Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 247 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 247 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 247 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Postprandial metabolic response of breast-fed infants and infants fed lactose-free vs regular infant formula: A randomized controlled trial Slupsky, C.M., He, X., Hernell, O., Andersson, Y., Rudolph, C., Lönnerdal, B., West, C.E. 2017 Scientific Reports ,
7 ( 1 ) , art. no. 3640
2 . Arabidopsis Transporter ABCG37/PDR9 contributes primarily highly oxygenated Coumarins to Root Exudation Ziegler, J., Schmidt, S., Strehmel, N., Scheel, D., Abel, S. 2017 Scientific Reports ,
7 ( 1 ) , art. no. 3704
3 . Ab initio sampling of transition paths by conditioned Langevin dynamics Delarue, M., Koehl, P., Orland, H. 2017 Journal of Chemical Physics ,
147 ( 15 ) , art. no. 152703
4 . White matter microstructure in boys with persistent depressive disorder Vilgis, V., Vance, A., Cunnington, R., Silk, T.J. 2017 Journal of Affective Disorders ,
221 pp. 11 – 16 .
5 . Modeling the risk of salmonellosis from consumption of pistachios produced and consumed in the United States Lambertini, E., Barouei, J., Schaffner, D.W., Danyluk, M.D., Harris, L.J. 2017 Food Microbiology ,
67 pp. 85 – 96 .
6 . Column splice fracture effects on the seismic performance of steel moment frames Stillmaker, K., Lao, X., Galasso, C., Kanvinde, A. 2017 Journal of Constructional Steel Research ,
137 pp. 93 – 101 .
7 . Trajectories of social anxiety, cognitive reappraisal, and mindfulness during an RCT of CBGT versus MBSR for social anxiety disorder Goldin, P.R., Morrison, A.S., Jazaieri, H., Heimberg, R.G., Gross, J.J. 2017 Behaviour Research and Therapy ,
97 pp. 1 – 13 .
8 . ω-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids and their cytochrome P450-derived metabolites suppress colorectal tumor development in mice Wang, W., Yang, J., Nimiya, Y., Lee, K.S.S., Sanidad, K., Qi, W., Sukamtoh, E., Park, Y., Liu, Z., Zhang, G. 2017 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry ,
48 pp. 29 – 35 .
9 . Analysis of Vegard’s law for lattice matching In<inf>x</inf>Al<inf>1−x</inf>N to GaN by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Foronda, H.M., Mazumder, B., Young, E.C., Laurent, M.A., Li, Y., DenBaars, S.P., Speck, J.S. 2017 Journal of Crystal Growth ,
475 pp. 127 – 135 .
10 . Experimental investigation on PEM fuel cell cold start behavior containing porous metal foam as cathode flow distributor Huo, S., Cooper, N.J., Smith, T.L., Park, J.W., Jiao, K. 2017 Applied Energy ,
203 pp. 101 – 114 .
11 . Search for anomalous couplings in boosted WW/WZ→ℓνqq‾ production in proton–proton collisions at s=8 TeV Sirunyan, A.M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Asilar, E., Bergauer, T., Brandstetter, J., Brondolin, E., Dragicevic, M., Erö, J., Flechl, M., Friedl, M., Frühwirth, R., Ghete, V.M., Hartl, C., Hörmann, N., Hrubec, J., Jeitler, M., König, A., Krätschmer, I., Liko, D., Matsushita, T., Mikulec, I., Rabady, D., Rad, N., Rahbaran, B., Rohringer, H., Schieck, J., Strauss, J., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C.-E., Dvornikov, O., Makarenko, V., Mossolov, V., Suarez Gonzalez, J., Zykunov, V., Shumeiko, N., Alderweireldt, S., De Wolf, E.A., Janssen, X., Lauwers, J., Van De Klundert, M., Van Haevermaet, H., Van Mechelen, P., Van Remortel, N., Van Spilbeeck, A., Abu Zeid, S., Blekman, F., D’Hondt, J., Daci, N., De Bruyn, I., Deroover, K., Lowette, S., Moortgat, S., Moreels, L., Olbrechts, A., Python, Q., Skovpen, K., Tavernier, S., Van Doninck, W., Van Mulders, P., Van Parijs, I., Brun, H., Clerbaux, B., De Lentdecker, G., Delannoy, H., Fasanella, G., Favart, L., Goldouzian, R., Grebenyuk, A., Karapostoli, G., Lenzi, T., Léonard, A., Luetic, J., Maerschalk, T., Marinov, A., Randle-conde, A., Seva, T., Vander Velde, C., Vanlaer, P., Vannerom, D., Yonamine, R., Zenoni, F., Zhang, F., Cimmino, A., Cornelis, T., Dobur, D., Fagot, A., Gul, M., Khvastunov, I., Poyraz, D., Salva, S., Schöfbeck, R., Tytgat, M., Van Driessche, W., Yazgan, E., Zaganidis, N., Bakhshiansohi, H., Beluffi, C., Bondu, O., Brochet, S., Bruno, G., Caudron, A., De Visscher, S., Delaere, C., Delcourt, M., Francois, B., Giammanco, A., Jafari, A., Komm, M., Krintiras, G., Lemaitre, V., Magitteri, A., Mertens, A., Musich, M., Piotrzkowski, K., Quertenmont, L., Selvaggi, M., Vidal Marono, M., Wertz, S., Beliy, N., Aldá Júnior, W.L., Alves, F.L., Alves, G.A., Brito, L., Hensel, C., Moraes, A., Pol, M.E., Rebello Teles, P., Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E., Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Custódio, A., Da Costa, E.M., Da Silveira, G.G., De Jesus Damiao, D., De Oliveira Martins, C., Fonseca De Souza, S., Huertas Guativa, L.M., Malbouisson, H., Matos Figueiredo, D., Mora Herrera, C., Mundim, L., Nogima, H., Prado Da Silva, W.L., Santoro, A., Sznajder, A., Tonelli Manganote, E.J., Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F., Vilela Pereira, A., Ahuja, S., Bernardes, C.A., Dogra, S., Fernandez Perez Tomei, T.R., Gregores, E.M., Mercadante, P.G., Moon, C.S., Novaes, S.F., Padula, S.S., Romero Abad, D., Ruiz Vargas, J.C., Aleksandrov, A., Hadjiiska, R., Iaydjiev, P., Rodozov, M., Stoykova, S., Sultanov, G., Vutova, M., Dimitrov, A., Glushkov, I., Litov, L., Pavlov, B., Petkov, P., Fang, W., Ahmad, M., Bian, J.G., Chen, G.M., Chen, H.S., Chen, M., Chen, Y., Cheng, T., Jiang, C.H., Leggat, D., Liu, Z., Romeo, F., Ruan, M., Shaheen, S.M., Spiezia, A., Tao, J., Wang, C., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Zhao, J., Ban, Y., Chen, G., Li, Q., Liu, S., Mao, Y., Qian, S.J., Wang, D., Xu, Z., Avila, C., Cabrera, A., Chaparro Sierra, L.F., Florez, C., Gomez, J.P., González Hernández, C.F., Ruiz Alvarez, J.D., Sanabria, J.C., Godinovic, N., Lelas, D., Puljak, I., Ribeiro Cipriano, P.M., Sculac, T., Antunovic, Z., Kovac, M., Brigljevic, V., Ferencek, D., Kadija, K., Mesic, B., Susa, T., Ather, M.W., Attikis, A., Mavromanolakis, G., Mousa, J., Nicolaou, C., Ptochos, F., Razis, P.A., Rykaczewski, H., Finger, M., Finger, M., Carrera Jarrin, E., Abdelalim, A.A., El-khateeb, E., Salama, E., Kadastik, M., Perrini, L., Raidal, M., Tiko, A., Veelken, C., Eerola, P., Pekkanen, J., Voutilainen, M., Härkönen, J., Järvinen, T., Karimäki, V., Kinnunen, R., Lampén, T., Lassila-Perini, K., Lehti, S., Lindén, T., Luukka, P., Tuominiemi, J., Tuovinen, E., Wendland, L., Talvitie, J., Tuuva, T., Besancon, M., Couderc, F., Dejardin, M., Denegri, D., Fabbro, B., Faure, J.L., Favaro, C., Ferri, F., Ganjour, S., Ghosh, S., Givernaud, A., Gras, P., Hamel de Monchenault, G., Jarry, P., Kucher, I., Locci, E., Machet, M., Malcles, J., Rander, J., Rosowsky, A., Titov, M., Abdulsalam, A., Antropov, I., Baffioni, S., Beaudette, F., Busson, P., Cadamuro, L., Chapon, E., Charlot, C., Davignon, O., Granier de Cassagnac, R., Jo, M., Lisniak, S., Miné, P., Nguyen, M., Ochando, C., Ortona, G., Paganini, P., Pigard, P., Regnard, S., Salerno, R., Sirois, Y., Stahl Leiton, A.G., Strebler, T., Yilmaz, Y., Zabi, A., Zghiche, A., Agram, J.