Wong, Emily M.; Tablin, Fern; Schelegle, Edward S.
Plos One |
The aim of time-varying heart rate variability spectral analysis is to detect and quantify changes in the heart rate variability spectrum components during nonstationary events. Of the methods available, the nonparametric short-time Four…
Driver, Katie E.; Al-Khatib, Kassim; Godar, Amar
Weed Technology |
Bearded sprangletop is a problematic weed in California rice production and few herbicides provide effective control. As control of bearded sprangletop has declined, grower suspicion of resistance to clomazone has increased, because of t…
Jones, James Harvey; Aldwinckle, Robin
Local And Regional Anesthesia |
Laparoscopic abdominal surgery has become a mainstay of modern surgical practice. Postoperative analgesia is an integral component of recovery following laparoscopic abdominal surgery and may be improved by regional anesthesia or intrave…
Waters, Claire M.
Journal Of Religious History |
In medieval miracles of the Virgin Mary that feature images, gazing at Mary and being seen by her can shape or change the identity of the miracle’s protagonist. Such miracles often feature figures who have the potential to be adult male …
Glennie, Charlotte
Sustainability |
Urban sustainability is most often measured using a series of social, economic, and ecological indicators. Assessment methods for urban sustainability typically factor in the ecological dimensions of greenspace, such as biodiversity main…