Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 145 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 145 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 145 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Piecewise quantile autoregressive modeling for nonstationary time series Aue, A., Cheung, R.C.Y., Lee, T.C.M., Zhong, M. 2017 Bernoulli ,
23 ( 1 ) pp. 1 – 22 .
2 . Wine polysaccharides influence tannin-protein interactions Watrelot, A.A., Schulz, D.L., Kennedy, J.A. 2017 Food Hydrocolloids ,
63 pp. 571 – 579 .
3 . Wood export varies among decadal, annual, seasonal, and daily scale hydrologic regimes in a large, Mediterranean climate, mountain river watershed Senter, A.E., Pasternack, G.B., Piégay, H., Vaughan, M.C., Lehyan, J.S. 2017 Geomorphology ,
276 pp. 164 – 179 .
4 . Injection-site vein loss and soft tissue abscesses associated with black tar heroin injection: A cross-sectional study of two distinct populations in USA Summers, P.J., Struve, I.A., Wilkes, M.S., Rees, V.W. 2017 International Journal of Drug Policy ,
39 pp. 21 – 27 .
5 . Screening of soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitory ingredients from traditional Chinese medicines for anti-inflammatory use Liu, J.-Y., Morisseau, C., Huang, H., Hammock, B.D. 2016 Journal of Ethnopharmacology ,
194 pp. 475 – 482 .
6 . CMS Collaboration Aarrestad, T.K., Abbaneo, D., Abbiendi, G., Abbrescia, M., Abdelalim, A.A., Abdullin, S., Abdulsalam, A., Abu Zeid, S., Ackert, A., Acosta, D., Acosta, J.G., Adair, A., Adam, W., Adams, J.R., Adams, M.R., Adams, T., Adiguzel, A., Adzic, P., Afanasiev, S., Agapitos, A., Aggleton, R., Agram, J.-L., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, M., Ahmad, M., Ahmed, I., Ahuja, S., Akbiyik, M., Akchurin, N., Akgun, B., Akin, I.V., Albajar, C., Albrow, M., Alcaraz Maestre, J., Aldá Júnior, W.L., Aldaya Martin, M., Alderweireldt, S., Aleksandrov, A., Alexander, J., Alimena, J., Alunni Solestizi, L., Alverson, G., Alves, F.L., Alves, G.A., Alyari, M., Amapane, N., Amsler, C., Anagnostou, G., Anderson, D., Anderson, I., Andrea, J., Andreev, V., Andreev, Y., Andrews, M.B., Androsov, K., Anelli, C., Antonelli, L., Antropov, I., Antunovic, Z., Apanasevich, L., Apollinari, G., Appelt, E., Apresyan, A., Apyan, A., Arcaro, D., Arcidiacono, R., Arenton, M.W., Argiro, S., Arneodo, M., Arora, S., Asavapibhop, B., Asawatangtrakuldee, C., Asilar, E., Asin, I., Askew, A., Ata, M., Attikis, A., Aubin, A., Auffray, E., Autermann, C., Auzinger, G., Avdeeva, E., Avery, P., Avetisyan, A., Avila, C., Awad, A., Azarkin, M., Azhgirey, I., Aziz, T., Azzi, P., Azzolini, V., Azzurri, P., Baarmand, M.M., Baber, M., Bacchetta, N., Bachmair, F., Bachtis, M., Baden, A., Baffioni, S., Bagliesi, G., Baillon, P., Bainbridge, R., Bakhshiansohi, H., Ball, A.H., Ball, F., Ban, Y., Banerjee, S., Banerjee, S., Bäni, L., Bansal, S., Barbagli, G., Barberis, E., Barbieri, R., Bargassa, P., Baringer, P., Barker, A., Barnes, V.E., Barnett, B.A., Barney, D., Baron, O., Barone, L., Barria, P., Bartek, R., Barth, C., Bartók, M., Bartosik, N., Basegmez, S., Baskakov, A., Battilana, C., Baty, A., Bauerdick, L.A.T., Baumgartel, D., Baus, C., Bayshev, I., Bean, A., Beauceron, S., Beaudette, F., Beck, L., Beernaert, K., Behnamian, H., Behnke, O., Behrens, U., Bein, S., Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C., Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E., Belforte, S., Beliy, N., Belknap, D.A., Bell, A.J., Bellan, R., Belloni, A., Beluffi, C., Belyaev, A., Belyaev, A., Benaglia, A., Benato, L., Bencze, G., Bendavid, J., Benedetti, D., Benelli, G., Benhabib, L., Beni, N., Benitez, J.F., Benucci, L., Benussi, L., Benvenuti, A.C., Beranek, S., Beretvas, A., Bergauer, T., Berger, J., Beri, S.B., Bernardes, C.A., Bernardini, J., Bernet, C., Berruti, G.M., Berry, D., Berry, E., Berryhill, J., Bertl, W., Besancon, M., Betchart, B., Betts, R.R., Bhardwaj, A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharya, S., Bhattacharya, S., Bhopatkar, V., Bhowmik, S., Bialkowska, H., Bian, J.G., Bianchini, L., Bianco, S., Biasini, M., Bierwagen, K., Biino, C., Bilei, G.M., Bilin, B., Bilki, B., Bilmis, S., Bitioukov, S., Blekman, F., Blobel, V., Bloch, D., Bloch, P., Bloom, K., Bluj, M., Blumenfeld, B., Boccali, T., Bocci, A., Bochenek, J., Bodek, A., Bodlak, M., Boimska, B., Boletti, A., Bolla, G., Bonacorsi, D., Bonato, A., Bondu, O., Boos, E., Bornheim, A., Borras, K., Bortignon, P., Bortoletto, D., Borzou, A., Bose, S., Bose, T., Böser, C., Botta, C., Boudoul, G., Bouhali, O., Bourilkov, D., Bouvier, E., Bradmiller-Feld, J., Braghieri, A., Braibant-Giacomelli, S., Branca, A., Brandstetter, J., Brandt, S., Branson, J.G., Breedon, R., Breto, G., Breuker, H., Brew, C., Brianza, L., Brigliadori, L., Brigljevic, V., Brinkerhoff, A., Brinson, J., Brito, L., Brochero Cifuentes, J.A., Brochet, S., Brodski, M., Brom, J.-M., Brona, G., Brondolin, E., Brooke, J.J., Brown, R.M., Brun, H., Bruner, C., Bruno, G., Buchmuller, O., Bucinskaite, I., Bundock, A., Bunin, P., Bunkowski, K., Bunn, J., Buontempo, S., Burgmeier, A., Burkett, K., Burt, K., Burton, D., Busson, P., Busza, W., Butler, J.N., Butler, P.H., Buttignol, M., Butz, E., Bylinkin, A., Bylsma, B., Byszuk, A., Cabrera, A., Cabrillo, I.J., Cadamuro, L., Caillol, C., Cakir, A., Calabria, C., Calamba, A., Calderon, A., Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M., Cali, I.A., Call, K., Calligaris, L., Calpas, B., Calvelli, V., Calvert, B., Calvo, E., Caminada, L., Campagnari, C., Campanini, R., Campbell, A., Camporesi, T., Candelise, V., Canelli, M.F., Cankocak, K., Capiluppi, P., Cappello, G., Caputo, C., Cardaci, M., Carlsmith, D., Carlson, B., Carnes, A., Carrillo Montoya, C.A., Carrillo Moreno, S., Cartiglia, N., Carvalho, W., Carver, M., Casal, B., Casarsa, M., Casasso, S., Casimiro Linares, E., Castaldi, R., Castaneda Hernandez, A., Castello, R., Castiñeiras De Saa, J.R., Castilla-Valdez, H., Castro, A., Caudron, A., Cavallari, F., Cavallo, F.R., Cavallo, N., Cavanaugh, R., Ceard, L., Celik, A., Centis Vignali, M., Cepeda, M., Cerati, G.B., Cerci, S., Cerminara, G., Cerrada, M., Chabert, E.C., Chamizo Llatas, M., Chang, P., Chang, Y.H., Chang, Y.W., Chanon, N., Chao, Y., Chaparro Sierra, L.F., Chapon, E., Charaf, O., Charlot, C., Chasco, M., Chatterjee, A., Chatterjee, K., Chatterjee, R.M., Chauhan, S., Chauhan, S., Chaves, J., Chawla, R., Chen, G.M., Chen, H.S., Chen, K.F., Chen, K.H., Chen, M., Chen, P.H., Chen, Y., Chen, Z., Cheng, T., Cherepanov, V., Chertok, M., Cheung, H.W.K., Chhibra, S.S., Chierici, R., Chinellato, J., Chiochia, V., Chiorboli, M., Chlebana, F., Choi, M., Choi, S., Choi, Y., Chou, J.P., Choudhary, B.C., Choudhury, S., Chu, J., Chudasama, R., Chwalek, T., Ciangottini, D., Cieri, D., Cihangir, S., Cimmino, A., Ciocci, M.A., Cirkovic, P., Citron, M., Cittolin, S., Ciulli, V., Civinini, C., Claes, D.R., Clare, R., Clarida, W., Clarke, C., Clement, E., Clerbaux, B., Cockerill, D.J.A., Codispoti, G., Colafranceschi, S., Colaleo, A., Cole, J.E., Colino, N., Collard, C., Colling, D., Colombo, F., Contardo, D., Conte, E., Contreras-Campana, C., Contreras-Campana, E., Conway, J., Conway, R., Cooper, S.I., Cornelis, T., Corpe, L., Correa Martins Junior, M., Cossutti, F., Costa, M., Costa, S., Costanza, F., Coubez, X., Couderc, F., Coughlan, J.A., Courbon, B., Cousins, R., Covarelli, R., Cowden, C., Cox, B., Cox, P.T., Creanza, D., Cripps, N., Cristella, L., Crucy, S., Cuevas, J., Cuffiani, M., Cumalat, J.P., Curry, D., Cussans, D., Custódio, A., Cutts, D., Czellar, S., D’Agnolo, R.T., D’Alessandro, R., D’Alfonso, M., D’Hondt, J., Da Costa, E.M., Da Silveira, G.G., Dabrowski, A., Daci, N., Dahmes, B., Dahms, T., Dalchenko, M., Dall’Osso, M., Dallavalle, G.M., Damgov, J., Daponte, V., Das, S., Daskalakis, G., Dasu, S., Dauncey, P., David, A., Davies, G., Davignon, O., De Roeck, A., De Souza Santos, A., De Wit, A., De Cosa, A., De La Cruz, B., De Oliveira Martins, C., De Jesus Damiao, D., De La Cruz-Burelo, E., De Wolf, E.A., De Guio, F., De Lentdecker, G., De Bruyn, I., De Gruttola, M., De Mattia, M., De Palma, M., De Filippis, N., De Castro Manzano, P., De Visscher, S., De Boer, W., Degano, A., Deiters, K., Dejardin, M., Del Re, D., Delaere, C., Delannoy, A.G., Delgado, A., Delgado Peris, A., Dell’Orso, R., Della Ricca, G., Della Negra, M., Demaria, N., Demina, R., Demiragli, Z., Demiroglu, Z.S., Denegri, D., Depasse, P., Derdzinski, M., Dermenev, A., Deroover, K., Descroix, A., Dev, N., Dewanjee, R.K., Dey, S., Dhingra, N., Di Francesco, A., Di Mattia, A., Di Marco, E., Di Matteo, L., Di Guida, S., Diamond, B., Diemoz, M., Dierlamm, A., Dietz, C., Dietz-Laursonn, E., Diez Pardos, C., Dildick, S., Dilsiz, K., Dimitrov, A., D’imperio, G., Dinardo, M.E., Dishaw, A., Dissertori, G., Dittmann, J., Dittmar, M., Dittmer, S., Doan, T.H., Dobson, M., Dobur, D., Dodd, L., Dogra, S., Dolen, J., Dolinska, G., Dominguez, A., Domínguez