden reach and engagement with research
ResearchFish, the research impact assessment platform provider, has announced an integration with Kudos, the award-winning service for accelerating research impact through strategic communications management. Through this integration, Kudos will make plain language article summaries and author perspectives directly accessible to researchers, universities and funders from within the ResearchFish platform, reducing duplication of effort, and enriching publication records on ResearchFish with additional, valuable context and metadata.

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 Nominations for the Future Science Future Star Award 2019 now open
Future Science OA, an open access biomedical journal published by Future Science Group, has announced that nominations for the third year of its early career research award are now open. Originally launched in 2017 as the Early Career Research Award, the award is open to people within the first five years of their first academic appointment (post-doc onwards) who are making significant contributions to biomedical research and show promise for the future.

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 UC Davis and Frontiers form OA publishing agreement
The University of California, Davis (UC Davis) and Frontiers have formed an institutional membership agreement for open access publishing. Under the terms of this agreement, UC Davis-affiliated corresponding authors will benefit from a 7.5% membership discount on article processing charges (APCs) when publishing in any of Frontiers’ open access journals, irrespective of what fund covers the APC.

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