Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 SEMANTiCS 2019: Representatives from industry and science to discuss use of semantic technologies and artificial intelligence
Representatives from industry and science will discuss the use of semantic technologies and artificial intelligence at the SEMANTiCS conference in Karlsruhe from September 9 to 12. FIZ Karlsruhe is a co-organiser, and with good reason: the digital change has reached and affected research data, methods and processes. Efficient information infrastructures have a key role to play in mastering the new challenges. FIZ Karlsruhe will present its spectrum as a Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure in various roundtable discussions, presentations and with its own stand.

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 SPARC Europe on Open Science policy and Education at the LIBER Conference
In late June, around 400 delegates – library directors and their staff – from throughout Europe convened at the 48th Liber Conference in Dublin. SPARC Europe was involved in the joint organisation of a pre-conference workshop titled ‘How European policies and legislation affect academic library leaders and recent changes to copyright, public sector information and Horizon Europe.’ The purpose of the event is to update the library community on important policy developments and to encourage more library and Open Science leaders to become engaged in local, national information policy-making activities in their countries. During the conference, SPARC Europe also helped organise a panel – Open Science meets Open Education.

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 Copyright: Commission launches dialogue between platforms and rights holders
The European Commission has opened a call for expression of interest to participate in the stakeholder dialogue on the application of Article 17 of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market on the use of protected content by online content-sharing service providers. The stakeholders will discuss best practices on how content-sharing platforms and service providers should cooperate with rights holders.

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 HighWire partners with SendGrid and AdButler to offer publishers enhanced email alerting service
Scholarly publishing technology provider, HighWire, has partnered with SendGrid and AdButler to offer publishers an enhanced email alerting service. Email remains an important method of article discovery for researchers and the academic community. A recent study by Gardner & Inger showed that in 2018, two out of three of the most commonly-utilised methods of article discovery were email-based (with active search at number one).

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 ASCO announces recipients of its CancerLinQ Discovery® Research Support Grant
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has announced the three recipients of its CancerLinQ Discovery® Research Support Grant. The awardees will undertake research projects using data from CancerLinQ Discovery®, an offering of ASCO’s CancerLinQ® initiative that provides de-identified data from cancer patients to academic researchers, government agencies, and others in the oncology community to generate practical knowledge that will improve cancer care.

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