-L., Andrea, J., Aubin, A., Bloch, D., Brom, J.-M., Buttignol, M., Chabert, E.C., Chanon, N., Collard, C., Conte, E., Coubez, X., Fontaine, J.-C., Gelé, D., Goerlach, U., Le Bihan, A.-C., Van Hove, P., Gadrat, S., Beauceron, S., Bernet, C., Boudoul, G., Carrillo Montoya, C.A., Chierici, R., Contardo, D., Courbon, B., Depasse, P., El Mamouni, H., Fay, J., Gascon, S., Gouzevitch, M., Grenier, G., Ille, B., Lagarde, F., Laktineh, I.B., Lethuillier, M., Mirabito, L., Pequegnot, A.L., Perries, S., Popov, A., Sordini, V., Vander Donckt, M., Verdier, P., Viret, S., Toriashvili, T., Tsamalaidze, Z., Autermann, C., Beranek, S., Feld, L., Kiesel, M.K., Klein, K., Lipinski, M., Preuten, M., Schomakers, C., Schulz, J., Verlage, T., Albert, A., Brodski, M., Dietz-Laursonn, E., Duchardt, D., Endres, M., Erdmann, M., Erdweg, S., Esch, T., Fischer, R., Güth, A., Hamer, M., Hebbeker, T., Heidemann, C., Hoepfner, K., Knutzen, S., Merschmeyer, M., Meyer, A., Millet, P., Mukherjee, S., Olschewski, M., Padeken, K., Pook, T., Radziej, M., Reithler, H., Rieger, M., Scheuch, F., Sonnenschein, L., Teyssier, D., Thüer, S., Cherepanov, V., Flügge, G., Kargoll, B., Kress, T., Künsken, A., Lingemann, J., Müller, T., Nehrkorn, A., Nowack, A., Pistone, C., Pooth, O., Stahl, A., Aldaya Martin, M., Arndt, T., Asawatangtrakuldee, C., Beernaert, K., Behnke, O., Behrens, U., Bin Anuar, A.A., Borras, K., Campbell, A., Connor, P., Contreras-Campana, C., Costanza, F., Diez Pardos, C., Dolinska, G., Eckerlin, G., Eckstein, D., Eichhorn, T., Eren, E., Gallo, E., Garay Garcia, J., Geiser, A., Gizhko, A., Grados Luyando, J.M., Grohsjean, A., Gunnellini, P., Harb, A., Hauk, J., Hempel, M., Jung, H., Kalogeropoulos, A., Karacheban, O., Kasemann, M., Keaveney, J., Kleinwort, C., Korol, I., Krücker, D., Lange, W., Lelek, A., Lenz, T., Leonard, J., Lipka, K., Lobanov, A., Lohmann, W., Mankel, R., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Meyer, A.B., Mittag, G., Mnich, J., Mussgiller, A., Pitzl, D., Placakyte, R., Raspereza, A., Roland, B., Sahin, M.Ö., Saxena, P., Schoerner-Sadenius, T., Spannagel, S., Stefaniuk, N., Van Onsem, G.P., Walsh, R., Wissing, C., Blobel, V., Centis Vignali, M., Draeger, A.R., Dreyer, T., Garutti, E., Gonzalez, D., Haller, J., Hoffmann, M., Junkes, A., Klanner, R., Kogler, R., Kovalchuk, N., Lapsien, T., Marchesini, I., Marconi, D., Meyer, M., Niedziela, M., Nowatschin, D., Pantaleo, F., Peiffer, T., Perieanu, A., Scharf, C., Schleper, P., Schmidt, A., Schumann, S., Schwandt, J., Stadie, H., Steinbrück, G., Stober, F.M., Stöver, M., Tholen, H., Troendle, D., Usai, E., Vanelderen, L., Vanhoefer, A., Vormwald, B., Akbiyik, M., Barth, C., Baur, S., Baus, C., Berger, J., Butz, E., Caspart, R., Chwalek, T., Colombo, F., De Boer, W., Dierlamm, A., Fink, S., Freund, B., Friese, R., Giffels, M., Gilbert, A., Goldenzweig, P., Haitz, D., Hartmann, F., Heindl, S.M., Husemann, U., Kassel, F., Katkov, I., Kudella, S., Mildner, H., Mozer, M.U., Müller, T., Plagge, M., Quast, G., Rabbertz, K., Röcker, S., Roscher, F., Schröder, M., Shvetsov, I., Sieber, G., Simonis, H.J., Ulrich, R., Wayand, S., Weber, M., Weiler, T., Williamson, S., Wöhrmann, C., Wolf, R., Anagnostou, G., Daskalakis, G., Geralis, T., Giakoumopoulou, V.A., Kyriakis, A., Loukas, D., Topsis-Giotis, I., Kesisoglou, S., Panagiotou, A., Saoulidou, N., Tziaferi, E., Evangelou, I., Flouris, G., Foudas, C., Kokkas, P., Loukas, N., Manthos, N., Papadopoulos, I., Paradas, E., Filipovic, N., Pasztor, G., Bencze, G., Hajdu, C., Horvath, D., Sikler, F., Veszpremi, V., Vesztergombi, G., Zsigmond, A.J., Beni, N., Czellar, S., Karancsi, J., Makovec, A., Molnar, J., Szillasi, Z., Bartók, M., Raics, P., Trocsanyi, Z.L., Ujvari, B., Komaragiri, J.R., Bahinipati, S., Bhowmik, S., Choudhury, S., Mal, P., Mandal, K., Nayak, A., Sahoo, D.K., Sahoo, N., Swain, S.K., Bansal, S., Beri, S.B., Bhatnagar, V., Chawla, R., Bhawandeep, U., Kalsi, A.K., Kaur, A., Kaur, M., Kumar, R., Kumari, P., Mehta, A., Mittal, M., Singh, J.B., Walia, G., Kumar, A., Bhardwaj, A., Choudhary, B.C., Garg, R.B., Keshri, S., Malhotra, S., Naimuddin, M., Ranjan, K., Sharma, R., Sharma, V., Bhattacharya, R., Bhattacharya, S., Chatterjee, K., Dey, S., Dutt, S., Dutta, S., Ghosh, S., Majumdar, N., Modak, A., Mondal, K., Mukhopadhyay, S., Nandan, S., Purohit, A., Roy, A., Roy, D., Roy Chowdhury, S., Sarkar, S., Sharan, M., Thakur, S., Behera, P.K., Chudasama, R., Dutta, D., Jha, V., Kumar, V., Mohanty, A.K., Netrakanti, P.K., Pant, L.M., Shukla, P., Topkar, A., Aziz, T., Dugad, S., Kole, G., Mahakud, B., Mitra, S., Mohanty, G.B., Parida, B., Sur, N., Sutar, B., Banerjee, S., Dewanjee, R.K., Ganguly, S., Guchait, M., Jain, S., Kumar, S., Maity, M., Majumder, G., Mazumdar, K., Sarkar, T., Wickramage, N., Chauhan, S., Dube, S., Hegde, V., Kapoor, A., Kothekar, K., Pandey, S., Rane, A., Sharma, S., Chenarani, S., Eskandari Tadavani, E., Etesami, S.M., Khakzad, M., Mohammadi Najafabadi, M., Naseri, M., Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S., Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F., Safarzadeh, B., Zeinali, M., Felcini, M., Grunewald, M., Abbrescia, M., Calabria, C., Caputo, C., Colaleo, A., Creanza, D., Cristella, L., De Filippis, N., De Palma, M., Fiore, L., Iaselli, G., Maggi, G., Maggi, M., Miniello, G., My, S., Nuzzo, S., Pompili, A., Pugliese, G., Radogna, R., Ranieri, A., Selvaggi, G., Sharma, A., Silvestris, L., Venditti, R., Verwilligen, P., Abbiendi, G., Battilana, C., Bonacorsi, D., Braibant-Giacomelli, S., Brigliadori, L., Campanini, R., Capiluppi, P., Castro, A., Cavallo, F.R., Chhibra, S.S., Codispoti, G., Cuffiani, M., Dallavalle, G.M., Fabbri, F., Fanfani, A., Fasanella, D., Giacomelli, P., Grandi, C., Guiducci, L., Marcellini, S., Masetti, G., Montanari, A., Navarria, F.L., Perrotta, A., Rossi, A.M., Rovelli, T., Siroli, G.P., Tosi, N., Albergo, S., Costa, S., Di Mattia, A., Giordano, F., Potenza, R., Tricomi, A., Tuve, C., Barbagli, G., Ciulli, V., Civinini, C., D’Alessandro, R., Focardi, E., Lenzi, P., Meschini, M., Paoletti, S., Russo, L., Sguazzoni, G., Strom, D., Viliani, L., Benussi, L., Bianco, S., Fabbri, F., Piccolo, D., Primavera, F., Calvelli, V., Ferro, F., Monge, M.R., Robutti, E., Tosi, S., Brianza, L., Brivio, F., Ciriolo, V., Dinardo, M.E., Fiorendi, S., Gennai, S., Ghezzi, A., Govoni, P., Malberti, M., Malvezzi, S., Manzoni, R.A., Menasce, D., Moroni, L., Paganoni, M., Pedrini, D., Pigazzini, S., Ragazzi, S., Tabarelli de Fatis, T., Buontempo, S., Cavallo, N., De Nardo, G., Di Guida, S., Esposito, M., Fabozzi, F., Fienga, F., Iorio, A.O.M., Lanza, G., Lista, L., Meola, S., Paolucci, P., Sciacca, C., Thyssen, F., Azzi, P., Bacchetta, N., Benato, L., Bisello, D., Boletti, A., Carlin, R., Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A., Checchia, P., Dall’Osso, M., De