Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Clarivate releases regional landscape report highlighting current trends in indigenous research

Clarivate Plc, a global leader in providing trusted information and insights to accelerate the pace of innovation, has released a regional landscape report highlighting the current trends in indigenous research across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Region. The report, entitled as… Read More

Europe PMC releases new version of SciLite – tool for highlighting annotations – 

Europe PMC has released a new version of SciLite, a powerful tool for highlighting annotations in life sciences publications, from September 2020. SciLite is powered by the Europe PMC annotation platform via the open annotation API, which provides… Read More

EMS Press launches new offer to support sustainable open access publishing – 

EMS Press, the publishing house of the European Mathematical Society, announced in June 2020 its Subscribe To Open (S2O) programme – initially for 10 journals. With S2O, libraries continue to subscribe to journals for 2021 (with the usual subscriber benefits, such as… Read More

CAB Thesaurus reaches new milestone with over 3 million terms – 

The 2020 edition of CAB Thesaurus has been published after reaching a significant milestone – it now includes more than 3 million terms/labels with special focus given to the needs of PlantwiseCompendiaVetMed… Read More

UCL Press hosts a Peer Review Week Event – 

In concurrence with Peer Review Week 2020, Stephanie Dawson and Ian Caswell of UCL Press will host a virtual event on September 24, 2020, through Zoom describing the Open Peer Review tools behind UCL Open: Environment. The event will have the form… Read More

ASM centralises ethics efforts in new portal – 

The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) has launched a new, centralised ethics portal. The ethics portal will communicate to and educate ASM members on ASM’s ethics policies and will streamline the way ethical concerns are handled. The new portal seeks to ensure… Read More

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