Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

INPI and CAS sign Technical Cooperation Agreement to tackle Brazil’s patent application backlog – 

The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of Brazil and CAS, a division of the not-for-profit American Chemical Society that specialises in scientific information solutions, have signed a formal Technical Cooperation Agreement. This agreement is the culmination of more than 18 months of work and collaboration… Read More

Nature Research authors the latest to benefit from In Review, a free integrated preprint sharing service – 

In Review, the innovative service which integrates early sharing and increased transparency in peer review with the journal submission and peer review process, is being made available for the first time to authors submitting primary research to Nature Research titles. Authors submitting to two Nature Research titles, Nature Communications and… Read More

VCU Libraries unveils VCU Publishing, a digital press for faculty, students and the community – 

VCU Libraries is launching an initiative that will spearhead the digital publishing of scholarship by Virginia Commonwealth University faculty, students and the community, including books, peer-reviewed journals, digital scholarship and more. The initiative, VCU Publishing, aims to amplify scholarly and research findings… Read More

OCLC and Center for Research Libraries launch Shared Print Data Infrastructure Project – 

Global library cooperative OCLC will be hosting a webinar on June 17, 2020 to introduce the new registration service and the updated API to the wider shared print community. Registration for the webinar can be done at: In 2018 OCLC… Read More

ARPHA Platform welcomes fourth medical academic journal – Bulgarian Cardiology – 

In June 2020, ARPHA Platform welcomed the fourth medical academic journal to its portfolio: Bulgarian Cardiology, the official publication venue of the Bulgarian National Cardiac Society since 1995. The Society is a member of the European Society of… Read More

The Royal Society of Chemistry selects The Charlesworth Group to offer authors language editing and publication support services – 

The Royal Society of Chemistry has selected The Charlesworth Group to provide English language editing and publication support services in Chinese and English local language as part of an exclusive, enhanced service to their science community. The services adopted by the Royal… Read More

Latest edition of Blogspeak now online – 

The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Christopher Kenneally (Can data science measure up to COVID19?); Pablo Luna (How to conduct peer review research); Jack Kennedy (Published peer review: 1 year across PLOS); Sarah Fielding (This is how a medical study gets published in a scientific journal,… Read More

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