Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Springer Nature collaborates with the OAPEN foundation on open access toolkit for researchers and academic book authors – 

Springer Nature claims to be one of the founding members of the new OAPEN toolkit for researchers and academic book authors. The toolkit is a free-to-access, stakeholder-agnostic resource that aims to help authors better understand open access (OA) for books, to increase trust in OA book… Read More

Clarivate and Open Access Monitor collaborate to provide Web of Science Data Across DACH region – 

Clarivate Plc, a global leader in providing trusted information and insights to accelerate the pace of innovation, is supporting the Open Access Monitor (OA Monitor), Germany with the provision of Web of Science™ publication, grant and funding data to increase the impact… Read More

Oxford University Press implements new research data policy – 

As part of its continuing drive towards a more open and transparent research environment, Oxford University Press (OUP) has recently implemented new research data policies in over 290 of the journals in its portfolio. The new policy, launched formally earlier in… Read More

SciScore is now on Research Square platform – 

As an integrated part of the preprinting process on Research Square platform, SciScore will help authors ensure the science behind their manuscripts is better prepared for peer review. SciScore scans preprint methods against various research guidelines and rigor criteria known to support the reproducibility of scientific… Read More

OpenAthens joins as member of National Information Standards Organisation – 

OpenAthens joins NISO’s roster of well-respected member organisations, as a Voting Member which allows to ‘have a voice at the table’, and to participate in discussion, debate, and decision-making about technological advances in information management. This includes the opportunity to join multiple… Read More

Bristol University Press launches new Library Advisory Board – 

Bristol University Press (BUP) and its imprint Policy Press have announced the launch of their inaugural Library Advisory Board (LAB). Coming from a diverse range of institutions, the expert librarians will provide advice on strategic questions that impact audiences and their… Read More

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