Castro Manzano, P., Dorigo, T., Dosselli, U., Gasparini, F., Gasparini, U., Gozzelino, A., Lacaprara, S., Margoni, M., Meneguzzo, A.T., Pazzini, J., Pozzobon, N., Ronchese, P., Simonetto, F., Torassa, E., Zanetti, M., Zotto, P., Zumerle, G., Braghieri, A., Fallavollita, F., Magnani, A., Montagna, P., Ratti, S.P., Re, V., Riccardi, C., Salvini, P., Vai, I., Vitulo, P., Alunni Solestizi, L., Bilei, G.M., Ciangottini, D., Fanò, L., Lariccia, P., Leonardi, R., Mantovani, G., Mariani, V., Menichelli, M., Saha, A., Santocchia, A., Androsov, K., Azzurri, P., Bagliesi, G., Bernardini, J., Boccali, T., Castaldi, R., Ciocci, M.A., Dell’Orso, R., Donato, S., Fedi, G., Giassi, A., Grippo, M.T., Ligabue, F., Lomtadze, T., Martini, L., Messineo, A., Palla, F., Rizzi, A., Savoy-Navarro, A., Spagnolo, P., Tenchini, R., Tonelli, G., Venturi, A., Verdini, P.G., Barone, L., Cavallari, F., Cipriani, M., Del Re, D., Diemoz, M., Gelli, S., Longo, E., Margaroli, F., Marzocchi, B., Meridiani, P., Organtini, G., Paramatti, R., Preiato, F., Rahatlou, S., Rovelli, C., Santanastasio, F., Amapane, N., Arcidiacono, R., Argiro, S., Arneodo, M., Bartosik, N., Bellan, R., Biino, C., Cartiglia, N., Cenna, F., Costa, M., Covarelli, R., Degano, A., Demaria, N., Finco, L., Kiani, B., Mariotti, C., Maselli, S., Migliore, E., Monaco, V., Monteil, E., Monteno, M., Obertino, M.M., Pacher, L., Pastrone, N., Pelliccioni, M., Pinna Angioni, G.L., Ravera, F., Romero, A., Ruspa, M., Sacchi, R., Shchelina, K., Sola, V., Solano, A., Staiano, A., Traczyk, P., Belforte, S., Casarsa, M., Cossutti, F., Della Ricca, G., Zanetti, A., Kim, D.H., Kim, G.N., Kim, M.S., Lee, S., Lee, S.W., Oh, Y.D., Sekmen, S., Son, D.C., Yang, Y.C., Lee, A., Kim, H., Brochero Cifuentes, J.A., Kim, T.J., Cho, S., Choi, S., Go, Y., Gyun, D., Ha, S., Hong, B., Jo, Y., Kim, Y., Lee, K., Lee, K.S., Lee, S., Lim, J., Park, S.K., Roh, Y., Almond, J., Kim, J., Lee, H., Oh, S.B., Radburn-Smith, B.C., Seo, S.H., Yang, U.K., Yoo, H.D., Yu, G.B., Choi, M., Kim, H., Kim, J.H., Lee, J.S.H., Park, I.C., Ryu, G., Ryu, M.S., Choi, Y., Goh, J., Hwang, C., Lee, J., Yu, I., Dudenas, V., Juodagalvis, A., Vaitkus, J., Ahmed, I., Ibrahim, Z.A., Md Ali, M.A.B., Mohamad Idris, F., Wan Abdullah, W.A.T., Yusli, M.N., Zolkapli, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., De La Cruz-Burelo, E., Heredia-De La Cruz, I., Hernandez-Almada, A., Lopez-Fernandez, R., Magaña Villalba, R., Mejia Guisao, J., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Carrillo Moreno, S., Oropeza Barrera, C., Vazquez Valencia, F., Carpinteyro, S., Pedraza, I., Salazar Ibarguen, H.A., Uribe Estrada, C., Morelos Pineda, A., Krofcheck, D., Butler, P.H., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, M., Hassan, Q., Hoorani, H.R., Khan, W.A., Saddique, A., Shah, M.A., Shoaib, M., Waqas, M., Bialkowska, H., Bluj, M., Boimska, B., Frueboes, T., Górski, M., Kazana, M., Nawrocki, K., Romanowska-Rybinska, K., Szleper, M., Zalewski, P., Bunkowski, K., Byszuk, A., Doroba, K., Kalinowski, A., Konecki, M., Krolikowski, J., Misiura, M., Olszewski, M., Walczak, M., Bargassa, P., Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C., Calpas, B., Di Francesco, A., Faccioli, P., Ferreira Parracho, P.G., Gallinaro, M., Hollar, J., Leonardo, N., Lloret Iglesias, L., Nemallapudi, M.V., Rodrigues Antunes, J., Seixas, J., Toldaiev, O., Vadruccio, D., Varela, J., Afanasiev, S., Bunin, P., Gavrilenko, M., Golutvin, I., Gorbunov, I., Kamenev, A., Karjavin, V., Lanev, A., Malakhov, A., Matveev, V., Palichik, V., Perelygin, V., Shmatov, S., Shulha, S., Skatchkov, N., Smirnov, V., Voytishin, N., Zarubin, A., Chtchipounov, L., Golovtsov, V., Ivanov, Y., Kim, V., Kuznetsova, E., Murzin, V., Oreshkin, V., Sulimov, V., Vorobyev, A., Andreev, Y., Dermenev, A., Gninenko, S., Golubev, N., Karneyeu, A., Kirsanov, M., Krasnikov, N., Pashenkov, A., Tlisov, D., Toropin, A., Epshteyn, V., Gavrilov, V., Lychkovskaya, N., Popov, V., Pozdnyakov, I., Safronov, G., Spiridonov, A., Toms, M., Vlasov, E., Zhokin, A., Aushev, T., Bylinkin, A., Chadeeva, M., Markin, O., Rusinov, V., Andreev, V., Azarkin, M., Dremin, I., Kirakosyan, M., Leonidov, A., Terkulov, A., Baskakov, A., Belyaev, A., Boos, E., Dubinin, M., Dudko, L., Ershov, A., Gribushin, A., Klyukhin, V., Kodolova, O., Lokhtin, I., Miagkov, I., Obraztsov, S., Petrushanko, S., Savrin, V., Snigirev, A., Blinov, V., Skovpen, Y., Shtol, D., Azhgirey, I., Bayshev, I., Bitioukov, S., Elumakhov, D., Kachanov, V., Kalinin, A., Konstantinov, D., Krychkine, V., Petrov, V., Ryutin, R., Sobol, A., Troshin, S., Tyurin, N., Uzunian, A., Volkov, A., Adzic, P., Cirkovic, P., Devetak, D., Dordevic, M., Milosevic, J., Rekovic, V., Alcaraz Maestre, J., Barrio Luna, M., Calvo, E., Cerrada, M., Chamizo Llatas, M., Colino, N., De La Cruz, B., Delgado Peris, A., Escalante Del Valle, A., Fernandez Bedoya, C., Fernández Ramos, J.P., Flix, J., Fouz, M.C., Garcia-Abia, P., Gonzalez Lopez, O., Goy Lopez, S., Hernandez, J.M., Josa, 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Chen, P.H., Fiori, F., Hou, W.-S., Hsiung, Y., Liu, Y.F., Lu, R.-S., Miñano Moya, M., Paganis, E., Psallidas, A., Tsai, J.F., Asavapibhop, B., Singh, G., Srimanobhas, N., Suwonjandee, N., Adiguzel, A., Bakirci, M.N., Damarseckin, S., Demiroglu, Z.S., Dozen, C., Eskut, E., Girgis, S., Gokbulut, G., Guler, Y., Hos, I., Kangal, E.E., Kara, O., Kiminsu, U., Oglakci, M., Onengut, G., Ozdemir, K., Ozturk, S., Polatoz, A., Sunar Cerci, D., Turkcapar, S., Zorbakir, I.S., Zorbilmez, C., Bilin, B., Bilmis, S., Isildak, B., Karapinar, G., Yalvac, M., Zeyrek, M., Gülmez, E., Kaya, M., Kaya, O., Yetkin, E.A., Yetkin, T., Cakir, A., Cankocak, K., Sen, S., Grynyov, B., Levchuk, L., Sorokin, P., Aggleton, R., Ball, F., Beck, L., Brooke, J.J., Burns, D., Clement, E., Cussans, D., Flacher, H., Goldstein, J., Grimes, M., Heath, G.P., Heath, H.F., Jacob, J., Kreczko, L., Lucas, C., Newbold, D.M., Paramesvaran, S., Poll, A., Sakuma, T., Seif El Nasr-storey, S., Smith, D., Smith, V.J., Bell, K.W., Belyaev, A., Brew, C., Brown, R.M., Calligaris, L., Cieri, D., Cockerill, D.J.A., Coughlan, J.A., Harder, K., Harper, S., Olaiya, E., Petyt, D., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H., Thea, A., Tomalin, I.R., Williams, T., Baber, M., Bainbridge, R., Buchmuller, O., Bundock, A., Burton, D., Casasso, S., Citron, M., Colling, D., Corpe, L., Dauncey, P., Davies, G., De Wit, A., Della Negra, M., Di Maria, R., Dunne, P., Elwood, A., Futyan, D., Haddad, Y., Hall, G., Iles, G., James, T., Lane, R., Laner, C., Lucas, R., Lyons, L., Magnan, A.