Vázquez, D., Donato, S., Donegà, M., Dooling, S., Dordevic, M., Dorigo, T., Dorland, T., Dorney, B., Doroba, K., Dozen, C., Draeger, A.R., Dragicevic, M., Dragoiu, C., Dremin, I., Driga, O., Du, R., Duarte, J., Dube, S., Duchardt, D., Dudenas, V., Dudero, P.R., Dugad, S., Duggan, D., Dumanoglu, I., Dunne, P., Dünser, M., Dupont, N., Durgut, S., Duric, S., Durkin, L.S., Dutta, D., Dutta, S., Dutta, V., Eckerlin, G., Ecklund, K.M., Eckstein, D., Edelhoff, M., Eerola, P., Eggert, N., Eichhorn, T., El Mamouni, H., El Sawy, M., Eller, P., Elliott-Peisert, A., Ellison, J., Elmer, P., Elvira, V.D., Elwood, A., Eminizer, N., Endres, M., Eno, S.C., Epshteyn, V., Erbacher, R., Erdmann, M., Erdmann, W., Erdogan, Y., Erdweg, S., Erfle, J., Erö, J., Ershov, A., Escalante Del Valle, A., Esch, T., Eshaq, Y., Esposito, M., Etesami, S.M., Eusebi, R., Evangelou, I., Evans, A., Evdokimov, O., Everaerts, P., Fabbri, F., Fabbri, F., Fabbro, B., Fabozzi, F., Faccioli, P., Fagot, A., Fahim, A., Fan, J., Fanfani, A., Fangmeier, C., Fanò, L., Fantasia, C., Fanzago, F., Farrell, C., Fasanella, D., Fasanella, G., Faulkner, J., Faure, J.L., Favaro, C., Favart, D., Favart, L., Fay, J., Fedi, G., Fehling, D., Felcini, M., Feld, L., Feng, L., Ferapontov, A., Ferbel, T., Ferencek, D., Ferguson, T., Ferguson, W., Fernandez Bedoya, C., Fernandez Menendez, J., Fernández Ramos, J.P., Fernandez, M., Fernandez Perez Tomei, T.R., Ferraioli, C., Ferreira Parracho, P.G., Ferri, F., Ferro, F., Field, R.D., Filipovic, N., Finco, L., Finger, M., Finger, M., Fink, S., Finkel, A., Fiore, L., Fiorendi, S., Fiori, F., Fischer, R., Fisk, I., Flacher, H., Flechl, M., Flix, J., Florent, A., Florez, C., Flouris, G., Flowers, K., Flowers, S., Flucke, G., Flügge, G., Foà, L., Focardi, E., Foerster, M., Folgueras, S., Fonseca De Souza, S., Fontaine, J.-C., Ford, W.T., Forthomme, L., Foudas, C., Fouz, M.C., Francis, B., Franco Sevilla, M., Franzoni, G., Freeman, J., Frensch, F., Friedl, M., Friese, R., Frueboes, T., Frühwirth, R., Fulcher, J., Funk, W., Furic, I.K., Futyan, D., Gadrat, S., Galanti, M., Gallinaro, M., Gallo, E., Galloni, C., Gandrajula, R.P., Ganguly, S., Ganjour, S., Garabedian, A., Garay Garcia, J., Garcia, G., Garcia-Abia, P., Garcia-Bellido, A., Garcia-Ferrero, J., Gardner, M., Garg, R.B., Garutti, E., Gary, J.W., Gascon, S., Gastler, D., Gauthier, L., Gavrilenko, M., Gavrilov, V., Gaz, A., Geenen, H., Geffert, P., Geiser, A., Geisler, M., Gelé, D., Gelli, S., Gennai, S., George, C., George, J., Geralis, T., Gerber, C.E., Gerosa, R., Gershtein, Y., Geurts, F.J.M., Ghete, V.M., Ghezzi, A., Ghosh, S., Giacomelli, P., Giakoumopoulou, V.A., Giammanco, A., Giassi, A., Giffels, M., Gigi, D., Gilbert, A., Gill, K., Gilmore, J., Giordano, D., Giordano, F., Girgis, S., Girone, M., Givernaud, A., Gizhko, A., Glege, F., Gleyzer, S.V., Glushkov, I., Gninenko, S., Go, Y., Gobbo, B., Godinovic, N., Godshalk, A., Goebel, K., Goerlach, U., Goetzmann, C., Goh, J., Gokbulut, G., Goldouzian, R., Goldstein, J., Golf, F., Golovtsov, V., Golubev, N., Golutvin, I., Gomber, B., Gomez Moreno, B., Gomez Ceballos, G., Gomez, G., Gomez, J.A., Gomez, J.P., Goncharov, M., Gonella, F., Gonzalez, D., Gonzalez Caballero, I., Gonzalez Lopez, O., Gonzalez Suarez, R., Gonzi, S., Goodell, J., Gorbunov, I., Gori, V., Görner, M., Górski, M., Gottschalk, E., Gouskos, L., Gouzevitch, M., Govoni, P., Goy Lopez, S., Gozzelino, A., Grab, C., Gran, J., Grandi, C., Granier de Cassagnac, R., Gras, P., Gray, L., Gray, R., Grebenyuk, A., Green, D., Greene, S., Gregores, E.M., Gribushin, A., Grimes, M., Grippo, M.T., Gritsan, A.V., Grothe, M., Grundler, U., Grünendahl, S., Grunewald, M., Grynyov, B., Guchait, M., Gude, A., Guida, R., Guiducci, L., Guilbaud, M., Gul, M., Guler, Y., Gulhan, D., Gülmez, E., Gundacker, S., Gunnellini, P., Gupta, R., Gurpinar, E., Gurrola, A., Gurtu, A., Gutay, L., Güth, A., Guthoff, M., Gutsche, O., Gyun, D., Haas, J., Hadjiiska, R., Hadley, N.J., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.A., Haitz, D., Hajdu, C., Hakala, J., Halkiadakis, E., Hall, G., Hall-Wilton, R., Haller, J., Hamel de Monchenault, G., Hamer, M., Hammad, G.H., Hammer, J., Han, J., Hanlon, J., Hansen, P., Hanson, G., Hardenbrook, J., Harder, K., Hare, D., Harel, A., Härkönen, J., Harper, S., Harr, R., Harrington, C., Harris, P., Harris, R.M., Hart, A., Hartl, C., Hartmann, F., Hasegawa, S., Hassan, Q., Hatakeyama, K., Hauk, J., Hauser, J., Haytmyradov, M., Hazi, A., Heath, G.P., Heath, H.F., Hebbeker, T., Hebda, P., Hegeman, J., Heidegger, C., Heidemann, C., Heilman, J., Heindl, S.M., Heintz, U., Heister, A., Hempel, M., Henderson, C., Hensel, C., Heracleous, N., Heredia-De La Cruz, I., Hernandez, J.M., Hernandez-Almada, A., Herndon, M., Hervé, A., Hewamanage, S., Hidas, D., Hidas, P., Hildreth, M., Hill, C., Hindrichs, O., Hinzmann, A., Hirosky, R., Hirschauer, J., Hits, D., Hobson, P.R., Hoehle, F., Hoepfner, K., Hoffmann, M., Hofman, D.J., Hohlmann, M., Höing, R.S., Hollar, J., Holzner, A., Hong, B., Hoorani, H.R., Horisberger, R., Hörmann, N., Hortiangtham, A., Horvath, D., Hos, I., Hoss, J., Hou, W.-S., Hreus, T., Hrubec, J., Hsiung, Y., Hu, Z., Huang, T., Huertas Guativa, L.M., Hughes, E., Hughes, R., Hugon, J., Husemann, U., Iaselli, G., Iashvili, I., Iaydjiev, P., Ibrahim, Z.A., Ignatenko, M., Iiyama, Y., Iles, G., Ille, B., Incandela, J., Ingram, Q., Innocente, V., Innocenti, G.M., Iorio, A.O.M., Isildak, B., Ivanov, A., Ivanov, Y., Ivova PANEVA, M., Jabeen, S., Jacob, J., Jafari, A., Jain, S., Jain, S., Jandir, P., Janjam, R., Janot, P., Janssen, X., Jarry, P., Jayatilaka, B., Jeitler, M., Jensen, F., Jessop, C., Jez, P., Jha, M.K., Jha, V., Ji, W., Jiang, C.H., Jindariani, S., Jo, M., Johns, W., Johnson, A., Johnson, K.F., Johnson, M., Jones, M., Jorda, C., Josa, M.I., Joshi, U., Jung, A.W., Jung, H., Jung, K., Junkes, A., Juodagalvis, A., Kaadze, K., Kachanov, V., Kadastik, M., Kadija, K., Kaestli, H.C., Kaisen, J., Kalafut, S., Kalakhety, H., Kalinin, A., Kalinowski, A., Kalogeropoulos, A., Kalsi, A.K., Kamalieddin, R., Kamenev, A., Kaminskiy, A., Kamon, T., Kangal, E.E., Kanishchev, K., Kao, S.C., Kaplan, S., Karacheban, O., Karancsi, J., Karapinar, G., Karapostoli, G., Karchin, P.E., Kargoll, B., Karimäki, V., Karjavin, V., Karmgard, D.J., Karneyeu, A., Kasemann, M., Kasieczka, G., Katkov, I., Katsas, P., Kaur, A., Kaur, M., Kaya, M., Kaya, O., Kayis Topaksu, A., Kazana, M., Keaveney, J., Kellams, N., Keller, J., Kelley, R., Kellogg, R.G., Kennedy, E., Kenny, R.P., Kenzie, M., Kesisoglou, S., Khachatryan, V., Khakzad, M., Khalil, S., Khan, A., Khan, W.A., Kharchilava, A., Khatiwada, A., Khristenko, V., Khukhunaishvili, A., Khurana, R., Khurshid, T., Kiani, B., Kiesel, M.K., Kieseler, J., Kilminster, B., Kim, D., Kim, D.H., Kim, G.N., Kim, H., Kim, H., Kim, H., Kim, J.H., Kim, M.S., Kim, T.J., Kim, V., Kim, Y., Kinnunen, R., Kirakosyan, M., Kirsanov, M., Kirschenmann, H., Klabbers, P., Klanner, R., Klapoetke, K., Klein, D., Klein, K., Kleinwort, C., Klima, B., Klute, M., Knowlton, D., Knünz, V., Knutsson, A., Knutzen, S., Ko, W., Koay, S.A., Kodolova, O., Kogler, R., Kokkas, P., Kolberg, T., Kole, G., Komaragiri, J.R., Komm, M., Konecki, M., Kong, D.J., König, A., Konigsberg, J., Konoplyanikov, V., Konstantinov, D., Konyushikhin, M., Kornmayer, A., Korol, I., Korotkikh, V., Kortelainen, M.J., Korytov, A., Kothekar, K., Kotlinski, D., Kotov, K., Kottachchi Kankanamge Don, C., Kousouris, K., Kovac, M., Kovalchuk, N., Kovalskyi, D., Kovitanggoon, K., Krajczar, K., Krammer, M., Krasnikov, N., Krätschmer, I., Kravchenko, I., Kreczko, L., Kreis, B., Kress, T., Kreuzer, P., Krofcheck, D., Krohn, M., Krolikowski, J., Kropivnitskaya, A., Krutelyov, V., Krychkine, V., Kubik, A., Kubota, Y., Kuessel, Y., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Kumar, V., Kunkle, J., Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R., Kunori, S., Künsken, A., Kuo, C.M., Kurt, P., Kuznetsova, E., Kwan, S., Kwon, E., Kyberd, P., Kyriakis, A., La Licata, C., Lacroix, F., Lagarde, F., Lai, Y.S., Laird, E., Laktineh, I.B., Lamichhane, K., Lamichhane, P., Lammel, S., Lampén, T., Lanaro, A., Lander, R., Landsberg, G., Lane, R., Lanev, A., Lange, C., Lange, D., Lange, W., Langenegger, U., Lannon, K., Lanza, G., Lapsien, T., Lariccia, P., Lassila-Perini, K., Lath, A., Lauwers, J., Lawson, P., Le Bihan, A.-C., Lecoq, P., Ledovskoy, A., Lee, B., Lee, J., Lee, J.S.H., Lee, K., Lee, K.S., Lee, S., Lee, S., Lee, S.W., Lee, Y.-J., Leggat, D., Lehti, S., Lelas, D., Lemaitre, V., Lenz, T., Lenzi, P., Lenzi, T., Léonard, A., Leonard, J., Leonardo, N., Leonidov, A., Lesko, Z., Leslie, D., Lethuillier, M., Letts, J., Levchenko, P., Levchuk, L., Levin, A., Levine, A., Li, H., Li, Q., Li, W., Libeiro, T., Ligabue, F., Liko, D., Lin, C., Lin, W., Linacre, J., Lincoln, D., Lindén, T., Ling, T.Y., Lingemann, J., Linn, S., Lipinski, M., Lipka, K., Lipton, R., Lisniak, S., Lista, L., Litov, L., Liu, B., Liu, H., Liu, S., Liu, T., Liu, Y.F., Lloret Iglesias, L., Lo Vetere, M., Lobanov, A., Lobelle Pardo, P., Locci, E., Lohmann, W., Lokhtin, I., Lomtadze, T., Long, K., Long, O.R., Longo, E., Lopes De Sá, R., Lopez Virto, A., Lopez-Fernandez, R., Loukas, D., Loukas, N., Lourenço, C., Loveless, R., Low, J.F., Lowette, S., Lu, R.