Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

From Frankfurt to the world: 72nd Frankfurter Buchmesse goes on the air with 260 hours of programming – 

The 72nd Frankfurter Buchmesse – 2020’s Special Edition – is making the international publishing industry’s globe-spanning network visible: The exhibitor directory – an industry catalogue that currently has almost 4,400 entries – includes publishers, literary agents and service providers from over 100 countries. The largest contingent comprises players from the… Read More

Wiley launches interdisciplinary open access journal Natural Sciences – 

John Wiley and Sons Inc. has announced the launch of its new premier open access journal, Natural Sciences. The journal, which fully embraces open research principles, is one of the mutual initiatives agreed to by Projekt DEAL and Wiley. Helmed by leading scientists in the… Read More

Jisc and PLOS agree to allow researchers to publish in PLOS journals – 

Jisc and the Public Library of Science (PLOS) have announced two three-year open access (OA) agreements that allow researchers to publish in PLOS journals without incurring article processing charges (APCs). This is the first time that a large university consortium has… Read More

EBSCO Information Services and Sygnity Business Solutions announce services agreement for libraries instituting FOLIO – 

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and Sygnity Business Solutions have collaborated to ensure that libraries in Poland looking to adopt the FOLIO Library Services Platform (LSP) will have access to local support services. Sygnity Business Solutions will provide FOLIO… Read More

Adam Wax appointed as new editor-in-chief for SPIE journal Optical Engineering – 

Adam Wax has been appointed as new editor-in-chief of Optical Engineering (OE), effective January 1, 2021. He succeeds the journal’s current editor-in-chief, Michael T. Eismann, who has served in the role since 2014. OE is one of 12 journals published by SPIE, the international society for… Read More

Mechanics & Industry, the official journal of the AFM, joins the open access movement – 

EDP Sciences has announced that Mechanics & Industry (M&I), the official journal of the Association Française de Mécanique (AFM), will publish all articles open access from January 2021. M&I has been co-published in English with EDP Sciences since… Read More

University of Birmingham to create online research database to boost battle against COVID-19 – 

University of Birmingham experts in Computer Science and Medicine worked with the Institute for Global Innovation to create the database, which includes all disciplines of research, including health-related, socio-economic, behavioural, educational, cultural, science and technology. Researchers around the world can tap… Read More

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