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 Three leading medical writing organisations release ‘Joint Position Statement on Predatory Publishing’
The American Medical Writers Association (AMWA)European Medical Writers Association (EMWA), andInternational Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP) have released a ‘Joint Position Statement on Predatory Publishing’, which outlines the ‘serious threat’ that predatory journals pose – both to researchers publishing the results of their work and to the peer-reviewed medical literature itself. If not stopped, the ultimate result of predatory journals – which as defined in the statement, are those which subvert the peer-review publication system for the sole purpose of financial gain with little evident concern for ethical behaviour – will be to ‘harm’ scientific literature.

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 Medical publishing market in transition recovers in 2017-2018
Market research publisher Simba Information has released a new report, according to which, after declining at a compound annual rate of 3.9% in the period from 2014 to 2016, the medical publishing market recovered to grow 0.5% in 2017 and 1.1% in 2018 driven by the continued growth in online delivery of book collections, journal site licenses, open access fees, databases, tools and other forms of online content. According to theGlobal Medical Publishing 2019-2023 report, original online content in the form of products like electronic clinical references, drug databases and training tools surpassed books as the No. 2 sales producing publishing activity in 2018.

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 The British Academy publishes commentary on cOAlition S’s final version of Plan S
The British Academy has published a new commentary on cOAlition S’s final version of ‘Plan S’ for open access publishing, and once again voiced concerns over the initiative. Plan S aims to ‘accelerate the transition to full and immediate open access to scientific publications’. As the national academy for the humanities and social sciences, the British Academy has been paying close attention to the development of Plan S and has commented on the previous iterations of it.

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 Austria launches its ORCID Consortium
Austria has taken a major step to adopt ORCID on a national scale. The official ORCID Austria launch event took place in Vienna on June 13. Co-hosted by consortium lead organisations TU Wien and the University of Vienna, supported by ORCID and E-Infrastructures Austria Plus, this was the third ORCID workshop in Austria, but the very first with a national consortium in place. The launch event was attended by 35 participants from 24 institutions. They discussed the benefits and challenges of integrating ORCID.

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 American Journal of Public Health posts increase in impact factor, rises in rank among peer journals
New data from Journal Citation Reports show that the American Journal of Public Health rose among the ranks of peer journals in 2018 and posted an increase in its impact factor since 2017. AJPH is only one of three journals in the top 10 rankings in the Public, Occupational, and Environmental Health category of the Social Science Index that published over 300 citable articles between 2016 and 2017. In total, AJPH articles generated almost 3,000 citations.

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 Chris Alderman steps down as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research
Dr Chris Alderman has stepped down as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research(JPPR) — the flagship journal of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) — with Professor Michael Dooley announced as his successor. Over his seven-year tenure, Dr Alderman has presided over the journal’s successful move to being online-only, increased output to six issues per year, growth in article downloads, and international editorial and audience expansion.

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 Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Bernd Pulverer (Guest Post: Plan S Version 2 and the Cost of Quality); Angela Cochran (Balancing Author Satisfaction with Reviewer Needs); Ricardo Borges and Andrew G. Ewing (Opinion: Please Help Reviewers by Embedding Your Figures); Michael Fell (Significant economic benefits? Enhancing the impact of open science for knowledge users); and Katie Langin (For academics, what matters more: journal prestige or readership?). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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