-S., Lu, Y., Lu, Y.J., Lucas, C., Lucas, R., Lucchini, M.T., Luckey, P.D., Luetic, J., Lujan, P., Luo, W., Lustermann, W., Luthra, A., Luukka, P., Luyckx, S., Lychkovskaya, N., Lykken, J., Lyons, L., Ma, 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S., Masetti, G., Masetti, L., Mason, D., Massironi, A., Mastrolorenzo, L., Matchev, K., Matorras, F., Matos Figueiredo, D., Matsushita, T., Matveev, V., Mavromanolakis, G., Mazumdar, K., McBride, P., Mccartin, J., Mccoll, N., Mcginn, C., Md Ali, M.A.B., Medvedeva, T., Mehta, A., Mei, H., Meier, F., Meijers, F., Meister, D., Melo, A., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Menasce, D., Meneguzzo, A.T., Meng, F., Meng, Z., Menichelli, M., Meola, S., Mercadante, P.G., Meridiani, P., Merkel, P., Merlin, J.A., Merlo, J.-P., Mermerkaya, H., Merola, M., Merschmeyer, M., Mersi, S., Mertens, A., Meschi, E., Meschini, M., Messineo, A., Mestvirishvili, A., Mesyats, G., Meyer, A., Meyer, A.B., Meyer, M., Miñano Moya, M., Micanovic, S., Micheli, F., Michelotto, M., Michlin, B., Migliore, E., Mignerey, A.C., Mikulec, I., Mildner, H., Milenovic, P., Miller, D.H., Millet, P., Milosevic, J., Miné, P., Miniello, G., Mirabito, L., Mirman, N., Mironov, C., Mishra, K., Misiura, M., Missiroli, M., Mitra, S., Mitselmakher, G., Mittag, G., Mittal, M., Mnich, J., Modak, A., Moeller, A., Mohamad Idris, F., Mohammadi, A., Mohammadi Najafabadi, M., Mohanty, A.K., Mohanty, G.B., Mohapatra, A., Moisenz, P., Molnar, J., Monaco, V., Mondal, K., Monge, M.R., Monroy, J., Montagna, P., Montanari, A., Montecassiano, F., Monteil, E., Moon, C.S., Mooney, M., Moortgat, F., Mora Herrera, C., Moraes, A., Moran, D., Moreels, L., Morelos Pineda, A., Moroni, L., Morovic, S., Morse, D.M., Mossolov, V., Mott, A., Mousa, J., Mozer, M.U., Mrenna, S., Mucia, N., Mueller, C., Mueller, R., Mukherjee, S., Mukhopadhyay, S., Mulders, M., Mulhearn, M., Mulholland, T., Müller, T., Müller, T., Mullin, S.D., Mundim, L., Murray, M., Murumaa, M., Murzin, V., Musella, P., Musich, M., Musienko, Y., Mussgiller, A., My, S., Myagkov, I., Nachtman, J., Nahn, S., Naimuddin, M., Nam, S.K., Narain, M., Naranjo, I.N., Narayanan, S., Naseri, M., Nash, D., Nash, J., Nash, K., Nauenberg, U., Naumann-Emme, S., Navarria, F.L., Navarro De Martino, E., Nawrocki, K., Nayak, A., Nehrkorn, A., Nemallapudi, M.V., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Neu, C., Neugebauer, H., Neumeister, N., Newbold, D.M., Newman, H.B., Newman-Holmes, C., Ngadiuba, J., Nguyen, F., Nguyen, M., Ni, H., Nicolaou, C., Nicolas Kaufman, G., Nikitenko, A., Nishu, N., Niu, X., Nogima, H., Noonan, D., Northup, M., Nourbakhsh, S., Novaes, S.F., Nowack, A., Nowatschin, D., Ntomari, E., Nugent, I.M., Nuttens, C., Nuzzo, S., O’Brien, C., O’Dell, V., Obertino, M.M., Obraztsov, S., Ocampo Rios, A.A., Ochando, C., Odell, N., Ogul, H., Oh, Y.D., Ojalvo, I., Olaiya, E., Olbrechts, A., Oliveros, S., Olivito, D., Olmedo Negrete, M., Olschewski, M., Olsen, J., Olszewski, M., Onel, Y., Onengut, G., Oreshkin, V., Orfanelli, S., Organtini, G., Orimoto, T., Orsini, L., Ortona, G., Osherson, M., Osipenkov, I., Ostapchuk, A., Ott, J., Ozdemir, K., Ozok, F., Ozturk, S., Pacher, L., Padeken, K., Padhi, S., Padley, B.P., Paganini, P., Paganoni, M., Pakhotin, Y., Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S., Palencia Cortezon, E., Palichik, V., Palla, F., Palmer, C., Panagiotou, A., Pandolfi, F., Pant, L.M., Pantaleo, F., Panwalkar, S., Paoletti, S., Paolucci, P., Papacz, P., Papadopoulos, I., Pape, L., Paradas, E., Paramatti, R., Paramesvaran, S., Parashar, N., Parida, B., Park, I.C., Park, M., Park, S.K., Pashenkov, A., Passaseo, M., Pastika, N., Pastrone, N., Pata, J., Patel, R., Patterson, J.R., Paulini, M., Paus, C., Pauss, F., Pavlov, B., Pazzini, J., Pedraza, I., Pedrini, D., Pedro, K., Pegoraro, M., Peiffer, T., Pekkanen, J., Pela, J., Pellett, D., Pelliccioni, M., Peltola, T., Pena, C., Penzo, A., Pequegnot, A.L., Perelygin, V., Perez, E., Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A., Perieanu, A., Perloff, A., Perniè, L., Perrey, H., Perries, S., Perrini, L., Perrotta, A., Perrozzi, L., Perry, T., Peruzzi, M., Pesaresi, M., Petkov, P., Petrakou, E., Petridis, K., Petrilli, A., Petrillo, G., Petrov, V., Petrucciani, G., Petrushanko, S., Petyt, D., Pfeiffer, A., Piccolo, D., Piedra Gomez, J., Pieri, M., Pierini, M., Pierro, G.A., Pietsch, N., Pigard, P., Pilot, J., Pin, A., Pinna, D., Pinna Angioni, G.L., Piotrzkowski, K., Piparo, D., Piperov, S., Piroué, P., Pistone, C., Pitzl, D., Placakyte, R., Plagge, M., Planer, M., Plestina, R., Poehlsen, J., Pol, M.E., Polese, G., Poll, A., Pollack, B., Pompili, A., Pook, T., Pooth, O., Popov, A., Popov, V., Potenza, R., Poyraz, D., Pozdnyakov, A., Pozdnyakov, I., Pozzobon, N., Prado Da Silva, W.L., Preiato, F., Preuten, M., Primavera, F., Prokofyev, O., Prosper, H., Psallidas, A., Ptochos, F., Puerta Pelayo, J., Pugliese, G., Puigh, D., Puljak, I., Python, Q., Qian, S.J., Quast, G., Quertenmont, L., Quintario Olmeda, A., Quittnat, M., Yates, B.R., Rabady, D., Rabbertz, K., Racz, A., Radburn-Smith, B.C., Radi, A., Radogna, R., Radziej, M., Ragazzi, S., Rahatlou, S., Rahbaran, B., Raics, P., Raidal, M., Rakness, G., Ralph, D., Rander, J., Randle-conde, A., Ranieri, A., Ranjan, K., Rank, D., Rankin, D., Rappoccio, S., Raspereza, A., Rathjens, D., Ratnikov, F., Ratti, S.P., Raupach, F., Ravera, F., Raymond, D.M., Razis, P.A., Re, V., Rebassoo, F., Rebello Teles, P., Redaelli, N., Redjimi, R., Redondo, I., Regnard, S., Reid, I.D., Reinsvold, A., Reis, T., Reithler, H., Rekovic, V., Renker, D., Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F., Ribeiro Cipriano, P.M., Riccardi, C., Ricci-Tam, F., Richards, A., Richardson, C., Richman, J., Rieger, M., Riley, G., Rinkevicius, A., Rizzi, A., Roberts, J., Robmann, P., Robutti, E., Röcker, S., Rodenburg, M., Rodozov, M., Rodrigo, T., Rodrigues Antunes, J., Rodriguez, J.L., Rodríguez-Marrero, A.Y., Roh, Y., Rohe, T., Rohlf, J., Rohringer, H., Roland, B., Roland, C., Roland, G., Rolandi, G., Romanowska-Rybinska, K., Romeo, F., Romero, A., Romero Abad, D., Romero, L., Ronchese, P., Ronga, F.J., Roozbahani, B., Rorie, J., Roscher, F., Rose, A., Rose, A., Rose, K., Roskes, J., Rosowsky, A., Rossi, A.M., Rossin, R., Rossini, M., Rovelli, C., Rovelli, T., Rovere, M., Roy, A., Roy, D., Roy Chowdhury, S., Roy, T., Ruan, M., Ruchti, R., Ruckstuhl, N., Ruggles, T., Ruiz Vargas, J.C., Ruiz Alvarez, J.D., Ruiz-Jimeno, A., Rumerio, P., Rusack, R., Rusakov, S.V., Ruspa, M., Russ, J., Ryckbosch, D., Ryd, A., Rykaczewski, H., Ryu, G., Ryu, M.S., Ryutin, R., Padula, S.S., Sabes, D., Sacchi, R., Sady, A., Safarzadeh, B., Safonov, A., Safronov, G., Sagir, S., Saha, A., Sahin, M.Ö., Sahoo, D.K., Sahoo, N., Saini, L.K., Saka, H., Sakharov, A., Sakulin, H., Sakuma, T., Salazar Ibarguen, H.A., Salerno, D., Salerno, R., Salfeld-Nebgen, J., Saltzberg, D., Salur, S., Salva, S., Salvini, P., Sanabria, J.C., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Sander, C., Sanders, S., Sandoval Gonzalez, I.D., Sani, M., Santanastasio, F., Santaolalla, J., Santocchia, A., Santoro, A., Saoulidou, N., Sarangi, T., Sarica, U., Sarkar, S., Sarkar, T., Sauvan, J.B., Savin, A., Savoy-Navarro, A., Savrin, V., Saxena, P., Schael, S., Schäfer, C., Scharf, C., Schettler, H., Scheuch, F., Schieck, J., Schizzi, A., Schleper, P., Schlieckau, E., Schmidt, A., Schmitt, M., Schnetzer, S., Schoerner-Sadenius, T., Schöfbeck, R., Schröder, M., Schulte, J.F., Schwandt, J., Schwick, C., Sciacca, C., Scodellaro, L., Seez, C., Seidel, M., Seif El Nasr-storey, S., Seitz, C., Seixas, J., Selvaggi, G., Selvaggi, M., Sen, S., Senkin, S., Serban, A.T., Seva, T., Sexton-Kennedy, E., Sgandurra, L., Sguazzoni, G., Shaheen, S.M., Shalhout, S., Sharan, M., Sharma, A., Sharma, A., Sharma, R., Sharma, S., Sharma, V., Sharma, V., Shchutska, L., Sheffield, D., Sheldon, P., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H., Shi, X., Shin, Y.H., Shipsey, I., Shmatov, S., Shoaib, M., Shrinivas, A., Shukla, P., Shulha, S., Shumeiko, N., Siado, J.E., Sieber, G., Sigamani, M., Sikler, F., Silkworth, C., Silva, P., Silvers, D., Silvestris, L., Simon, M., Simon, S., Simonetto, F., Simonis, H.J., Singh, G., Singh, J.B., Sinthuprasith, T., Sirois, Y., Siroli, G.P., Sirunyan, A.M., Skatchkov, N., Skhirtladze, N., Skinnari, L., Skovpen, K., Skuja, A., Smirnov, I., Smirnov, V., Smith, D., Smith, G., Smith, J., Smith, N., Smith, V.J., Smith, W.H., Snigirev, A., Snook, B., Snow, G.R., Snowball, M., Snyder, C., Soares, M.S., Sobol, A., Soffi, L., Soha, A., Sola, V., Solano, A., Somalwar, S., Son, D.C., Song, S., Sonnenschein, L., Sordini, V., Sorokin, P., Spagnolo, P., Spalding, W.J., Spanier, S., Spannagel, S., Sperka, D., Sphicas, P., Spiegel, L., Spiezia, A., Spiridonov, A., Spiropulu, M., Squires, M., Srimanobhas, N., St. John, J., Stadie, H., Stahl, A., Staiano, A., Starodumov, A., Steggemann, J., Steinbrück, G., Stenson, K., Stephans, G.S.F., Stickland, D., Stieger, B., Stober, F.M., Stolp, D., Stone, R., Stoye, M., Stoykova, S., Stoynev, S., Strauss, J., Strebler, T., Stringer, R., Strobbe, N., Strologas, J., Strom, D., Stuart, D., Stupak, J., Sturdy, J., Suarez, I., Suarez Gonzalez, J., Sudic, L., Sulak, L., Sulimov, V., Sultanov, G., Sumorok, K., Sun, J., Sun, M., Sun, W., Sun, X., Sung, K., Sur, N., Sutar, B., Suwonjandee, N., Svyatkovskiy, A., Swain, S.K., Swartz, M., 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10 . Fixed Target Collisions at STAR Meehan, K.C. 2016 Nuclear Physics A ,