-M., Malik, S., Mastrolorenzo, L., Nash, J., Nikitenko, A., Pela, J., Penning, B., Pesaresi, M., Raymond, D.M., Richards, A., Rose, A., Scott, E., Seez, C., Summers, S., Tapper, A., Uchida, K., Vazquez Acosta, M., Virdee, T., Wright, J., Zenz, S.C., Cole, J.E., Hobson, P.R., Khan, A., Kyberd, P., Reid, I.D., Symonds, P., Teodorescu, L., Turner, M., Borzou, A., Call, K., Dittmann, J., Hatakeyama, K., Liu, H., Pastika, N., Bartek, R., Dominguez, A., Buccilli, A., Cooper, S.I., Henderson, C., Rumerio, P., West, C., Arcaro, D., Avetisyan, A., Bose, T., Gastler, D., Rankin, D., Richardson, C., Rohlf, J., Sulak, L., Zou, D., Benelli, G., Cutts, D., Garabedian, A., Hakala, J., Heintz, U., Hogan, J.M., Jesus, O., Kwok, K.H.M., Laird, E., Landsberg, G., Mao, Z., Narain, M., Piperov, S., Sagir, S., Spencer, E., Syarif, R., Breedon, R., Burns, D., Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M., Chauhan, S., Chertok, M., Conway, J., Conway, R., Cox, P.T., Erbacher, R., Flores, C., Funk, G., Gardner, M., Ko, W., Lander, R., Mclean, C., Mulhearn, M., Pellett, D., Pilot, J., Shalhout, S., Shi, M., Smith, J., Squires, M., Stolp, D., Tos, K., Tripathi, M., Bachtis, M., Bravo, C., Cousins, R., Dasgupta, A., Florent, A., Hauser, J., Ignatenko, M., Mccoll, N., Saltzberg, D., Schnaible, C., Valuev, V., Weber, M., Bouvier, E., Burt, K., Clare, R., Ellison, J., Gary, J.W., Ghiasi Shirazi, S.M.A., Hanson, G., Heilman, J., Jandir, P., Kennedy, E., Lacroix, F., Long, O.R., Olmedo Negrete, M., Paneva, M.I., Shrinivas, A., Si, W., Wei, H., Wimpenny, S., Yates, B.R., Branson, J.G., Cerati, G.B., Cittolin, S., Derdzinski, M., Gerosa, R., Holzner, A., Klein, D., Krutelyov, V., Letts, J., Macneill, I., Olivito, D., Padhi, S., Pieri, M., Sani, M., Sharma, V., Simon, S., Tadel, M., Vartak, A., Wasserbaech, S., Welke, C., Wood, J., Würthwein, F., Yagil, A., Zevi Della Porta, G., Amin, N., Bhandari, R., Bradmiller-Feld, J., Campagnari, C., Dishaw, A., Dutta, V., Franco Sevilla, M., George, C., Golf, F., Gouskos, L., Gran, J., Heller, R., Incandela, J., Mullin, S.D., Ovcharova, A., Qu, H., Richman, J., Stuart, D., Suarez, I., Yoo, J., Anderson, D., Bendavid, J., Bornheim, A., Bunn, J., Duarte, J., Lawhorn, J.M., Mott, A., Newman, H.B., Pena, C., Spiropulu, M., Vlimant, J.R., Xie, S., Zhu, R.Y., Andrews, M.B., Ferguson, T., Paulini, M., Russ, J., Sun, M., Vogel, H., Vorobiev, I., Weinberg, M., Cumalat, J.P., Ford, W.T., Jensen, F., Johnson, A., Krohn, M., Leontsinis, S., Mulholland, T., Stenson, K., Wagner, S.R., Alexander, J., Chaves, J., Chu, J., Dittmer, S., Mcdermott, K., Mirman, N., Nicolas Kaufman, G., Patterson, J.R., Rinkevicius, A., Ryd, A., Skinnari, L., Soffi, L., Tan, S.M., Tao, Z., Thom, J., Tucker, J., Wittich, P., Zientek, M., Winn, D., Abdullin, S., Albrow, M., Anderson, J., Apollinari, G., Apresyan, A., Banerjee, S., Bauerdick, L.A.T., Beretvas, A., Berryhill, J., Bhat, P.C., Bolla, G., Burkett, K., Butler, J.N., Cheung, H.W.K., Chlebana, F., Cihangir, S., Cremonesi, M., Elvira, V.D., Fisk, I., Freeman, J., Gottschalk, E., Gray, L., Green, D., Grünendahl, S., Gutsche, O., Hare, D., Harris, R.M., Hasegawa, S., Hirschauer, J., Hu, Z., Jayatilaka, B., Jindariani, S., Johnson, M., Joshi, U., Klima, B., Kreis, B., Lammel, S., Linacre, J., Lincoln, D., Lipton, R., Liu, M., Liu, T., Lopes De Sá, R., Lykken, J., Maeshima, K., Magini, N., Marraffino, J.M., Maruyama, S., Mason, D., McBride, P., Merkel, P., Mishra, K., Mrenna, S., Nahn, S., O’Dell, V., Pedro, K., Prokofyev, O., Rakness, G., Ristori, L., Sexton-Kennedy, E., Soha, A., Spalding, W.J., Spiegel, L., Stoynev, S., Strait, J., Strobbe, N., Taylor, L., Tkaczyk, S., Tran, N.V., Uplegger, L., Vaandering, E.W., Vernieri, C., Verzocchi, M., Vidal, R., Wang, M., Weber, H.A., Whitbeck, A., Wu, Y., Yang, F., Acosta, D., Avery, P., Bortignon, P., Bourilkov, D., Brinkerhoff, A., Carnes, A., Carver, M., Curry, D., Das, S., Field, R.D., Furic, I.K., Konigsberg, J., Korytov, A., Low, J.F., Ma, P., Matchev, K., Mei, H., Mitselmakher, G., Rank, D., Shchutska, L., Sperka, D., Thomas, L., Wang, J., Wang, S., Yelton, J., Linn, S., Markowitz, P., Martinez, G., Rodriguez, J.L., Ackert, A., Adams, T., Askew, A., Bein, S., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Johnson, K.F., Kolberg, T., Prosper, H., Santra, A., Yohay, R., Baarmand, M.M., Bhopatkar, V., Colafranceschi, S., Hohlmann, M., Noonan, D., Roy, T., Yumiceva, F., Adams, M.R., Apanasevich, L., Berry, D., Betts, R.R., Bucinskaite, I., Cavanaugh, R., Evdokimov, O., Gauthier, L., Gerber, C.E., Hofman, D.J., Jung, K., Sandoval Gonzalez, I.D., Varelas, N., Wang, H., Wu, Z., Zakaria, M., Zhang, J., Bilki, B., Clarida, W., Dilsiz, K., Durgut, S., Gandrajula, R.P., Haytmyradov, M., Khristenko, V., Merlo, J.-P., Mermerkaya, H., Mestvirishvili, A., Moeller, A., Nachtman, J., Ogul, H., Onel, Y., Ozok, F., Penzo, A., Snyder, C., Tiras, E., Wetzel, J., Yi, K., Blumenfeld, B., Cocoros, A., Eminizer, N., Fehling, D., Feng, L., Gritsan, A.V., Maksimovic, P., Roskes, J., Sarica, U., Swartz, M., Xiao, M., You, C., Al-bataineh, A., Baringer, P., Bean, A., Boren, S., Bowen, J., Castle, J., Forthomme, L., Kenny III, R.P., Khalil, S., Kropivnitskaya, A., Majumder, D., Mcbrayer, W., Murray, M., Sanders, S., Sekaric, J., Stringer, R., Tapia Takaki, J.D., Wang, Q., Ivanov, A., Kaadze, K., Maravin, Y., Mohammadi, A., Saini, L.K., Skhirtladze, N., Toda, S., Rebassoo, F., Wright, D., Anelli, C., Baden, A., Baron, O., Belloni, A., Calvert, B., 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105 pp. 249 – 256 .
22 . The long-term effects of stress and kappa opioid receptor activation on conditioned place aversion in male and female California mice Laman-Maharg, A.R., Copeland, T., Sanchez, E.O., Campi, K.L., Trainor, B.C. 2017 Behavioural Brain Research ,
332 pp. 299 – 307 .
23 . New biomarkers for diagnosis and management of polycystic ovary syndrome Karakas, S.E. 2017 Clinica Chimica Acta ,
471 pp. 248 – 253 .
24 . Planktonic trophic structure in a coral reef ecosystem – Grazing versus microbial food webs and the production of mesozooplankton Nakajima, R., Yamazaki, H., Lewis, L.S., Khen, A., Smith, J.E., Nakatomi, N., Kurihara, H. 2017 Progress in Oceanography ,
156 pp. 104 – 120 .
25 . Shexiang Baoxin pills promotes angiogenesis in myocardial infarction rats via up-regulation of 20-HETE-mediated endothelial progenitor cells mobilization Huang, F., Liu, Y., Yang, X., Che, D., Qiu, K., Hammock, B.D., Wang, J., Wang, M.-H., Chen, J., Huang, H. 2017 Atherosclerosis ,
263 pp. 184 – 191
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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Joint Consortia Framework ranks ProQuest as key supplier for print and ebooks
ProQuest has been ranked highly in every print and ebook category for the Joint Consortia Framework Agreement in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. These rankings come on the heels of major innovations in the ProQuest® OASIS® and Ebook Central® platforms, and recognises ProQuest’s ongoing commitment to advance book products and systems.

