Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 New Ex Libris report reveals opportunities for academic libraries and research offices to strengthen support for researchers
Ex Libris®, a ProQuest company, has announced the publication of a study that examines the challenges that researchers confront at institutions of higher education and the level of support provided by research offices and libraries. The study was commissioned by Ex Libris and conducted by Alterline, an independent research agency. The report presents findings from a survey of 300 researchers and interviews with nine senior members of research offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

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 Karger to support systematic review and open access workshops in Basel
Over 300 health information specialists will meet in Basel for the Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) Workshop next week. Karger Publishers is the main sponsor of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) Workshop that will be held in the Master Lecture Hall Building (“Kollegienhaus”, Petersplatz 1) of the University of Basel, Switzerland from June 17-20, 2019.

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 New OA journal, Data & Policy, to explore the impact of data science on government policy
A new Open Access journal, Data & Policy, will explore the role of data science in shaping government policy – and its possible impact on privacy and public trust. Launched this week, the journal is the result of a collaboration between Cambridge University Press and the annual Data for Policy conference, being held this year at UCL on 11-12 June.

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 OpenAIRE Task Group calls on institutions to participate in pilot project to harvest Canadian institutional repositories
The OpenAIRE Task Group (part of the CARL Open Repositories Working Group) is looking for institutions to participate in a pilot project to harvest Canadian institutional repositories. OpenAIRE is a set of services funded through the European Commission to track research outputs resulting from EC-funded projects, and to help monitor open access compliance. The CARL-OpenAIRE collaboration will involve working with OpenAIRE on a project to track Canadian-funded research outputs.

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 EDP Sciences signs new agreement with Publons Reviewer Recognition Service
EDP Sciences has signed a new agreement for the ‘Publons Reviewer Recognition Service’ for the journals: Parasite (open access); Cahiers Agricultures (open access); Aquatic Living Resources; 4open (open access); and Sicot-J (open access). As a society-owned publisher, EDP Sciences is mindful of its role within the scientific community and the interactions of the various members of that community in the publishing process.

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 Dimensions and the Norwegian Centre for Research Data partner to increase visibility of research in the Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities
Dimensions and the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD) have announced their partnership which aims to increase visibility, searchability, and availability of research in the areas of Social Science and Arts & Humanities. The Dimensions platform, which is part of technology company Digital Science, brings together over 140 million publications, awarded research grants, clinical trials, patents, policy documents and their associated metrics.

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