956 pp. 878 – 881 .
11 . STAR Collaboration Adamczyk, L., Adkins, J.K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, M.M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Aparin, A., Arkhipkin, D., Aschenauer, E.C., Ashraf, M.U., Attri, A., Averichev, G.S., Bai, X., Bairathi, V., Bellwied, R., Bhasin, A., Bhati, A.K., Bhattarai, P., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bland, L.C., Bordyuzhin, I.G., Bouchet, J., Brandenburg, J.D., Brandin, A.V., Bunzarov, I., Butterworth, J., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Campbell, J.M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chang, Z., Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, X., Chen, J.H., Cheng, J., Cherney, M., Christie, W., Contin, G., Crawford, H.J., Das, S., De Silva, L.C., Debbe, R.R., Dedovich, T.G., Deng, J., Derevschikov, A.A., di Ruzza, B., Didenko, L., Dilks, C., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J.L., Draper, J.E., Du, C.M., Dunkelberger, L.E., Dunlop, J.C., Efimov, L.G., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esha, R., Evdokimov, O., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, Z., Filip, P., Fisyak, Y., Flores, C.E., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C.A., Garand, D., Geurts, F., Gibson, A., Girard, M., Greiner, L., Grosnick, D., Gunarathne, D.S., Guo, Y., Gupta, S., Gupta, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A.I., Hamed, A., Haque, R., Harris, J.W., He, L., Heppelmann, S., Heppelmann, S., Hirsch, A., Hoffmann, G.W., Horvat, S., Huang, T., Huang, B., Huang, X., Huang, H.Z., Huck, P., Humanic, T.J., Igo, G., Jacobs, W.W., Jang, H., Jentsch, A., Jia, J., Jiang, K., Judd, E.G., Kabana, S., Kalinkin, D., Kang, K., Kauder, K., Ke, H.W., Keane, D., Kechechyan, A., Khan, Z.H., Kikoła, D.P., Kisel, I., Kisiel, A., Kochenda, L., Koetke, D.D., Kosarzewski, L.K., Kraishan, A.F., Kravtsov, P., Krueger, K., Kumar, L., Lamont, M.A.C., Landgraf, J.M., Landry, K.D., Lauret, J., Lebedev, A., Lednicky, R., Lee, J.H., Li, X., Li, Y., Li, C., Li, W., Li, X., Lin, T., Lisa, M.A., Liu, F., Ljubicic, T., Llope, W.J., Lomnitz, M., Longacre, R.S., Luo, X., Luo, S., Ma, G.L., Ma, L., Ma, Y.G., Ma, R., Magdy, N., Majka, R., Manion, A., Margetis, S., Markert, C., Matis, H.S., McDonald, D., McKinzie, S., Meehan, K., Mei, J.C., Miller, Z.W., Minaev, N.G., Mioduszewski, S., Mishra, D., Mohanty, B., Mondal, M.M., Morozov, D.A., Mustafa, M.K., Nandi, B.K., Nasim, M., Nayak, T.K., Nigmatkulov, G., Niida, T., Nogach, L.V., Noh, S.Y., Novak, J., Nurushev, S.B., Odyniec, G., Ogawa, A., Oh, K., Okorokov, V.A., Olvitt, D., Page, B.S., Pak, R., Pan, Y.X., Pandit, Y., Panebratsev, Y., Pawlik, B., Pei, H., Perkins, C., Pile, P., Pluta, J., Poniatowska, K., Porter, J., Posik, M., Poskanzer, A.M., Pruthi, N.K., Przybycien, M., Putschke, J., Qiu, H., Quintero, A., Ramachandran, S., Ray, R.L., Reed, R., Ritter, H.G., Roberts, J.B., Rogachevskiy, O.V., Romero, J.L., Ruan, L., Rusnak, J., Rusnakova, O., Sahoo, N.R., Sahu, P.K., Sakrejda, I., Salur, S., Sandweiss, J., Sarkar, A., Schambach, J., Scharenberg, R.P., Schmah, A.M., Schmidke, W.B., Schmitz, N., Seger, J., Seyboth, P., Shah, N., Shahaliev, E., Shanmuganathan, P.V., Shao, M., Sharma, A., Sharma, B., Sharma, M.K., Shen, W.Q., Shi, Z., Shi, S.S., Shou, Q.Y., Sichtermann, E.P., Sikora, R., Simko, M., Singha, S., Skoby, M.J., Smirnov, D., Smirnov, N., Solyst, W., Song, L., Sorensen, P., Spinka, H.M., Srivastava, B., Stanislaus, T.D.S., Stepanov, M., Stock, R., Strikhanov, M., Stringfellow, B., Sumbera, M., Summa, B., Sun, Y., Sun, Z., Sun, X.M., Surrow, B., Svirida, D.N., Tang, Z., Tang, A.H., Tarnowsky, T., Tawfik, A., Thäder, J., Thomas, J.H., Timmins, A.R., Tlusty, D., Todoroki, T., Tokarev, M., Trentalange, S., Tribble, R.E., Tribedy, P., Tripathy, S.K., Tsai, O.D., Ullrich, T., Underwood, D.G., Upsal, I., Van Buren, G., van Nieuwenhuizen, G., Vandenbroucke, M., Varma, R., Vasiliev, A.N., Vertesi, R., Videbæk, F., Vokal, S., Voloshin, S.A., Vossen, A., Wang, H., Wang, F., Wang, Y., Wang, J.S., Wang, G., Wang, Y., Webb, J.C., Webb, G., Wen, L., Westfall, G.D., Wieman, H., Wissink, S.W., Witt, R., Wu, Y., Xiao, Z.G., Xie, W., Xie, G., Xin, K., Xu, N., Xu, Q.H., Xu, Z., Xu, J., Xu, H., Xu, Y.F., Yang, S., Yang, Y., Yang, C., Yang, Y., Yang, Y., Yang, Q., Ye, Z., Ye, Z., Yi, L., Yip, K., Yoo, I.-K., Yu, N., Zbroszczyk, H., Zha, W., Zhang, Z., Zhang, J.B., Zhang, S., Zhang, S., Zhang, X.P., Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J., Zhao, J., Zhong, C., Zhou, L., Zhu, X., Zoulkarneeva, Y., Zyzak, M. 2016 Nuclear Physics A ,
956 pp. 971 – 974 .
12 . Stability of vector bundles on curves and degenerations Osserman, B. 2016 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin ,
59 ( 4 ) pp. 858 – 864 .
13 . Cold nuclear matter effects on J/ψ and ϒ production in p + Pb collisions at 5 TeV and Pb + Pb collisions at 5.1 TeV Vogt, R. 2016 Nuclear Physics A ,
956 pp. 697 – 700 .
14 . Marek’s disease herpesvirus vaccines integrate into chicken host chromosomes yet lack a virus-host phenotype associated with oncogenic transformation McPherson, M.C., Cheng, H.H., Delany, M.E. 2016 Vaccine ,
34 ( 46 ) pp. 5554 – 5561 .
15 . Guillain-Barré syndrome: causes, immunopathogenic mechanisms and treatment Jasti, A.K., Selmi, C., Sarmiento-Monroy, J.C., Vega, D.A., Anaya, J.-M., Gershwin, M.E. 2016 Expert Review of Clinical Immunology ,
12 ( 11 ) pp. 1175 – 1189 .
16 . Xenogeneic cardiac extracellular matrix scaffolds with or without seeded mesenchymal stem cells exhibit distinct in vivo immunosuppressive and regenerative properties Papalamprou, A., Chang, C.W., Vapniarsky, N., Clark, A., Walker, N., Griffiths, L.G. 2016 Acta Biomaterialia ,
45 pp. 155 – 168 .
17 . A systematic review of adverse event reporting in companion animal clinical trials evaluating cancer treatment Giuffrida, M.A. 2016 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association ,
249 ( 9 ) pp. 1079 – 1087 .
18 . Cerebrospinal fluid (1,3)-Beta-D-glucan testing is useful in diagnosis of coccidioidal meningitis Stevens, D.A., Zhang, Y., Finkelman, M.A., Pappagianis, D., Clemons, K.V., Martinez, M. 2016 Journal of Clinical Microbiology ,
54 ( 11 ) pp. 2707 – 2710 .
19 . Developmental consequences of behavioral inhibition: a model in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) Chun, K., Capitanio, J.P. 2016 Developmental Science ,
19 ( 6 ) pp. 1035 – 1048 .
20 . Determinants of Survival for Adolescents and Young Adults with Urothelial Bladder Cancer: Results from the California Cancer Registry Lara, J., Brunson, A., Keegan, T.H.M., Malogolowkin, M., Pan, C.-X., Yap, S., deVere White, R. 2016 Journal of Urology ,
196 ( 5 ) pp. 1378 – 1382 .
21 . The neurobiology of the emotional adolescent: From the inside out Guyer, A.E., Silk, J.S., Nelson, E.E. 2016 Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews,
70 pp. 74 – 85 .
22 . Dose Targeting Metrics in Conventional and Intensive Maintenance Dialysis Ananthakrishnan, S., Depner, T.A. 2016 Seminars in Dialysis ,
29 ( 6 ) pp. 471 – 475 .
23 . Serotonin 1A agonism decreases affiliative behavior in pair-bonded titi monkeys Larke, R.H., Maninger, N., Ragen, B.J., Mendoza, S.P., Bales, K.L. 2016 Hormones and Behavior ,
86 pp. 71 – 77 .
24 . Naphthoquinone glycosides for bioelectroanalytical enumeration of the faecal indicator Escherichia coli Hinks, J., Han, E.J.Y., Wang, V.B., Seviour, T.W., Marsili, E., Loo, J.S.C., Wuertz, S. 2016 Microbial Biotechnology ,
9 ( 6 ) pp. 746 – 757 .
25 . Prediction of capillary air-liquid interfacial area vs. saturation function from relationship between capillary pressure and water saturation Diamantopoulos, E., Durner, W., Harter, T. 2016 Advances in Water Resources ,
97 pp. 219 – 223 .
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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Elsevier announces availability of two new Reference Modules – Reference Modules in Life Sciences and Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology
STM Publisher Elsevier has announced the availability of its two new Reference Modules, Reference Module in Life Sciences and Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. Each provides researchers, clinicians, educators and students access to reference content updated as science progresses. The new Reference Modules are available now on ScienceDirect, Elsevier’s full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and 35,000 book titles.