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 Taylor & Francis Group names Annie Callanan as CEO
Academic publisher Taylor & Francis Group has announced the appointment of Annie Callanan as its new CEO. Annie is a highly experienced leader of technology and information services businesses with a track record of operational improvement and innovation. Annie takes over from Roger Horton, who has retired after leading Taylor & Francis for 14 years.

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 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics joins ACCUCOMS’ Aggregagent collections
ACCUCOMS, an independent provider of services to academic and professional publishers, has signed another prestigious publisher to join its Aggregagent collections. Aerospace publisher American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has made its content available through ACCUCOMS’ Aggregagent. Under the new agreement, eight AIAA journals and the AIAA Meeting Papers will be a part of Aggregagent.

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 American Academy of Neurology names Dr. Joseph E. Safdieh as new editor-in-chief of Neurology Today
The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) has named Dr. Joseph E. Safdieh as the new editor-in-chief of Neurology Today, the official news source of the AAN. Safdieh began his role on July 1, 2017, after a transition period with outgoing Editor-in-Chief Steven P. Ringel, MD, FAAN. Neurology Today is published twice a month and reports on breaking news, issues and trends in the practice and science of neurology, reaching 25,000 professionals.

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 Peter Lang Publishing Group to preserve e-books with Portico
Digital preservation service Portico has announced that academic publisher Peter Lang Publishing Group will preserve e-books with Portico, ensuring that they will be secure and available into the future. Peter Lang is an independent publishing group with over 40 years of experience in academic publishing around the world.

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 Scott Wilson joins HighWire Press as VP, Global Sales
HighWire Press, Inc., a technology platform and strategic partner to world-leading scholarly publishers and societies, has announced the appointment of Scott Wilson as Vice President, Global Sales and member of the Executive Leadership Team. Wilson will function from his office in St. Louis, MO.