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Crossref now accepts preprints
Crossref, the not-for-profit member organisation for publishers, has announced that it is now accepting the registration of Crossref DOIs for preprints. The key decision is to acknowledge that preprints are a valuable part of the research story, and ensure that authors’ own or institutional repository versions can be linked up with any eventual version on a publisher’s site.

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Healthcare Technology Letters to publish under gold open access model from 2017
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has announced that from 2017, its rapid-publication journal Healthcare Technology Letters (HTL) will publish under a gold open access model. The journal will also increase in frequency from 4 issues to 6 issues per year. The switch to a fully open access model enables essential research in this fast moving field to be made freely available to anyone who wishes to read it and use it.

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McGraw-Hill Education and Georgia Tech partner to make elite education more broadly accessible
Learning science company McGraw-Hill Education and Georgia Tech are teaming up on an innovative approach to make elite education more broadly accessible. Both companies are launching an online, undergraduate course in computer science that will debut this spring for current Tech students and be made available in MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) format to help future Georgia Tech applicants earn college credit before they ever set foot on campus.

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Ringgold to open access to ISNI Identifiers and data for organisations
Ringgold, an ISNI Registration Agency, has released a free service to provide open access to the ISNI Identifiers and data for organisations. This includes an API to obtain and resolve existing ISNIs for organisations; a complete dataset download of ISNIs, organization names, locations, alternate names, and URLs; and a free online look-up service to search and obtain ISNI records.

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VGTU Press and Pensoft launch joint pilot project for open access peer-reviewed journal Business: Theory and Practice
In a new joint pilot project, the open access peer-reviewed journal Business: Theory and Practice (BTP), issued by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press since 2000, runs on the new journal publishing platform ARPHA, developed by Pensoft. ARPHA provides end-to-end technological solution for all peer-review stages starting from submission to fully functional dedicated new website.

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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Springer and BioMed Central to retract 58 articles published across seven journals
Springer and BioMed Central are retracting 58 articles published across seven journals this week, after a thorough investigation which revealed evidence of plagiarism, peer review and authorship manipulation, suggestive of attempts to subvert the peer review and publication system to inappropriately obtain or allocate authorship. While BioMed Central has identified 28 articles that will be retracted and is investigating 40 more articles, Springer has identified 30 articles that will be retracted, with a further 9 articles that need further investigation.

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Two Taylor & Francis ebook platforms now available to order through ProQuest OASIS
ProQuest has announced a partnership with publisher group Taylor & Francis to provide libraries with more choices for purchasing ebooks though OASIS. The OASIS system provides end-to-end acquisition workflow support to the market’s largest selection of ebooks (more than 1.7 million titles) via the Ebook Central, EBL, ebrary, MyiLibrary, EBSCO, and now two Taylor & Francis ebook platforms.

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SAGE Publishing launches collection of over 480 videos that illustrate how research is done
Academic publisher SAGE Publishing has launched a collection of streaming videos designed to help students and researchers learn and develop research skillsets and navigate the research process. Titled SAGE Research Method Video, the collection includes 484 videos on the broad spectrum of social science research methods and statistics.

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Sheridan to provide printing services for SSP’s membership and informational resources
Sheridan, a provider of print, publishing services and technology solutions to publishers, associations, university presses, and cataloguers, will provide printing services for the Society for Scholarly Publishing’s (SSP)membership and informational resources. Sheridan responded to SSP’s Request for Proposal for in-kind printing services in exchange for various sponsorship benefits.

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Association of Research Libraries publishes Funding Article Processing Charges, SPEC Kit 353
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has released Funding Article Processing Charges (APCs), SPEC Kit 353, an exploration of the strategies that ARL member institutions are using to address APCs. This SPEC Kit covers how the funds are established and how they are handled, sources of funding, and whether and under what circumstances libraries are partnering with other units to fund this aspect of open access.

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HARRASSOWITZ appoints Justin Clarke as Director of Sales and Marketing North America
HARRASSOWITZ, a global full-service subscription agent and bookseller, has announced the appointment of Justin Clarke as Director of Sales and Marketing for North America. In this role, he will be responsible for promoting the broad service lines and library solutions to the North American academic library market through a team of representatives.

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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Amsterdam Data Science and Elsevier in deal to advance data science research and education in Amsterdam
Scientific information solutions provider Elsevier has announced that network organisation Amsterdam Data Science (ADS) has signed an agreement aimed at advancing data science research and education in Amsterdam. Both parties are embarking on a number of joint projects that will enable data scientists to access and share data and use the latest technology to collaborate and advance the field of data science together.

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Clarivate Analytics and Chinese Academy of Sciences release annual report identifying hottest and emerging fields in scientific research
Clarivate Analytics, formerly the Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, and Chinese Academy of Sciences have released ‘Research Fronts 2016’, an annual report identifying prominent areas of scientific research over the past year. This is the third collaborative report from these two organisations.

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Lettie Conrad named new North American Editor for Learned Publishing
The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) and the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) have announced Lettie Conrad as the new North American Editor of Learned Publishing journal. Lettie takes up her post with immediate effect.

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Peter Ashman succeeds Tim Brooks as new BMJ CEO
Healthcare knowledge provider BMJ has announced the appointment of Peter Ashman as the next Chief Executive, effective from January 1, 2017. Peter was chosen from an exceptional pool of candidates from both inside and outside the company, and succeeds Tim Brooks who is stepping down after four years as CEO.

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82 percent of academic libraries consider space reclamation a priority, reveals ProQuest’s 2016 space reclamation survey
ProQuest has released a new survey of more than 600 libraries. The survey found that 82 percent of academic libraries consider space reclamation a priority or believe it will be in the near future. The survey whitepaper, ‘Evolving Spaces for Evolving User Needs in Academic Libraries’ is free to anyone who registers at

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Kudos strengthens board with key new appointments
Kudos, a service for maximising the reach and impact of research publications, has announced new appointments to its Board of Directors and the successful close of a second funding round. From January 1, 2017, Jon Conibear has been appointed non-executive Chairman. Also joining the Kudos board are Jan Christopher Maier and Dominic Ely.

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Public Library Association releases first Project Outcome Annual Report
The Public Library Association (PLA) has launched the first Project Outcome Annual Report. PLA’s Project Outcome is a free toolkit designed to help public libraries understand and share the true impact of essential library services and programs by providing simple surveys and an easy-to-use process for measuring and analysing outcomes.

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Cell Press selected to publish Molecular Therapy family of journals
Molecular Therapy, the official journal of The American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT), has a new home at Cell Press, a publisher of biomedical and chemical research and reviews. This new publishing partnership, to begin in January 2017, will see Cell Press produce and distribute ASGCT’s four journals, which include its flagship title along with open-access options Molecular Therapy – Methods & Clinical Development, Molecular Therapy – Nucleic Acids, and Molecular Therapy – Oncolytics.

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World Scientific platform now available for orders via the ProQuest OASIS system
ProQuest has joined forces with World Scientific to provide libraries with even more choices for purchasing ebooks though the OASIS® system. This collaboration is the latest in a series between ProQuest and a number of sought-after publishers.

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Oxford University Press to publish GigaScience
Academic publisher Oxford University Press (OUP) has announced its partnership with BGI. Beginning January 2017, Oxford University Press (OUP) will publish the open-access, open-data journal, GigaScience. The journal has an international and multidisciplinary editorial board led by Dr. Laurie Goodman as Editor-in-Chief and Dr. Scott Edmunds as Executive Editor.

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SPARC launches integrated resource to understand, compare federal article and data-sharing policies
SPARC has released a new, integrated resource for tracking, comparing, and understanding U.S. federal agencies’ article and data sharing policies. This free tool combines a new analysis of federal public access plans for sharing peer-reviewed research articles with the federal data sharing policy resource that SPARC launched earlier this year in partnership with Johns Hopkins University Libraries.

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COAR Annual Meeting 2017 scheduled for May 8-10, 2017
The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) and the Library System (SBA) of the Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, have announced that the next COAR Annual Meeting, scheduled for May 8-10, 2017, will take place in Venice, on the campus of the Università Ca’ Foscari. The major theme for this year’s meeting will be next generation repositories.

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Emerald Group Publishing and Hangzhou Dianzi University announce strategic alliance
Academic publisher Emerald Group Publishing and Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU) have entered into an agreement for strategic alliance in support of Emerald’s Chinese Management Studies (CMS) journal. The collaboration is an extension of an already established working relationship between the two organisations, as HDU is a valued customer of Emerald’s online collection of academic journals.