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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Wiley and The Society for Leukocyte Biology announce publishing partnership
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., a global company, and The Society for Leukocyte Biology (SLB) have announced a publishing partnership for SLB’s flagship scholarly publication, Journal of Leukocyte Biology (JLB). From January 2018, Wiley will assume publishing responsibility for JLB and move the journal to its online platform, Wiley Online Library.

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 Thomson Reuters launches Thomson Reuters Labs – The Incubator
Thomson Reuters, a news and information provider for professional markets, has announced the launch of Thomson Reuters LabsTM – The Incubator. Located in Switzerland, the Incubator will host early-stage entrepreneurs building next-generation products in big data, advanced analytics, distributed ledgers, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other transformational technologies.

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 IPR License signs up with Peter Lang and ICE Publishing, strengthens key partnership network
IPR License, the marketplace for publishers to trade rights globally, has continued to expand its network globally by announcing that it has signed up both independent publisher of academic books Peter Lang, and the publishing arm of the Institution of Civil Engineers, ICE Publishing. Peter Lang has made academic research in the Humanities and Social sciences available worldwide for over four decades.

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 ARPHA-Proceedings module – streamline conference abstracts authoring, editing and publication
Creating, reviewing, editing and publishing of collections of proceedings from conferences, symposia and workshops is now available with the ARPHA-Proceedings module via the publishing platform ARPHA. Designed as a venue for conference organisers to streamline proceedings publications, the ARPHA-Proceedings module can be regarded as a simplified and straightforward journal publishing process specialised for conference abstracts.

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 Aries Systems and HighWire Press announce data partnership
Online submission system provider Aries Systems and scholarly publishing company HighWire Press have announced a data partnership to help publishers assess their manuscript pipeline, editorial policies, and strategic plans. Publishers using Aries’ Editorial Manager® Enterprise Analytics Reporting tool will now benefit from an automated data export to Impact Vizor, HighWire’s data visualisation platform for editorial and business analytics.

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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 China’s NCSTE partners with Clarivate Analytics to launch international scientific research collaboration report
China National Center for Science and Technology Evaluation (NCSTE) and Clarivate Analytics have launched a collaborative report entitled ‘China’s International Scientific Research Collaboration Landscape.’ The report is based on the publication and citation data of global scientific research collaboration papers from the Web of Science powered by Clarivate Analytics.

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 Thieme and Schattauer launch new OA journal – TH Open
Medical and scientific publishing house Thieme Publishing Group has joined forces with Schattauer Publishers to launch a new open access journal: TH Open. The journal will provide updates on the latest developments in vascular medicine, complementing Schattauer’s established subscription title Thrombosis and Haemostasis.

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 Emerald signs up to the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC)
Academic publisher Emerald Publishing has signed up to the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC), a collaboration between scholarly publishers, researchers and other interested parties to promote the unrestricted availability of scholarly citation data. Before I4OC, only about 1% of the publications with reference data deposited in Crossref made their references freely available. That figure is now expected to leap to 40%.

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 London Info International announces new webinar in collaboration with Clarivate Analytics
London Info International in collaboration with Clarivate Analytics has announced a webinar – How has the concept of being “citable” evolved?’ The event, which will be moderated by Philip Ditchfield, is scheduled for July 12, 15.00 CEST, 14.00 BST, 9.00 EST. Interested parties may visit to register for the event.

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 ACCUCOMS to represent American Psychiatric Association Publishing in Europe from August 1
ACCUCOMS and the American Psychiatric Association Publishing (APA Publishing) have agreed on an exclusive multi-year institutional representation agreement for journals and online services in Europe (excluding Turkey and Cyprus), starting on August 1. The collaboration will ensure better access to APA Publishing content in Europe.

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 Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors Press adopts Aries Systems’ Editorial Manager
Online submission system provider Aries Systems has announced the adoption of Editorial Manager by the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE) Press. KAMJE Press, which is operated by XMLink, is the publishing component of the KAMJE, a membership association with 256 member journals. KAMJE Press supports over 70 journals, and will kick-off the transition to EM for submission and peer review this summer.

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 Panelists discuss the future of open scholarship in the humanities and social sciences at OASPA webinar
Rebecca Kennison, Dr Jennifer Edmond and Ron Dekker recently joined OASPA for a webinar to discuss the future of open scholarship in the humanities and social sciences. Caroline Sutton (Head of Open Scholarship Development at Taylor & Francis and member of the OASPA Board) chaired the discussion. The Copyright Clearance Center hosted the webinar.

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 Taylor & Francis and Macat sign sales and distribution agreement
Academic publisher Taylor & Francis and Macat International have announced an agreement under which Taylor & Francis will undertake exclusive sales and distribution for the Macat Library in the English language. All titles from the Macat Library will be marketed and sold under the Routledge imprint.

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 ASTM International signs MOU with four more national standards bodies
ASTM International, a global standards organisation, has signed memorandums of understanding with the national standards bodies of Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Ukraine, and Armenia, bringing the total number of MOUs to 105. The four MOUs were signed by ASTM International’s president, Katharine Morgan. The program supports use of ASTM International standards while also encouraging global participation in the continued development of new and revised standards.

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 EOSCpilot, OpenAIRE-DE joint workshop – Future Open Science services for scientific communities
The EOSCpilot project and OpenAIRE Germany have announced their joint workshop ‘Future Open Science services for scientific communities.’ The workshop will take place in Berlin, Germany, on October 24, 2017, the day before the FORCE 11 conference.

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 Ingram Publisher Services acquires Book Network Int’l Limited, expands UK footprint
Ingram Publisher Services LLC, an operating unit of Ingram Content Group, has acquired Book Network Int’l Limited (“NBNi”), an international physical and digital book distributor, based in the UK. NBNi’s client service business will stand alongside Ingram’s wide range of digital, physical and print-on-demand solutions to create a premier global services offering.