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Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Katie Shamash (The impact of article processing charges on libraries and what is being done to help); Alice Meadows (Mind the (Pay) Gap); Dylan Parker (Impact in Action: Understanding open access content usage as it occurs); Carl Straumsheim (Doubts about data: US survey on academic attitudes to technology); and Shannon Parr (Brock hosting Open Access Week events surrounding global movement). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 169 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 169 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus

First 25 of 169 results

Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Future climate change impact assessment of watershed scale hydrologic processes in Peninsular Malaysia by a regional climate model coupled with a physically-based hydrology modelo Amin, M.Z.M., Shaaban, A.J., Ercan, A., Ishida, K., Kavvas, M.L., Chen, Z.Q., Jang, S. 2017 Science of the Total Environment ,
575 pp. 12 – 22 .
2 . Chemistry of diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam at Pahrump Hills, Gale crater, Mars Nachon, M., Mangold, N., Forni, O., Kah, L.C., Cousin, A., Wiens, R.C., Anderson, R., Blaney, D., Blank, J.G., Calef, F., Clegg, S.M., Fabre, C., Fisk, M.R., Gasnault, O., Grotzinger, J.P., Kronyak, R., Lanza, N.L., Lasue, J., Deit, L.L., Mouélic, S.L., Maurice, S., Meslin, P.-Y., Oehler, D.Z., Payré, V., Rapin, W., Schröder, S., Stack, K., Sumner, D. 2017 Icarus ,
281 pp. 121 – 136 .
3 . Optimal scheduling of demand responsive industrial production with hybrid renewable energy systems Wang, X., El-Farra, N.H., Palazoglu, A. 2017 Renewable Energy ,
100 pp. 53 – 64 .
4 . Serum phospholipid fraction of polyunsaturated fatty acids is the preferred indicator for nutrition and health status in hemodialysis patients Watkins, B.A., Kim, J., Tamez, H., Wenger, J., Thadhani, R., Friedman, A.N. 2016 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry ,
38 pp. 18 – 24 .
5 . Exploiting Multi-Antenna Non-Reciprocal Channels for Shared Secret Key Generation Qin, D., Ding, Z. 2016 IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security ,
11 ( 12 ) , art. no. 7523206 , pp. 2693 – 2705 .
6 . Population Dynamics Among six Major Groups of the Oryza rufipogon Species Complex, Wild Relative of Cultivated Asian Rice Kim, H.J., Jung, J., Singh, N., Greenberg, A., Doyle, J.J., Tyagi, W., Chung, J.-W., Kimball, J., Hamilton, R.S., McCouch, S.R. 2016 Rice ,
9 ( 1 ) , art. no. 56
7 . An ω-3-enriched diet alone does not attenuate CCl<inf>4</inf>-induced hepatic fibrosis Harris, T.R., Kodani, S., Yang, J., Imai, D.M., Hammock, B.D. 2016 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry ,
38 pp. 93 – 101 .
8 . The chemical biology of the persulfide (RSSH)/perthiyl (RSS·) redox couple and possible role in biological redox signaling Bianco, C.L., Chavez, T.A., Sosa, V., Saund, S.S., Nguyen, Q.N.N., Tantillo, D.J., Ichimura, A.S., Toscano, J.P., Fukuto, J.M. 2016 Free Radical Biology and Medicine ,
101 pp. 20 – 31 .
9 . Ten questions concerning the microbiomes of buildings Adams, R.I., Bhangar, S., Dannemiller, K.C., Eisen, J.A., Fierer, N., Gilbert, J.A., Green, J.L., Marr, L.C., Miller, S.L., Siegel, J.A., Stephens, B., Waring, M.S., Bibby, K. 2016 Building and Environment ,
109 pp. 224 – 234 .
10 . Quickest Sequential Multiband Spectrum Sensing with Mixed Observations Geng, J., Xu, W., Lai, L. 2016 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ,
64 ( 22 ) , art. no. 7551219 , pp. 5861 – 5874 .
11 . Dynamics of piscine francisellosis differs amongst tilapia species (Oreochromis spp.) in a controlled challenge with Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis Klinger-Bowen, R., Tamaru, C., McGovern-Hopkins, K., Li, Y., Sithole, F., Kearney, M.T., Francis, S., Soto, E. 2016 Journal of Fish Diseases ,
39 ( 11 ) pp. 1305 – 1312 .
12 . X-Ray Fluorescence and Stable Isotope Analysis of Marble in Central Lydia, Western Turkey Sekedat, B.M. 2016 Oxford Journal of Archaeology ,
35 ( 4 ) pp. 369 – 388 .
13 . Myopathy of the Pipping Muscles, Hepatosis Dietetica, and Cataracts in Emu Chicks (Dromaius Novaehollandiae) Crispo, M., Palmieri, C., Shivaprasad, H.L. 2016 Veterinary Pathology ,
53 ( 6 ) pp. 1248 – 1251 .
14 . Choreography of a Massacre: Memory and Performance in the Ayacucho Carnival Aroni Sulca, R., Olavarria, M. 2016 Latin American Perspectives ,
43 ( 6 ) pp. 41 – 53 .
15 . Neoplasia in 125 donkeys (Equus asinus): literature review and a survey of five veterinary schools in the United States and Canada Davis, C.R., Valentine, B.A., Gordon, E., McDonough, S.P., Schaffer, P.A., Allen, A.L., Pesavento, P. 2016 Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation ,
28 ( 6 ) pp. 662 – 670 .
16 . Pediatric inguinal and scrotal surgery — Practice patterns in U.S. academic centers Chan, Y.Y., Durbin-Johnson, B., Kurzrock, E.A. 2016 Journal of Pediatric Surgery ,
51 ( 11 ) pp. 1786 – 1790 .
17 . Risk Factors for Cognitive Impairment in Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome Seritan, A.L., Kim, K., Benjamin, I., Seritan, I., Hagerman, R.J. 2016 Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology ,
29 ( 6 ) pp. 328 – 337 .
18 . A Summary of the First HIV Microbiome Workshop 2015 Williams, B., Mirmonsef, P., Boucher, C.A.B., Bushman, F., Carrington-Lawrence, S., Collman, R.G., Dandekar, S., Dang, Q., Malaspina, A., Paredes, R., Stone, A., Landay, A. 2016 AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses ,
32 ( 10-11 ) pp. 935 – 941 .
19 . Multiple gastric erosions diagnosed by means of capsule endoscopy in a dog Hardy, B.T., Gentile-Solomon, J., Solomon, J.A. 2016 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association ,
249 ( 8 ) pp. 926 – 930 .
20 . Ebola Virus Disease Diagnostics, Sierra Leone: Analysis of Real-time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction Values for Clinical Blood and Oral Swab Specimens Erickson, B.R., Sealy, T.K., Flietstra, T., Morgan, L., Kargbo, B., Matt-Lebby, V.E., Gibbons, A., Chakrabarti, A.K., Graziano, J., Presser, L., Flint, M., Bird, B.H., Brown, S., Klena, J.D., Blau, D.M., Brault, A.C., Belser, J.A., Salzer, J.S., Schuh, A.J., Lo, M., Zivcec, M., Priestley, R.A., Pyle, M., Goodman, C., Bearden, S., Amman, B.R., Basile, A., Bergeron, É., Bowen, M.D., Dodd, K.A., Freeman, M.M., McMullan, L.K., Paddock, C.D., Russell, B.J., Sanchez, A.J., Towner, J.S., Wang, D., Zemtsova, G.E., Stoddard, R.A., Turnsek, M., Guerrero, L.W., Emery, S.L., Stovall, J., Kainulainen, M.H., Perniciaro, J.L., Mijatovic-Rustempasic, S., Shakirova, G., Winter, J., Sexton, C., Liu, F., Slater, K., Anderson, R., Andersen, L., Chiang, C.-F., Tzeng, W.-P., Crowe, S.J., Maenner, M.J., Spiropoulou, C.F., Nichol, S.T., Ströher, U. 2016 Journal of Infectious Diseases ,
214 pp. S258 – S262 .
21 . Early Detection of ADHD: Insights From Infant Siblings of Children With Autism Miller, M., Iosif, A., Young, G.S., Hill, M.M., Ozonoff, S. 2016 Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology ,
pp. 1 – 8 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
22 . Membrane Protein Quantity Control at the Endoplasmic Reticulum Printsev, I., Curiel, D., Carraway, K.L. 2016 Journal of Membrane Biology ,
pp. 1 – 14 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
23 . Small RNAs from a Big Genome: The piRNA Pathway and Transposable Elements in the Salamander Species Desmognathus fuscus Madison-Villar, M.J., Sun, C., Lau, N.C., Settles, M.L., Mueller, R.L. 2016 Journal of Molecular Evolution ,
pp. 1 – 11 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
24 . Monazite RW-1: a homogenous natural reference material for SIMS U–Pb and Th–Pb isotopic analysis Ling, X.-X., Huyskens, M.H., Li, Q.-L., Yin, Q.-Z., Werner, R., Liu, Y., Tang, G.-Q., Yang, Y.-N., Li, X.-H. 2016 Mineralogy and Petrology ,
pp. 1 – 10 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
25 . Robust phase-waves in chains of half-center oscillators Zhang, C., Lewis, T.J. 2016 Journal of Mathematical Biology ,
pp. 1 – 30 .
Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Nature Index 2016 Australia and New Zealand supplement names Melbourne and Sydney as leading hotspots for innovation in Australia
According to the Nature Index, Melbourne was Australia’s leading city in terms of high-quality science output in 2015, followed by Sydney. The index also shows that Brisbane saw the fastest growth in output between 2012 and 2015, and is home to the highest-placed institution in Australia, The University of Queensland (UQ), which made the largest contribution by share of authorship to high-quality papers than any other institution last year. Overall, Australia’s high-quality research output has grown considerably, up by 10% in just three years, placing it 12th in the index’s global standings.

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EBSCO Health and McMaster University’s Health Information Research Unit partner to expand evidence-based healthcare
EBSCO Health has announced a partnership with McMaster University’s Health Information Research Unit to ensure that healthcare professionals can make decisions based on the best available evidence. The partnership brings together two of the most established services that provide systematic literature surveillance to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare.

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CABI’s first open access book tackles global health
Scientific publisher CABI, has published its first open access book – Global Health Research in an Unequal World: Ethics case studies from Africa. Written by Gemma Aellah, Tracey Chantler and P. Wenzel Geissler, this book is a collection of fictionalised case studies of everyday ethical dilemmas and challenges faced while doing global health research. It focuses on places where the effects of political and economic inequality are evident.

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Brill appoints Marti Huetink as Publishing Director of the History program
Academic publisher Brill has announced the appointment of Marti Huetink, Publishing Director of the History program, effective November 1, 2016. As Publishing Director of the History program at Brill, Huetink will begin coordinating all business development activities of the company in the area of Digital Humanities. Next to his title of Publishing Director, Huetink will carry the title of Program Director Digital Humanities.

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Ex Libris becomes first global library vendor to establish data center in China
Ex Libris®, a ProQuest company, has announced the opening of an Ex Libris data center in Beijing, the fifth such center established by Ex Libris worldwide. The decision to set up a Chinese data center results from the rapid growth in the number of Ex Libris customers and prospective customers in the Asia Pacific region. The Beijing data center contributes to the Ex Libris holistic approach to the Chinese market, complementing the company’s full support for the Chinese language.

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UCL Press becomes first UK publisher to provide OA monographs on the JSTOR platform
UCL Press has become the first UK publisher to provide open access monographs on the JSTOR platform. UCL Press books are amongst an initial set of open access books available from four leading publishers, which also includes university presses University of California Press, University of Michigan Press and Cornell University Press.

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Language Science Press and Knowledge Unlatched announce partnership
Knowledge Unlatched (KU), a not-for- profit company based in England, has announced that it has been selected by the Language Science Press (LangSci) as its partner for creating sustainable funding starting in 2017. Based on its global network of over 380 scholarly libraries, KU will expand to language institutes in order to secure the publication of around 30 high quality linguistic monographs per year from 2018 onwards. This is following up on an initial grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Elsevier partners with Doctors Without Borders to help tackle Africa’s health challenges
STM publisher Elsevier and Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) have agreed to cooperate in fighting the root causes of some of Africa’s most vexing health challenges, including diarrhea and infectious diseases, which leave millions of people dying or severely diminished every year. As part of the agreement, the Elsevier Foundation has awarded a $300,000 partnership grant to Epicentre’s Niger Research Center which was founded in 2009 to produce high-quality and high-impact studies aimed at transforming medical practice.

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New Figshare report provides new insights into the global state of open data
Figshare, an online digital repository for academic research, has released the results of its global survey of 2,000 researchers and report, “The State of Open Data,” to assess the global landscape around open data and sharing practices. This report has been supported by parent company Digital Science and the survey was conducted in partnership with Springer Nature.

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SCOAP3 annual online Forum to present achievements to date, current status and future plans
SCOAP3 is hosting its annual online Forum – an open event presenting achievements to date, current status and future plans. The Forum also offers an opportunity to ask questions, and give suggestions, to representatives of the SCOAP3 international governance and the operations team at CERN.

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McGraw-Hill Education names Diane Adams as Chief Human Resources Officer
Learning science company McGraw-Hill Education has announced that Diane Adams will join the company as its Chief Human Resources Officer, effective October 31, reporting to David Levin, President and CEO. Adams, who brings more than 20 years of experience leading companies through periods of transition and high growth, most recently served as Chief People Officer at Qlik Technologies.

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Jenny Machida appointed to PLOS Board of Directors
Open access journal publisher PLOS has announced that Jenny Machida has joined the PLOS Board of Directors, effective October 21, 2016. According to Board Chairman Gary Ward, Machida’s deep business knowledge with a focus on strategy, growth and organisation performance will greatly contribute to PLOS as it strives to build a better publishing experience for authors in 2017 and beyond.

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Jönköping University Library selects Ex Libris Alma and Primo to help fulfill strategic plan
Ex Libris®, a ProQuest company, has announced that Sweden’s Jönköping University has chosen the Ex Libris Alma® library management service and Ex Libris Primo® discovery and delivery solution to help the library improve services and create new ones that will enhance the teaching, learning and research experience at the University. The library team at Jönköping University will take advantage of the advanced e-resource management functionality of Alma and Primo to eliminate the spreadsheets that are currently in use.

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Semantico announces integration of Scolaris digital publishing platform with PaperHive
Semantico, suppliers of digital publishing solutions to the scholarly and professional market, has announced that their Scolaris digital publishing solution is now fully integrated with market-leading scholarly publishing tool, PaperHive. The integration will help publishers using Scolaris to develop new revenue streams through increased usage, while giving end-users enhanced usability and an enriched experience.

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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Elsevier announces publication of Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry, third edition
STM publisher Elsevier has announced the publication of the third edition of its major reference work, Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry, edited by John Lindon, George Tranter and David Koppenaal. The updated work provides authoritative and comprehensive coverage of all aspects of spectroscopy and closely related subjects that use the same fundamental principles, including mass spectrometry, imaging techniques and applications.

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Wolters Kluwer appoints David Hsu as CEO Greater China
Professional information services and solutions provider Wolters Kluwer has announced the appointment of David Hsu to the position of CEO of Wolters Kluwer Greater China, effective mid-October, 2016. Hsu will be based in Beijing and will report to Corinne Saunders, CEO of Wolters Kluwer Emerging & Developing Markets.

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Entries for The BMJ Awards 2017 now open
Entries for The BMJ Awards 2017 are now open with a range of exciting categories designed to recognise excellence in medical practice. The BMJ Awards, now in their 9th year, are the UK’s leading medical awards programme, recognising and celebrating the inspirational work done by healthcare teams across the country.

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Oxford University Press to publish Paediatrics & Child Health
Academic publisher Oxford University Press (OUP) has announced a partnership with the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) to exclusively publish Paediatrics & Child Health (PCH), the only peer-reviewed paediatric journal in Canada. The journal contains peer-review material and CPS guidelines addressing all aspects of child and youth healthcare.

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Swedish Library Consortium selects Ex Libris Alma library management platform and Primo discovery solution
Ex Libris®, a ProQuest company, has announced that the Swedish Library Consortium (GSLG) has chosen the Ex Libris Alma® library management platform and Primo® discovery solution. Consortium members Linnaeus University, the University of Borås and Örebro University will benefit from the openness of the Alma and Primo solutions to streamline resource management workflows, improve discoverability and enhance the teaching and learning experience.

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ScienceOpen partners with the Open Library of Humanities
The research network ScienceOpen has announced a new partnership with the Open Library of Humanities (OLH). ScienceOpen is a next-generation research discovery platform, and the OLH is a charitable organisation dedicated to supporting and extending open access to scholarship in the humanities.

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Ingram Academic Services signs multi-year agreements with Stanford University Press and University of Ottawa Press for print and digital sales and distribution
Ingram Academic Services has inked multi-year agreements with Stanford University Press and University of Ottawa Press for print and digital sales and distribution. Stanford University Press and University of Ottawa Press will use Ingram Content Group’s state of-the-art warehousing and worldwide distribution network, wide-reaching sales organisation, digital asset management, academic marketing and other premier services through Ingram Publisher Services to expand their market presence and offer their publications to customers in more places.

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Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Joseph Esposito (Revisiting: The Editorial Fallacy); Hugh McLaughlin (How to increase your likelihood of publishing in peer reviewed journals); Stacy Konkiel (How to Use Altmetrics to Showcase Engagement Efforts for Promotion and Tenure); and Angela Cochran (Should You “Revise and Resubmit”?). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Elsevier publishes seventh edition of Auerbach’s Wilderness Medicine
STM publisher Elsevier has announced the publication of the seventh edition of Auerbach’s Wilderness Medicine, a proven, practical and highly visual textbook that is the written foundation for the specialty of wilderness medicine. It provides in-depth discussions for effectively diagnosing and treating medical conditions that can occur in any wilderness or other austere setting.

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Future Science Group launches digital-focused brand, FSG Connect
Publisher Future Science Group (FSG) has announced the launch of FSG Connect, a digital-first brand for the scientific and medical communities. Building on their success of websites such as Bioanalysis Zone and Oncology Central, since early 2015 FSG has added a further 5 knowledge platforms to its portfolio, with more to follow in 2017.

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Knowledge Unlatched launches institutional usage statistics reports
Knowledge Unlatched (KU), a not-for- profit company based in England, has announced that it will be launching institutional usage statistics reports in November for libraries which participated in KU’s Pilot Open Access e-book collection. The reports are based on institutional IP addresses using COUNTER-compliant data provided by one of KU’s official hosting platforms, OAPEN. Until now, KU has been publishing aggregated reports for the Pilot Collection only.

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OCLC appoints Sebastian Müller as new Sales Director
OCLC GmbH has announced that Sebastian Müller has joined the organisation as its new Sales Director for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He takes over the role previously held by Andreas Schmidt, who became General Manager in July.

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Portland Press highlights OA articles at International Open Access Week
The theme of International Open Access Week, to be held October 24-30, encourages everyone to take concrete steps to make their own work more openly available and encourage others to do the same. In full support of this, Portland Press highlights some of the best Open Access articles from across the Portland Press portfolio in the new collection of top open access articles.

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