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 Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Kent Anderson (Independence Lost – Taxpayer Funding and Information Access Takes a Dark Turn); Stevan Bruijns (How access to knowledge can help universal health coverage become a reality); Retraction Watch Blog (Fake peer review strikes again for pair of authors); and Casey Pickering (What Types of Usage Data do Information Managers Actually Want? [Research]). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 108 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 108 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 108 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Integrin α2β1 in nonactivated conformation can induce focal adhesion kinase signaling Salmela, M., Jokinen, J., Tiitta, S., Rappu, P., Cheng, R.H., Heino, J. 2017 Scientific Reports ,
7 ( 1 ) , art. no. 3414
2 . Temperature gradients assist carbohydrate allocation within trees Sperling, O., Silva, L.C.R., Tixier, A., Théroux-Rancourt, G., Zwieniecki, M.A. 2017 Scientific Reports ,
7 ( 1 ) , art. no. 3265
3 . A systematic review of lactoferrin use in dermatology Hassoun, L.A., Sivamani, R.K. 2017 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition ,
57 ( 17 ) pp. 3632 – 3639 .
4 . Nitrite production from urine for sulfide control in sewers Zheng, M., Zuo, Z., Zhang, Y., Cui, Y., Dong, Q., Liu, Y., Huang, X., Yuan, Z. 2017 Water Research ,
122 pp. 447 – 454 .
5 . Efficiency optimization of a variable-capacity/variable-blower-speed residential heat-pump system with ductwork Krishnamoorthy, S., Modera, M., Harrington, C. 2017 Energy and Buildings ,
150 pp. 294 – 306 .
6 . Characterization of BdCBF genes and genome-wide transcriptome profiling of BdCBF3-dependent and -independent cold stress responses in Brachypodium distachyon Hao, J., Yang, J., Dong, J., Fei, S.-Z. 2017 Plant Science ,
262 pp. 52 – 61 .
7 . Detached eddy simulation of the nonaerated skimming flow over a stepped spillway Toro, J.P., Bombardelli, F.A., Paik, J. 2017 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering ,
143 ( 9 ) , art. no. 04017032
8 . Reaction of amorphous/crystalline SiOC/Fe interfaces by thermal annealing Su, Q., Zhernenkov, M., Ding, H., Price, L., Haskel, D., Watkins, E.B., Majewski, J., Shao, L., Demkowicz, M.J., Nastasi, M. 2017 Acta Materialia ,
135 pp. 61 – 67 .
9 . Helical polynomial curves interpolating G<sup>1</sup> data with prescribed axes and pitch angles Farouki, R.T. 2017 Computer Aided Geometric Design ,
56 pp. 4 – 15 .
10 . Functional properties, structural studies and chemo-enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides Zhao, C., Wu, Y., Liu, X., Liu, B., Cao, H., Yu, H., Sarker, S.D., Nahar, L., Xiao, J. 2017 Trends in Food Science and Technology,
66 pp. 135 – 145 .
11 . The evolution of paired preference tests from forced choice to the use of ‘No Preference’ options, from preference frequencies to d′ values, from placebo pairs to signal detection O’Mahony, M., Wichchukit, S. 2017 Trends in Food Science and Technology,
66 pp. 146 – 152 .
12 . A new scheme for joint surface wave and earthquake travel-time inversion and resulting 3-D velocity model for the western North Island, New Zealand Eberhart-Phillips, D., Fry, B. 2017 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors ,
269 pp. 98 – 111 .
13 . Stage specific effects of soluble copper and copper oxide nanoparticles during sea urchin embryo development and their relation to intracellular copper uptake Torres-Duarte, C., Ramos-Torres, K.M., Rahimoff, R., Cherr, G.N. 2017 Aquatic Toxicology ,
189 pp. 134 – 141 .
14 . Influence of long-term supplementation of tannins on growth performance, dietary net energy and carcass characteristics: Finishing lambs Rojas-Román, L.A., Castro-Pérez, B.I., Estrada-Angulo, A., Angulo-Montoya, C., Yocupicio-Rocha, J.A., López-Soto, M.A., Barreras, A., Zinn, R.A., Plascencia, A. 2017 Small Ruminant Research ,
153 pp. 137 – 141 .
15 . MarkoLAB: A simulator to study ionic channel’s stochastic behavior da Silva, R.R., Goroso, D.G., Bers, D.M., Puglisi, J.L. 2017 Computers in Biology and Medicine ,
87 pp. 258 – 270 .
16 . Women Also Know Stuff: Meta-Level Mentoring to Battle Gender Bias in Political Science Beaulieu, E., Boydstun, A.E., Brown, N.E., Dionne, K.Y., Gillespie, A., Klar, S., Krupnikov, Y., Michelson, M.R., Searles, K., Wolbrecht, C. 2017 PS – Political Science and Politics ,
50 ( 3 ) pp. 779 – 783 .
17 . The Social Context of Adolescent Friendships: Parents, Peers, and Romantic Partners Flynn, H.K., Felmlee, D.H., Conger, R.D. 2017 Youth and Society ,
49 ( 5 ) pp. 679 – 705 .
18 . Proteomic analysis of the kissing bug Rhodnius prolixus antenna Oliveira, D.S., Brito, N.F., Nogueira, F.C.S., Moreira, M.F., Leal, W.S., Soares, M.R., Melo, A.C.A. 2017 Journal of Insect Physiology ,
100 pp. 108 – 118 .
19 . Post-transition state bifurcations gain momentum-current state of the field Hare, S.R., Tantillo, D.J. 2017 Pure and Applied Chemistry ,
89 ( 6 ) pp. 679 – 698 .
20 . The Scope and Nature of Reading Comprehension Impairments in School-Aged Children with Higher-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder McIntyre, N.S., Solari, E.J., Gonzales, J.E., Solomon, M., Lerro, L.E., Novotny, S., Oswald, T.M., Mundy, P.C. 2017 Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ,
pp. 1 – 23 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
21 . A Singular Role of I<inf>K1</inf> Promoting the Development of Cardiac Automaticity during Cardiomyocyte Differentiation by I<inf>K1</inf>–Induced Activation of Pacemaker Current Sun, Y., Timofeyev, V., Dennis, A., Bektik, E., Wan, X., Laurita, K.R., Deschênes, I., Li, R.A., Fu, J.-D. 2017 Stem Cell Reviews and Reports ,
pp. 1 – 13 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
22 . Nitrogen retention and loss in unfertilized lawns across a light gradient Herrmann, D.L., Cadenasso, M.L. 2017 Urban Ecosystems ,
pp. 1 – 12 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
23 . Wings as impellers: Honey bees co-opt flight system to induce nest ventilation and disperse pheromones Peters, J.M., Gravish, N., Combes, S.A. 2017 Journal of Experimental Biology ,
220 ( 12 ) pp. 2203 – 2209 .
24 . Connecting smallholder tomato producers to improved seed in West Africa Perez, K., Froikin-Gordon, J.S., Abdourhamane, I.K., Levasseur, V., Alfari, A.A., Mensah, A., Bonsu, O., Habsatou, B., Assogba-Komlan, F., Mbaye, A.A., Noussourou, M., Otoidobiga, L.C., Ouédraogo, L., Kon, T., Rojas, M.R., Gamby, K.T., Shotkoski, F., Gilbertson, R.L., Jahn, M.M. 2017 Agriculture and Food Security ,
6 ( 1 ) , art. no. 42
25 . Nonisolated Small Bowel Gastrointestinal Angiodysplasias are Associated With Higher Rebleeding Rates When Compared With Isolated Small Bowel Gastrointestinal Angiodysplasia on Video Capsule Endoscopy Mai, S.H., Chao, D.C., Liao, S.-Y., Jackson, C.S. 2017 Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Elsevier and Wiley collaborate to provide more trusted and accessible answers and insights to engineers in industry and academia via Knovel platform
Elsevier, the information analytics company specialising in science and health, is enabling engineers, researchers and students to confidently solve engineering problems and prepare the next generation of engineers through its collaboration with Wiley and the Knovel platform. This collaboration empowers companies and institutions to create what’s next based on a rich foundation of trusted, credible and authoritative engineering answers and insights.

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 American Institute of Physics and AIP Publishing launch Scilight
The American Institute of Physics (AIP) and AIP Publishing have announced the launch of Scilight – brief written summaries of research articles emphasising the significance of a contribution to a field of science. Scilight benefits both the journal authors and the scientific community by giving authors another way to promote their research published by AIP Publishing and a place for scientists and science enthusiasts to quickly and easily scan the latest, important breakthroughs in the world of physics.

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 The University of Sheffield and Figshare partner to launch ORDA, a custom portal to manage research data
The University of Sheffield has announced the outcomes of a joint venture with Figshare, an online digital repository for academic researchers. Through this partnership, they have delivered an integrated hub for managing and sharing research data, named ORDA (Online Research Data The University of Sheffield has developed this custom-branded portal on top of their Figshare portal ( using the Figshare API.

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 IEEE announces IT healthcare standard and new projects in advance of the IEEE annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
IEEE, the technical professional organisation dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, and the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA), have announced the availability of IEEE 11073-20702TM-Health informatics: Point-of-Care Medical Device Communication – Standard for Medical Devices Communication Profile for Web Services in advance of the upcoming EMBC ’17 to be held July 11-15 at the International Convention Center on JeJu Island, South Korea. IEEE also announced the approval of two new healthcare-related standards projects: IEEE P1708TM—Standard for Wearable Cuffless Blood Pressure Measuring Devices, and IEEE P1752TM—Standard for Mobile Health Data.

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 Knowledge E added to SHERPA/RoMEO database
Knowledge E has announced that all its copyright policies are now featured in the SHERPA/RoMEO database. All KnE conference proceedings and journals articles are covered under policies classified as ‘RoMEO Green Publisher’ status as displayed on the SHERPA/RoMEO database effective immediately.

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 American Chemical Society sues Sci-Hub
The American Chemical Society (ACS) recently filed suit in the United States District Court Eastern District of Virginia against unnamed confederates of Sci-Hub, a self-proclaimed web pirate organisation that steals and then illegally reproduces and disseminates copyrighted scientific research articles on the internet. The suit asserts infringement of the professional Society’s copyrights, as well as counterfeiting and infringement of its trademarks.

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 Elsevier’s Geofacets to include content from the Bureau of Economic Geology to help oil and gas companies uncover new insights in Texas and the Gulf Coast
Elsevier, the information analytics company specialising in science and health, has announced that content from the Bureau of Economic Geology is now available in Geofacets, Elsevier’s information solution for exploration and development. The Bureau’s content in Geofacets will help both conventional and unconventional oil and gas companies uncover insights potentially leading to the discovery of economically viable hydrocarbons in Texas, particularly in the Permian and Gulf Coast Basins and other tight oil and shale gas plays in Texas.

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 Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science data is foundation for ShanghaiRanking Consultancy’s ranking of world’s universities
Clarivate Analytics, the global provider of trusted insights and analytics that accelerate the pace of innovation, has announced that it is the exclusive data provider to ShanghaiRanking Consultancy (formerly Shanghai Jiao Tong University)’s global ranking of world universities in academic subjects. The additional bibliometric data for the ranking came from InCites, an integrated web-based platform powered by the Web of Science. It allows for a more granular and more comprehensive report than in the previous eight years.

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 Ex Libris Alma certified for shared cataloguing with Italian National Library Service network
Ex Libris, a ProQuest company, has announced that the Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche (Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information), or ICCU, has certified the Ex Libris Alma® library services platform for use with the shared cataloguing service of the Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (National Library Service), or SBN. The certification encourages collaboration between libraries, a key capability of the Alma platform.

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 EDP Sciences launches new multi- and inter-disciplinary OA journal – 4open
EDP Sciences has announced the launch of a new multi- and inter-disciplinary Open Access journal: 4open.4open promotes excellence and rigour in academic scholarship, disseminating high quality, original research in all subjects across the STEM domain.

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 IAEA and SCOAP3 partner to promote open access to particle physics journals
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recently signed a partnership with the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3) as a result of which researchers from around the world will soon have increased free access to a wealth of resources in particle physics. The consortium, which is a partnership featuring 3000 libraries, funding agencies and research centres from 47 countries as well as three intergovernmental organisations, enable open access to high-quality subscription journals in the area of particle physics by re-directing subscription funds.

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 Reaxys accesses MilliporeSigma’s vast chemistry portfolio for seamless customer experience
Elsevier, the information analytics company specialising in science and health, has announced a new partnership with MilliporeSigma, the life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, to integrate its chemical products into Reaxys, Elsevier’s premier chemistry database. Users of Reaxys will be able to access an additional 43,000 MilliporeSigma compounds and chemicals, with data provided directly from the company.

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 Daniel Ropers to succeed Derk Haank as CEO of Springer Nature
Derk Haank, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Springer Nature, will retire from his role as CEO by the end of 2017. Derk will be succeeded by Daniel Ropers, currently CEO of, who will join Springer Nature on October 1 and work with Derk until December to ensure a smooth transition. Derk has thirty years of experience in the academic publishing industry, almost half of which have been with Springer.

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 Call for entries for the second Global Illustration Award at Frankfurter Buchmesse
The Frankfurter Buchmesse has announced the second Global Illustration Award (GIA), organised in conjunction with the International Information Content Industry Association (ICIA). Designed to attract entries from around the world, the competition will be operated exclusively by IlluSalon, a global illustration resource platform based in Asia. Illustrators from all around the world can submit entries until July 14, 2017.

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 London Info International 2017 is looking for Info Disruptors
The London Info International (LII) is inviting start-ups, publishers and vendors to pitch new ideas, concepts and innovations in Disruptor Zone 2017. The Disruptor Zone will take place in London on December 5 and 6 as part of LII 2017. This is a competitive event that takes place within an open conference stream and on the showfloor and will be accessible for all LII attendees and conference delegates.

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 Wolters Kluwer’s POC Advisor to integrate NLP solution from Hiteks Solutions for inclusion of structured and unstructured documentation
Wolters Kluwer, a global provider of information and point of care solutions for the healthcare industry, has announced that POC AdvisorTM, its real-time clinical surveillance and analytics platform, will integrate the Natural Language Processing (NLP) solution from Hiteks Solutions, Inc. for inclusion of structured and unstructured documentation to make them immediately actionable. This enables real-time analysis of physician notes for infection sources, chronic comorbidities and other clues to the presence of sepsis.

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 Virginia’s Lynchburg College opts for Ex Libris Alma and Primo solutions
Ex Libris, a ProQuest company, has announced that Virginia’s Lynchburg College has selected the Ex Libris Alma® library services platform and Primo® discovery and delivery solution to manage and expose the library’s electronic and print collections and to improve efficiency across the board with integrated workflows. The comprehensive analytics capabilities offered by Alma and Primo will support Lynchburg’s collection development processes and help the library demonstrate its value to the college.

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 Knowledge Unlatched partners with LM Information Delivery and iGroup to better promote OA offering to institutions
Knowledge Unlatched (KU) is partnering with LM Information Delivery (LM) and iGroup, to better promote its Open Access offering to institutions. Effective immediately, LM will represent KU in the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Spain, and South Africa, while iGroup will cover all of Asia and Oceania.

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 Clarivate Analytics collaborates with Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings to support early career researchers
Clarivate Analytics, the global provider of trusted insights and analytics that accelerate the pace of innovation, has announced its collaboration with the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, supporting the annual series of highly esteemed scientific meetings of Nobel Prize-winning laureates and select early career researchers from across the globe. Clarivate will contribute a customised analysis tool for emerging chemistry research fronts for the over 400 early career scientists attending the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (#LiNo17).

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 Society for Scholarly Publishing recognises seven members for outstanding contributions at 2017 Annual Meeting
The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) recognized the efforts of seven deserving individuals at its recent Annual Meeting held in Boston, MA, May 31- June 2. Ann Michael, Chair of the Nominating and Awards Committee and 2016-2017 SSP Past President presented Mary Beth Barilla, Publisher Relations Director, RedLink; Lori Carlin, Director, Marketing & Senior Consultant, Delta Think; Yael Fitzpatrick, and Michael Clarke, President, Clarke and Company with the SSP Appreciation Award. The award recognises the work of individuals whose recent actions have benefited SSP and the scholarly communication field.

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 Wolters Kluwer to publish the Canadian Journal of Addiction
Wolters Kluwer, a global provider of information and point of care solutions for the healthcare industry, has announced a new publishing partnership with the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM). Beginning with the December 2017 issue, Wolters Kluwer will publish the Canadian Journal of Addiction, the official journal of the CSAM, as part of its Lippincott journal portfolio.

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 Eastern Michigan University goes live with Alma and Summon integration
Ex Libris®, a ProQuest company, has announced that Eastern Michigan University has gone live with the Ex Libris Alma® library services platform integrated with the Ex Libris Summon® discovery service. The first library to implement this integrated solution, Eastern Michigan now benefits from improved resource management workflows and an optimised resource discovery experience.

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 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. and Burgundy Information Services announce expanded representation agreement
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers has announced expanded subscription sales representation by Burgundy Information Services in Australia, New Zealand and Turkey. These regions join current representation by Burgundy Information Services in the UK, Europe, Russia, and South Africa and extend the companies’ cooperation through 2020.

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 Physicians Postgraduate Press to preserve e-journals with Portico
Digital preservation service Portico has announced that Physicians Postgraduate Press (PPP) is preserving their electronic content with Portico, ensuring that it will be secure and available into the future. PPP has been a leading medical publisher for nearly 80 years. PPP is the publisher of 2 medical journals, the CME Institute, and various websites, eg,, and microsites.

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